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[] Peeps FAQ.
Section - The Questions:

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Top Document: [] Peeps FAQ.
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Next Document: 1. What are Peeps?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
1. What are Peeps?
2. Who makes Peeps? Where are they made?
3. Are Peeps really 50 years old?
4. Do Peeps come in other shapes besides chicks?
5. What other candies are related to Peeps?
6. Does the name "Peeps" refer to the other similar candies as well?
7. What is the significance of the company name "Just Born"?
8. What is the Born Sucker Machine?
9. Who originally developed and marketed Peeps?
10. What is the etymology of the word "peep" (peeps)?
11. What is the origin and history of marshmallow candy?
12. How is "marshmallow" correctly spelled and pronounced?
13. What's this about "Adult" Peeps?
14. What colors do Peeps come in?
15. Do different colors have different flavors?
16. Are all colors usually available?
17. Why are Peeps all of a sudden so popular?
18. What (when) exactly is "Peep Season"?
19. Is there anyplace you can buy Peeps off-season?
20. What's this about Peeps needing to "age" or "ripen"?
21. How are Peeps made, are they set in molds?
22. Are there any recipes for Peeps?
23. How do you store Peeps so they will keep through the off-season?
24. What ingredients are in Peeps?
25. What are Peeps eyes made of?
26. Are peeps low-cal?
27. Are peeps low-fat?
28. Are Peeps Kosher for Passover?
29. How are Peeps packaged and sold?
30. What's this about giant Peeps?
31. What happens when you put a peep in a microwave oven?
32. When were Peeps first advertised on TV?
33. Are there any tie-in merchandise items?
34. What about "Puffkins The Peep"?
35. What's this about a Peeps Fan Club?
36. Does Just Born have a web page?
37. What's this about a fire in the Peeps factory?
38. Who is Janet?
39. Is there anything like a Guinness World Record for eating Peeps?
40. What about you, the author, how old are you, and do you really eat Peeps?
41. What do I do if I think you're wrong about some of this?

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Previous Document: News Headers
Next Document: 1. What are Peeps?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM