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Econ. Resources on the Internet [13 of 20]

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Last-modified 1999/09/30
Version: vol. 4 no. 2

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
   Resources for Economists on the Internet, Vol. 4, No. 2, September, 1999

             Editor: Bill Goffe <>
             Editorial Assistant: Elise Braden <>

                            Part 13 of 20

   This guide, sponsored by the American Economic Association, lists
   more than 1,000 resources on the Internet of interest to academic and
   practicing economists, and those interested in economics. Almost all
   resources are also described.

   Resources for Economists on the Internet (RFE) is a copyrighted work
   of the American Economic Association (the "AEA"). Permission to make
   digital, electronic or hard copies of part or all of RFE for personal
   or classroom use, Usenet distribution, or mailing lists is granted,
   provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct
   commercial advantage and that whole copies show the following notice:

   "Resources for Economists on the Internet (RFE), Copyright 1999
   American Economic Association"

   Otherwise the AEA owns the exclusive right to print, publish,
   distribute, reproduce, sell, prepare derivative works, transmit,
   download, or otherwise transfer copies of RFE. Copyrights of
   components of this work owned by others than the AEA must be honored
   and attributed to the rightful owner. Abstracting and short quotes
   are permitted. To copy otherwise or to republish otherwise, including
   on web pages, in whole or in part requires prior specific permission.
   Permissions may be requested from the American Economic Association,
   2014 Broadway, Suite 305, Nashville, TN 37203, or via E-mail: RFE is provided without any express
   or implied warranty.


   For distribution via Usenet, this FAQ is split into 20 parts as large
   files don't travel well on Usenet. For other locations of this guide,
   see the section titled "1.5 Where to Obtain This Guide" in part 2.

10.0 Organizations & Associations

10.1.0 Academic Research Organizations and Institutes

10.1.1 Econ. Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World

   EDIRC, a very useful resource, lists more than 4,000 sites of
   interest to economists. Many are of course in this category.


10.1.2 Austrian Economics Program at New York Univ.

   This site offers information on their program: their research
   interests, their teaching emphasis, summer seminars, colloquium and
   their publications. There is also information on their faculty and
   graduate students.


10.1.3 Canadian International Labour Network (CILN)

   This organization is devoted to "effects of labour-market laws and
   institutions (e.g., labour legislation, unions, unemployment
   insurance) on labour-market outcomes (e.g., the distribution of
   wages, the level and structure of unemployment, and the distribution
   of resources within the family)." It is a joint project of the
   Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, (SSHRC),
   McMaster University, the Universities of British Columbia and
   Toronto, and Human Resources Development Canada. One aim is to
   develop large databases for numerous countries in this area. Besides
   information on the project, you can read about future conferences.


10.1.4 Carolina Population Center

   This organization studies population issues in a broad context. In
   fact, a minority of the staff is demographers; thus the work is quite
   interdisciplinary. Besides reading about the center, information
   about some of their projects (sometimes even including data) is
   available, as well as some working papers.


10.1.5 Center for Economic Policy Analysis (CEPA)

   This center works in three areas: macroeconomic policy, inequality
   and poverty, and globalization. Among the available items are their
   newsletter, working papers, information on projects, data resources,
   and information on their staff.


10.1.6 Center for the Study of Population

   This Center, affiliated with Florida State University, is wholly
   dedicated to teaching, research and service in the field of
   demography. The site contains information on the Center's members
   and students; the Masters Program and the undergraduate Certificate
   Program; abstracts and ordering information for working papers; and
   links to the Southern Demographic Association, other Population
   Centers, online journals, and working papers.


*  10.1.7 Center for Research on Economic Fluctuations and Employment

   The CREFE seeks to "shed new light on the dynamic interaction between
   the labor market and economic fluctuations." Main research themes
*  are: labor market dynamics and fluctuations; financial
*  macroeconomics and labor; labor market structure; economic policies
*  and practical reforms; and international fluctuations. Material at
   this site includes information on its objectives, its members,
   research programs and grants, publications, a newsletter (to be
   distributed electronically), information on conferences and seminars,
   and its downloadable working papers.


10.1.8 Economic Science Laboratory, Univ. of Arizona

   This site describes the basic idea of experimental economics, working
   papers in the area, and provides links to other sites of interest. In
   addition, the software area has several packages that would be useful
   for both teaching and research in this area.


10.1.9 Game Theory Society

   The Game Theory Society is an international society dedicated to the
   advancement and application of game theory. This site describes the
   goals of the society, a list of officers and charter members, an
   enrollment form, membership dues, and publications information. The
   Society will sponsor two official journals that will be included in
   the price of membership:  "Games and Economic Behavior" and the
   "International Journal of Game Theory."


10.1.10 Global Development and Environment Institute (G-DAE)

   This Institute seeks to provide an improved understanding of the past
   and future trajectories of economic development and the many contexts
   of economic systems; and assist both public and private sectors of
   nations as they attempt to develop policies that promote
   sustainability. The site provides information on the Institute and
   its members; and publications, research, and policy work, some of
   which is available on-line at no cost.


10.1.11 Hoover Institution

   This site describes the many activities of this institution. This
   includes a broad overview, material from their newsletter, press
   releases, their catalog of printed material, and extensive material
   on their different programs. It also includes the "Hoover Digest:
   Research and Opinion on Public Policy. In addition, they have fairly
   extensive biographies of their scholars.


10.1.12 Institute for Research on Poverty (IRP)

   This Institute is a non-partisan, non-profit research center that
   focuses on the issues surrounding social inequality and poverty in
   the United States. Current research examines welfare reform and the
   development of a new poverty measure. The publications of the IRP are
   available for download here, and information on ordering the print
   versions is also available. The site also provides information about
   the Institute, staff and affiliates, and links to poverty-related


10.1.13 Jerome Levy Economics Institute

   This institute, independently endowed, is affiliated with Bard
   College. Its purpose is described in its bylaws: "To pursue knowledge
   of economics that will enable nations to enlarge personal freedom,
   promote justice, and maintain stable economies with full employment
   and rising standards of living." You can read about their Forecasting
   Center (which is in the spirit of Jerome Levy's original work), their
   research programs, numerous conferences and events, and their
   publications. You can also read about their mission.


10.1.14 Learning and Experimental Economics Projects of Santa Cruz

   This organization is located at UC Santa Cruz. It has been working
   with experimental economics since 1986, and is noted for its emphasis
   on learning, its use of hundreds of Unix workstations, and its small
   scale. Here you can read about the people involved with the
   organization, the projects themselves, and information on their


10.1.15 Ludwig von Mises Institute

   This organization, founded in 1982, is located at Auburn University.
   At this site, you can read "The Austrian Economics Newsletter," and
   back issues of "The Free Market" (their monthly policy newsletter
   sent to Institute members) and the table of contents of "The Review
   of Austrian Economics" (a Kluwer journal). You can also read about
   how to join and support the Institute, about upcoming events, how to
   order books from the Institute, and information on a fellowship.
   Finally, you can find introductory material about the Austrian


10.1.16 NetEc

   NetEc is an umbrella organization for a number of projects that are
   useful to academic economists. BibEc is a database on printed working
   papers, WoPEc holds data about electronic working papers, CodEc
   collects code for Economics and Econometrics, WebEc is an extensive
   JEL-based database of of World Wide Web resources in Economics, HoPEc
   holds home page papers in Economics and JokEc contains Jokes about
   economists and economics. Two associated projects of NetEc are this
   guide, and Christian Zimmermann's EDIRC, a list of Economics
   Departments, Institutions and Research Centers. All these projects
   are available on three sites.
   NetEc is a volunteer effort to make available and accessible
   materials on the Internet for economists. It performs a number of
   very valuable and useful efforts. More volunteers are gladly
   accepted. (Thomas Krichel kindly wrote this entry.)


10.1.17 West Virginia Regional Research Institute

   This site provides a variety of material for those interested in
   regional science. It includes vitaes on the senior researchers in the
   Institute, overviews of research projects, information on
   publications, substantial information on "The International Regional
   Science Review (including abstracts of back and forthcoming issues),"
   and the same for the "Journal of Appalachian Studies." information on
   their mailing lists, and connections to related gophers.


10.1.18 Universities Water Information Network (UWIN)

   This site contains a substantial amount of information for those
   interested in water as a resource. It include the Water Resources
   Scientific Information Center (WRSIC) of the U.S. Geological Survey,
   a directory of water resources experts, an extensive calendar of
   "water" events, and information on the National Institutes for Water
   Resources (NIWR), information on other water organizations, water
   databases and archives, and links to other water organizations.

   # gopher://

10.1.19 Centre for Economic Learning and Social Evolution (ELSE)

   "Rather than modeling man as an ideally rational, optimizing agent in
   the style of neoclassical economics, the Centre pursues a programme
   of pure and applied research directed at the manner in which real
   people adjust their behavior over time as their circumstances change.
   The overall objective is to promote the study of models of
   interactive learning with a view to providing a new foundational
   basis for modeling in economics and related social sciences. We see
   game theory as a largely unexploited focus for such study." At this
   site you'll find an introduction to the Centre (including their staff
   and divisions), working papers, forthcoming events, and information
   on how to reach them.


10.1.20 Centre for Economic Performance (CEP)

   This organization at the London School of Economics "is
   inter-disciplinary, with researchers from economics, industrial
   relations, psychology, sociology and management. The research
   produced focuses on a wide range of areas, notably labour markets,
   unemployment, wages, human resources, international trade and the
   transition economies." More specifically, "The CEP ... primarily aims
   to examine: firstly, why some firms persistently succeed while others
   do not; and secondly, at the level of the nation, why some countries'
   economies work better than others." The director is Richard Layard.
   Available material includes information on their publications,
   working papers, schedule of events, information on conferences,
   lectures and seminars, extensive material on their research programs,
   and databases.


10.1.21 Centre for Economic Forecasting

   This organization at the London Business School operates a
   forecasting model of the U.K. and other major OECD countries, and
   also engages more generally in economic research. Besides information
   on their activities, they also provide information on their recent
   discussion papers, their quarterly "Economic Outlook," and their


10.1.22 Centre for Policy Modelling

   This Centre focuses on "decision-making in environments which are too
   complex to be analyzed by models based on standard economic and
   related analytical techniques. This has been made possible by the
   design and implementation of a computer-based modeling language
   called SDML (Strictly Declarative Modelling Language)." At this site
   you can find background material on SDML, details on several projects
   that use it, and their discussion papers.


10.1.23 ESRC Macroeconomic Modelling Bureau (U.K.)

   This organization studies a number of macro models of the U.K.
   economy. To quote, "The main purpose of the Bureau is to improve the
   accessibility of macroeconomic models of the UK economy, to promote
   general understanding of the properties of these models, and to
   undertake its own comparative and methodological research. The
   current portfolio comprises six models, two of which are "official"
   models (those of the Bank of England and HM Treasury); the other four
   are constructed and maintained by independent groups (London Business
   School, National Institute of Economic and Social Research, Oxford
   Economic Forecasting and Strathclyde University). All of these are
   implemented on the University's mainframe computer.
   Currently, one can learn about the organization, read recent
   newsletters, and watch a demonstration of PC-Ready Reckoner, a PC
   program which summarizes three of their models. It should be quite
   useful as a teaching aid.

   # Information: <>

10.1.24 National Institute of Economic and Social Research

   This organization focus on issues of the U.K. and world economy. They
   produce both NiDEM (a UK Model with both short and long term features
   with some 400 variables) and NiGEM (a world model with roughly 1,000
   variables). They also offer information on their discussion papers,
   their annual report, and information about their "Economic Review."
   Finally, there is information on the Institute itself, its programs,
   and its staff.


10.1.25 Centre for Economic and Social Studies for the Environment

   This center, affiliated with the Universiti Libre de Bruxelles,
   studies such topics as environmental economics and sustainable
   development. You can read about their various activities and studies,
   as well as bibliographical material on some of their papers. They
   also offer material about their staff. Finally, they provide a very
   extensive set of links to related sites.


10.1.26 Centre for Economic Research (CCSO)

   "CCSO is a research group of economists and econometricians of the
   Economics Department of the University of Groningen and the
   University of Twente. The group works on the field of empirical
   general economics and has developed a number of large-scale
   macroeconometric models." They offer information about themselves
   (including their participants), working papers, a list of their
   articles and books, information on upcoming seminars and workshops,
   and information about their GUESS package ("for the analysis of
   large-scale non-linear macroeconomic models;" it runs on PCs).


10.1.27 Center for the Study of Law and Economics

   This organization, a part of the Universitt des Saarlandes, offers
   information about its current activities, the people involved with
   it, their discussion paper series, and links to related sites.


10.1.28 Central European Regional Research Organization (CERRO)

   This organization is a joint project of the University of Economics
   and Business Administration (Vienna, Austria), the Slovak Academy of
   Sciences (Bratislava, CSFR), and the University of North Carolina at
   Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill, NC). As befitting the changes in that part
   of the world, it emphasizes interdisciplinary research. Of interest
   to economists is their data on Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Austria,
   Hungary, Poland and Romania (some of the data is of a summary

   # gopher://

10.1.29 European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations

   This organization studies migration in Europe. At their searchable
   site, you can read about their staff, funding, training for
   researchers, their meetings and conferences, and material about their


10.1.30 Experimental Economics Laboratory, Univ. of Trento, Italy

   This lab is using the web to communicate its results in "economics,
   computation and organizational behavior." Currently, it describes
   their approach to these issues, along with a list of recent
   publications, information on lab members, and their international
   collaborators. In the near future, you will be able to play economic
   games here.


10.1.31 IKE Group (Aalborg Univ., Denmark)

   This organization, whose title roughly translates into English as
   "international competitiveness," has been in existence since about
   1980. As the title implies, they study economic change in a variety
   of ways. Currently, they have some 22 members.
   At their web site, you'll find information on this organization (in
   terms of their annual reports), and their members' research interests
   and publications.


10.1.32 Institute of International Economic Relations (IIER)

   This Institute is concerned with the process of integrating Greece
   into Europe and the effect of such integration on Greek enterprises;
   promoting Greek business throughout Europe and the Mediterranean;
   analyzing Greek foreign trade; and establishing interest in Greek
   exports and foreign investment. This site provides information about
   the Institute's aims, their board, past dates and titles of
   conferences and seminars, publications lists, and occasional papers.


10.1.33 Institute for International Economic Studies (IIES)

   This research institute was founded by Nobel winner Gunnar Myrdal in
   1962 and is affiliated with the Stockholm University, with financial
   support from the government of Sweden. This site offers information
   on the Institute's current areas of research:  macroeconomic analysis
   of open economies, foreign trade, and general economic theory and
   methodology. This site also includes information on the staff and
   visitors to the Institute; job recruitment; seminars and conferences
   (recent seminar papers can be downloaded); and the Stockholm
   University Graduate Studies in Economics program.


10.1.34 Groningen Growth and Development Centre

   "The Groningen Growth and Development Centre is a research group of
   economists and economic historians based at the Economics Department
   of the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. The international
   group carries out research on comparative analysis of levels of
   economic performance and differences in growth rates in the world
   economy." The site provides information on the Centre and its
   members, research, online versions of their latest newsletter and
   working papers, listings of past working papers and researchers
   publications, and seminar and conference information. The site also
   includes information about the "International Comparisons of Output
   and Productivity Project," a research project started in 1983, which
   carries out industry of origin comparisons of sectoral output and
   productivity across 30 countries in Asia, Eastern and Western Europe,
   and North and South America.


10.1.35 Maastricht Economic Research Institute on Innovation and
        Technology (MERIT)

   This institute, which studies technological change, offers a variety
   of different services on their web and ftp servers. One can get their
   working papers (in PostScript), read about their mission, their PhD
   program (run in conjunction with INTECH) and staff. You can also find
   out about their upcoming events, and look at aggregate data on trends
   on science and technology. They also offer a program for time series
   management, MADMAN (Menhir's Arithmetical Database MANager).


10.1.36 Nijenrode Forum for Economic Research (NYFER)

   This organization, affiliated with Nijenrode University in the
   Netherlands, is oriented towards Dutch macro issues that are
   difficult to deal with using traditional models. As one would expect,
   there is a heavy policy and forecasting emphasis. The information
   they offer includes press releases, information on their
   publications, ordering information for their offerings, and material
   about themselves. Befitting their emphasis, much of the material is
   in Dutch.


10.1.37 Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU)

   This group, located at the University of Kent at Canterbury, works on
   health topics. Specifically, "The core of the research is the
   examination of equity and efficiency: how resources can be made to
   produce the best outcomes, and how needs can be assessed and met." As
   you might expect, much of the research involves health-economics.
   At this site you can find information on the staff, material on their
   books, monographs, journal article, book chapters, and discussion
   papers (more than 1,000 of the latter; only available in hardcopy),
   their Bulletin, details on their current projects, and upcoming
   events and seminars.


10.1.38 Center for Rationality and Interactive Decision Theory

   This interdisciplinary research center (at the Hebrew University of
   Jerusalem) focuses, as one would expect, on rational decision making.
   An area of particular interest is game theory. Besides the obvious
   connections to economics, it has "an important impact on such diverse
   areas as evolutionary biology, political science, computer science,
   social psychology, law, statistics, philosophy and the foundations of
   mathematics." This site offers information about itself (such as
   projects, members, visitors, and staff). There is additional
   information on its summer school, publications and events.


10.1.39 Social Policy Research Centre (SPRC), Univ. of NSW, Sydney

   This organization studies a "wide range of social issues" in
   Australia. There is some focus on "identifying those individuals and
   groups whose needs are especially great." To carry this out, they
   undertake a wide range of activities, including publications,
   reports, and seminars.
   At this site they offer information on themselves, their projects and
   research agendas, newsletters, some reports, publications, and title
   of publications.


10.1.40 Theoretical Research Institute (Australia) Exchange Rate Target
        Zone Database

   This site offers an extensive searchable bibliography (with
   abstracts) on the literature dealing with exchange rate target zones.
   It also has supplementary information on the research output of
   Australian economics departments.


10.1.41 New Zealand Institute for the Study of Competition and

   This institute, located at Victoria University of Wellington,
   conducts research on competition and regulatory issues in New
   Zealand, ranging from a "cross-country study of telecommunications
   market performance to investigating the economic efficiency of the
   privatization of Tranzrail."  This site offers information on the
   organizations which fund the Institute, people involved in research
   projects, research papers, and current and future research topics.


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