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  • table-soccer/USTSA-rules-of-play
    Subject: rec.sport.table-soccer FAQ5 - USTSA Rules of Play - 1994/09/25
    Maintainer: uyeyama@uhunix.uhcc.hawaii.edu (Rob Uyeyama)
    Last Posted: 8 Apr 1999 12:01:59 GMT
    Last-modified: 1996/09/25
    Posting-Frequency: monthly
    Version: 1995.1.b

  • table-soccer/brush-passing
    Subject: rec.sport.table-soccer FAQ2 - Brush Passing Guide - 1994/06/19
    Maintainer: uyeyama@uhunix.uhcc.hawaii.edu (Rob Uyeyama)
    Last Posted: 19 Mar 1999 12:52:22 GMT
    Last-modified: 1994/04/15
    Posting-Frequency: monthly
    Version: 2.4a

  • table-soccer/charter-and-glossary
    Subject: rec.sport.table-soccer FAQ1 - Charter & Glossary
    Maintainer: uyeyama@hawaii.edu (Rob Uyeyama)
    FAQ Home Page: ftp://conrad.harvard.edu/pub/foosball
    Last Posted: 19 Mar 1999 12:52:19 GMT
    Last-modified: 1996/09/27
    Version: 3.4j

  • table-soccer/learning-foosball
    Subject: rec.sport.table-soccer FAQ4 - Learning Foosball - 1994/05/14
    Maintainer: uyeyama@hawaii.edu (Rob Uyeyama)
    Last Posted: 10 Apr 1999 11:29:57 GMT
    Last-modified: 1995/12/26
    Posting-Frequency: monthly
    Version: 1.2a

  • table-soccer/playing-locations
    Subject: rec.sport.table-soccer FAQ3 - Playing Locations
    Maintainer: uyeyama@uhunix.uhcc.hawaii.edu (Rob Uyeyama)
    FAQ Home Page: ftp://conrad.harvard.edu/pub/foosball
    Last Posted: 25 Mar 1999 14:20:54 GMT
    Last-modified: 1996/09/20
    Posting-Frequency: monthly
    Version: 3.1b

  • table-soccer/snake-and-pull-shots
    Subject: rec.sport.table-soccer FAQ6 - Snake and Pull Shots - 1996/12/06
    Maintainer: uyeyama@hawaii.edu (Rob Uyeyama)
    Last Posted: 7 Mar 1999 13:59:06 GMT
    Last-modified: 1996/12/06
    Posting-Frequency: monthly
    Version: 1.2-1.3

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM