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Motif FAQ (Part 1 of 9)
Section - 14)* What versions of Motif are there?

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Top Document: Motif FAQ (Part 1 of 9)
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Next Document: 15)* How can I find which version of Motif I have? Xlib or Xt
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[Last modified: Jan 02]

Answer: Motif 1.0 is based on the R3 toolkit.  There are patch releases to
1.0: 1.0.1, 1.0.A, 1.0.2 and 1.0.3, 1.0.4, 1.0.5. 1.0.A was a fairly major
patch, as it involved a complete re-engineering of UIL and Mrm.  Almost
everyone who has 1.0.x has either 1.0.A or 1.0.3.

Motif 1.1 is based on the R4 toolkit.  The intial version was Motif 1.1.0.
Motif 1.1.1 has been released as a patch to licensees with Full Support or
Technical Update service.  Motif 1.1.2 is a patch release which contains the
necessary changes to fix over 80 bugs reported against Motif. It is available
to support contract holders (including both full support and update service).
The 1.1.3 release fixed a further 150 bugs and was available from August 1991
to support contract holders (including both full support and update service).
1.1.4 offers X11R5 support, but is not an X11R5 product.  1.1.5 was released
in June 92 to licensees who hold a Motif Full Support or Update Support

Motif 1.2.0 was released in April 1992 and is based on the X11R5 toolkit.  It
offers increased compatibility with international standards,  PC-style
behavior and binary compatibility with Motif 1.1 applications.  New features
include drag-and-drop, tear- off menus, toolkit enhancements and new
documentation.  toolkit.  The code is totally ANSI C.

Motif 1.2.1 was released September, 1992.  Due to an optimisation from 1.2.0
to 1.2.1 object code compiled under 1.2.1 (that is, using 1.2.1 header files)
will not link with 1.2.0 libraries (and, very probably, clients that use
shared libraries and are linked against 1.2.1 won't startup against 1.2).

Motif 1.2.2 was released March, 1993.  This release contains over 250 bug
fixes, improved text, drag-and-drop features and has less than one reported
defect per 1000 lines of code.

from Motif 1.2.3 was released on September 13, 1993.  The
defect density is measured at < 0.8 known reports per thousand lines.  In this
release, we have paid particular attention to memory leaks, and have improved
drag-and-drop performance greatly.

Motif 1.2.4 was released April, 1994.  from the OSF README: This patch release
contains approximately 240 bug fixes for Motif 1.2. The number of CRs resolved
in this release is about 330....Apart from the 64-bit changes, all changes
made in this release are fixes for reported bugs.

Motif 2.0 was released in August, 1994.  For details, see the questions "Is
there a concise features list for Motif 2.0?" and "What are the details about
new features in Motif 2.0?"  Due to binary compatibility problems, this
release was not very popular with UNIX vendors.

Motif 1.2.5 was released June 15, 1995 ONLY to OSF Motif Support Licensees as
part of their maintenance agreement.  Motif 1.2.5 includes minor enhancements
to support CDE 1.0.  Vendors not supporting CDE generally ignored this release
and continued to use Motif 1.2.4.

Motif 2.1 was released February 5, 1997.  For details, see the questions "Is
there a concise features list for Motif 2.1?"

Open Motif 2.2 was released January 29, 2002.  For details, see the questions
"Is there a concise features list for Motif 2.2?"

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Top Document: Motif FAQ (Part 1 of 9)
Previous Document: 13) Where can I find OSF press releases on Motif and DCE?
Next Document: 15)* How can I find which version of Motif I have? Xlib or Xt

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM