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Judaism Reading List: Conservative Judaism (Pt. V)

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Archive-name: judaism/reading-lists/conservative
Soc-culture-jewish-archive-name: reading.conservative
Posting-Frequency: Monthly

              Selected Sources for Additional Reading on Judaism
                         Part V: Conservative Judaism
         [Last Change: $Date: 1995/10/19 15:21:00 $ $Revision: 1.2 $]
                     [Last Post: Fri Feb 13 11:07:04 US/Pacific 2004]

   This message is intended to provide readers of soc.culture.jewish with
   a list of references to allow them to learn more about the current
   practices, past practices, beliefs, and history of the Conservative
   Movement with Judaism.
   One of the four major movements within Judaism, the Conservative
   Movement was founded in 1886, with the establishment of the Jewish
   Theological Seminary (JTS) by a group led by Rabbis Sabato Morais and
   Marcus Jastrow of Philadelphia and Henry Pereira Mendes of New York.
   This group was responding to what it felt were the rationalist,
   antihalakhic excesses of the Reform movement. For its first 15 years,
   the JTS was a colossal failure. However, around the turn of the
   century, the JTS was saved and grew into the flagship of a major
   Jewish denomination thanks to the efforts of three men: its first
   president, Cyrus Adler; financier Jacob Schiff; and the brilliant
   Rabbi Solomon Schecter.
   In the United States, Israel, the Commonwealth of Independent States,
   and other countries, the following organizations are involved with
   Conservative Judaism (Conservative Judaism is called Masorti outside
   of the United States):
     * Synagogue Organizations:
          + [6]Assembly of Masorti Synagogues. This is the UK analogue of
            the USCJ (United Synagogues of Conservative Judaism).
          + [8]United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ), formerly
            the United Synagogue of America. Its members are Conservative
            Synagogues. [9]
     * Rabbinic/Cantorial Schools:
          + [10]Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS). This is the rabbinic
            school for Conservative Rabbis on the United States East
            Coast. The association of the rabbis is called the Rabbinical
            Assembly (RA). [11]
          + [12]Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies
            ([13] at the [14]University of
            Judaism ([15] The United States West
            Coast rabbinic school for Conservative Rabbis in Los Angeles,
          + [16]The Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies
            ([17] This is the
            Conservative seminary in Israel. It shares faculty with
            [18]The Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem
            which is a school for laypeople
       Outside of the US and Israel, there are two other rabbinical
       seminaries and schools of advanced Jewish studies that maintain
       formal connections with the Conservative movement. They are:
          + The Seminario Rabinico Latinamericano. The Latin American
            Conservative seminary, it prepares Conservative rabbis,
            cantors and educators for South America and Latin America. It
            runs Ramah camps in Argentina and Chile and a kashrut
            certification system. (Jose Hernandez 1750, 1426 Buenos
            Aires, Argentina Tel: (54-1) 783-2009/783-6175/ 781-4057 Fax:
            (54-1) 781-4056).
          + Neotheologische Seminarion [Neolog Theological Seminary]. The
            Jewish Theological Seminary of Budapest. (27 Jozsef Krt.
            Budapest 1085, Hungary Phone (36-1) 134-2121)
     * Rabbinic Organizations:
          + Rabbinical Assembly. [20]
          + Cantor's Assembly. [21]
   There are many other organizations; a full list may be found on the
   JTSA web site at [22]
    Where Can I Get The Books
     * Many of these books are available through general bookstores or
       Judaica bookstores. A list of links to these may be found in the
       [23]sources section of the [24]General Reading List (if you are
       reading this at [25], you can simply click on the
       "Sources" button in the header navigation bar).
     * Books that are marked as "United Synagogue Bookservice" should be
       available through [26]
   [Amazon Associate] The S.C.J Reading List has established an affiliate
   relationship with Amazon.Com. ([27] Now you
   can complete your Conservative Jewish library and support the
   continued development of the Reading Lists at the same time, for many
   books on Conservative Judaism are available through Amazon. For those
   reading this at [28], you can click
   the link to the left to browse Amazon's selections. Alternatively, if
   you enter Amazon using the URL
   sh, the reading lists will get credit for your entry. Additionally,
   when you see the Amazon graphic [30][If you were at,
   the graphic would be here] (or "[Buy at Amazon: http:...]") on an
   entry in the reading list, this indicates that the specific book is
   available for purchase at Amazon. Click on the graphic/link to go to
   Amazon and purchase the book.

   Reproduction of this posting for commercial use is subject to
   restriction. See Part 1 (general) for more details.

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