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  • news-answers/guidelines: Multipart - Single Part
    Subject: *.answers submission guidelines
    Maintainer: news-answers-request@MIT.EDU (*.answers moderation team)
    Last Posted: 04 May 2004 11:56:53 GMT
    Posting-Frequency: monthly
    Version: $Id: guidelines,v 2.56 2003/06/14 20:00:11 ngb Exp $

  • news-answers/introduction: Multipart - Single Part
    Subject: Introduction to the *.answers newsgroups
    Maintainer: news-answers-request@MIT.EDU (*.answers moderation team)
    Last Posted: 04 May 2004 11:56:53 GMT
    Posting-Frequency: monthly
    Version: $Id: Introduction,v 1.132 2001/05/09 17:40:07 ngb Exp $

  • news-answers/postapproval-guidelines: Multipart - Single Part
    Subject: *.answers post-approval guidelines
    Maintainer: news-answers-request@MIT.EDU (*.answers moderation team)
    Last Posted: 20 May 2006 04:18:38 GMT
    Posting-Frequency: monthly
    Version: $Id: postapproval-guidelines,v 1.22 2001/05/09 17:25:54 ngb Exp $

  • robotics-faq/competitions.faq: Multipart - Single Part
    Subject: Robot Competition FAQ for April 2005
    Maintainer: R. Steven Rainwater (steve@ncc.com)
    FAQ Home Page: http://robots.net/rcfaq.html
    Last Posted: Thu, 07 Apr 2005 19:52:17 -0500
    Last-modified: Tue Fri 1 12:20 CST 2005
    Posting-Frequency: Monthly

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM