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The FAQ (part 4 of 6)
Section - B4.2 Agricultural Restrictions

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NZ's isolation has kept its free of many animal and plant diseases.  To
maintain this, restrictions are imposed on the importation of certain
animal and plant material.  Before arrival you will be asked to complete a
declaration stating whether you have food, plant or animal material with
you or in your baggage.  Aircraft cabins are often sprayed before
disembarkation to ensure there are no foreign insects imported
accidentally.  You may ask to be removed if you have respiratory problems.

Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries (MAF) Online Information
    MAF Home page


B4.2.1  Animal Quarantine

Gloria Williams wrote:
"I've seen this query from time to time in this news groups so thought
there might be some interest in the latest policy on animal importation
into NZ as documented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.

"The main changes are: quarantine for dogs and cats can now take place
within NZ instead of outside the country (Hawaii for instance) and the
quarantine period is 30 days instead of 6 months.  Your animal needs to be
microchipped and there is a very stringent set of tests and treatments for
diseases such as rabies, heartworm, parvo, distemper etc.  which must be
administered and verified by an accredited veterinarian.  Travel to NZ from
the country of origin must be in an IATA approved container which is sealed
with a government approved seal.  Animals must be from countries which have
declared themselves rabies-free, or countries which NZ recognises as not
having urban rabies or it is well contained.  (Canada and US fall into this
latter category)

"These are the basic changes.  To see if your animal will qualify for the
new procedure, obtain the complete information package and the import
health permit application from the:

Chief Veterinary Officer
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
P.O. Box 2526
ph  64-4-474-4132
fax 64-4-472-7171

"Ex-pats overseas can obtain the information package from their NZ


"John Mee wrote:

"Having just gone through that [changed countries] with my cat, perhaps I
can shed some light on the process.  First of all it will take close to a
year to accomplish the process, with all the microchip implants, and tests.
You should write to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries for a copy of
the latest protocols.  They have changed recently, and I used the old ones.
The people there are EXTREMELY helpful, compared to American bureaucrats,
but the rules are very stringent, since NZ is an island nation and is
rabies free.

"By and large, after you have the requisite tests, treatments, etc. done,
you will then have to find a place in (I believe) the only dog quarantine,
which is Raymond Cheung's place in Auckland:

Qualified Pet Services
150 Airfield road
New Zealand

"He has places for (my notes indicate) 8 dogs and 8 cats.  I did not use
him, since I had a cat, and chose to use the other cat quarantine facility.

"Next you will have to find a carrier.  United Airlines told me that they
do not transport animals to NZ, however my quarantine facility HAS received
cats from there.  I used Air New Zealand from LAX.  They will only accept
animals from either Jet Pets or Kennel Club.  I used Kennel Club, and had a
good experience.  Talk to:

Dianna Escandon
ph 310-338-9166
fax 310-338-8718

"Be aware that her services, including freight charges were something like
$700.00.  I don't what the charges are for a dog.

"You will next have to acquire AND modify an IATA approved carrier, such as
VARI-KENNEL.  This will involve attaching screen over the doors and sides
to make it paw and nose proof, drilling holes in the back for additional
ventilation, and attaching a dish for water inside, with a funnel on the
outside to allow water to be added without opening the cage, and then
drilling holes for the USDA seals.

"I think my total costs were something like $2,000, but I haven't added it
up, nor do I intend to :-)

"Quarantine takes 30 days, but that could be longer if the seals get messed
up, if the paperwork isn't right, or if the Rabies test isn't correct."


Noeline McCaughan suggests that costs are lower at about $1,000 each, but I
suspect that's from the UK and may exclude some of the costs outlined


Ceinwen Currie adds:
"I brought my cat from the UK and all she needed was up to date flu jabs
and two samples of faeces tested for hookworm eggs by the Min of Ag.  She
was examined by a vet before the flight and had a specially made crate to
travel in.  She was collected at the airport as soon as she got off the
plane.  It cost 600 pounds, so I hope she has a long and happy life here."

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