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Econ. Resources on the Internet [18 of 20]

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Posted-By: auto-faq 3.3 (Perl 5.005)
Archive-name: econ-resources-faq/part18
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Sci-econ-research-archive-name: econ-resources-faq/
Last-modified 1999/09/30
Version: vol. 4 no. 2

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
   Resources for Economists on the Internet, Vol. 4, No. 2, September, 1999

             Editor: Bill Goffe <>
             Editorial Assistant: Elise Braden <>

                            Part 18 of 20

   This guide, sponsored by the American Economic Association, lists
   more than 1,000 resources on the Internet of interest to academic and
   practicing economists, and those interested in economics. Almost all
   resources are also described.

   Resources for Economists on the Internet (RFE) is a copyrighted work
   of the American Economic Association (the "AEA"). Permission to make
   digital, electronic or hard copies of part or all of RFE for personal
   or classroom use, Usenet distribution, or mailing lists is granted,
   provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct
   commercial advantage and that whole copies show the following notice:

   "Resources for Economists on the Internet (RFE), Copyright 1999
   American Economic Association"

   Otherwise the AEA owns the exclusive right to print, publish,
   distribute, reproduce, sell, prepare derivative works, transmit,
   download, or otherwise transfer copies of RFE. Copyrights of
   components of this work owned by others than the AEA must be honored
   and attributed to the rightful owner. Abstracting and short quotes
   are permitted. To copy otherwise or to republish otherwise, including
   on web pages, in whole or in part requires prior specific permission.
   Permissions may be requested from the American Economic Association,
   2014 Broadway, Suite 305, Nashville, TN 37203, or via E-mail: RFE is provided without any express
   or implied warranty.


   For distribution via Usenet, this FAQ is split into 20 parts as large
   files don't travel well on Usenet. For other locations of this guide,
   see the section titled "1.5 Where to Obtain This Guide" in part 2.

13.0 Software

13.1.0 Internet Software

13.1.1 Adobe Acrobat Reader

   [freely available software to read "PDF" files]

   Adobe Acrobat PDF (portable document file) files contain all the
   information needed to fully describe a document: fonts, graphics, and
   even colors. It is a very useful way to exchange files that have such
   features, such as working papers. The IRS even uses PDF files to
   distribute tax forms through the Internet. To read PDF files, you
   need an Acrobat "reader." Adobe makes readers available freely at
   this site (they generate revenue from the software that creates PDF
   files). It is easy to configure web browsers to automatically invoke
   readers when they encounter PDF files.


13.1.2 Ghostscript, Ghostview, and GSview

   [freely available software to read "PostScript" files]

   This set of freely available software lets you read PostScript and
   PDF documents on your PC, and print them. Ghostscript prints them,
   while Ghostview and GSview display them on your PC (Ghostview is for
   Unix platforms, and GSview is for Windows platforms; both require
   Ghostview). This software is freely available.


13.1.3 Netscape

   [leading browser manufacturer]

   Netscape makes the leading browser for the Internet. Its use is now
   free for all users, and the source code is available as well for the
   next version.


13.1.4 Real Networks

   [leading audio-visual software]

   This firm provides the leading audio and video software for the
   Internet. Some versions of their "player" software are freely
   available, and many platforms are available.


13.1.5 uuencode/uudecode

   [enables binary files to be e-mailed]

   If you don't have access to e-mail "attachments" (which use a
   technology known as "MIME"), this pair of programs can let you e-mail
   binary programs and data. Uuencode takes a binary file (such as a
   word processing file or a program) and converts it to text so that it
   can be e-mailed. Uudecode than converts it back to binary. Using this
   pair of programs, researchers can collaborate by e-mailing binary
   data or word processing files. (If one host is an IBM mainframe, be
   sure to use the -x option.)


13.1.6 WinZip

   [leading decompression program]

   This very useful Windows shareware utility can decompress most any
   type of compressed or archived file found on the Internet (this
   includes ".tar" and ".gz" files). The $29 price is money well spent.
   It also operates as "add-on" for browsers to decompress from files
   from the net -- they can thus be downloaded in one step.


13.1.7 xpdf

   [another PDF file viewer]

   Derek Noonburg has written a pdf viewer for systems running X Window
   as an alternative to Adobe's version. Versions for many Unix systems
   can be found here.


13.2.0 Software Program Libraries

13.2.1 Guide to Available Mathematical Software (GAMS)

   [guide to 9,000 numerical routines]

   This database contains information on almost 9,000 numerical routines
   from about 80 packages. It can be searched interactively in several
   different ways and is frequently updated. It is run by the U.S.
   National Institute of Standards.

   # telnet://

13.2.2 Netlib

   [leading archive for numerical software]

   Netlib is a numerical software library with approximately 50
   megabytes of code. The routines, mostly in Fortran, are generally of
   high quality (many were developed at U.S. national labs or by
   professional numerical analysts). The popularity of Netlib is
   attested by the number of times it has been contacted -- at last
   count, nearly 23 million times.
   Packages include Linpack, Eispack, and their successor, Lapack
   (including a pre-release version in C), fftpack, the Harwell sparse
   matrix routines, Hompack, Lanczos, and Minpack. There are many other
   more specialized libraries. There is also code from various texts
   (but not Numerical Recipes), and code from the ACM Transactions on
   Mathematical Software (more than 500 different routines here alone).
   There are also many directories organized not by package, but by
   subject (each entry is code by different authors). Finally, there are
   various tools for Fortran and C users.
   In all, there are nearly 150 directories covering nearly every
   imaginable area in numerical computation. Any user of numerical
   methods would be well advised to be familiar with it.
   Netlib is available via e-mail, ftp, gopher, and the web.
   Introductory material on Netlib can be found in the first entries of
   the web, ftp, and gopher interfaces. For an e-mail. introduction,
   write "send index" in the body of a message addressed to one of the
   sites listed below, and in return you will receive general
   You can search the contents of Netlib via e-mail (the method is
   explained in the e-mail directions) and via the web interface. The
   latter is more flexible, but you must carefully read the directions.
   The netlib2 ftp site, web and gopher sites contain uncompressed

   # gopher://
   # Mail Site: <>
   # ATT Mirror: <>
   # UK Mirror: <>
   # Norway Mirror: <>
   # Australia Mirror: <>

13.2.3 CodEc: Code for Economics and Econometrics

   [general archive]

   CodEc, part of the NetEc, contains computer programs of interest to
   economists. Different hardware platforms, programming languages, and
   application languages are supported. They include C and C++, DOS and
   Windows executables, Fortran, Gauss, Mathematica, Matlab, Rats,
   Shazam, and Xlisp-Stat. In all, there are about 20 different programs
   and packages, some of which are quite extensive. For instance, it
   includes Hal Varian's Mathematica Notebooks for "Microeconomic
   Analysis," Matlab routines from Hansen and Sargent's "Recursive
   Linear Models of Dynamic Economies," routines from Estima (who
   produces Rats), Lin's "GAUSS Programming for Econometricians" (with
   routines for least squares, simultaneous least squares, arima models,
   and nonlinear optimization),Gary Langer's BCI Data Manager, Rizzo's
   GAUSS routines for Tobit and Probit models, King's maximum likelihood
   routines for GAUSS, C++ matrix classes  by both Chris Birchenhall and
   Robert Davies, King's "count+duration" regression software, Haerdle's
   "XploRe" for nonparametric regression and data-analysis as well as
   other programs. Information on the programs is identified by
   "software information" files that identifies the author, a
   description, software required, etc. CodEc also provides links to
   other code archives as well as links to some companies that offer
   programs frequently used by economists.
   Dirk Eddelbuettel kindly helped edit this entry.

   # Information: Dirk Eddelbuettel <>

13.2.4 Econometrics Laboratory Software Archive (ELSA)

   [archives and tests software for economists]

   This site at UC Berkeley is partially funded by the NSF. It is
   designed to " facilitate the interchange of computational algorithms
   that have economic applications. In addition to serving as a central
   location for experimental software, we want to work with developers
   of algorithms, at Berkeley and elsewhere, to produce standards for
   documentation and testing that will facilitate the exchange of new
   methodologies and solutions to complex computational problems.
   Authors of software that have potential applicability in economics
   are encouraged to submit algorithms that conform to our documentation
   and testing paradigm."
   One unique aspect of ELSA is that where possible, code is tested, so
   users have some assurance of quality. Researchers can easily submit
   their code to the archive; they have detailed instructions on how to
   do so. The archive also includes some data, and they round out their
   collection with a section on "Manuals, FAQs, and Working Papers" in
   the field.


13.2.5 GAUSS Source Code Archive at American Univ.

   [key GAUSS repository]

   This library is devoted to GAUSS programs. Be careful to read the
   file titled "READ ME FIRST" describing the conditions and terms of
   programs in it. In particular, it is for public, non-commercial code,
   the code should be clearly attributed, and documented. This file
   contains details on how to submit code to the library. Besides
   listing code stored here, it also lists many other site with GAUSS


13.2.6 Statlib

   [archive for statistical software]

   Statlib is a system similar to Netlib (in fact, it uses roughly the
   same e-mail software) for statistical software. Major holding include
   algorithms from Applied Statistics, numerous classic datasets
   (although few are economic), software for Minitab and S, and a
   variety of other software under a heading named "general."
   For the e-mail interface, send the phrase "send index" in the body of
   your message.

   # E-Mail <>

13.2.7 Xlisp-Stat Archive

   [commonly used by statisticians]

   This archive of programs for this package is divided into several
   sections. It includes links to other Xlisp sites, code, contributed
   programs, and documentation.


13.2.8 Software for Agent-Based Computational Economics (ACE)

   [archive for this new field]

   This new area of research, which includes "complex adaptive systems,"
   and is quite computational, has this on-line archive for its
   software. Each of the different packages is clearly described.


13.3.0 Statistical and Computational Software

13.3.1 AREMOS (WEFA Group)

   This software, a product of WEFA Group, is designed to both manage
   and analyze time series. It is also is said to feature extensive
   presentation facilities. It is available for a number of packages.


13.3.2 AUTOBOX

   This company offers a sophisticated automatic time series forecasting
   engine. At this site, they offer extensive information on their
   products. You can even follow an example of solving a problem. Their
   products are available for a number of platforms.


13.3.3 BETA (Laissez Faire Software)

   This firm produces BETA, a wide ranging econometrics program.
   Versions are available for DOS, Windows and OS/2.

   # Information: <>

13.3.4 ComLabGames

   [on-line strategic and extensive form games]

   This site provides software and directions for running strategic and
   extensive form games over the Internet. One PC acts as the moderator
   that sets the rules of the games, and others can then simultaneously
   play. When the game is done, the results can be analyzed. Thus, it is
   an excellent teaching device for game theory. Both the software and
   extensive directions can be found here.


13.3.5 EPS (DRI/McGraw-Hill)

   This product from DRI/McGraw-Hill "...features a broad range of
   econometric and statistical functions for the creation and analysis
   of time-series and multi-dimensional data. EPS also includes powerful
   programming capabilities that simplify data manipulation and
   model-building." It also has many features for analyzing financial
   markets. In short, it is a completely integrated package for time
   series analysis.


13.3.6 EXPO & EXPO/SE (Leading Market Technologies)

   This company's products are often used for analysis in the financial
   industry. "It's flagship product EXPO has a powerful backbone of
   mathematical, statistical, and time series analysis routines, paired
   with a highly visual, customizable, easy-access front-end." They also
   offer a high speed server. Many of their products can be downloaded
   for a free trial. They also offer a free student version. It is a
   subset of the regular version in only two ways: it supports only 12
   open windows, and it cannot perform realtime analysis.


13.3.7 GAMS

   "The General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) is a high-level
   modeling system for mathematical programming problems. It consists of
   a language compiler and a stable of integrated high-performance
   solvers. GAMS is tailored for complex, large scale modeling
   applications, and allows you build large maintainable models that can
   be adapted quickly to new situations." It can run on machines that
   vary in size from PC to supercomputers.
   At this site you can read about GAMS, including solvers and supported
   platforms. They also offer extensive documentation (including FAQs
   and an index to their model library), information on contributed
   software, and material on workshops and courses.

   # Information: <>

13.3.8 GAUSS (Aptech)

   This site offers information on this very popular software package
   for econometrics. Specifically, they offer information on GAUSS and
   products for it, new features and products, information on where to
   buy it, comments from users, and links to related sites.

   # Information: <>
   # Orders: <>
   # Technical Support: <>

13.3.9 Ivation (Beyond 20/20)

   This company's product, "Beyond 20/20," "... is the multidimensional
   software system chosen by information providers and publishers to
   organize, manage, and deliver statistical data to their customers."
   With it, one can easily view and analyze complex datasets from many
   different perspectives in many different ways. It is easy to output
   data to other statistical tools. Their customers include many major
   statistical agencies.


13.3.10 Limdep

   "LIMDEP is the premier program for estimation and analysis of
   regression models, and qualitative and limited dependent variables.
   No other program offers a greater variety of modeling frameworks,
   tools and features for analysis of cross section, panel, and time
   series data." The latest version of LIMDEP, 7.0, include a complete
   Windows interface (new statistical features are in the mainframe
   version as well). You can find extensive details about the program
   here (along with details on NLOGIT 2.0), ordering information
   (including ordering on-line), a discussion list, contact information,
   and an on-line manual.


13.3.11 LINDO

   This company specializes in optimization software. This includes
   linear and nonlinear programming, as well as spreadsheet plug-ins.
   You can find information about their products here.

   # Information: <>

13.3.12 MLE++ and MLEQuick (Cahill Software)

   Cahill Software offers MLE++, a C++ class library for maximum
   likelihood estimation. This offers greater flexibility than "canned"
   routines. They also offer a menu driven package, MLEQuick, for
   "discrete dependent variable models, censored and truncated models,
   and survival analysis." Finally, Cahill Software can be hired for
   contract programming, with a specialty in "statistical estimation
   programs and simulation models."


13.3.13 MODLER

   This package, which has been in development since its inception in
   1968, was originally designed for the econometric analysis of small
   or large scale econometric models. It has expanded into other areas,
   including data management, general statistical analysis, and
   simulations. It also offers close integration with common desktop
   applications. It is in use by organizations around the world, and it
   is available in different "sizes" (i.e. the maximum number of
   equations a version can handle).


13.3.14 Otter Research Ltd. (AD Model Builder & MULTIFAN)

   This company offers two products: AD Model Builder and MULTIFAN. The
   former "is a tool for the rapid development and implementation of
   nonlinear statistical models." It is said to have a number of useful
   features: derivatives are calculated without intervention and very
   efficiently, the Hessian and covariance matrices are automatically
   available, etc. Programs, documentation, and a trial version are
   available here. The other product, MULTIFAN, "is used to estimate
   growth and mortality for fishes and other species using length
   frequency data." An advanced version, MULTIFAN-CL is now available as


13.3.15 Maple (Waterloo Maple)

   This firm's main product is "Maple," a symbolic algebra program that
   also does two and three-dimensional graphics and arbitrary precision
   numbers. The offer extensive information and support on the product
   here: a library of books on Maple, information for their customers,
   and on-line registration.


13.3.16 MathCad & S Plus (Mathsoft)

   This company produces two products that might interest economists --
   MathCad and S Plus. The former turns your computer into a "live
   worksheet" where you can perform numerous types of calculations. The
   latter is an object-oriented statistical analysis program. It has a
   large following in the statistics community. Extensive information on
   both of these programs can be found here.


13.3.17 Mathematica (Wolfram Research)

   This web site has a variety of information on their Mathematica
   product, including information on customer support, student versions,
   product information, technical information, and MathSource, which is
   said to be "the largest collection of packages, notebooks, examples,
   and programs available." You can also order Mathematica here, and
   update your current version.


13.3.18 MATLAB and SIMULINK (MathWorks)

   This site offers extensive information about their products. You can
   read about the features of MATLAB, SIMULINK, Toolboxes and Blocksets,
   extensive support information. You can also retrieve user-contributed
   and MathWorks-written software, read about MATLAB books, and also
   read material from the many different forums that discuss MATLAB.

   # Sales, Pricing and General Info: <>
   # Technical Support: <>
   # Bug Reports: <>

13.3.19 Microfit

   This Windows and DOS program is written by Dr. Hashem Pesaran of the
   University of Cambridge and Dr. Bahram Pesaran of Tudor Proprietary
   Trading L.L.C. "For the econometric analysis of time series data
   Microfit is an unrivaled package. With its extensive choice of data
   analysis options, this program is a versatile aid to all those
   interested in the evaluation and design of advanced univariate and
   multivariate time series models." It is said to be used at a number
   or central banks and large financial institutions. Details on pricing
   can be found here as well, and a demo version from this site is


13.3.20 Minitab

   This site offers extensive product information (including a student
   versions of their software), customer support (including FAQs, papers
   on using Minitab in classes, macros, bug fixes, and textbooks that
   use Minitab). They also have information on workshops and
   conferences, and a "community" section on numerous on-line
   statistical resources. There is information on the company as well.


13.3.21 Modeleasy

   This statistical modeling software is designed for large models (i.e.
   , those with thousands of linear or nonlinear equations). It also has
   many estimation and simulation techniques, as well as "extraordinary"
   graphical output. Information about its features can be found here.


13.3.22 Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG)

   You can find out about the products of this company, famous for its
   Fortran libraries, here. The also have a Fortran 90 repository.


13.3.23 Numerical Recipes

   "Numerical Recipes" was originally the title of a book that
   implemented numerical algorithms in different computer languages.
   They have expanded with a number of books and also offer the
   algorithms in different electronic forms: both via diskettes and
   on-line. At this site, they offer information and news on themselves,
   an on-line store (i.e. you can purchase the routines and books
   on-line), instructions for their use, free upgrades and bug reports,
   related information on the Internet, and associated information.


13.3.24 Ox

   This matrix programming language for econometrics is written by
   Jurgen A. Doornik of Oxford University. There are a number of
   packages and utilities for it for basic and advanced econometric work
   (panel data, ARIMA, VAR, cointegration, simultaneous equations, etc.). 
   It can also import data in a number of formats. Complete
   information about the package is available, as is the actual code for
   a wide variety of platforms. Doornik also writes PcGive, PcFiml, and
   GivWin, which are described in this section.


13.3.25 Octave

   "GNU Octave is a high-level language, primarily intended for
   numerical computations. It provides a convenient command line
   interface for solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically, and
   for performing other numerical experiments using a language that is
   mostly compatible with Matlab." It is freely available software, and
   is available for most versions of Unix and Windows. Functions are
   available for most statistical operations.


+  13.3.26 O-Matrix (Harmonic Software)
+  O-Matrix if a full-featured interactive mathematical package for
+  Windows machines. Its list of features include matrix operations,
+  statistics, optimization, calculus, and even wavelets. As one might
+  guess, it includes extensive plotting capabilities, and one can even
+  create a graphical interface with it. A free version is available
+  on-line. O-Matrix is said to be faster than Matlab, and the upcoming
+  version 5 (now in beta testing) can run both Matlab scripts and
+  functions.
+  #

13.3.27 PcGive, PcFiml, and GiveWin

   This set of packages is by Jurgen A. Doornik of Oxford University.
   GiveWin is a "front end" where the commands are given and output is
   displayed, while PcGive is for single equation modeling, and PcFiml
   is for multi-equation work (VARs, cointegration, and simultaneous
   equations). A demo of GiveWin and PcGive are available here, while
   complete versions are distributed by Timberlake Consultants (the
   second URL below).


13.3.28 Qplot for Gnuplot

   Gnuplot is a commonly used for many plotting duties, but it is
   difficult to use for quarterly data that is common in macro. This
   page contains and describes a Perl routine "qplot" that adds this
   functionality. This page also contains examples of its use.


13.3.29 Quantitative Micro Software

   This firm sells MicroTSP and its descendent, EViews. Versions are
   available for Macs, MS-DOS, and Windows platforms. Currently, you can
   read about their products and obtain support (including updated
   software). They also offer the DRI Basic Economics Database (formerly

   # General Info and Sales: <>
   # Customer Support: <>

13.3.30 RATS (Estima)

   On their web site, you can read the latest news from Estima, the
   producer of RATS and other related products. You can also read about
   general information on their products and about frequently asked
   questions on RATS. Finally, they offer a list of procedures and

   # Other Support: <>

13.3.31 SAS

   Besides some information on their statistical products, you can also
   read about some of their other products and about the company itself.
   In addition, you can find out about training classes at their sites,
   find extensive information about support (including communicating
   with SAS via the web and e-mail) and answers to various common
   questions, using a searchable database of more than 10,000 SAS Notes.
   There are also routines and sample datasets from the SAS Sample
   Library. One can even order their books on-line.

   # Education: <>
   # Publications: <>
   # Software Sales and Marketing: <>

13.3.32 SHAZAM

   Besides offering support via e-mail, there are a number of additional
   services offered over the Internet for SHAZAM. The ftp and gopher
   sites listed below contain SHAZAM procedures, command files, issues
   of SHAZAM Network News, and data and programs from an edition of
   Judge and other sources (not all information is available on both the
   ftp and gopher sites).
   The web site offers a wealth of information on SHAZAM itself: some
   manual chapters (still be modified for this environment), a
   description of its features, hardware requirements, lists of
   handbooks and disks, and examples and frequently asked questions. You
   can even order a copy on-line.
   In addition, they offer a very interesting service: one can run
   SHAZAM programs remotely on their system. Via e-mail, a program can
   be sent to <>. It must start with a
   SHAZAM comment line (i.e. *), it must contain its own data, and they
   ask that you don't abuse this offering with large jobs that tie up
   the machine (they monitor usage). One can also use their web page to
   run programs. Either allows one to try out SHAZAM, or for old users
   to try the most recent version.

   # gopher://
   # Support: <>
   # Order Information: <>
   # Australia: <>

13.3.33 SORITEC

   This package, designed for a number of PC platforms, is said to be
   very full-featured. At this site you can read about their products,
   future plans, and how to obtain support. You can also obtain updates
   of their products.


13.3.34 SPSS

   At this on-line site, SPSS offers information on their products for
   the variety of platforms they support, extensive material on their
   training programs, FAQs on their products, a list of their offices
   across the world, and information on documentation. They also offer
   an on-line version of "Keywords," a magazine for their users.
   Finally, they list a limited number of statistical resources on the


13.3.35 Stata

   This site offers a wealth of information to existing and potential
   Stata users. It includes extensive information on their products, and
   equally extensive user support. The latter includes FAQs, archives of
   their mailing list (described here in the mailing list section),
   copies of the Stata Technical Bulletin diskette (not the STB
   Journal), which includes bug fixes, user written programs, and new
   features. In a nice innovation, they even offer courses over the
   Internet. They even offer links to other providers of statistical


+  13.3.36 Statgraphics (Statistical Graphics Corporation)
+  This firm's main product is "Statgraphics," a full-featured
+  statistical package. It includes "exploratory data analysis,
+  histograms, box-and-whisker plots, one sample analysis, two-sample
+  comparisons, regression and multiple regression, analysis of
+  variance, and sample size selection." It can also deal with censored
+  and uncensored data. As one might expect from its name, Statgraphics
+  has very strong graphical features. Besides product information,
+  this site offers a demo version, contact information, and links to
+  statistical sites.
+  #


   This general-purpose statistical program is said to receive quite
   good reviews. While it does not seem to offer many economic or
   econometric-specific features, it does offer a large range of
   statistical procedures, including very extensive graphing,
   explanatory analysis, and data mining.


13.3.38 TSP International

   Currently, this site has extensive information on their products,
   including details on its capabilities. Pricing and ordering
   information is available as well.
   Note: this firm sells TSP; another firm, Quantitative Micro Software,
   sells MicroTSP 7.0 and EViews.

   # Sales Inquiries: <>
   # Support: Clint Cummins <>

13.3.39 VORSIM

   This product is an Excel spreadsheet add-on that can perform a number
   of useful functions and operations: "time series models with lags,
   static partial equilibrium economic models, engineering process
   models, business plan projections," etc. The details here include a
   sample you can download.


13.3.40 Web Pages that Perform Statistical Calculations!

   [links to 300 sites]

   This resource points to more than 300 sites that perform interactive
   statistical calculations. Besides the obvious of plotting and
   calculating cumulative values of distributions, it also provides
   links that offer advice and support on virtually the entire gamut of
   statistics: choosing the appropriate test, descriptive statistics,
   random numbers, and innumerable types of tests. It can be used for
   both teaching and research.


13.3.41 Xlisp-Stat

   According to Hal Varian, a number of statisticians are using this
   freely available package. Versions are available for Unix (both
   character based and X Window), Macs, Amiga, and Microsoft Windows. It
   is quite extensible and flexible, and produces a variety of graphical
   For additional information, one might want to look at the author's
   (Luke Tierney) book: "Lisp Stat : An Object Oriented Environment for
   Statistical Computing and Dynamic Graphics, 1991, Wiley, ISBN:
   In addition, an archive for this package is located at UCLA.
   Information on it is described in the "Software Program Libraries"

   # Information: Luke Tierney <>

13.3.42 XTREMES

   This package is used for extreme value analysis. The companion book
   is "Statistical Analysis of Extreme Values," R.D. Reiss and M.
   Thomas. At this site, you can learn about the package, download
   programs, and even download a sample copy of the software.


13.4.0 Word Processing

13.4.1 Creating Quality Adobe PDF Files from TeX with DVIPS

   [generating nice PDF with TeX can be tricky]

   This document describes how to change the fonts in TeX and LaTeX to
   generate fonts that work well with PDF, a very common document system
   on the Internet. Some of the default fonts for TeX and LaTeX do not
   work well with PDF. I understand an easier method on some systems is
   to use the "times" package (with the "usepackage" command in the


13.4.2 MT and MTs

   [make tables for word processors from Stata or SAS output]

   This set of programs, by Jonah Gelbach, takes Stata (MT) or SAS (MTs)
   output and generates tables. Specifically, it takes Stata log files,
   or SAS .lst files, and generates tables in either LaTeX or ASCII
   (which of course can be imported into any word processor). An
   advanced version is in the works.


13.4.3 TeX and LaTeX References

   [where to start with TeX & LaTeX]

   TeX is a typesetting system that was developed by the computer
   scientist Donald Knuth of Stanford. To make it easier to use, a very
   extensive set of TeX macros, known as LaTeX, have been developed.
   Versions of it are used widely, if not exclusively, for word
   processing in math and physics. In part, this stems from the ease in
   which one can type equations. In addition, LaTeX has an interesting
   philosophy: you design the logical structure of the document, and
   LaTex handles the physical output. This makes a number of things
   easier. For instance, if you wish to add a section, you don't have to
   retype all the other section numbers; LaTeX handles this
   automatically. Or, if you decide to change the presentation style of
   equations, you can make the change in one place, rather than equation
   by equation.
   For TeX, let me cite two references. The first one is the classic,
   while the second one contains information on the huge number of
   macros and ancillary programs for TeX.
   The TeXbook, Donald Knuth, Addison Wesley, 1984, ISBN 0-201-13447-0,
   paperback 0-201-13448-9
   Making TeX Work, Norman Walsh, O'Reilly and Associates, 1994, ISBN
   For LaTex, let me also give two references. The first is the second
   edition of the classic LaTeX reference. It covers the new version of
   LaTeX, LaTeX2e. To be honest, I often find its technical appendix to
   be of more use than the chapters. The second reference is designed as
   a very detailed companion for the first.
   LaTeX, a Document Preparation System, 2nd ed., Leslie Lamport,
   Addison Wesley, 1994, ISBN 0-201-52983-1
   The LaTeX Companion, Michel Gossens, Frank Mittelbach, and Alexander
   Samarin, Addison-Wesley, 1994, ISBN 0-201-54199-8.
   Finally, the following URL is for the "TeX Users Group" (TUG), which
   offers a wealth of information on TeX and LaTeX.


13.4.4 TeX Macros for Economics and TeX/LaTeX Sources

   [generate TeX in styles for different journals]

   Since I am not a TeX user, let me defer to George Greenwade <bed_>, who is. In fact, he is an expert. This section was
   written by George and I simply copied, with a bit of editing, from
   his posting to the Usenet newsgroup sci.econ.research as archived by
   Forrest Smith.
   The TeX macros written by Hal Varian, known as "VerTeX" (for
   Visualize Economic Reports in TeX; release 1.0 of August, 1987) are
   available for ftp retrieval from this site:
   Also, the command: "SENDME VERTEX" in the body of a mail message to will retrieve the set of 19 files via e-mail.
   I have to stress that these are NOT LaTeX styles; they are TeX
   macros. VerTeX's syntax differs somewhat from the more standard
   LaTeX-type commands; however, the syntax used in VerTeX is consistent
   throughout VerTeX (and, as an occasional user, I feel comfortable in
   saying they are relatively easy to follow, understand, and use). The
   file set is pretty well documented and demonstrated. Varian has very
   roughly hinted that he might have an interest at some later date in
   rewriting these to use LaTeX and BibTeX (probably after the release
   of LaTeX3 -- since I am quite involved in that project, I feel safe
   in telling you not to hold your breath on LaTeX3; I'll be surprised
   if it's out before 1996).
   The present Visualize Economic Reports in TeX styles include:
   # jpe.sty --- Journal of Polemical Economy
   # jep.sty --- Journal of Economic Perspectives
   # jet.sty --- Journal of Economic Theorems
   # aer.sty --- Armenian Economic Review
   # ecnmet.sty --- Economagica
   # restud.sty --- Review for Economic Students
   # qje.sty --- Quartered Journal of Economics
   I'll assume that you can figure out which of these look like what
   "real" journals. When you use one of these styles, VerTeX will
   automatically adjust the style of the document and the style of the
   references to be more-or-less consistent with the journal style. Some
   fine tuning may be needed, but the output generally looks pretty
   As the US coordinator of the CTAN (a collection now in excess of a
   gigabyte), if you have any TeX-related files which you would like to
   have included, please contact me.


13.4.5 T3, Scientific Word and WorkPlace (TCI Software)

   [commercial TeX and Maple products]

   This company has three products: T3, Scientific Word, which generates
   LaTeX, and Scientific WorkPlace 2.0, which integrates Scientific Word
   with the Maple symbolic computation system. At this site you can read
   about this company and their products, and order and obtain support
   (including program updates).


13.4.6 Using Xdvi for Presentations

   [generate presentations with freely available software]

   This page, by Allin Cottrell of Wake Forrest University, describes
   how one can use TeX or LaTeX and xdvi to create computer
   presentations. The results offer roughly the same functionality as
   PowerPoint: incremental display of material, embedded graphics, and
   even movies.


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