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Section - 13. What's the cheat code in SimCity 2000?

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In version 1.0, type "porntipsguzzardo", which will give you $500,000,
allow all technologies and rewards, and prevent the military from
building a base.  Once you've used this code, you will receive an
additional $500,000 each time you type "ardo".

In version 1.1, however, this was changed; you need to open the map
window and type "pirn", then click on the status window (next to the
weather), then type "topsguzzardo".  After that, typing "ardo" will
still give you an additional $500,000.

For much more information on SimCity 2000, see Kevin Endo's SC2000 FAQ,
available at <>.

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Previous Document: 12. Where can I find a list of forthcoming games for the Mac?
Next Document: 14. How do I play the game Maniac Mansion from within Day of the Tentacle?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM