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Conventional Fusion FAQ Glossary Part 0/26 (intro)

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Archive-name: fusion-faq/glossary/intro
Last-modified: 2000/06/26
Posting-frequency: More-or-less-monthly
Disclaimer: While this section is still evolving, it should
be useful to many people, and I encourage you to distribute
it to anyone who might be interested (and willing to help!!!).

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              Glossary of Frequently Used Terms in 
            Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy Research

          Edited by Robert F. Heeter,

### Contents:
      * What is the Glossary, and where can I find it?
      * What is included in the Glossary?
      * What sources were used in compiling the Glossary?

### What is the Glossary, and where can I find it?

Plasma physics and fusion energy researchers have evolved 
a colorful and extensive vocabulary.  Although these specialized
terms greatly facilitate discussion among those who 
understand the language, they can impede discussions
between experts and nonexperts, and even between experts in
different subfields.  Several efforts have been made
over the years to break down these communication barriers 
by providing clear and succinct definitions of key terms.
The Glossary of Frequently Used Terms in Plasma Physics 
and Fusion Energy Research takes the next step and
uses modern information technology to provide the most extensive
*compilation* of plasma terminology from all available sources.

The full Glossary comprises several thousand terms, of which
over 1000 are fully defined and nearly all the others at least
direct the reader to reference texts.  The full Glossary was
posted as ASCII text in 26 parts to the Newsgroups from 1994-1999.
After a 3-year hiatus from 1996-1999, the Glossary is now being 
actively updated again.  Since the Glossary is now being maintained 
in database format and is fully available on the World Wide Web,
it no longer needs to be posted to the Newsgroups in its entirety.

However, in order to ensure that those interested in learning 
about fusion energy and plasma physics have easy access to
the Glossary, this introduction now serves as a monthly pointer 
to the full Glossary web site.  The full Glossary may be found at 

More information about the Glossary is given below.

### What is included in the Glossary?

The terms listed in the full Glossary include the scientific 
vocabulary of the disciplines associated with plasma physics
and fusion energy research, the names of various research 
facilities, experimental machines and devices used, the names 
of prominent researchers in the field, the various funding 
authorities active in the field, several key mathematical 
symbols in common use, and the acronyms frequently used as
shorthand for some of the above.

This Glossary now covers all areas of plasma physics and 
"conventional" fusion research, including magnetic confinement, 
inertial confinement, thermonuclear, muon-catalyzed, and other 
types of fusion, but not "Cold Fusion".

The Glossary began in 1994 with an initial list of terms
supplied by Jim Day.  To this were added some comments 
from various responses to the first draft posted to the newsgroup.  
The Editor then incorporated terms from various published 
glossaries from PPPL and the U.S. Department of Energy.
Acronyms, machine names, and names of important scientists 
were added as they came up.  Categories were added for research 
and funding/political agencies, a broader base of basic science 
terms was built up, and additional plasma terms were included.
In the summer of 1995 the Glossary benefitted from work done by
Joshua Jones and John Wright to expand the terminology lists by 
merging in terms from the indexes of major plasma reference texts, 
and to evolve a useful Web version with browse and search 

### What Sources were used in compiling the Glossary?

The terms and definitions in the Glossary represent a collection
of contributions from numerous sources.  The new Glossary database
includes the ability to have acknowledgements for each individual 
definition, but for existing terms we must rely upon the blanket 
acknowledgements given below.  In cases where only a single textual 
source was used a citation is generally given along with the entry.  
A bibliography of source texts can be found at the Glossary Web Site,

# Acknowledgements for the Glossary:
    ! = someone I believe is a scientist
    * = organizations or people who are not believed to be scientists.

! Jake Blanchard, - suggested we have a
     list of acronyms too.
! Arthur Carlson, - supplied additional
     definitions, made corrections / amplifications / revisions to
     earlier definitions.
! Edward Chao, - info on LANL fusion research,
     additions and corrections to various definitions.
! Albert Chou, - supplied additional
     definitions, made corrections / amplifications / revisions to
     earlier definitions.
! John Cobb, - lots o' definitions.
! James Crotinger, - additional definitions,
     quality control, and comments on the usefulness of the FUT.
* Jim Day, - initial list of terms, additional
     definitions, modifications to earlier definitions.
! Steve Fairfax, - additional definitions
     from the Alcator weekly reports.
* Robin Herman, _Fusion: Search for Endless Energy_; I borrowed a
     few terms from her glossary.  Cited as (from Herman).  (Many
     of these terms derived from the PPPL glossary I also used.)
! Paul M. Koloc, pmk@prometheus.UUCP - quality control, some entries
! Emilio Martines, - quality control,
     reversed-field entries & information.
! Robert Nachtrieb, - numerous acronyms
* Princeton Plasma Physics Lab, Glossary of Fusion Terms - list of
     terms prepared by PPPL staff at some point.  Consulted in many
     cases, blatantly paraphrased in some, quoted and cited in
* Vicki Rosenzweig, - Proofreading entries
* Mike Ross, - additional Livermore info
     and corrections to some entries.
* Richard Schroeppel, - suggestions/corrections to
     many definitions.
! Philip Snyder, - corrections to
! Paul Stek, - additional definitions
!? Mitchell Swarz, - supplied additional
     definitions / corrections and revisions to existing definitions.

### Status and Disclaimers:  

  Like fusion research itself, the Glossary is evolving, 
  and is not a completed work.  Depending on how much effort is
  being expended to maintain it at any given time, it may not be 
  correct or up-to-date in all respects.  The editor disclaims 
  everything and assumes no liability for any consequences arising 
  from the distribution of this Glossary.  The information included 
  in the Glossary reflects the perspective of the editor and 
  contributors, and not their employers or anyone else.  
  Finally, the Glossary is copyrighted and should not be distributed 
  for profit without permission.  

### Technicalities:

# This is a Copyrighted FAQ.  I only grant permission for this file 
to be freely distributed and cited provided the revision date is 
retained and I am cited as the editor. #

# Any and all errors are solely my responsibility. #

# This posting is tagged as UCRL-MI-139257 by LLNL.
"This work was performed under the auspices of the 
U.S. Department of Energy by University of California Lawrence 
Livermore National Laboratory under contract No. W-7405-Eng-48."

Robert F. Heeter, Ph.D.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Robert F. Heeter (Bob)                    
Lawrence Livermore National Lab, Building 121, Room 1109
Phone:    925-423-3761
Fax:      925-423-5998
US Mail:  P.O. Box 808, L-043;   Livermore, CA 94550
Shipping: 7000 East Ave.;  Livermore, CA 94550-9234

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM