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rec.models.rockets FAQ Part 13 - International Rocketry

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Archive-name: model-rockets/international
Rec-models-rockets-archive-name: rockets-faq/part13
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Last-modified: 1998 September 26

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The majority of the r.m.r FAQ is oriented towards consumer rocketry in
the United States. This part of the FAQ is for rocketry in other parts 
of the world. These sections will be expanded as information is received.
13.1   Rocketry in Australia

    This portion of the FAQ was prepared and submitted by Rob Masters, Rob asked that the usual disclaimers to 
    use this information at your own risk, etc., be passed on to the readers
    of this FAQ. Corrections should be sent to Rob, who will see that they 
    are incorporated and passed on the the FAQ editor.
13.1.1   What rules apply to model rocketry in Australia?

      The C.A.A. RULE (Paraphrased from regulation 295): 
      No model may be flown over 300' without a waiver from the
      CAA. Only matters relating to airsafety shall be considered in
      granting a waiver. Further, you may not launch at all within
      5km of an aerodrome (airfield or airport). Also, some states
      have explicit age restrictions (ie Queensland - Minimum age 18yo),
      and fire restrictions (Qld again, must have local fire marshall
      approval). You should also respect fire bans as a matter of
      safety, courtesy and good public relations.

      Other than this, you should follow the standard _model_ 
      rocketry rules of the NAR, and note that only engines up to
      "D" class are available.
13.1.2.  What are good sources of model rocketry kits/wg's/parts, etc?

      To date, all model rocketry components are imported through
      DAWN TRADING, who the distribute to the local retailers. Note
      that because of their policies, it is not possible to buy 
      individual components for kits in Australia. The Designer's 
      Special component set is, however, available. Currently only
      Estes and MRC kits are imported. Local retailers are most R/C
      retailers and some gaming shops.
13.1.3   Are there any regular rocket contests, launches, clubs, etc?

      There is at least one national-level body now in Australia. It
      covers both model rocket and HPR levels. The body is :
      Australian Rocketry Association Inc.
      P.O. Box 125,
      Oaklands Park  SA  5046

      Email:  (David Sakko, Vice President)
      Membership is $25 per annum, and an additional $10 per annum per
      additional family member. Minimum age is 8yo and membership includes
      insurance, a quarterly newsletter, ID card, and guide book.
      Sport Rocketry is available through them at $40 (surface) or $92 (air)
      per annum. 

      The association is also working with the CAA, state governments and
      the AFPA to standardise regulations and to obtain better flying

      Also, there is at least one model aircraft club that welcomes, but does not
      cover, model rocket launches. For the scale modellers, there is also an 
      active Astronautical Society, who can provide a lot of information, 
      and are well worth joining if you are interested in the world of the 
      "big stuff" as well.
13.1.4  Info on amateur groups/activities (such as AusRoc) in the Australia.

      As has been covered in news stories, there is a University-based team
      who are working on an amateur rocket (AusRoc), who have so far had
      two spectacular failures, and one partial success.
      For more on the AusRoc project, contact The Australian Space Research
      Institute. If you would like to join the Australian Space Research 
      Institute write to:
       ASRI Ltd.
       PO Box 184
       Ryde NSW 2112
      The annual fee is AUS$25 for students and pensioners and AUS$100 for 
      normal membership. If you live overseas write for membership costs. 
      All member  funds are used to support ASRI programs. Membership allows
      you to:
          * Vote at meetings
          * Stand for election to the ASRI board of directors
          * Receive of all ASRI newsletters and journals
          * Provide payloads for Sighter (83 mm) and Zuni (127 mm) rockets

13.2   Rocketry in Canada

3. Regs: HPR is class H-O.  G's now available.  HPR launch sites require
certification by Transport Canada.  HPR certification done by CAR.

This section is still under construction and currently has no Canadian editor
responsible for its contents. Most of the information contained in this 
section was obtained from the CAR World Wide Web page and several issues
of 'High Power Rocketry' magazine.
13.2.1  Are there any national organizations to which I can join in Canada?
      What services do they offer?

    Canadian Association of Rocketry (CAR)   Canadian equivalent to N.A.R.
    c/o Garth Illerbrun                      - High power certification 
    5927-18th Ave. N.E.                        (required for H power and up)
    Calgary, Alberta                         - Dues: $30/year CDN
    AB T1Y 1N9                               - $1M liability insurance for 
    Canada                                     rocketry activities included
    (403) 285-1898
    email:                                   - Yearly national sport launch                    (Sullivan Lake)
    Calgary Rocketry Association (CRA) (Brian Fanson, current CRA president)
13.2.2  What kinds of rockets (model and/or high power) are legal to fly in 

    At the present time, A-G powered model rockets, with launch weights up to
    one pound, are legal to fly in most parts of Canada. H powered rockets and
    up, as well as rockets weighing more than one pound at liftoff, are considered 
    'High Power.' HPR launch sites require certification by Transport Canada. 
    HPR certification is done by CAR.
13.2.3  Are there any High Power launches in Canada?

    There are several annual high power launches in Canada. 
    The 'Sullivan Lake High Power' launch.  
    For more information on this launch contact Garth Illerbrun
    <> at the CAR address.
13.2.4  What kinds of rocket motors are available for purchase in Canada?

    All of the Estes A-D black powder rocket motor line and the Aerotech 
    single-use, composite motors from D through G are now available for 
13.2.5  Are there any Canadian mail order houses where I can purchase model 
        rocket kits, motors and supplies?
    East Coast Model Center    

    Ralph's Hobby Shop              Advertises Estes, MRC and LOC, as well
    668 Kingston Road                as modeling and ignition supplies
    Toronto, ONT
    Canada M4E 1R4
    (416) 690-4204
    La Maison de L'Astronomie       Offers rocketry supplies from Estes,
    7974 St-Hubert                   Aerotech, Flight Systems, LOC, Rocketman,
    Montreal, QUE                    Public Missiles, Adept, and more
    Canada H2R 2P3                   Kits, motors, videos, books - everything
    (514) 279-0063                   contact for catalogs and price lists

    Suborbital Technologies          Estes, Aerotech, NCR, Launch Pad
    c/o Brian Fanson                 rocketry kits, motors, supplies
    179 Midlawn Close S.E.
    Calgary, Alberta
    Canada  T2X 1A7
    (403) 256-7293


13.3  Rocketry in the United Kingdom

13.3.1  Is model rocketry legal in the UK? 

    As far as we can tell,  there are no laws in the UK which *directly* govern 
    model rocketry in the UK.  For the time being, with model rocketry only in 
    its infancy (10yrs or so) there is little need for unnecessary regulation 
    so long as model rocketeers follow 'commonsense guidelines'.
13.3.2  What size model rockets can be flown?

    Again, as far as we can tell, there are no rules which define maximum sizes, 
    weights, total impulses etc. Most model rockets that can be bought from model 
    shops will take a maximum of 3 D-Class Estes motors, either clustered or 
    multistaged. There appears not to be an equivalent of an FAA Waiver for 
    launching rockets greater than a defined maximum.  However, all of the HPR 
    enthusiasts I know do contact the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) if they 
    wish to launch over approximately 3000ft.
13.3.3  What model rockets are available?

    The complete Estes range of kits and motors are available (not Estes E15). 
    The Estes range is imported/distributed by Ripmax Ltd (See addresses below).
    Recently, a range of 'Launch Pad' kits has been made available by mail order
    from a company called Advanced Rocket Components (See addresses below).  
    These will fly on Estes D and Aerotech E15/E30 engines. I do not know of any
    other source of rocketry components in the UK.
13.3.4  What types of engines are available?

    Estes engines are the only commercially available brand of model rocketry
    motors available in the UK.  All sizes from 1/2A to D are available.
    The price can vary quite wildly from one store to another.  Typical 
    prices in London are about GBP4.00 for 3 C/D Class. (Prices can vary from 
    3 to 5 GBP!)

    Larger motors such as Aerotech etc.. are not available.
13.3.5  Where can I buy model rockets?

    In general, it is the smaller independent model shops that sell model 
    rocketry supplies, however, larger chains such as Beatties and Hamleys 
    have been known to stock them.  A number of 'kite and juggling' shops also 
    sell Estes products too - quite interesting!  (See address list below).
13.3.6  Are there any events/competitions?

    There is only one event that I have come across, which is the "International
    Rocket Weekend", which is held near Largs, Scotland.  This is run by 
    STAAR Research (See addresses below) and is held on the August Bank Holiday
    every year (Note that Scotland does not have a Public Holiday, only England 
    and Wales!).

    There are no formal rules and regulations like the NAR, Tripoli etc.
    The basic rules and events are laid out beforehand, but often change to suit
    the interests of those attending.  The event is aimed at promoting model 
    rocketry in the UK,  and often has a number of beginners.  There are also 
    many 'open/experimental' sessions for the more experienced.

    The most important thing is that everyone enjoys themselves.
13.3.7  Are there any clubs?

    The following is the list of clubs/organisations that I have come across.
    [I will try to establish full contact details ASAP]

    - STAAR Research, Ayrshire. 

    - Southern England Rocket Flyers (SERFS), Southampton.
    - British Space Modelling Association
      Mr. Stuart Lodge
      25 Huntingdon Drive
      Castle Donington
      Derby DE74 2SR
      Tel: 44 1332 850329

    - Thrust (The Rockect Club of Central England)

    - Middlesex Advanced Rocketry Society (MARS), Middlesex. (HPR Group)

    - London Area Rocket Flyers Society - contact John Lister <>

    - Beatties of London Model Rocketry Club.
    - Essex, Hornchurch - contact Peter Barrett (

13.3.8 What are addresses of some of the shops that carry model rocketry?

    RIPMAX Ltd.            Tel.   0181-804 8272
    Ripmax Corner          Fax.   0181-804 1217
    Green St.
    EN3 7SJ

    Chart Hobbies          Tel.   01903 773170   (On Estes Catalogue back page)
    Chart House            Fax.   01903 782152
    Station Road
    East Preston
    West Sussex
    BN16 3AG

    Hamleys                Tel.
    Regent St.             Fax.

    The Kite Store
    Neal St.
    Covent Garden

    Advanced Rocket Components      Tel.   0151-928 4874
    7 Sandy Road
    L21 3TN
    ACMR is a new rocketry dealer in the UK:

13.3.9  What are some of the rocket clubs in the U.K., and do they have any 
        problems getting permission to fly their rockets?

    From: (Richard Osborne)
      Well groups like AspireSpace ( and 
      MARS (Middlesex Amateur Rocketry Society) in Southern England fly 
      vehicles up to K power without problem. They do always inform the 
      CAA first, to ensure a NOTAM is issued, but apart from that, there 
      never seems to be any problem, even with the police. Maybe certain
      areas of the UK are more touchy about model rocketry than others. 

      I don`t think STAAR Research ( has 
      any problems with their numerous HPR launches in Scotland either. 

    For people living in southern England, contact SERF:

13.4  Rocketry in South Africa

    This section is still under construction. The following hobby shop address
    has been submitted to the FAQ.

    Rocketeers                                 Model rocketry and high power
    Box 7032                                    kits, engines, and supplies
    +27 (0)11 475 0880

    There is a web page for the South Africa Amateur Rocket Club (SAMROC)
    organization. This web page may be viewed at:

    This looks to be a pretty complete web page, explaining the state of
    hobby rocketry in S.A., listing addresses of rocketry suppliers in the
    country, and giving amail addresses for further information. There are
    also pictures from SAMROC launches and a launch schedule.

13.5   Rocketry in New Zealand

		This portion of the FAQ has been archived until the New Zealanders can
		agree on what should be stated here.  The editor does not know anything
		about rocketry in New Zealand, and is in no position to arbitrate 
		the dispute.
		Questions regarding this section can be directed to both:
		    Lindsay Gordon  (
		    Gerry Munden <>

13.6  Rocketry in Germany

    Written by Stefan Wimmer (

    Germany is well-known for its many legal regulations. Consumer 
    rocketry is no exception to that rule: rockets, rocket motors and launches
    are covered by several laws (Luftfahrtgesetz, Luftverkehrordnung, 
    Sprengstoffgesetz...). The most stringent legal regulation are concerning 
    the motors which are covered by the German explosives law (Sprengstoffgesetz, 
    SprenG). To understand why they are so restrictive you have to know, that 
    they passed legislation in the 70s during the active phase of the 
    Baader-Meinhof terrorists (btw. one of their declared aims was to cause
    the creation of so many legal restrictions, that personal freedom would 
    be strangled to a breaking point causing a revolution against the system.
    Well, they almost reached the first part....).
    Rockets and rocket motors are considered to be a potential base for 
    destructive devices and therefore limited to useless (unfortunately not 
    only for this purpose) power levels. As if terrorists bother with model
    rocketry stuff - ever heard of an I-powered hand grenade, or such??

13.6.1     German Explosives Law

    The German explosives legislation is divided into several sections:
    The 'Sprengstoffgesetz' (SprengG), 
    the '1. and 2. Verordnung zum SprengG' (1.und  2. SprengV), and 
    the according 'Verwaltungsrichtlinien'. 
    For rocketeers the  most important parts are paragraph 27 of the SprengG 
    and the 1. and 2. SprengV which regulate handling and storage of pyrotechnic 
    devices. The 'Verwaltungsrichtlinien' are also very interesting because 
    they define, how the office people will (have to) react to inquiries.

    The SprengG divides Pyrotechnic devices into 6 different classes:

     - Class I (very small fireworks)
        These (eg. sparklers) may be bought and used throughout the year, even
        by  children. No rockets are allowed in class I.

     - Class II (small fireworks)
        These are the common end-of-the-year fireworks. May be bought by
        adults during the last three days of the year, and may only be used on
        31st of December and 1st of January.

     - Class III (medium fireworks) and
     - Class IV (big fireworks)
        may be bought and used only by licensed people (license according to 
        paragraph 7, 20 or 27 of the German explosives law). 
        Storage has to be done in approved storage places.

     - Class T1 (small technical pyrotechnic devices)
        These may be bought by adults and used by people of at least 14 years 
        (under adult supervision from 14-17) throughout the year. Limitation for 
        rocket motors in this class is 20g of propellant. That's why German 
        rocketeers are usually stuck with A/B/C motors.

    - Class T2 (big technical pyrotechnic devices)
        Everything that is not considered display fireworks and anything too
        big to be class T1. For rocket motors this means anything with more 
        than 20g of propellant AND also clustering and staging of T1 motors.
        (!!!). So if you plan to launch eg. an Estes Commanche, 
        get your T2-license first!

    All pyrotechnic devices except class IV have to be approved by the 
    'Bundesanstalt fuer Materielforschung und -Pruefung' (BAM). In order to get 
    approved, the device and the contained pyrotechnic compounds have to pass a 
    number of tests to assure stability in storage, safety in handling and use,
    and quality of the products. The manufacturer will have to demonstrate  
    acceptible quality control practices to be sure that subsequent production
    runs of the product will equal the tested ones. From time to time, 
    additional samples have to be sent to the BAM for quality assurance 

13.6.2     German Aviation Regulations

    The most relevant parts of the German aviation legislation are paragraph 
    16 of the 'Luftverkehrsordnung' (LuftVO) (which defines when to ask for a 
    waiver and what information has to be provided in order to get a waiver) and 
    Paragraph 37 of the 'Luftverkehrsgesetz' (LuftVG) (which demands that 
    model aircraft up to 20kg has to have an insurance good for 2.5 mio DM per 
    accident. If you plan bigger rockets: The next category is aircraft up 
    to 1200kg and requires a 5 mio DM insurance.)

    If you plan to get a distinct area registered as your 'Raketenflugplatz' get 
    a copy of the 'Richtlinien fuer die Genehmigung von Raketenplaetzen.' 
    Read it, and decide if you can meet the requirements.

13.6.3     What Rockets and Motors can I buy and use in Germany?

    Some hobby shops with a good flyers' supply sell Estes and Quest model
    kits.  There are even some genuine German manufactures whose parts and kits 
    occasionally show up at stores. Most suppliers and manufacturers sell their
    products by mailorder too.  
    T1 motors:
    Currently there is a range of Estes A,B and C motors available at the same 
    stores. The greatest variety is from Estes.  They cost about DM 8-12 for 
    a 3-pack. A8-3, B4-4 and C6-3 motors are also available from a German 
    manufacturer (Moog-Nico) and sell for DM 22-35 in packets of 10.
    In some places you can also get the brave old HELD1000, which is basically 
    a C2-0 originally intended for boost gliders.  All these motors are 
    BAM-T1 and can be bought, stored, and used without problems.

    T2 motors:
    There are several motors listed in the addendum of the German explosives law, 
    but most of them are out of production (eg. some FSI motors). There are some 
    remaining HELD5000, but the last batch was manufactured in '88 and 
    depending on transport and storage conditions, they have degraded by now.
    One member of the RAMOG (address in the Club/Address section), Mr. Maurer,
    sells a manufacturer-reloadable motor, the BC360. It is a double-base
    propellant motor with 360Ns. The (filled) casing is about DM 350 (may have 
    changed by now) and a refill is around DM 70 plus S&H. 
    There is also a BC1800, but it is not yet BAM certified.
    There are some more motors to come, but they are still in the process of 
    design and/or BAM certification. Please check with the DERA or the RAMOG for 
    more current information!

    Last fall we (the DERA people) discovered, that the Estes D12-5 has its 
    BAM-T2 classification, but only when it comes through a certain importer and 
    with a prescribed German text on the motors and packages (this is part of the 
    BAM certification and published in the explosives law word by word).
    We then found out that this importer is out of busines :-((
    After some negotiations we found a pyrotechnician who is willing (kind of 
    ;-)) to take over the importing part. Then we contacted Estes for the 
    customized (German) motors. Status: Our batch of motors will be 
    manufactured sometimes in August'96. It will then take some time to cure/pack 
    and get them to Germany and through the customs. By then we should be able to 
    calculate the price. Please contact the DERA for availability.
    If you wish to get a motor approved by the BAM be warned: It is possible
    but costly both in time and expenses.
    First you must have a complete list of chemical ingredients of the 
    pyrotechnic compounds. Try to get that from a foreign manufacturer!
    (The author (and others) once tried that with Aerotech - without success.)
    Then the BAM needs several sample devices in order to test the stability
    sensitivity of the pyrotechnic materials, and the consistency of the 
    device's performance. Third they need proof (not an affirmation) of the 
    quality control system of the manufaturer, and that QC is done on a 
    regular basis by trained staff. If you can't get this, some of the BAM people 
    want to inspect the manufacturers site(s). They must be sure (by law) that 
    all subsequently manufactured devices are of the same quality as the ones
    submitted for the tests. And remember: YOU will be charged for all expenses 
    they have.  If you got through all that, be aware that the BAM will
    occasionally request more samples for further testing to determine if the
    motors continue to meet approval criteria.

    The whole procedure is no big deal for a manufacturer who sees a market, 
    but it's hard to do for private people.

13.6.4     Clustering and Staging

    As mentioned above: Clustering and staging of motors requires a T2 license 
    in Germany. Even if you cluster/stage 'only' T1 motors! 
    And don't forget to get the required waiver according to paragraph 16 LuftVO.

13.6.5     Can I make my own rocket motors?

    Making your own rocket motors is not recommended. 
    It's completely illegal without the appropriate permissions and licenses.
    First of all, you need a pyrotechnics manufacturing license 
    ("Hersteller-Schein"). After you got this, you need a site and more  
    licenses from several offices (Arbeitssicherheit, Bauamt, Umweltschutz etc.) 
    before you can start to plan the several separate buildings needed for
    storage of the components, different procedures (grinding, mixing, filling,
    pressing etc.), and storage of the finished products.
    And don't forget about the (in this case very costly) insurance.
    All in all, manufacturing your own rocket motors is nothing you would want
    to burden yourself with.  Even if you got your manufacturer's license,
    you are still not allowed to USE the products you made unless they have 
    got their BAM approval for class I, II or T1/T2!!
    Bureaucracy rules!

13.6.6     Can I use rocket motors made for display fireworks?

    Rocket motors used in big display fireworks usually belong to class IV 
    fireworks (as everything that is not BAM-approved, such as foreign motors)
    and are limited to people with the appropriate license. Even worse:
    if you stuff such a motor in a model rocket, it is automatically 
    considered display fireworks and requires a (costly) announcement to the 
    appropriate officials like any other display firework.

13.6.7     Importing Rockets, Parts and Motors

    There is no real problem with importing rocketry stuff from foreign countries 
    as long as no pyrotechnics are involved. What you have to keep in mind is that 
    every shipment from abroad will have to pass the customs clearance where 
    you'll be charged the 15% 'Einfuhrumsatzsteuer' and the customs (5-8%) which 
    vary on the type of goods you're importing. The author found out that there 
    is a 'Zoll-Warengruppen-Nummer' 8802 6000 000 for 'suborbitale Raumfahrzeuge 
    und deren Teile' (suborbital spacecraft) which model and high power rockets 
    undoubtedly are ;-))  (The author likes the looks at the office he always 
    gets when the people there look up the number in their books.)
    This way you get off with only 5.1% customs (which btw. will be computed on 
    the whole sum of the bill, including shipping and handling costs!). To ease 
    the procedure, have the sender glue a copy of the bill to the outside of the 
    box in an envelope marked with 'Rechnung'. Have him write the 
   'Warengruppen-Nummer' on the bill too.
    Even after adding up S&H and the 20.1% to pay, there are some occasions when 
    you can get Estes and other stuff cheaper from the USA than you'd ever get it 
    in Germany. Not to speak of all the HPR stuff which is very unlikely to show 
    up in a German store at all.


    Every box from abroad will be opened as it passes the German border. You 
    might be asked to show your license at the customs office when you try to pick
    up your goods. If you don't have a license, then you're in trouble! 
    Non-BAM-approved pyrotechnics are ALWAYS considered class IV fireworks. 
    The goods will be destroyed and you will be charged with both the cost 
    of destruction and a fine. Offenses against the explosives law are considered 
    criminal offenses, and there is even a chance to go to jail for it!
    Foreign dealers will not know about that and send you whatever you order. 

13.6.8     Where can I launch my Rockets?

    There are several rules which have to be obeyed:

    First, you must be at least 8 km away (as the crow flies, Luftlinie)
            from any airport.

    Second, you must have permission from the landowner to launch.
    (not where your rocket is going to land but it helps to take that into 
    account too). 
    It helps to launch from public ground like publically accessible 
    field paths, because there you only have to ask the next available 
    representative of the public, who is usually yourself.  ;-)
    The 1m zone on either side of small streets connecting small villages
    is usually considered a public area. If there is no traffic and
    enough room to park your car, then you can set up your launch equipment
    there too. But take care not to irritate occasional bypassers!

    Third, you have to stay underneath the surveyed airspace with your T1 powered 
    rockets. Usually it begins at 300m AGL but that varies from place to place. 
    In Germany there are many "Tieffluggebiete" (low flying areas) used by the 
    military who don't like "missiles" crossing their flight path! Check with 
    your local "Flugsicherungsdienst" (the German FAA) if in doubt. A good
    idea is to buy a 'Luftkarten' of the area in question and check
    for restrictions.
    If you chose to fly T2 powered birds, you ALWAYS need a "Luftraumfreigabe" 
    (waiver), no matter how high your rocket is going to fly!

13.6.9     Where can I launch rockets with bigger motors?

   If you really want to legally get into high power or experimental rocketry,
    you first will have to get a license to buy, store, and transport
    class IV fireworks.  There is no way around this since everything without
    any kind of BAM approval (like foreign motors) will be considered to be 
    class IV fireworks.  
   Once you are licensed, you must contact a military base, where they may
    have some kind of shooting range, and ask the authorities for permission 
    to occasionally using their range for 'test flights.'  Usually, this will 
    be impossible because of 'duds' (Blindgaenger) laying around there.
   If you do get the permission, then you can apply for a waiver 
    (Luftraumfreigabe) for the dates when you are allowed to fly.  Most
    shooting ranges will already have a restricted airspace (gesperrter Luftraum)
    which only has to be activated for the time of your launches.
   If you have made it this far, the you are one of the luckiest rocketeers
    in Germany, because the 'normal' explosives law isn't valid on military 
    properties. But you still need to take precautions that your rocket will
    not leave the range. If it does, then there could be trouble again. 
    And don't forget: posession and transport of non-BAM-approved motors is 
    restricted to licensed people!

   If you are living near Berlin (or are willing to travel for your launches),
   you can contact the DERA, since we are already in the process of getting 
   a launch range on a military base. Negotiations look good so far (09/96) 
   although there will be a fee.

13.6.10     What Insurance do I need?

    For T1 powered rockets, you shouldn't need a special liability insurance.
    But some insurances explicitely exclude rocketry in the fine print of their 
    contracts. To be sure check this before your first launch! Ask for inclusion 
    or change the company if necessary!
    T2 powered rockets are considered 'normal aircrafts' and the appropriate 
    regulations of the 'Luftrecht' rule: Aircraft up to weight 
    (ready-to-launch) must have a liability assurance good for DM 2,500,000
    per accident. All aircrafts are insured via the "Deutscher Luftpool."
    Ask the insurance company about this kind of insurance.
    Probably the best alternative is to join a club where the insurance is
    included in the dues.

13.6.11    Addresses of Rocketry-related Clubs

DERA e.V.                                       RAMOG (Raketen Modellsport Gruppe)
(Deutsche Experimental-Raketen Arbeitsgruppe)   c/o Herbert Gruendler
c/o Dr. Hans-Peter Boehme                       Edenbergen
Saarstr. 19                                     Talblick 7
12161 Berlin                                    86368 Gersthofen
030 / 859 997-58                                08230 / 1451
c/o Stefan Wimmer
Wiesener Str. 23
12101 Berlin
Tel/Fax: 030 / 789 12 97

Dara Raketen Modell Sport Gruppe                Deutscher Aero-Club e.V.
V. Schoenfelder                                 Postfach 1361
Koenigswinterer St. 522-524                     63131 Heusenstamm
53227 Bonn-Oberkassel
0228 / 45 51 02

Modellflug Club 1990                            Raketen-Hobby-Gruppe
Thierfeld-Hartenstein e.V.                      Vaihingen-Enz
Sparte Raketenflug                              Karl-Heinz Gulich
Siegfried Goerner                               Steinhaldenweg 5
Jablonecer Str. 8                               71663 Vaihingen-Enz
08062 Zwickau                                   07042 / 92125
037578 / 6021

Raketen-Modellsportclub Juri Gagarin          RMV 82 e.V.
Berlin e.V.                                     Duerenhofstr. 35
Gottfried Tittmann                              90478 Nuernberg
Platz der Vereinten Nationen 8                  0911 / 46 30 37
10249 Berlin
030 / 426 04 34

Raketen Sport Club Dietfurt                     Raketen-Sport-Club Muenchen
Christian Freihart                              Bernhard Irler
Im Kellergarten 1                               Sankt-Anna-Str. 19
92345 Dietfurt                                  8.... Muenchen
08464 / 1428                                    089 / 22 66 01

Wasa R.V.                                       Raketen Sport Freunde
Peter Wolf                                      Manfred Fronhoefer
Peter-Bernhard-Str. 14                          Kelheimer Str. 3a
83329 St. Leonhard                              92339 Beilngries
08681 / 895                                     08461 / 1336

Check out Oliver Missbach's website:

Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 Wolfram von Kiparski, editor. 
Refer to Part 00 for the full copyright notice.

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM