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rec.martial-arts Newbie Guide
Section - 13 - Disclaimer and Copyright Notice

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Top Document: rec.martial-arts Newbie Guide
Previous Document: 12 - What Kind of Martial Art Suits Me
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
Some answers given may reflect personal biases of the author and
contributors.  The answers contained herein pertain to discussions on the
rec.martial-arts group, and are by no means exhaustive.

The martial arts Newbie Guide was created from an outline of an earlier
document, also titled "The Newbie Guide" by Jeff D. Pipkins as well as
information from the creator of this document, Kirk Lawson (additional
contributors listed at end).  It is the intention that this document be a
companion document to the current rec.martial-arts FAQ.  The author, Kirk
Lawson, grants rights to update, maintain, modify, and distribute this
document provided that you abide by the "no profit" restrictions detailed

You are specifically granted the right to distribute this document in any
storage or display format including, but not limited to, HTML, RTF, .DOC,
PDF, or direct telepathic transfer.

You are granted the right to copy, store, modify, and distribute this
document provided that a) This Disclaimer, Copyright, and any version
history or creator/contributor attributions are included.  b) That you
charge no monies for the distribution of this document, excepting a nominal
charge for the cost of media upon which it may be distributed.  If you wish
to include this document in any for-profit publication or to include it in
any pay-per or price metered medium or delivery, you may only do so with
the express permission of the original document author, Kirk Lawson. 
Basically, if you want to modify or distribute this document for free,
fine, go ahead and do it, but if you want to make money off of it, I want
my cut.

Kirk Lawson: or

Additional Contributors:
Lauren Radner -
Steve Gombosi -
Kevin Hill -
Matthew Weigel -
Ted Bennett -
Neil Gendzwill -

User Contributions:

Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

Top Document: rec.martial-arts Newbie Guide
Previous Document: 12 - What Kind of Martial Art Suits Me

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM