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Medicinal herbFAQ Part 1/1

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Archive-name: medicinal-herbs/part1
Posting-Frequency: monthly (on or about 20th)
Last-modified: 09Sep2007
Version: 1.40

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   * 1 Introduction
        o 1.1 Contributors
        o 1.2 Wishlist

   * 2 Single herbs
        o 2.1 Valeriana
             + 2.1.1 Valium is not derived from Valerian
        o 2.2 Yohimbe
             + 2.2.1 Yohimbe is a MAO inhibitor, yohimbine isn't
        o 2.3 Absinthe FAQ pointer
             + 2.3.1 More on Absinthe
        o 2.4 St. John's Wort (Hypericum)
             + 2.4.1 SJW and photosensitivity
             + 2.4.2 SJW and MAO inhibition
             + 2.4.3 About standardized hypericin content in SJW
        o 2.5 Ginseng
        o 2.6 Stevia Leaf - Too Good To Be Legal?
             + 2.6.1 Changed legal status of Stevia Leaf
        o 2.7 Poison Ivy / Oak / Sumac
             + 2.7.1 How to recognize PI/PS/PO
             + 2.7.2 How to avoid the rash
             + 2.7.3 Why does it give you a rash? / Spreading the oil about
             + 2.7.4 What helps
             + 2.7.5 Jewelweed, Impatiens
             + 2.7.6 How to get rid of poison ivy in your yard
        o 2.8 Echinacea
             + 2.8.1 Using Echinacea
             + 2.8.2 Echinacea - poaching and extinction
        o 2.9 Feverfew and migraine
        o 2.10 Kava kava
        o 2.11 Pau d'arco
        o 2.12 Wild yam and contraception
             + 2.12.1 Edible vs. true yam
             + 2.12.2 Wild yam cream and natural progesterone
        o 2.13 Red raspberry and pregnancy
        o 2.14 Green tea and caffeine
        o 2.15 Comfrey hepatotoxicity
             + 2.15.1 Hepatotoxicity update
        o 2.16 Pennyroyal
        o 2.17 Cat's Claw
        o 2.18 Golden Seal appeal - and Goldthread too
        o 2.19 Ma Huang or Ephedra sinensis
        o 2.20 Skullcap and Teucrium adulteration
        o 2.21 Mellow mallows
        o 2.22 Not an herb, but: Melatonin

   * 3 Herbs for specific things
        o 3.1 Herbs for mosquitoes and other bothersome bugs
             + 3.1.1 Repelling them
             + 3.1.2 And now you're bitten...
        o 3.2 Herbs for migraines
        o 3.3 Herbs for vivid dreams
        o 3.4 Herbs and weight loss
        o 3.5 Herbs to make you sleep
             + 3.5.1 Insomnia therapeutics
        o 3.6 Aphrodisiacs
        o 3.7 Herbal Abortives and Birth Control
             + 3.7.1 Herbal Abortives and Common Sense
        o 3.8 Herbs and female infertility
        o 3.9 Herbs, ADD, and replacing Ritalin
        o 3.10 Herbs for Sunburn
        o 3.11 The gall bladder flush
        o 3.12 Herbs for cough
        o 3.13 Herbs for constipation

   * 4 Processing herbs
        o 4.1 Making essential oil
        o 4.2 Pointer to the How-to of Tinctures
        o 4.3 Herbal oils
        o 4.4 Balms and liniments

   * 5 General Info
        o 5.1 Introduction to side effects, safety and toxicity of
          medicinal herbs
             + 5.1.1 Medicinal plant actions cannot be reduced to the
               effects of their isolated 'active constituents'
             + 5.1.2 Medicinal herbs act 'multi-systemically'
             + 5.1.3 Herbs act on the healing processes in the body
             + 5.1.4 Herbs act multi-dimensionally
             + 5.1.5 Side effects vs. contraindications
             + 5.1.6 Safety and toxicity of herbal medicines
             + 5.1.7 Pregnancy
             + 5.1.8 Understanding toxicity research - politics and
             + 5.1.9 Further reading
        o 5.2 Wildcrafting Ethics and similar things
             + 5.2.1 Wildcrafting checklist
             + 5.2.2 How do I find out about endangered plants (in the
             + 5.2.3 What plants shouldn't I pick?
             + 5.2.4 United Plant Savers
        o 5.3 Different schools of Herbal Healing
             + 5.3.1 Traditions in Western Herbal Medicine
             + 5.3.2 Ayurveda - an introduction
             + 5.3.3 Pointers to homeopathy sites etc.
             + 5.3.4 What is Traditional Chinese Medicine?
             + 5.3.5 Flower essences
             + 5.3.6 Aromatherapy intro
        o 5.4 The Ames Test
        o 5.5 Trying out the placebo effect
        o 5.6 How to find an herbalist / ND
        o 5.7 Politics and herbal medicine

   * 6 Information Sources
        o 6.1 Good books on herbal medicine - updated 18Jan05
             + 6.1.1 Good books to get started with
             + 6.1.2 Specialty books: women's herbals, men's herbals etc.
                  + Going for broke (and I wish you luck)
             + 6.1.3 In-depth books, by organ system
             + 6.1.4 Chinese herbs, or TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)
        o 6.2 Good books for further studies
        o 6.3 Good periodicals
             + 6.3.1 For enthusiasts (emphasis on color pictures)
             + 6.3.2 For professional herbalists (emphasis on case studies)
             + 6.3.3 For universities (emphasis on scientific studies)
        o 6.4 Online commercial databases
             + 6.4.1 Napralert
             + 6.4.2 Medline
             + 6.4.3 Ingenta
             + 6.4.4 IBIDS
        o 6.5 Herb programs
             + 6.5.3 Demo or shareware herb programs
             + 6.5.4 Commercial herb programs - updated 18Jan05
        o 6.6 Other online information sources
             + 6.6.1 FTP
             + 6.6.2 WWW
        o 6.7 Pointers to related documents
             + 6.7.1 Plants by Mail FAQ pointer
             + 6.7.2 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome WWW page pointer
             + 6.7.3 Hint for Kombucha posters
             + 6.7.4 Hint for Essiac posters
             + 6.7.5 Thinking of growing herbs for sale?
             + 6.7.6 Saw Palmetto and Prostata problems: Newsgroup/FAQ
             + 6.7.7 Natural high FAQ pointer
             + 6.7.8 Natural vision FAQ pointer
             + 6.7.9 Smoking herbs document pointer
             + 6.7.10 Pointer to herbal-medical glossary
             + 6.7.11 Menopausal discomforts

   * 7 Schools etc.
        o 7.1 Some hands-on schools I know of in the US
        o 7.2 Some hands-on schools in Canada
        o 7.3 Some correspondence courses I know of in the US
        o 7.4 Some schools and correspondence courses elsewhere
        o 7.5 About correspondence schools, and licensing of herbalists
        o 7.6 Accreditation of ND schools and ND licensing in the US

   * 8 Related forums
        o 8.1 Mailing lists (= email)
             + 8.1.1 The Medicinal Herblist
             + 8.1.2 The Aromatherapy List
             + 8.1.3 The Kombucha List
             + 8.1.4 The Paracelsus List
             + 8.1.5 The Homeopathy List
             + 8.1.7 The Culinary Herblist
             + 8.1.9 The Wellpet List
             + 8.1.10 The Holisticat List
             + 8.1.12 The Apothecary List
             + 8.1.13 The HolisticBird List
             + 8.1.14 The Toiletries List
             + 8.1.16 The Aboutherbs List
             + 8.1.17 The UK Herbal List
             + 8.1.18 The Herbgardening List
             + 8.1.19 The Forageahead List
             + 8.1.20 The HolisticPet List
        o 8.2 Newsgroups
        o 8.4 Newsgroup (and mailing list) netiquette
        o 8.5 Dealing with spam and trolls

                               1 Introduction

The medicinal herb FAQ is found here:

Henriette Kress, AHG                        Helsinki, Finland
Henriette's herbal homepage:

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM