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Motif FAQ (Part 7 of 9)
Section - 248) Are there compatibility problems between some Linux Motif

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Top Document: Motif FAQ (Part 7 of 9)
Previous Document: 247) Why does Motif on Linux crash when I open a file selection box?
Next Document: 249) How can I install Motif on my PC?
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libraries and libc5 or glibc?
[Last modified: Oct 98]

Answer: Yes.  People have reported problems with the file selection box and
also with the OSF keysyms.

The problem is that some newer Linux packages (e.g., Red Hat 5.0) use glibc
(library and associated header files), which is not binary compatible with the
older libc5.  Some newer Motif libraries use glibc, while older ones will use
libc5.  Similarly the XFree and other libraries will be based on either libc5
or glibc.  You must make sure you use one other the other consistently for all
your applications and libraries.  The better Motif vendors should have an
upgrade strategy in place to help you with the transition.

This is a general problem that the Linux community is dealing with.  If you
can't get the correct version information from your Motif vendor, the Linux
Usenet newgroups should be able to help you out.

Ken Lee,

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Top Document: Motif FAQ (Part 7 of 9)
Previous Document: 247) Why does Motif on Linux crash when I open a file selection box?
Next Document: 249) How can I install Motif on my PC?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM