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  • LANs/mail-protocols
    Subject: LAN Mail Protocols Summary (Most recent update: 5/1/99)
    Maintainer: jmwobus@spider.syr.edu (John M. Wobus)
    Last Posted: 3 May 1999 14:55:09 -0500

  • finding-addresses
    Subject: FAQ: How to find people's E-mail addresses
    Maintainer: dalamb@spamcop.net (David Alex Lamb)
    FAQ Home Page: http://www.cs.queensu.ca/FAQs/email/finding.html
    Last Posted: 6 Apr 2008 09:30:02 GMT
    Version: $Id: finding.n,v 2.49 2005/02/17 18:53:41 dalamb Exp $

  • internet-services/access-via-email
    Subject: Accessing the Internet by E-mail FAQ
    Maintainer: Gerald E. Boyd
    Last Posted: 12 May 2004 12:03:01 GMT
    Last-modified: 2002/04/04
    Posting-Frequency: weekly
    Version: 10.2

  • internet-services/fax-faq
    Subject: FAQ: How can I send a fax from the Internet?
    Maintainer: savetz@northcoast.com (Kevin Savetz)
    Last Posted: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 15:41:16 -0700
    Last-modified: 1998/9/17
    Version: 1.8

  • mail/addressing
    Subject: Email Addressing FAQ (How to use user+box@host addresses)
    Maintainer: pogo@qz.little-neck.ny.us (Eli Pogonatus)
    FAQ Home Page: http://www.qz.to/~eli/faqs/addressing.html
    Last Posted: 4 Dec 1998 23:43:02 GMT
    Last-modified: (2 Jun 98 14:32:39)

  • mail/anti-ube-pointer
    Subject: Fighting email spam and anti-UBE pointers
    Maintainer: Jari Aalto A T cante net
    Last Posted: 23 May 2006 04:24:40 GMT
    Posting-Frequency: 2 times a month

  • mail/archive-servers/faq
    Subject: Mail Archive Server software list
    Maintainer: Piero@Free.IT (Piero Serini)
    Last Posted: 17 Apr 2004 11:26:22 GMT
    Last-modified: Thu Sep 14 16:01:15 MET DST 1995
    Version: $Id: archive_servers,v 2.8 1995/09/14 14:01:21 piero Exp $

  • mail/archive-servers/pointer
    Subject: Pointer to Mail Archive Servers FAQ
    Maintainer: Piero@Free.IT (Piero Serini)
    Last Posted: 24 May 2006 04:22:19 GMT
    Last-modified: 1994/09/12
    Version: $Id: Pointer,v 1.6 1995/09/13 16:07:38 piero Exp $

  • mail/country-codes
    Subject: FAQ: International E-mail accessibility
    Maintainer: ocl@gih.com (Olivier M.J. Crepin-Leblond)
    Last Posted: 21 May 2006 04:22:06 GMT
    Last-modified: 2003/02/01

  • mail/faq-pointers
    Subject: Electronic Mail: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
    Maintainer: dalamb@spamcop.net (David Alex Lamb)
    FAQ Home Page: http://www.cs.queensu.ca/FAQs/email/
    Last Posted: 4 May 2008 09:30:01 GMT
    Posting-Frequency: weekly
    Version: $Id: email.n,v 1.15 2005/06/03 12:59:08 dalamb Exp $

  • mail/filtering-faq: Multipart - Single Part
    Subject: Filtering Mail FAQ
    Maintainer: FAQ Editor
    Last Posted: 4 Oct 1996 23:37:54 -0400
    Last-modified: 4 October 1996
    Posting-Frequency: approximately monthly

  • mail/inter-network-guide
    Subject: Updated Inter-Network Mail Guide
    Maintainer: yanoff@alumni.cs.uwm.edu (Scott A. Yanoff)
    Last Posted: 22 Apr 1997 21:42:36 GMT

  • mail/list-admin/majordomo-faq
    Subject: Majordomo Frequently Asked Questions
    Maintainer: barr@stumble.cis.ohio-state.edu (Dave Barr)
    Last Posted: 6 Apr 1998 10:03:02 -0400
    Posting-Frequency: monthly
    Version: $Id: majordomo-faq.html,v 1.164 1998/04/06 13:33:16 barr Exp barr $

  • mail/mailclient-faq
    Subject: Client-server mail protocols FAQ
    Maintainer: pauls@etext.org
    Last Posted: 30 Jul 1997 00:26:30 GMT

  • mail/mailing-lists/providers
    Subject: comp.mail.misc Internet Mailing List Providers
    Maintainer: Brian Edmonds
    FAQ Home Page: http://www.gweep.bc.ca/~edmonds/usenet/ml-providers.html
    Last Posted: 8 Sep 1999 02:00:03 -0700
    Last-modified: 1999/05/29 19:28:16
    Posting-Frequency: monthly
    Version: 1.73

  • mail/majordomo-faq
    Subject: Majordomo Frequently Asked Questions
    Maintainer: barr@visi-dot-com.invalid (David Barr)
    FAQ Home Page: http://www.visi.com/~barr/majordomo-faq.html
    Last Posted: 11 Aug 2001 21:23:52 -0500
    Posting-Frequency: monthly
    Version: $Id: majordomo-faq.html,v 1.242 2001/08/12 02:21:12 barr Exp barr $

  • mail/miss-mailers
    Subject: Miss Mailers Answers Your Questions on Mailing Lists
    Maintainer: Miss Mailers
    Last Posted: 16 Jun 2008 05:12:02 GMT
    Last-modified: 2006/12/27
    Posting-Frequency: monthly
    Version: 1.53

  • mail/mmdf-faq/part1
    Subject: The MMDF Frequently Asked Questions List (FAQ)
    Maintainer: MMDF FAQ Maintainer
    Last Posted: 5 Nov 1998 07:30:07 GMT
    Posting-Frequency: monthly
    Version: $Id: mmdf,v 1.11 1998/11/04 22:37:32 jsweet Rel $

  • mail/procmail/pointers
    Subject: Procmail pointers
    Maintainer: Jari Aalto
    Last Posted: 23 May 2006 04:24:40 GMT
    Posting-Frequency: 2 times a month

  • mail/procmail/tips-pointer
    Subject: Procmail tips page pointer
    Maintainer: Jari Aalto A T poboxes com
    Last Posted: 23 May 2006 04:24:39 GMT
    Last-modified: 2004-08-27
    Posting-Frequency: 2 times a month

  • mail/sendmail/faq
    Subject: sendmail FAQ
    Maintainer: Sendmail FAQ
    FAQ Home Page: http://www.sendmail.org/faq/
    Last Posted: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 20:00:00 +0000 (GMT)
    Last-modified: January 1, 2010
    Posting-Frequency: posted on the 10th and 25th of each month

  • mail/setup/unix/part1: Multipart - Single Part
    Subject: NEW! UNIX Email Software Survey FAQ [Part 1 of 3]
    Maintainer: clewis@ferret.ocunix.on.ca (Chris Lewis)
    Last Posted: 9 Aug 2002 05:00:02 GMT
    Last-modified: Mon Feb 21 09:57:01 EST 2000

  • mail/setup/unix/part2: Multipart - Single Part
    Subject: UNIX Email Software Survey FAQ [Part 2 of 3]
    Maintainer: clewis@ferret.ocunix.on.ca (Chris Lewis)
    Last Posted: 26 Nov 2001 06:00:01 GMT
    Last-modified: Thu Nov 12 10:23:46 EST 1998

  • mail/setup/unix/part3
    Subject: UNIX Email Software Survey FAQ [Part 3 of 3]
    Maintainer: clewis@ferret.ocunix.on.ca (Chris Lewis)
    Last Posted: 26 Nov 2001 06:00:02 GMT
    Last-modified: Mon Feb 21 09:57:37 EST 2000

  • picons-faq
    Subject: Picons Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
    Maintainer: kinzler@cs.indiana.edu (Steve Kinzler)
    FAQ Home Page: http://www.cs.indiana.edu/picons/ftp/faq.html
    Last Posted: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 02:01:18 +0000 (UTC)
    Last-modified: 2005/11/27
    Posting-Frequency: monthly

  • signature_finger_faq: Multipart - Single Part
    Subject: Signature, Finger, & Customized Headers FAQ
    Maintainer: FAQ Editor
    Last Posted: 26 Apr 1995 13:10:13 GMT
    Last-modified: 25 April 1995
    Posting-Frequency: approximately monthly

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM