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Axis & Allies FAQ v1.4
Section - *20. Are there any computerized game aids available?

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Top Document: Axis & Allies FAQ v1.4
Previous Document: 19. Is Axis & Allies available on computer?
Next Document: 21. WANTED
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J.C. Hamlin ( has a DOS program available that
also computes the results of A&A battles.  This program is shareware,
and the current version level is 1.2.  This program is written for
a PC in 80x25 color text mode.  It handles the entire attack
sequence, including AA, off-shore shells, and subs.  It does both
land and sea battles (but not combined attacks, yet), it handles
technology, and it allows you to set attack and defense strategies
and objectives (save the bombers, take the territory, retreat the
planes, etc), which basically allow you to specify how you want your
pieces to be lost, when you want to retreat, and special case things
like saving an infantry or tank to take the territory.  It displays
the 12 most likely outcomes (based on remaining pieces) with the
number of times and percentage of the time each outcome happens, and
exact piece counts for those outcomes.  It also summarizes outcomes
in several categories:  attacker wins (takes territory, doesn't
take), defender wins (attacker destroyed, attacker retreated),
nothing left, and defending subs get away.  It displays the number of
times and percentage of the time each category occurred, and the
average number of remaining pieces for that category.  It can be
found at the Official A&A FAQ FTP Site:

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Top Document: Axis & Allies FAQ v1.4
Previous Document: 19. Is Axis & Allies available on computer?
Next Document: 21. WANTED

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM