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comp.sys.hp.hpux FAQ
Section - 6.2.7 How can I detect the HP-UX version at compile time?

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Previous Document: 6.2.6 Why do I get the error "*Initialization*:1: missing token-sequence in `#assert'" when I compile with gcc?
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The below macro sequence allows you to figure out the HP-UX major
version number:

#include <sys/privgrp.h>
#if defined(PRIV_PSET)
#define _hpux_11i
#elif defined(PRIV_SPUCTL)
#define __hpux_11x
#elif defined(PRIV_SERIALIZE)
#define __hpux_10x
#elif defined(PRIV_SETRUGID)
#define __hpux_9x

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Top Document: comp.sys.hp.hpux FAQ
Previous Document: 6.2.6 Why do I get the error "*Initialization*:1: missing token-sequence in `#assert'" when I compile with gcc?
Next Document: 6.3 Porting

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM