Archive-name: genealogy/adoption/part3
Posting-Frequency: alt.adoption 2x/month, less frequently elsewhere. URL: See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge alt.adoption FAQ 3: International Search Info ********************************************* EUROPE ====== Campaign for Adoption Reform in Europe Rev. Dr. John Cameron St. Stephan's Manse 33 Camperdown Street Broughty Ferry Dundee DD5 3AA SCOTLAND ASIA ==== Amerasian Network URL: Helping reunite Amerasians with their American family. Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Phillipine Islands, Korea, Okinawa and Japan. AUSTRALIA ========= URL: All States in Australia allow natural mothers and adoptees some access to identifying information about each other. Australian Capitol Territory ---------------------------- New South Wales --------------- New South Wales Adoption Act on Web: URL: Norfolk Island -------------- Northern Territory ------------------ Legislation amended in early 1994 allows open records under certain conditions, similar to other states. Queensland ---------- South Australia --------------- Adoption Jigsaw SA P.O. Box 567 Prospect East, South Australia 5083 tel: 08-344-7529 Australian Relinquishing Mothers 51 North Terrace Hackney, South Australia 5069 tel: 08-362-2418 Lynne Radcliffe. secretary Tasmania -------- Victoria -------- Adoption Information Service 448 St. Kilda Rd. Melbourne, Victoria 3004 voc: 03-9868-7777 fax: 03-9868-7700 Child Migrants Trust 228 Canning Street North Carlton Melbourne, Victoria, 3054 (Affiliated with Child Migrants Trust in UK) War-Babes Down Under Janet Baker 46, Lucknow Street MITCHAM 3132 Victoria tel: 03 9874-8875 Affiliated with War Babies in the UK. Adults born as the result of war time relationships between US servicemen and British or Australian woman during WWII. Contact: (Janet Baker) Western Australia ----------------- Western Australia Government Web Http:// LAW: Different laws for pre and post Jan 1, 1995. The Family Court of Western australia can issue an order to prevent the release of any identifing info. This will only be granted if there are exceptional grounds. vetos: There are 2, information vetos, and contact vetos. Contact vetos prevent the release of any id info till a 'no- contact' agreement is signed. Info vetos prevent the release of any id info. All people must register with the department for Community Development before any info can be obtained. Adoptees: over 18: some records of court proceedings about the adoption original birth certificate non-identifying information under 18: non-identifying info if adoptive parents give consent. as above, but both adopive and birth parents must give consent. Post 1/1/95 adoptees can obtain the above unless there is a _court order_. Non-id info is always available. Adoptive Parents: Pre 1/1/95 Some records of court proceeding. If adoptee is under 18, birth parent must give consent. Adoption order Original birth certificate. If adoptee under 18, bp must give consent. Non-id info Post 1/1/95 there is no requirements for BP consent, and only a court order can prevent release of BC or court records. The infamous 'some' still applies... Birth Parents: pre 1/1/95 'some' records of court proceeding. AP must give consent if adoptee is under 18. Original BC Amended BC. AP must give consent if adoptee under 18. Relatives: Grand-parent, descendant if adoptee over 18, sibling over 18 if adopteee over 18 Non-id info only. IFF the adoptee has died, or can't be found and is over 18, relatives can apply for copy of birth records. Search and Support Groups: Association of Relinquishing Mothers, WA, Inc. PO Box 60 Tuart Hill, WA 6060 Adoption Jigsaw WA, Inc. P.O. Box 252 Hillarys Perth, West Australia 6025 voc: 09-388-1922 fax: 09-382-3916 ARMS - Western Australia +61 (09) 367 1211, 447 3970 ( Kath ) 390 5603 ( Carol ) 444 1214 ( Beryl ) 335 7961 ( Helen ) Meeting is ever 3rd Monday at 8pm, upstairs at 16 Rheola St, West Perth. Adoption Jigsaw Jigsaw Centre 91 Hensman Rd. Subiaco 6008 Open from 9-4, Mon to Fri. Staffed by volunteer adoptees, birth and adoptive parents. AUSTRIA ======= Osterreichisches Rotes Kreuz Suchdienst Gusshausstrasse 3 A-1041 Wien BELGIUM ======= Vereniging voor Kind en Adoptiegezin, VZW Sulferbergstraat 38 8000 Brugge Euro-Korean League asbl, Mickael Vanardois 109 Rue Carton de Wairt, B-1090 Bruxelles tel: 00 32 3 736 62 40 email: CANADA ====== Canadian Search FAQ ------------------- The Canadian Search FAQ is available for downloading at Problems, questions, changes should be directed to Jim Kelly Alberta Adoptees ---------------- <> Information for adoptees rights in Alberta, support groups, links to government sites, etc. Maintained by Jim Moriarty Canadian Adoptees Home Page --------------------------- <URL:> Information of particular interest to 1950's era Canadian adoptees and birth parents. Alice McDonald Canadian Adoption ----------------- <URL:> Information and links for the triad. Myria Sawler Forget-Me-Not Home Page ----------------------- <URL:> To encourage and develop a recognition of the benefits of family preservation and openness in adoption practice. LINKS Post-Legal Adoption ------------------------- <URL:> COLOMBIA ======== Records are open to adoptees at age 18. The ICBF offices, adoption house, or court where the adoption took place can provide information from their files. Those wishing can hire a lawyer to access the information and search for them. DENMARK ======= Lillian Molin Folkets Alle 37 2000 Frederiksberg FRANCE ====== Service Social d'Aide aux Emigrants Association reconnue d'utilite publique SIEGE SOCIAL 72, rue Regnault F-75640 Paris Cedex 13 GEN-AB (Genealogies-Abandonnes) B.P. 5010 38821-Grenoble Cedex FRANCE tel: GERMANY ======= Frau Ingrid Baer, Direktorin Internationaler Sozialdienst (Deutscher Zweig) e.V. Am Stockborn 5-7 60439 Frankfurt/Main Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Generalsekretariat Suchdienst Munchen Zentrale Auskunfts- und Dokumentationsstelle Infanteriestrabe 7 A 80797 Munchen IRELAND ======= Anton Sweeney Secretary Adoption Action c/o 3 Gandon Hall Lwr Gardiner Street Dublin 1 Republic of Ireland Anton Sweeney Adoption Action is a voluntary group representing all involved in adoption. They campaign for open records for those involved in adoption and operate a tracing network. Department of Foreign Affairs Inveagh House St. Stephens Green Dublin 2 Ireland If yours was an international adoption involving Ireland. Barnardos Adoption Advice Service Christ Church Square Dublin 6 011-353-1-473-2110 (voice) 011-353-1-453-0300 (fax) A.A.A. c/o Sally Bank Killmeaque Naas Co. Killdare KOREA ===== Association of Korean Adoptees ------------------------------ <URL:> This is the homepage of a support group meeting in California. Bryce Hilton Korean American Adoptees - Crystal Chappell's Home Page ------------------------------------------------------- <URL:> Links to her Korean American Adoptees Page and other sites of interest to Korean Americans and/or adoptees. The KAA Page has narratives on searching in Korea, growing up adopted, dealing with race issues and more. Korean Adoptees --------------- <URL:> Maintained by Korean War Project ------------------ <URL:http://www/> List of people Searching for Korean and Vietnam era Vets, info on getting data from the military including downloadable forms. NETHERLANDS =========== Prof. Dr. Rene A.C. Hoksbergen Adoption Centre University of Utrecht Heidelberglaan 1 3584 CS Utrecht Stichting International Social Service Laan Copes van Cattenburch 139 NL-2585 GA's-Gravenhage NEW ZEALAND =========== Adoption Support Link GPO Box 4164 Auckland Jigsaw, Inc. Box 38681 Howick, Auckland voc: 09-274-6605 fax: 09-274-3835 Hutt Adoption Search and Support P.O. Box 38304 Petone, New Zealand tel: 68-7460 Adoption Jigsaw, Inc. Thelma Scerber P.O. Box 28-037 Remuera, Aukland 5 Adoption Support Services Dept. of Social Services Private Bag 21 Wellington voc: 04-472-7666 fax: 04-472-3916 NORWAY ====== At 18 an adoptee can write to the county offices in the county where adopted and request information about birth parents. You will be provided with the names and current addresses of both birth parents. The county will also write to each birth parent informing them of your letter and ask whether they are interested in a meeting. The birth parents are legally obligated to respond to the county's letter. The county then sends a summary of the responses to the adoptee. SOUTH AFRICA ============ Child Welfare Society P.O. Box 2539 2000 Johnanesburg SPAIN ===== Servicio Social Internacional Consejo Superior de Protection de Menores Condesa de Venadito 34 28027 Madrid Sri Lanka ========= Weladama att: Jan Blomstrand 24 Ebenezer Place Dehiwala Sri Lanka See entry for Weladama in Sweden. SWEDEN ====== Weladama att: Jan Blomstrand ersens 6 211 42 Malm Sweden email: (Jan Blomstrand) or Weladama is an old sanskrit word for a holy well that never ends. Specialized in helping: - birthparent in Sri Lanka searching for adult adoptees. - adoptees born or adopted in Sri Lanka, no matter what country they live in today. See also entry for Sri Lanka. SWITZERLAND =========== Fondation Suisse Du Service Social International 10, rue A. Vincent CH-1201 Geneva Switzerland phone 022-731-67-00, fax 022-731-67-65 Self Help Groups Schweizerischer Gemeinnuetziger Frauenverein Zuerichbergstrasse 7, CH-8032 Zuerich Switzerland Tel: 011 41 1 252 57 56 (searching adoptees and birth moms) IGADO Schwiez Postfach 8557 CH-8050 Zuerich Switzerland Tel: 011 41 61 313 85 00 (recorded message) UNITED KINGDOM and dependancies =============================== Adoption InterLink - UK ----------------------- <URL:> Information on all aspects of adoption. The site is maintained by Bill Simpson and the search information is maintained by Phil Ormsby The most recent information on hours and prices for government services can be found at: United Kingdom Government Information ------------------------------------- <URL:> Central Office of Information Home Page (U.K.) ---------------------------------------------- <URL:http://www/> These two sites have information on a variety of government offices and publications including post-adoption services like access to birth certificates and registries. UNITED STATES and territories ============================= Sra. Maria Walsh Dept, of Social Services P.O. Box 11398 Santurce, Puerto Rico 00910 809-723-0303 Virgin Islands DCYF Post Adoption Unit Spenceley Bldg. 3rd floor Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, VI 00802 809-774-4393 International Social Service American Branch 390 Park Avenue South New York, NY 10016 Tel 212-532-6350 Fax 212-532-8558 Adoptees' Foreign Searches P.O. Box 360074 Strongsville, OH 44136 216-238-1004 Angela Challis Birth Parents/Adoptees Support Group (U.K.) 4038 Clayhead Rd. Richmond, Texas 77469 Family Search Services (Italy) Box 587 Camarillo CA 93011-0587 Operation Identity (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) 805 Alvardo, N.E. Albuquerque, NM 87108 505-268-1310 TRACE (Transatlantic Children's Endeavors) (UK) c/o Brenda Wilson Hasty P.O. Box 1541 Sierra Vista, AZ 85636 Tracers, Ltd. (Ireland, Germany) Box 18511 Tuscon AZ 85731-8511 520-885-5958 ===================================================================== Faq 3 of the alt.adoption FAQ may be reproduced and redistributed provided it is given freely, not sold, and this notice remains intact. All rights reserved. Rosemarie Ventura ===================================================================== Rosemarie Ventura User Contributions: 1 Nikegom ⚠ Nov 6, 2024 @ 8:08 am darknet site darknet links Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic: |