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FAQ: soc.culture.french - Networking 1/2 [monthly]
Section - 10. Logiciels d'emulation Videotex Videotex emulation software

( Part1 - Part2 - Single Page )
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Top Document: FAQ: soc.culture.french - Networking 1/2 [monthly]
Previous Document: 9. Puis-je recevoir/envoyer du courrier electronique avec un Minitel ? Can I receive/send electronic mail with a Minitel?
Next Document: 11. L'Internet et les autres reseaux en France The Internet and other networks in France
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Il est possible de se connecter a   | It is possible to connect to Videotex
des services Videotex sans disposer | services without having a Minitel. You
d'un Minitel. Pour cela il faut un  | must use an adequate software and a V23
logiciel d'emulation adequate et un | modem (except if the called service
modem V.23 (sauf si le service est  | allows some access with another
egalement accessible par un autre   | standard).
standard).                          |

1) Logiciels a distribution libre
   Freely redistribuable software

Certains sont totalement gratuits a | Some are totally free, others are only
l'utilisation, d'autres sont a essai| free for evaluation and will require
gratuit mais il vous faudra payer   | you to pay a licence fee to the
votre licence a l'auteur si vous    | author if you decide to keep and
decidez de les conserver.           | use their software.


   "Minitel"   Requires X11.  Author: Sylvain Meunier

   Anonymous ftp:
   ftp by email:
   Files:          pub/unix/X11/videotex/minitel/*

   "Xtel"      Requires X11.  Author: Pierre Ficheux

   Anonymous ftp:
   ftp by email:
   Files:          pub/unix/X11/videotex/xtel/*


   "BBT Pro"   Text mode.       Author: Jean-Claude Michot
   "Emulplus"  Graphic mode.    Author: Lybil Ber
   "WinBBT"    Windows.         Author: ?
   "BBTH"      Text mode.       Author: Rene Cougnenc

   Anonymous ftp:
   ftp by email:
   Files:          pub/msdos/network/videotex/*
      for bbth:    pub/msdos/network/serial/bbth*

De mon experience, Emulplus est de  | From my experience, Emulplus is the
loin le plus reussi des emulateurs. | nicest of those emulators. It's just
C'est tout simplement superbe !     | a great package!
BBTH est un peu particulier en ce   | BBTH is somewhat particular as it is
sens que son but initial n'est pas  | not intented to be a videotex emulator,
de faire du videotex mais un veri-  | but a real terminal emulator. It has an
table emulateur de terminaux. Il    | approximative videotex emulation mode.
dispose cependant d'une emulation   | It's my favorite communications
videotex approximative. C'est mon   | package.
logiciel de terminal prefere.       |
Il existe de nombreux autres logi-  | Many other videotex packages exist for
ciels Videotex sur MS-DOS, ceux-ci  | MS-DOS, and they are mainly distributed
sont bien sur diffuses en priorite  | on videotex servers.  Thus, many authors
sur des serveurs Videotex. Cepen-   | do not make any effort to have their
dant la plupart des auteurs ne font | (offten excellent) products distributed
aucun effort pour assurer une dif-  | outside of this closed environment, and
fusion plus large de leurs (souvent | I have absolutely no intention to pay
excellents) logiciels, et je n'ai   | and retrieve them from Videotex servers.
aucune envie de payer un quelconque |
serveur videotex pour les recuperer!| So authors, please... a small effort,
Allons, un petit effort pour la     | and become someone well-known...
notoriete...                        |

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