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Motif FAQ (Part 6 of 9)
Section - 181) What is the best way to create popup menus?

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Top Document: Motif FAQ (Part 6 of 9)
Previous Document: 180) Should I have a cascade button without a submenu in a pulldown
Next Document: 182) How do popup menus work?
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[Last modified: August 92]

Susan Murdock Thompson (from OSF): In general, create a popupMenu as the child
from which you will be posting it from (ie: if you have a bulletinBoard with a
PushButton in it and want MB2 on the pushButton to post the popupMenu, create
the popupMenu as a child of the pushButton).  [This parent-child relationship
seems to make a big difference in the behavior of the popups.]  Add an event
handler to handle buttonPress events.  You'll need to check for the correct
button (what you've specified menuPost to be) before posting the menu.

To create a popup that can be accessible from within an entire client window,
create it as the child of the top-most widget (but not the shell) and add
event handlers for the top-most widget and children widgets.



XtManageChild(rc=XmCreateRowColumn(Shell1, "rc", NULL, 0));
XtManageChild(label = XmCreateLabel(rc, "label", NULL, 0));
XtManageChild(text = XmCreateText(rc, "text", NULL, 0));
XtManageChild(pushbutton = XmCreatePushButton(rc, "pushbutton", NULL, 0));

n = 0;
XtSetArg(args[n], XmNmenuPost, "<Btn3Down>"); n++;
popup = XmCreatePopupMenu(rc, "popup", args, n);

XtAddEventHandler(rc, ButtonPressMask, False, PostMenu3, popup);
XtAddEventHandler(text, ButtonPressMask, False, PostMenu3, popup);
XtAddEventHandler(label, ButtonPressMask, False, PostMenu3, popup);
XtAddEventHandler(pushbutton, ButtonPressMask, False, PostMenu3, popup);

XtManageChild(m1 = XmCreatePushButton(popup, "m1", NULL, 0));
XtManageChild(m2 = XmCreatePushButton(popup, "m2", NULL, 0));
XtManageChild(m3 = XmCreatePushButton(popup, "m3", NULL, 0));

XtAddCallback(m1, XmNactivateCallback, SayCB, "button M1");
XtAddCallback(m2, XmNactivateCallback, SayCB, "button M2");
XtAddCallback(m3, XmNactivateCallback, SayCB, "button M3");

/* where PostMenu3 is ... */

PostMenu3 (w, popup, event)
Widget w;
Widget popup;
XButtonEvent * event;
printf("menuPost = 3, button %d\n", event->button);

if (event->button != Button3)
XmMenuPosition(popup, event);

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Top Document: Motif FAQ (Part 6 of 9)
Previous Document: 180) Should I have a cascade button without a submenu in a pulldown
Next Document: 182) How do popup menus work?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM