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Islam FAQ (Part 10/15): Islam: Farrakhism & Malcom X

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Archive-name: islam-faq/part10
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Last-modified: 1995/3/27
Version: 3.3
Organization: Alumni Association, Caltech, Pasadena, California

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
        Copyright 1993,1994,1995  Asim Mughal ( 

        Redistribution  for  profit,    or   in  altered  content/format
        prohibited without explicit  written  permission  of the author.
        Any other redistribution must  include this copyright notice and

                      Frequently Asked Questions: Part 10

        This message  is  automatically  posted  to 'soc.religion.islam'
        every  month  and  when  updated.  This  lists  answers  to most
        commonly asked questions on  the  forum. Contributions & changes
        are requested and should be directed to: 

        OVERVIEW:  The   Frequently   Asked   Questions   document   for
        Islam  has  been  divided  in  parts.  Below is the index. 

        Part 1 - Welcome & Index
        Part 2 - Info on Islamic News Groups
        Part 3 - Introduction to Islam
        Part 4 - God & Worship
        Part 5 - Islam, Quran & Muhammad (PBUH)
        Part 6 - Marriage Laws in Islam
        Part 7 - Women In Islam
        Part 8 - Life after Death, Moral System & Human rights in Islam
        Part 9 - Islam: Prophethood, Jesus & Trinity
        Part 10 - Islam: Farrakhism & Malcom X
        Part 11 - Islamic Internet Guide: Islamic Resources on Internet
        Part 12 - Other Islamic Resource Guides on Internet
        Part 13 - Islamic Literature: Books & Video
        Part 14 - Islamic Calendar & Prayer Time Table for 1994
        Part 15 - Misc: List of Halal Foods


                     PART 10: Islam: Farrakhism & Malcom X


 1. COMPARISON: Islam & Farrakhanism ............................... from III&E 
 2. - God/Allah Alone .............................................. from III&E 
 3. - Prophet/Messenger ............................................ from III&E 
 4. - Last Day/Life Hereafter ...................................... from III&E 
 5. - The Qur'an ................................................... from III&E 
 6. - The Bible .................................................... from III&E 
 7. - Shahadah ..................................................... from III&E 
 8. - Salah ........................................................ from III&E 
 9. - Zakah ........................................................ from III&E 
10. - Sawm ......................................................... from III&E 
11. - Hajj ......................................................... from III&E 
12. - Lawful (halal); Unlawful (haram) ............................. from III&E 
13. - Authentic Hadith ............................................. from III&E 
14. Knowing the True Islam ......................................... from III&E 
15. AL-HAJJ MALIK EL-SHABAZZ: MALCOM X ............................. from III&E 
16. His Pilgrimage to Makkah ....................................... from III&E 
17. Islamic Brotherhood ............................................ from III&E 
18. Legacy of Malcolm X ............................................ from III&E 
19. Archive Info .............................................................. 
20. Credits ................................................................... 

 Articles .....................................................................

 1. COMPARISON: Islam & Farrakhanism ............................... from III&E 

    ISLAM, and so-called "NATION OF ISLAM," are two different religions. The
    only thing common between them is  the  jargon, the language used by the
    both. "The Nation of Islam"  is  a  misnomer;  this  religion  should be
    called Farrakhanism, after the  name  of its propagator. The religion of
    Elijah Muhammad and W.D.  Fard  died  with  their  death  because  their
    officially and popularly elected  successor,  W.D.  Muhammad, integrated
    the community with the Muslim  community  at-large, following the Qur'an
    and Hadith of  Prophet  Muhammad,  sallallahu  alaihi  wa  sallam. Louis
    Farrakhan joined W.D. Muhammad and gave  his pledge of allegiance to him
    after Elijah Muhammad's death; he later rebelled and broke his oath with
    impunity, or without paying any expiation,  and restarted "The Nation of

    Examine the following comparisons  between  Islam  and Farrakhanism with
    regard to the belief or practice in each: 


 2. - God/Allah Alone .............................................. from III&E 

    ISLAM: One Unique,  never  appeared  in  any  physical  form;  hence, no
    physical representation  is  possible.  He  is recognized through his 99

    FARRAKHANISM: "...Allah (God)  appeared  in the Person of Master W. Fard
    Muhammad, July 1930; the long  awaited  'Messiah'  of the Christians and
    the 'Mahdi' of the Muslims." 

 3. - Prophet/Messenger ............................................ from III&E 

    ISLAM: Muhammad (S) is  the  last  Prophet  and  the  last Messenger. No
    messenger or prophet will come after Muhammad (S). 

    FARRAKHANISM: Elijah Muhammad was a  "Messenger of Allah." Are there any
    more messengers or prophets to come? Not clear. 

 4. - Last Day/Life Hereafter ...................................... from III&E 

    ISLAM: The life on earth as we  know  it will come to an end; it will be
    followed by the life hereafter  which  includes physical resurrection of
    the entire humankind, judgement and the life of paradise or hell. 

    FARRAKHANISM: "...BELIEVE  in  the  resurrection  of  the  dead - not in
    physical  resurrection,  but  in  mental   resurrection."  "No  already
    physically dead person will be in the Hereafter; that is slavery belief,
    taught to slaves to keep them  under  control."  "When you are dead, you
    are DEAD." 

 5. - The Qur'an ................................................... from III&E 

    ISLAM: It was revealed to Prophet Muhammad  (S) between 610 and 632 C.E.
    It is the last revelation of Allah to mankind. 

    FARRAKHANISM:  Contradictory  beliefs.  On  one side, "...BELIEVE in the
    Holy Qur'an and in the scriptures  of  all  the Prophets of God," and on
    the other side, "We,  the  original  nation  of  the  earth  ... are the
    writers of the Bible and Qur'an. We  make such history once every 25,000
    years ... it is  done  by  twenty-four  of  our  scientists."  "Both the
    present Bible and  the  Holy  Qur'an  must  soon  give  way  to the Holy

 6. - The Bible .................................................... from III&E 

    ISLAM: It was revealed to prophets  and  messengers  from Moses (alaihis
    salam) to Jesus (A) but was corrupted. Authenticity of statements in the
    Bible are judged by the Qur'an. 

    FARRAKHANISM: (See their beliefs above regarding the Qur'an) 

 7. - Shahadah ..................................................... from III&E 

    ISLAM: It means what it  says,  that  is,  Allah  is  Unseen,  He is the
    Creator, the Sustainer. Mankind is accountable to Him Alone, and Prophet
    Muhammad (S) of Arabia is the final  and ultimate ROLE MODEL; no one can
    substitute for him. 

    FARRAKHANISM: A cover  up  to  deceive  gullible  Muslims.  "Allah (God)
    appeared in the person of  Master  W.  Fard  Muhammad,"  and Muhammad of
    Arabia (S) was one of the prophets,  not a role model for our times. The
    real role model and lawgiver for our times is Elijah Muhammad. 

 8. - Salah ........................................................ from III&E 

    ISLAM: Five times a  day  is  required;  SALAH  (prayer)  includes QIYAM
    (standing), RUKU' (bowing), SAJDA  (prostration),  JALSA (sitting on the
    floor) and recitations. 

    FARRAKHANISM: No five times daily SALAH  (prayer); prayer, when done has
    no RUKU' or SAJDA. Friday is a major  congregational prayer day, not for
    SALAH, but to say DU'A and to listen to a Minister. 

 9. - Zakah ........................................................ from III&E 

    ISLAM: Required on accumulated wealth after having in possession for one
    year above the NISAB (certain  limits),  as  defined in SHARI'A (Islamic

    FARRAKHANISM: It is a tax as  "poor  due"  on  income, similar to income
    tax. Who benefits? 

10. - Sawm ......................................................... from III&E 

    ISLAM: Fasting is required  in  the  month  of  Ramadan,  ninth month of
    Islamic calendar. 

    FARRAKHANISM: Fasting is required in December only. Fasting in the month
    of Ramadan is optional. 

11. - Hajj ......................................................... from III&E 

    ISLAM: Required once in a lifetime  if  conditions  of finances, health,
    and safety of travel are met. 

    FARRAKHANISM: No Hajj requirement. Farrakhan  and his cronies take trips
    to Saudi Arabia, and by the way, to Makkah for the main purpose of image
    building and to raise funds from gullible rich Arabs. 

12. - Lawful (halal); Unlawful (haram) ............................. from III&E 

    ISLAM: Determined by Allah, the God Alone, announced in the Qur'an or by
    the Prophet Muhammad (S), recorded in the authentic Hadith sources. 

    FARRAKHANISM: Determined by W.D. Fard  and announced by Elijah Muhammad.
    The Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad (S) have no relevance nor authority with
    regard to lawful and unlawful. 

13. - Authentic Hadith ............................................. from III&E 

    ISLAM: An indispensable source  of  Islamic  beliefs  and practices, the
    only source after the Qur'an. Indispensable for the understanding of the
    Qur'an itself. 

    FARRAKHANISM: Ignored, if not totally  rejected by Farrakhanis. However,
    the leadership,  including  Farrakhan  himself,  may invoke Hadith if it
    suits their purpose to fool gullible Muslims. 

    [ -- M. Amir Ali, Ph.D. References for  Farrakhanism quotes are given in
    the author's article: ISLAM OR FARRAKHANISM. ] 

14. Knowing the True Islam ......................................... from III&E 

    There are many groups in America  who  claim to represent Islam and call
    their adherents Muslims.  Any  serious  student  of  Islam has a duty to
    investigate and find the  true  Islam.  The  only  two authentic sources
    which bind every Muslim are, (1)  the  Qur'an and (2) authentic or sound
    Hadith. Sometimes, Fiqh is quoted  as  a source. However, only that part
    of fiqh is a true source and  binding  which  quotes directly Qur'an and
    authentic Hadith. All  other  parts  of  fiqh  are  opinions  of learned
    scholars. Since scholars are not  prophets  or messengers of Allah, they
    are fallible people. Hence their  opinions  may be correct or may not be
    correct; they do not become binding. 

    Any teachings under the label  of  "Islam"  which  contradict  or are at
    variance with  the  direct  understanding  of  fundamental  beliefs  and
    practices of Islam from  the  Qur'an  and  authentic  Hadith  should  be
    rejected, and such a  religion  should  be  considered  a PSEUDO-ISLAMIC
    CULT. In America there are many pseudo-Islamic cults, Farrakhanism being
    one of them. An honest attitude on the  part of such cults should be not
    to call themselves Muslims and their  religion Islam. Such an example of
    honesty is Bahaism which is  an  off-shoot  of  Islam, but Bahais do not
    call themselves Muslims nor their  religion,  Islam. In fact, Bahaism is
    not Islam just as Farrakhanism is not Islam. 

    The foundation of Islam consists of  TAWHEED, RISALAH, and AAKHIRAH. And
    "five pillars" of Islam are  SHAHADAH,  SALAH, ZAKAH, SAWM and HAJJ. The
    rest of the building of Islam  consists  of SHARI'A which includes HARAM
    do. Any claims of Islam should be  judged  on the criteria given in this
    paragraph. If the foundation and  pillars  of  a building are demolished
    there is no building left. Such is  the  case with pseudo-Islamic cults,
    including Farrakhanism. For details  request the booklet, HOW TO PRESENT
    ISLAM, A RATIONAL APPROACH by the author of this brochure. 

15. AL-HAJJ MALIK EL-SHABAZZ: MALCOM X ............................. from III&E 

    Twenty-five years after his death, Malcolm  X, Al-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz,
    still towers above the statue of  liberty.  He  refuses to die. Wherever
    injustice  and   oppression   takes   place,   his   smiling  face  and
    uncompromising message fill the atmosphere. 

    Yes, they killed the body but not the spirit. When he was alive, Brother
    Shabazz was the most feared man  in  America.  And,  the most loved. The
    situation hasn't changed. 

    For the deprived and the oppressed  African-Americans,  Brother  Shabazz
    continues to be the hero,  the  inspiration  that  makes it possible for
    them to maintain their sanity and dignity  in a vile society which can't
    stop despising them. 

    We, as Muslims, are often  angered  to  see  Br. Shabazz identified as a
    Black Nationalist rather than a Muslim. While the anger is justified, we
    must understand that people generally emphasize the aspect of a leader's
    life which is  in  harmony  with  their   own  aspirations.  While  some
    African-Americans will continue to  invoke  the  nationalist side of Br.
    Shabazz, it is for us to see that  his  Islamic personality is projected
    to the world! 

16. His Pilgrimage to Makkah ....................................... from III&E 

    When he was in Makkah, Al-Hajj  Malik  El-Shabazz  wrote a letter to his
    loyal assistants in Harlem... from his heart: 

    "Never have I witnessed such sincere hospitality and overwhelming spirit
    of true brotherhood as is  practiced  by  people of all colors and races
    here in this ancient Holy Land,  the  home  of Abraham, Muhammad and all
    the other Prophets of the  Holy  Scriptures.  For  the past week, I have
    been  utterly  speechless  and  spellbound  by  the  graciousness  I see
    displayed all around me by people of all colors. 

    "I have been blessed to visit  the  Holy  City  of Mecca, I have made my
    seven circuits around the Ka'ba, led  by a young Mutawaf named Muhammad,
    I drank water from the well of the  Zam  Zam. I ran seven times back and
    forth between the hills of Mt.  Al-Safa  and Al Marwah. I have prayed in
    the ancient city of Mina, and I have prayed on Mt. Arafat. 

    "There were tens of thousands of pilgrims, from all over the world. They
    were of all colors, from blue-eyed  blondes  to  black-skinned Africans.
    But we were all participating in the same ritual, displaying a spirit of
    unity and brotherhood  that  my  experiences  in  America  had led me to
    believe never could exist between the white and non-white. 

    "America needs to  understand  Islam,  because  this is the one religion
    that erases from its society the race  problem. Throughout my travels in
    the Muslim world, I have met, talked  to, and even eaten with people who
    in America would have been considered white - but the white attitude was
    removed from their minds by the  religion  of Islam. I have never before
    seen sincere and true  brotherhood  practiced  by  all  colors together,
    irrespective of their color. 

    "You may be  shocked  by  these  words  coming  from  me.  But  on  this
    pilgrimage, what I  have  seen,  and   experienced,  has  forced  me  to
    rearrange much of my thought-patterns previously held, and to toss aside
    some of my previous  conclusions.  This  was  not  too difficult for me.
    Despite my firm convictions, I have  always been a man who tries to face
    facts, and to accept  the  reality  of  life  as  new experience and new
    knowledge unfolds  it.  I  have  always  kept  an  open  mind,  which is
    necessary to the flexibility that  must  go hand in hand with every form
    of intelligent search for truth. 

    "During the past eleven days here in the Muslim world, I have eaten from
    the same plate, drunk from the  same  glass, and slept on the same rug -
    while praying to the same God - with fellow Muslims, whose eyes were the
    bluest of blue, whose hair was the blondest of blond, and whose skin was
    the whitest of white. And in  the  words  and  in the deeds of the white
    Muslims, I felt the same sincerity  that  I felt among the black African
    Muslims of Nigeria, Sudan and Ghana. 

    "We were truly all the same (brothers) - because their belief in one God
    had removed the white from their  minds,  the white from their behavior,
    and the white from their attitude. 

    "I could see from this, that perhaps if white Americans could accept the
    Oneness of God, then perhaps,  too,  they  could  accept  in reality the
    Oneness of Man - and cease to  measure,  and  hinder, and harm others in
    terms of their 'differences' in color. 

    "With racism plaguing America like  an  incurable  cancer, the so-called
    'Christian' white American heart  should  be  more receptive to a proven
    solution to such a destructive  problem.  Perhaps it could be in time to
    save America from imminent disaster  - the same destruction brought upon
    Germany by racism that eventually destroyed the Germans themselves. 

    "Each hour here in the Holy Land  enables  me  to have greater spiritual
    insights into what is happening in America  between black and white. The
    American Negro never can be blamed  for  his  racial animosities - he is
    only reacting to  four  hundred  years  of  the  conscious racism of the
    American whites. But as racism  leads  America up the suicide path, I do
    believe, from the experiences that I have had with them, that the whites
    of the younger generation, in the  colleges  and  universities, will see
    the handwriting on the walls and many of them will turn to the spiritual
    path of truth - the only way left  to  America  to ward off the disaster
    that racism inevitably must lead to. 

    "Never have I been so  highly  honored.  Never  have I been made to feel
    more humble and unworthy. Who would believe the blessings that have been
    heaped upon an American Negro?  A  few  nights  ago,  a man who would be
    called in America a white man, a United Nations diplomat, an ambassador,
    a companion of kings, gave me his  hotel  suite,  his bed. Never would I
    have even thought of dreaming that  I  would ever be a recipient of such
    honors - honors that in America  would  be  bestowed upon a King - not a

    "All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all the Worlds. 


    "Al-Hajj  Malik  El-Shabazz"  (Malcolm  X)  (From  the  AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF
    MALCOLM X with assistance from Alex Haley, the author of ROOTS) 

    Malcolm X saw and  experienced  many  positive  things.  Generosity  and
    openheartedness  were  qualities  which  were  impressed  on  him by the
    welcome which he received in  many  places.  He  saw brotherhood and the
    brotherhood of different races and  this  led him to disclaim racism and
    to say: "I am not a  racist...  In  the  past  I  permitted myself to be
    used... to make  sweeping  indictments  of  all white people, the entire
    white race,  and  these  generalizations  have  caused  injuries to some
    whites who perhaps did not deserve to  be hurt. Because of the spiritual
    enlightenment which I was blessed to  receive as the result of my recent
    pilgrimage to the Holy City of Mecca,  I no longer subscribe to sweeping
    indictments of any one race. I  am  now  striving  to live the life of a
    true Sunni Muslim.  I  must  repeat  that  I  am  not  a racist nor do I
    subscribe to the tenets of racism.  I  can state in all sincerity that I
    wish nothing but freedom, justice  and  equality,  life, liberty and the
    pursuit of happiness for all people." 

    Malcolm X was vehemently  anti-White.  That's the way he was taught as a
    'Black Muslim.' But his trip for  Hajj  changed  all of that. He came to
    see that all men are equal, regardless  of their color. True anti-racism
    is color blindness. That is what he preached on his return to the United
    States. And that  is  why  he  was  assassinated.   While  he  preached
    separatism, keeping people  aware  of  color  differences,  that was OK.
    Blacks vs. Whites is  an  acceptable  dialect.  But  when  Al-Hajj Malik
    El-Shabazz started to preach  the  Oneness  of  God  and the equality of
    races, and was prepared to act in any lawful (halal) means necessary, he
    had to go: Truth vs. Falsehood is an unacceptable dialect. 

    Islam believes in the unity  of  the  human  race.  Islam  says that all
    mankind are the creatures of One  God,  they  are all equal. Division of
    color, class, race or  territory  are  sheer  illusions;  and ideologies
    which are based on such  distinctions  are the greatest menace on earth.
    Humanity is one single family of God, there can be no sanction for these
    barriers. Men are one  and  not  White  or  Black,  Aryan  of Non-Aryan,
    Occidental or Oriental. 

    Islam is based  on  the  universal  brotherhood  of  man  and  practices
    universal brotherhood of man. But  the  importance of this concept is of
    great value as it is the  only  solution  to  national and international
    problems. This is said to be the age of freedom and restoring unto every
    man his dignity, and despite all the phenomenal changes in the political
    stage of the world, our age is  still  unable to think in terms of human
    dignity, and this is the  dark  specter  of  social concern of our time.
    For, despite man's conquest  of  space  and  mastery  over the forces of
    nature, man has not been able to  rid  himself of the primeval prejudice
    of race and color. The  stark  reality  of  our  time has brought in its
    trail a great desolation and  frustration  as  we find ourselves face to
    face with chaos, wars, the miserable  conditions of living of the masses
    of mankind and the exploitation of one nation by another, and this leads
    to selfishness, fear, hatred; class,  tribe and race discrimination; and
    subsequently the division of man  against  man  is the order of the day,
    even in the so-called Socialist countries. 

    Islam's  greatest  contribution   to   mankind  was  the  abolition  and
    extinction of distinction  based  on  race  and  color.  The Holy Qur'an

    "Mankind were one community, then they differed among themselves, so God
    raised Prophets as bearers of good tidings and as warners..." (Al-Qur'an

    "O mankind! We have created you  from  a male and a female; and made you
    into nations and tribes, that  you  might  get  to know one another. The
    noblest of you, in the sight of  God,  is  he who is the most righteous.
    God is All-Knowing and Wise." (Al-Qur'an 49:13) 

    >From the above verses, it is clear  that the whole of humanity from its
    diverse races, was  originally  one,  deriving  its  existence  from One
    Creator and that all barriers that  separate  humanity by race and color
    must vanish and the superiority  of  a  person  be judged by his conduct
    only. A good Muslim considers himself  a fusion of all races. Anyone who
    enters into  the  fold  of  Islam   becomes  part  and  parcel  of  this
    fraternity, forgetting all  pride  and  prejudice.  On the basis of this
    principle, Islam seeks to build an intellectual,  moral, ideological and
    international  society,  as   against   the   existing  tribal,  racial,
    linguistic and national societies,  which  have  turned the world into a
    racio-color holocaust. 

17. Islamic Brotherhood ............................................ from III&E 

    "No other society has such a record of success in uniting in an equality
    of status, of opportunity and  endeavour  so many and so varied races of
    mankind. The great Muslim  communities  of  Africa, India and Indonesia,
    perhaps also the small community in Japan, show that Islam has still the
    power to  reconcile  apparently  irreconcilable  elements  of  race  and
    tradition. If ever the opposition of the great societies of the East and
    west is to be replaced  by  cooperation,  the  mediation  of Islam is an
    indispensable condition." (H.A.R. Gibb, WHITHER ISLAM, p. 379) 

    "The extinction of race  consciousness  as between Muslims is one of the
    outstanding achievements of Islam  and  in  the contemporary world there
    is, as it happens, a crying  need  for  the  propagation of this Islamic
    virtue..." (A.J. Toynbee, CIVILIZATION ON TRIAL, New York, p. 205) 

    "How, for instance, can  any  other  appeal  stand  against  that of the
    Moslem who, in approaching the  pagan,  says  to him, however obscure or
    degraded he may be 'Embrace the  faith,  and you are at once equal and a
    brother.' Islam knows no color line." (S. S. Leeder, VEILED MYSTERIES OF

18. Legacy of Malcolm X ............................................ from III&E 

    Malcolm X was born into Christianity as Malcolm Little and died in Islam
    as Malik Shabazz. This is something  to think about and is an expression
    of his legacy. Malcolm  X  went  through  the  transition  period of the
    religion of the  "Nation  of  Islam,"  a  religion  of  American  origin
    borrowing  some  terms  from  the   Muslim  culture  of  the  East.  For
    information about differences between Islam and the so-called "Nation of
    Islam" request the brochure "Islam  and  Farrakhanism  Compared" and the
    booklet "Islam or Farrakhanism"  (for a donation )  from III&E, P.O. Box
    41129, Chicago, IL 60641-0129. 

    It appears that Malik Shabazz  went  through  five  stages  in his short
    life. The first  stage  was  his  childhood  under  the  shadows  of his
    religious parents. The second  stage  was his adolescence to youth until
    his moving out to Harlem, NY. This  was  a rowdy and irresponsible stage
    of his life which eventually  landed  him in prison. The fourth stage of
    his life was in the "Nation of  Islam"  which was not real Islam. In the
    "Nation of Islam," on one side,  Malcolm  was a very disciplined man; on
    the other side he became a black  racist,  a separatist and a demagogue.
    In the fifth and final stage of his youthful life, Malik Shabazz reached
    the apex which he could only  achieve  in real Islam, not in the cultist
    "Nation of Islam." Malik Shabazz  entered  the real Islam as a result of
    his journey to Makkah (Mecca  is  a  misspelling).  In  Islam  he became
    moderate and conciliatory. He shed his racism. 

    The legacy of Malcolm X is the  real  Islam  taught to us by the Prophet
    Muhammad of Arabia, not  the  racist  cult  of  the  "Nation  of Islam,"
    presently lead by Louis Farrakhan and others who branched out of the old
    following  of  Elijah  Muhammad.  However,   Elijah's  son,  Wallace  D.
    Muhammad, now known as Imam Warith  Deen  Muhammad,  moved away from his
    father's religion. He is  coming  to  the  real  Islam  adopted by Malik
    Shabazz for which  Malcolm  was  assassinated.  Malik  Shabazz  shall be
    remembered by all Muslims as a martyr for the cause of Allah. 

    If you want to know more about the real  Islam followed by Malik Shabazz
    in his last days, call or write  to  III&E.  P.O.  Box 41129 Chicago, IL
    60641-0129 Fax. (312) 777-7199 

 Announcements ................................................................

19. Archive Info .............................................................. 

    This FAQ is archived  at  several  sites  and  is  available  for public
    retrieval thru anonymous FTP, E-MAIL, Gopher & World Wide Web. 

                              -- Anonymous FTP --

	Login: anonymous
	Password: Your e-mail address

	Dir: /pub/usenet/news.answers/islam-faq/

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	Dir: /pub/calmsa/islam-faq/

                                  -- E-MAIL --

    Send E-mail to: 

    Text of E-mail Message: 

    send usenet/news.answers/islam-faq/part10

                                  -- GOPHER --

        Site: 70
        Path:                 Computing Information/
                              CCO anonymous ftp archive/

        Site: 70
        Path:                 Resources relating to Islam/

                           -- World-Wide-Web (WWW) --

    One recommended interface is 'mosaic,' below are mosaic 'home pages.' 

URL at USENET Archive site:

URL at Caltech MSA site:

20. Credits ................................................................... 

    The author wishes to thank all those who contributed in any capacity for
    the original one part FAQ or this multi-part FAQ. 

                                 -- SOURCES --

    The basic  introduction  and  literature  presented  in  the FAQ is from
    brochures on Islam distributed  by  Institute  of  Islamic Information &
    Education (III&E). These  brochures  were  typed  in  electronic form by

    The  information  on   soc.religion.islam  forum  (in  Part  2) has been
    compiled  from   USENET   archives   and  administrative  logs  of
    Soc.Religion.Islam moderator panel. 

    What is III&E? 

    III&E is an acronym for the Institute of Islamic Information & Education
    which was  established  in  Chicago,  Illinois  in  1985.  The  III&E is
    registered in the  State  of  Illinois  and  recognized  by the Internal
    Revenue Service (IRS) as a not-for-profit religious organization. 

    More information can be obtained by  contacting Dr. M. Amir, III&E, P.O.
    Box 41129, Chicago, IL  60641-0129,  U.S.A.;  Tel:  (312)  777-7443 Fax:
    (312) 777-7199.

                                  -- FORMAT --

    The format of the FAQ series  has  been  done  by utilizing resources of
    Islamic Information & News  Network  (IINN).  A  custom program, Nebula,
    written by editors of IINN for generating newsletters has been used. 

    What is IINN? 

    Islamic Information & News Network  is  a forum dedicated to educate the
    network community on issues relating to Islam and Muslims in an academic
    & non-political environment.  Weekly  digest is available on internet by
    subscribing to  MUSLIMS@ASUACAD.BITnet  (A  Bitnet listserv list) and on
    USENET: bit.listserv.muslims. 

                               -- Permissions --

    Permission to  post  this  multi-part  FAQ  has  been  obtained  by  the

	o	Institute of Islamic Information & Education (III&E)
	o 	Islamic Information & News Network (Muslims@PSUVM.bitnet) 
	o 	Moderator(s) of News.Answers (Thomas Khoenig & P.Huang)

# End of Islam FAQ Part 10 #

User Contributions:

pypb km Starwars Wars

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM