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The IRC Newsgroup FAQ - 15/04/02

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Archive-name: irc/irc-newsgroup-faq
Posting-Frequency: Twice a month
Last updated : 5th February 2002

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The IRC Newsgroup FAQ version 1.5

Table of Contents
- What is "The IRC Newsgroup FAQ" ?
- Binaries & Formatting
- What is an "Off Topic Posting" ?
- What are the different groups for ?
- How do I add a missing group ?
- Newsgroup Charters
- Note to the newcomer

Q. What is the "IRC Newsgroup FAQ" ?
A. The "IRC Newsgroup Frequently Asked Questions"
 purpose is to highlight the intended use of the
 available IRC groups within the alt.irc.* heirarchy.
 It is hoped a seperate FAQ will be posted here for
 IRC questions themselves in the future, for now
 a HTML version can be found at

 Binaries & Formatting
 Please do not post binaries (e.g pictures, compressed files, etc.)
 to any of the alt.irc.* newsgroups.
 If you need to post a file then post it to
 alt.binaries.* and make a reference to where the file
 can be found in the irc group you post to.

 Posting binaries to any newsgroup that is not
 intended to be used as a binary newsgroup is a violation
 of most ISPs' AUP (Acceptable Use Policy). 

 HTML (HyperText Markup Language) documents are unwelcome, 
 as are any attachments, multipart messages
 or other postings which cannot be considered as ordinary
 plain text postings.

Q. What is an "Off topic posting" ?
A. Each newsgroup has a specific purpose and you will have
 a much better chance of an answer if you ask in the
 correct one. Do not be upset or offended should someone
 point out that you have posted to the wrong newsgroup.

 Messages not related to IRC in general are normally
 considered "off-topic".

Q. What are the different groups for ?
Q. Are there any other groups ?

This newsgroup is for general discussion of IRC and
its related issues. Repeated adverts for the 
same servers/networks are generally not welcome.

Discussion about the IRC client mIRC. Their own FAQ may
be found at

How-to questions for IRC (Internet Relay Chat)

Adverts for IRC servers/networks alike. Adverts should be
kept to 20 lines (or less) and should not be posted more
than twice a month.

Discussion of IRC server software.

For help in finding and using scripts for various IRC clients.

There are many other groups in this hierarchy which
are not listed here. For more information on these
check for posted FAQ or ask in the group.

Q. How do I add a missing group ?
A. If you do not have any of the groups listed above then
 email your newsmaster saying you wish to have a
 newsgroup added to the news feed.

Newsgroup Charters
Each IRC newsgroup has its own focus, although that is
not always recorded in a charter. The newsgroup name
itself gives you the best indication of what the group
is for and the descriptions above define generally
what is and isn't considered acceptable.
Adverts of any nature are frowned upon in all
but alt.irc.networks

Commercial adverts are considered off-topic in
all of the alt.irc.* groups.

Signatures should be prefixed with two hyphens and a space
on a seperate line and should not exceed 4 lines.

Note to newcomers

alt.irc is inhabited with a small group of surly people married
to their home networks.  If you advertise your new network here,
you will probably be mercilessly flamed, and there's a chance
that some of them will visit your network to ridicule you in person,
allowing you to test out the /kill and /kline commands of your
brand new O:line.

Any suggestions, ideas or comments about this FAQ
should be posted to alt.irc or e-mailed to

-=-peas-=- <>

This document is archived at

This article is provided as is without any express or implied
warranties.  While every effort has been taken to ensure the
accuracy of the information contained in this article, the
author/maintainer/contributors assume(s) no
responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting
from the use of the information contained herein.

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-=-peas-=- <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM