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Section - 6.2. Why is drafting bad/good?

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Top Document: FAQ 05/01/2002
Previous Document: 6.1. What is drafting?
Next Document: 6.3. What is blocking?
Drafting is a hot topic of debate among triathletes.

Those that are against drafting often list the following reasons:

Drafting takes away from the individual competitor nature of the sport.
Drafting is less safe/causes higher insurance rates.

Those that are for drafting often list the following reasons:

Drafting evens out triathlons which often are weighed to longer times in the
  bike leg.
Drafting is more spectator friendly.

Top Document: FAQ 05/01/2002
Previous Document: 6.1. What is drafting?
Next Document: 6.3. What is blocking?

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"James Goddard" <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM