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Motif FAQ (Part 4 of 9)
Section - 79) Why is geometry management so important?

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Top Document: Motif FAQ (Part 4 of 9)
Next Document: 80) Why don't my labels resize in a RowColumn widget? I have a
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[Last modified: Sept 94]

Answer: Geometry management is a key element of Motif applications for reasons
which include, but are not limited to, the following:

    The user should be able to re-size the shell and get
    some reasonable geometry response (other than clipping).

    The user should be able to tailor fonts and have the
    widgets adjust accordingly.  (Many people over 40 simply
    can't read small fonts without serious eye strain.)

    When the designers decide to change a label, the widgets
    should re-adjust accordingly.

    Some labels must be set dynamically and the widgets should
    re-layout accordingly.

    An internationalized application must work with several resource
    files, one for each supported natural language.  The labels in each
    file have different lengths and the application should adjust

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Top Document: Motif FAQ (Part 4 of 9)
Next Document: 80) Why don't my labels resize in a RowColumn widget? I have a

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM