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alt.magicK KfaQ#06: Real Magick? (kreEePing oOze faQ)

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Archive-name: magick/kreeeping-ooze/part06
Posting-Frequency: to alt.magick -- by inquiry and desire;
to news.answers -- once every three months

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
Revised 9412

Kreeping OOzE FAQ #6: "Is magick 'real'?   Give me an example of a 'spell'."


The philosophical question of 'reality' can be argued forever.
There are many people who do indeed find reality in magick.
There are many who simply get all muddled and lost and cry.
Most people who succeed in magick don't bother with this
question after a while.  It quickly becomes unimportant.
Perhaps this is because they become Shoggoths.  I'm unsure.

This has been a spell.

In an episode Start Trek The Next Generation, Worf undertook to provide
spiritual teaching to a group of Klingon youths who had grown up outside
of the Kingon culture.  After finishing a great epic, one of the youths
asked if these stories were actually true.  Worf reflected for a moment
and then replied:

        I have studied these stories for most of my life, and I
        continue to find new truths in them every time.

I was immediately struck by the perfection of that answer.

mark kampe
----------------------------------------------------- END OF OOZE FAQ #06

This document is Copyright (c) 1994, authors cited.

All rights reserved.  Permission to distribute the collection is
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and all credits and this copyright notice are maintained.

Other requests for distribution should be directed to the individual
authors of the particular articles.

This is from a series of continually-updated posts responding to recurrent
questions in this newsgroup.  Please debate anything in here which seems
extreme and add your own response to these questions after the post.  I'll
integrate what I like.  Thanks.

tyagi nagasiva
tyagI@houseofkaos.Abyss.coM (I@AM)

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM