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Mailing list management software FAQ
Section - 3.10 MReply [v. 1.71]

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Top Document: Mailing list management software FAQ
Previous Document: 3.09 Majordomo [v. 1.92]
Next Document: 3.11 MXSERV (MX/MLF, part of the Message Exchange system) [v. 4.1]
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MReply is an interesting little package, sort of a construction kit for
MLM's.  Some of its big advantages are that it requires no root access to be
set up (though you would like to have new aliases set up, and that has to
involve your system's mail administrator), and that it allows almost total
flexibility in how the lists are run.  This second feature could also act as
a *dis*advantage, if you make some change to an MReply script that causes
mail to bounce oddly, for example.  You shouldn't have to change much,
though; MReply comes with sample scripts that probably are enough to get you
started.  (These samples are endearing in that they open every reply from the
server with "Hi, Norm" -- at least if your name is Norm, and mine is :-) )

MReply includes the standard subscribe, unsubscribe, get, and archive index
features, as well as automatic uuencoding, shar'ing, and splitting of
outgoing files and the ability to apply uudecode to incoming files.  It tries
to filter administrative requests from distribution to the mailing list, and
it also includes simple mail-loop detection and blocking.  Finally, it lets
you define your own commands if you choose (makes sense, since the sample
configuration files you start with are what define the "standard" commands in
the first place).

MReply is written by Tor Slettnes <>; its source can be
retrieved from <>.

You can subscribe to the MReply users list by sending "subscribe mreply-list"
in the body of a message to  For more information
on using MReply, send "help" in the body of a message to the same address.

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Top Document: Mailing list management software FAQ
Previous Document: 3.09 Majordomo [v. 1.92]
Next Document: 3.11 MXSERV (MX/MLF, part of the Message Exchange system) [v. 4.1]

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM