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Motif FAQ (Part 5 of 9)
Section - 125) What's wrong with the FileSelectionBox under Solaris?

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Top Document: Motif FAQ (Part 5 of 9)
Previous Document: 124) How can I keep my file selection boxes from resizing when I
Next Document: 126) TOPIC: FORM WIDGET
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[Last modified: May 97]

Answer: Jim Guyton ( writes:

While not strictly a Motif problem, this one had me confused for [awhile].

If under Solaris the entries in a FileSelectionBox look strange and seem to be
missing the first two characters of many filenames, then be sure you're
linking -lc before -lucb.

If on the other hand, the filenames look strange and seem to have two garbage
characters in front of every filename, be sure to link -lucb before -lc.

There are two versions of readdir().  The one in -lucb returns a structure
that has the filename at an offset of 8 bytes (which matches

But the version in -lc returns the filename at an offset of 10 bytes (which
matches /usr/include/dirent.h).

So depending on how Motif was built for your Solaris, vs. how you link your
application, your filenames could be two bytes off in either direction.

Harry Cohen ( writes: I also had this problem
(the missing horizontal scroll bar with Solaris 2.5.1 and 2.4) and have talked
with Sun. This is a problem with the Sun Motif library in /usr/dt/lib.

You need to install the following Sun patches to correct this problem: For
Solaris 2.5.1: patch 103461-03 For Solaris 2.4:   patch 102226-19

Note: For Solaris 2.4, the horizontal scroll problem existed in a previous
patch release, so most people haven't seen it.

Scott W. Sadler ( writes: We had this same problem, and it took
a while to figure it out.  If you use the Motif libraries out of /usr/dt/lib,
the file selection box gives the problem you indicate.  However, if you use
the Motif libraries out of /opt/SUNWspro/Motif_Solaris24/dt/lib, all is fine.

Make sure your LD_LIBRARY_PATH, is set correctly to pick up the right shared
libraries at run time.  Also check out the "-R" option to the linker to encode
the library search paths.  Finally use the "ldd" program to make sure that you
are picking up the correct libraries.

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Top Document: Motif FAQ (Part 5 of 9)
Previous Document: 124) How can I keep my file selection boxes from resizing when I
Next Document: 126) TOPIC: FORM WIDGET

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