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soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Torah and Halachic Authority (3/12)

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Torah and Halachic Authority (3/12)
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   This portion of the FAQ contains answers to the following questions:

   Section 3. Torah
    1. [8]What is the Written Law?
    2. [9]What are the books of the Jewish Bible (Tanakh)?
    3. [10]Why, in the Tanakh, does G-d have so many Names?
    4. [11]Who wrote the Torah?
    5. [12]What is the Oral Law?
    6. [13]How was the Oral and Written Law passed down to us?
    7. [14]What is the Great Assembly (Anshe Knessest HaGedolah)?
    8. [15]Who are the Zugot (pairs)?
    9. [16]What is the Mishna?
   10. [17]What is the relationship between the Mishna and the Torah?
   11. [18]What are the Orders of the Mishna?
   12. [19]What is the Tosefta?
   13. [20]What is the relationship between the Tosefta and the Mishna?
   14. [21]What is the Gemara and what is the Talmud?
   15. [22]What is the Talmud?
   16. [23]What is Talmud Yerushalmi?
   17. [24]What is Talmud Bavli?
   18. [25]What is Rashi's commentary on the Talmud?
   19. [26]What is the Tosafot?
   20. [27]Who wrote the Tosafot?
   21. [28]What is the relationship of the Tosefta to the Talmuds?
   22. [29]What are Baraitot?
   23. [30]What are the extra-canonical (minor) tractates?
   24. [31]What is a Midrash?
   25. [32]What are Halakhic (or Tannaitic) Midrashim?
   26. [33]What are the main Halakhic Midrashim?
   27. [34]What are the main Exegetical Midrashim?
   28. [35]What are the main Homiletic Midrashim?
   29. [36]What are the Midrashim on the Five Megillot (aka The So-Called
   30. [37]What are some other important Haggadic works?
   31. [38]What is the Sefer Yetzirah (The Book of Creation)?
   32. [39]What is Sefer haBahir, The Bahir (The Book of Illumination)?
   33. [40]What is The Zohar?
   34. [41]What are the Major Codes of Jewish Law?
   35. [42]What is the Rif (Hilkhot of Rav Alfassi)?
   36. [43]What is the Mishneh Torah (Yad Ha-Hazaqah , Sefer Mehoqeq)?
   37. [44]What is the Sefer Mitzvot Gadol (The Semag)?
   38. [45]What is the Arba'ah Turim (The Tur , The Four Rows)?
   39. [46]What is the Shulkhan Arukh?
   40. [47]What is the Hamappah of Rabbi Moshe Isserles?
   41. [48]What is the Kitzur Shulkhan Arukh?
   42. [49]What is the Mishnah Berurah?
   43. [50]What Other Codes of Jewish Law Are Used by Non-Orthodox Jewish
   44. [51]What is the Meaning of 'All is Futile' from the beginning of
   45. [52]What does it mean in the psalm of Habakkuk when it says that
       G-d hides His power?
   46. [53]What is meant by G-d's throne and the Serphim worshiping him
       in Isaiah 6:1-6?
   47. [54]Why is G-d referred to in the plural in the book of Genesis?
   48. [55]What is the Mekhilta on Deuteronomy?
   Section 4. Halachic Authority
    1. [8]What is "Halacha"? How is it determined?
    2. [9]Traditionally, what are the levels of halacha?
    3. [10]Traditionally, what are the different rabbinic eras?
    4. [11]How can differing halachic rulings all be considered valid?
    5. [12]How does the Conservative movement deal with Halachic
    6. [13]What is the difference between two Orthodox rabbis who
       disagree and an Orthodox and a Reform who disagree?
    7. [14]Who is RAMBAM that is mentioned and what are his 13
    8. [15]Who was Rashi?
    9. [16]Who was the Ramban?
   10. [17]What is Kabbalah and how can I learn about it?
   11. [18]Who is allowed to study Kabbalah?
   12. [19]Who was Rabbeinu Tam?
   13. [20]What are she'elot u'teshuvot?
   14. [21]What is the midrash halachah and the midrash agadah?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM