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rec.pets.cats: Exotic Shorthairs Breed-FAQ

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Archive-name: cats-faq/breeds/exotics
Posting-frequency: 30 days
Last-modified: 12 Mar 1997

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                Exotic Shorthairs - The Shorthaired Persian
   This FAQ has been compiled by the following exhibitors:
   Patti Dailey, Daisen, Eugene Oregon, email:
   Claire Farmer, Revvilee Persians and Exotics, Spokane Washington
   Mary Lou Mills (Tacoma Wash)/Colleen Power [California] Caliope
   Copyright (c)1995 Patti Dailey, Claire Farmer and Colleen Power, All
   Rights Reserved.

     * Description
     * History
     * Show Standards
     * Exotic Shorthair Colors
     * Price Range of Exotics
     * Special Medical Concerns

   Exotic Shorthairs are wonderful shorthaired versions of the Persian.
   They have the flat faces of the Persian but a short plush Teddy Bear
   look, and the usual small squeaky Persian voices. Very responsive to
   humans and human emotions, this breed has inherited their very tame
   personality and gentle ways from their Persian ancestry. However,
   twenty years ago, several shorthaired breeds were used as outcrosses
   to bring in the short coated gene, and as a result, Exotics are
   generally livelier and more inquisitive than Persians.
   Showing the Exotic Shorthair has been called a "Persian wet tee-shirt
   contest." It is like showing a Persian in its underwear or sopping
   wet. The Exotic must meet the Persian standard with regard to nose,
   eye, ear, chin, and build. There is no long coat to be trimmed to hide
   ears that are too large, or set to high on the head. No massive ruff
   to hide a neck that is too long. No flowing coat to disguise those
   cats standing too tall or cowhocked. There are no great chops to be
   shaped to embellish a head that is too small or not round enough.

   Recognized by most cat associations in the late 1960s, the Exotic
   Shorthair comes in all colors. Some lines were developed using the
   Burmese to introduce the short coat. Other lines were developed using
   the British and American Shorthair, even Russian Blues were used by
   some. But today, the only acceptable outcross is to the Persian.
   In the early 1960s, American Shorthair breeders began using Persians
   as outcrosses in an attempt to strengthen their type. However, the
   resulting kittens were unique and had a decidedly different appearance
   than they were looking for. This caused quite a furor between American
   Shorthair and Persian breeders in CFA. Finally, because the look was
   appealing, the breeders working with the hybrid lines decided to work
   on a new breed to be called the Exotic Shorthair. American Shorthair
   breeders were given a choice of registering the kittens as Americans
   or Exotics, but once registered as Exotics they could not return to
   American. In the mid-1960s, the core breeders expanded the program to
   include other shorthair breeds such as Burmese and British Shorthairs.
   In 1967 CFA gave formal recognition to the Exotic Shorthair as a
   breed. Among the early pioneers was Lion House Cattery, where top
   silvers and silver tabbies were produced from American Shorthair
   outcrosses. Another early pioneer was New Dawn Cattery, owned by ACFA
   judge Carolyn Bussey, who used Burmese as her shorthair outcross.
Show Standards

   "The ideal Exotic should present an impression of a heavily boned,
   well balanced cat with a sweet expression and soft, round lines...
   The large, round eyes set wide apart in a large round head contribute
   to the overall look and expression...
   The thick plush coat softens the lines of the cat and accentuates the
  TICA Standard
	(100 point total)

	Head                    30 points
	Body                    25 points
	Head Type               10 points
	Boning                   7.5 points
	Chin                     5 points
	Shape/Size               7.5 points
	Nose Type                5 points
	Musculature              5 points
	Cheeks/Jowls             5 points
	Legs/Feet                5 points
	Ears                     5 points
	Tail                     5 points
	Eyes                    10 points
	Coat/Color              20 points
	Shape/Size               5 points
	Coat                    10 points
	Color                    5 points
	Color                   10 points
	Condition/Balance       10 points
  	Point Counts in CFA:
	Head (including size and shape of eyes; ear shape and set) .......30
	Type(including shape, size, bone and length of tail)..............20
	Eye Color.........................................................10
Exotic Shorthair Colors

   The only colors recognized were traditional Persian or American
   Shorthair colors until 1980 when TICA was formed and recognized the
   Exotic Shorthair in pointed colors. Today ACFA and CFA recognize
   pointed Exotics as well. TICA again expanded the acceptable Exotic
   colors in 1989 when it accepted cats in the intermediate color
   categories (sepia and mink).
   Below is a short list of the many colors you can find in exotic
   	Black and White Bicolor
   	Cameo Tabby
   	Solid Black
   	Solid Blue
   	Solid White
   	Brown Patched Tabby
   	Blue Cream
   	Red Tabby
   	Smoke Sepia
Price Range of Exotics

   One of the unfortunate aspects of outcrossing to Persians means that
   fifty percent of the kittens may be longhaired, and indistinguishable
   in appearance from Persian kittens! Most associations recognize these
   longhaired versions as Persians, and many have granded as Persians in
   these associations. These kittens generally are priced the same as
   Persian kittens in your area ($250-$600).
   Exotic Shorthaired Kittens range in price from ($350-$1000) for an
   altered kitten. Breeding or Show kittens range in price from
   $800-$3500, depending upon the bloodlines and show expectations.
   If you are interested in contacting a breeder, here is a list of
   Exotic Shorthair breeders who are on-line.
Special Medical Concerns

   The Exotic Shorthair is subject to the same medical concerns as the
   Persian. At the top of the list are problems associated with an
   asymetrical jaw. These problems can affect the cat's ability to bite
   and eat properly, and can also lead to dental problems. Other problems
   that can manifest themselves in Exotic Shorthairs are: Sinus problems,
   tear duct problems, eye problems such as Keratosis Sequestrium (which
   is prevalent in both Persian-types and Siamese, and is not
   genetic-based, but rather a consequence of having an extreme amount of
   exposed eye surface). Most of the other problems are caused by
   careless breeding, excessive inbreeding, or overbreeding for the
   With much thanks to Marie Lamb for her help in establishing this FAQ.
    Exotic Shorthair FAQ 
    Patti Dailey,
    updated 29 August 1995

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM