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Linux/m68k (a free Unix-like OS for Amiga, Atari and VMEbus) MiniFAQ

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Last-modified: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 21:05:04 CDT
Maintainer: Chris Lawrence <>
Posting-Frequency: bi-weekly
Archive-name: linux/m68k-faq
URL: <>
Current-FAQ-Version: 2.0.41 (Sun, 20 Sep 1998 23:32:22 CDT)

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge

Linux/m68k is the version of Linux, a Unix-like operating system distributed
under the terms of the Free Software Foundation's GNU General Public
License, for computers using the Motorola 68020, 68030, 68040 and 68060
CPUs. Current releases support Amiga, Atari and various m68k-based VME
systems from BVM and Motorola; porting efforts are underway to the Apple
Macintosh and various 680x0-based workstations (at present, the HP 9000/300
series, HP/Apollo Domain series, NeXT and Sun 3 series).  Efforts to port
Linux/m68k to other 680x0-based systems are also encouraged.

The purpose of the FAQ is to answer common questions about Linux/m68k,
in the hope (infinitesimal though it might be) that those questions
will not be asked again (since they've already been answered in the
FAQ).  It is highly advisable to read the FAQ thoroughly before asking
questions about Linux/m68k in the newsgroup, on the mailing lists, or
directly; failure to read the FAQ in its entirety may result in either
no response or an extremely hostile response to your questions,
depending on who you ask and what mood they are in.

The current, complete FAQ, including information on the specific models of
these computers which are supported, is available on the World Wide Web at: (The Netherlands) (Germany)

It is also available at mirrors of the Linux/m68k Home Pages; see for a current list.

See Section 1 of the FAQ for links to translations of the FAQ to various
printable formats (including PostScript, Adobe PDF and DVI).

The plain text version of the FAQ can also be found at all Linux/m68k FTP
sites and mirrors as "FAQ" or "FAQ.gz" (compressed with GNU gzip).

Christian Jacolot a traduit le FAQ en français.  On peut le retrouver à

More information about Linux is available on the Internet at; the Linux/m68k Home Pages are located at (and several mirrors: see

Related projects include:

Linux/APUS (Linux on PowerPC-based Amigas):

Microcontroller Linux (Linux on non-MMU-capable m68k machines):

Debian GNU/Linux (with an official distribution for m68k):

Questions and comments about this  post  or the FAQ may be directed to me.
General questions about Linux/m68k may be posted to the Usenet newsgroups
comp.os.linux.m68k (English) and maus.os.linux68k (Deutsch).  Si vous parlez
français, vous pouvez utiliser le newsgroup fr.comp.os.linux.

'Til next time,

Chris Lawrence
Linux/m68k FAQ Maintainer

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: latin1

|         Chris Lawrence         |               My home page:              |
|    <>    |    |
|                                |                                          |
|       Amiga A4000/040 and      |    This address has been spam-proofed    |
|      Linux/m68k 2.0.33pl1      |     All spam goes to your postmaster     |

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Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer:
Chris Lawrence <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM