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soc.culture.bulgaria FAQ (monthly posting) (part 4/10)

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Last-Modified: July 17, 2000
Posting-Frequency: Monthly
Version: 4.11
Archive-Name: bulgaria-faq/part4

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7-1 On-line newspapers and magazines
(by Dragomir R. Radev), last updated: 19-Aug-1997

24 chasa                  
Capital Press             

OTHER SOURCES: news service  news service 
U.S. Embassy in Sofia     
RFE/RL Bulgarian Service  
Bulgarian Radio on the Internet

7-2 How to receive Bulgarian news by e-mail.
(by Jivko Kolchev), last updated: 05-Apr-1996 (This entry is in Bulgarian)
Ima tri nachina za abonirane kqm

1. e-mail

  Izprashtate e-mail do, kato za Subject: triabva
  da napishete 'subscribe'. Niama nujda ot text v tialoto na sqobshtenieto.


  S pomosha na liubimia vi WWW browser popqlnete tazi blanka i s tova
  vqprosa shte se prikliuchi. Samo vnimavaite, kogato popqlvate poleto
  'e-mail'! Ako do niakolko chaas ne poluchite e-mail ot
  v uverenie na tova, che ste abonirani za lista - veroiatno ste dopusnali
  greshka pri popqlvane na poleto 'E-mail'.


  Tova e edna elektronna blanka, s popqlvaneto na koiato shte se dobavite kqm
  'Who Is Who' spisqka, koeto moje da zaradva niakoi, koito tqrsi niakoia
  srodna dusha po jicite ... 
  V tazi blanka ima opcia, koiato vi pozvoliava zaedno da izberete da se
  abonirate za
  I tuk, kakto i v (2) - ne pravete greshki v e-mail addressa si.

*. Ima i edin rezerven nachin 

  Prashtate e-mail do i toi pravi, kakvoto e neobhodimo, no
  ako opitate predi tova niakoi ot goreizbroenite nachini shte vi bqda 
  mnogo blagodaren :)

7-3 Magazine for Bulgarians abroad
(by Otvoreno Obshtestvo - Sofia), last updated: 01-Jan-1995 (This entry is in Bulgarian)
	Spisanie "Ek" e nasheto novo izdanie, prednaznacheno za bqlgarite
v chuzhbina i za vsichki prijateli na Bqlgarija, poznavachi na nejnata is-
torija i kulturni tradicii.
	Vremeto, koeto otmina, ne mozha da zacherkne cennostite v nasheto 
minalo; tjah "Ek" shte izdirva i podnasja na svoite chitateli bez premql-
chavane i bez retush. Nared s budnija pogled kqm staroto, kqm vsichki onezi
sqbitija i imena, napravili vqzmozhna sqprotivata na duhovnostta sreshtu
bezduhovnoto v godinite na totalitarnata dqrzhava, spisanieto shte osvedo-
mjava za aktualnite javlenija v obshtestvenija zhivot na Bqlgarija, v sfera-
ta na naukata, kulturata, socialnite otnoshenija, politikata, ikonomikata,
biznesa, religijata i t.n. Sqshtevremenno namerenieto na spisvashtite e da
predostavi tribuna na zaselnicite v chuzhbina i na vidni bqlgaristi za cho-
veshki i profesionalni kontakti, za tvorcheska izjava. Shte se radvame, ako
projavite interes kqm spisanieto. Tozi digest shte izliza v shest knizhki
godishno, bogato iljustriran. Zhelaeshtite da go poluchavat redovno mogat
da se abonirat za 1994. Cenata na abonamenta v US$ e: Severna i Juzhna Ame-
rika - $52, Afrika i Azija - $48, Evropa - $45, Avstralija - $58, kato ce-
nata vkljuchva i poshtenskite razhodi. Nomerqt na nashata bankova smetka e
621 422 060 300-1, BVTB (Bqlgarska vqnshnotqrgovska banka).

	Adresqt na izdatelite:

	Agency for Bulgarians Abroad
	bul. Dondukov 2, Sofia 1000

	tel. (359 2) 800 955, 819 011
	fax  (359 2) 819 177

Dokolkoto uspjah da razbera, Agencijata polzva i E-mail, no ne razpolagam s
adresa; znam samo, che sa vqrzani za; ako njakoj mozhe da im
izdiri tochnija adres, njama da e zle.

Eto i sqdqrzhanieto na pqrvija broj:

	Boris Hristov: spodeleni otkrovenija. (statija ot Georgi Danailov i
		intervju s golemija bqlgarski operen pevec malko predi
		smqrtta mu).

	Milcho Leviev: dvuposochen bilet do Los Angeles. Avtor: Vladimir
		Gadzhev. Statija za naj-izvestnija ni jazz-pianist.

	Konstantin Shtqrkelov - carjat na akvarela. Avtor: Maksimilijan 

	Boris Dimovski: Svobodata se meri po dqlzhinata na usmivkata.
		Izvestnijat nash karikaturist B. Dimovski pishe za sebe si
		i za smeshnite aspekti na vremeto, v koeto zhiveem.

	Ilinden v nacionalnata istorija na bqlgarite. Avtor: Hristo Siljanov
	Solunskite sqzakljatnici. Avtor: Georgi Danailov

	Misli na edin stoletnik - Hristo Obbov.

	Bojan Penev - nezabravenijat. (Za literaturnija kritik ot 20-te B.

	Djavolska karuca (razkaz) - Ljubomir Kanov (USA)

	Apolonija '93. Avtor: Hristo Bucev. Pregled na festivala na iskust-
		vata "Apolonija".

	Intelektualecqt i politikata - interview s Vera Mutafchieva.

	Rilskijat manastir prijuti cqrceto na Car Boris III. - snimki i
		tekst ot okonchatelnoto pogrebenie na sqrceto na poslednija
		bqlgarski monarh v Svetata Rilska obitel prez 1993.

	Po sledite na stara Sofija. Avtor: Georgi Kanazirski. Spomeni ot
		zhivota na sofijanci prez 30-te i 40-te.

	Ako zazhalish njakoj den... (Stari gradski pesni).

	Za slona, boata, i oshte neshto. (Statija za njakoi bqlgarski 
		obichai). Avtor: Cenka Jordanova.

	Tanc s letva (za Stefka Kostadinova, svetovna shampionka na visok

	Kulturni vesti.

	Pravna konsultacija (Nedvizhima sobstvenost v Bqlgarija pri sto-
		panska dejnost na bqlgari ot chuzhbina)

	Politicheski pregled.

	List za zapoznavane s chitatelite. (neshto kato anketa - dosta inte-

Sqshtestvuva oshte edno specializirano izdanie za bqlgarite v chuzhbina - 
naricha se "Pismo ot Bqlgarija", izdava se ot fondacija "Otvoreno obshte-
stvo" (Open Society Fund - Sofia) i mozhete da go poluchite chrez e-mailski
request. Pishete do:

	Subject: "Pismo ot Bqlgarija"

7-4 How to read Bulgarian newspapers in NYC 
(by Dragomir R. Radev)
Columbia University Lehman Library receives regularly the
following newspapers: Demokraciya, Duma, (Zeleno) Zemedelsko Zname,
Svoboden Narod, and Vek 21.

7-5 Bulgarian Language Radiostation in New York City 
(by Dragomir R. Radev), last updated: 31-Jul-1994
There is a Bulgarian Radio station in New York City.
It broadcasts at 91.5 MHz FM Mondays from 5:30 to 6:00 PM.

7-6 Bulgarskata Radio Progama ALEKO
(by Silvana Dimitrov), last updated: 20-Mar-1996 (This entry is in Bulgarian)

Bulgarskata Radio Progama "ALEKO" se izluchva veche 33 poredni sedmici, 
vsiaka nedelia ot 16.00 do 17.00 po radiostancia WKTA 1330 AM v Chicago.  

Priema se dobre dori v blizkite chasti na Indiana i Wisconsin, a 
liubopitnoto e che poradi tehnicheskite osobennosti na izlqchvaneto, 
signala e mnogo iasen chak ot drugata strana na ezeroto Michigan, t.e. v 
shtata Michigan.

Programata sqdqrja novini, sport i muzika samo ot Bulgaria.  Malko 
reklami ot nashite US sponsori koito ni pomagat "to break even".  Vsiako 
sudeistvie i pomosht e dobre doshlo.  Imame jelanie da vkliuchvame novini,
 avtorski materiali i drugi ot bulgarite zad granica, ot nasheto 
ejednevie tuka i izobshto neshta, koito sa actualni i zaintriguvashti.

Pristrastni sme kqm SDS.

7-7 Bulgarian Radiostations 
(by Alexander Kostadinov), last updated: 02-Apr-1996
To              UTC             Freq KHz        Remarks


South America   0000-0100       9425 11660
North America   0000-0300       7480 9700
Balkans         0300-0400       1224
Russia          0300-0400       6035 7115
Balkans         1200-1500       1224 5890 6195
Middle East     1500-1600       11660
Central Asia    1500-1600       15635
Russia          1500-1800       7425 9775
Europe          1700-2000       9850            250 kW
Balkans         1800-1900       1224 5860 5890
Middle East     1800-1900       7375


North America   0400-0500       9700 11720
Japan           1130-1230       13790
Asia            1230-1330       15620
Europe          1900-2000       9700 11720
Europe          2100-2200       9700 11720
North America   2300-2400       7480 9700


Europe          0300-1700       9850            Bad reception (250 kW)
Europe          0600-0900       1224
Europe          0900-1200       1224

Listeners in Europe are advised to turn into 11720 KHz in the 25 m band or 
9700 KHz in the 31 m band. They are regulary in use and have usually a good
reception. Also broadcasts targeting N.A can be heard at above frequencies.

An other interesting frequency is 7670 KHz (not officially in the schedule). 
It relays Horizont. The transmitter is in Stolnik with 15 kW intended for
the home service.

If you are in Europe and have a car radio with you, you could also try
reaching the following stations at medium waves: 828 KHz (Christo Botev),
1161 KHz (Horizont) with 500 kW transmitter in Stara Zagora and 1224 KHz
(foreign service) with 500 kW from Vidin.

Radio Varna has also started its own broadcastings abroad. A possible
frequency is 7230 KHz on fridays only but is likely to be too weak for


Radio Bulgaria
4 Dragan Tsankov Blvd.
Sofia 1040
Fax: 650 560; 871 061

7-8 BBC schedule in Bulgarian (April 1996- September 1996)
(by Rosa Hays), last updated: 06-Apr-1996
BBC IN BULGARIAN from London  (April - September 1996)

SOFIA VHF/FM 91 mhz - BBC World Service (in Eng and Bulg)
on SHORTWAVE (see below) and local FM rebroadcasters

Time = local in Bulgaria (GMT plus 3 hours in Summer)
            Programmes / FREQUENCIES 

0630-0700   London Start 
            41 m     7325 khz
            49 m     6050 khz
0900-0910   European Press Review
(M-F)       5 Minutes English 

            FM only 
1100-1105   News
            FM only
1300-1315   News; 5 Minutes English (M-F)
            News; Weekend Programme Preview (Sat)
            News; Religion and Faith (Sun)
            25 m    12040 khz
            31 m     9750 khz
1315-1330   Learn Business English (M-F) 
            Shortwave only
            25 m    12040 khz
            31 m     9750 khz
1315-1330   Feature (repeat of previous day 2000-2015) 
            m. Cultural Antenna
            t. Life in Britain
            w. History and Politics
            th.Questions and Answers
            f. Science, Business, Medicine
            FM only
1500-1530   News; Press Review;
(Sat-Sun)   Economics & Business; Pop-English (Sat)
            News; Press Review; 
            The Week That Was; Learn English (Sun)
            25 m    11680 khz
            31 m     9750 khz
1700-1705   News
            FM only
1900-1930   World in Action (current affairs) (M-F)
            News; Weekly Sport Review (Sat)
            News; Petar Uvaliev; Choice of the Week (Sun)
            25 m    11905 khz
            49 m     6015 khz
2200-2215   Feature: (repeated next day 1315-1330 FM only)
(M-F)       m. Life in Britain
            t. History and Politics
            w. Questions and Answers
            th.Science, Business, Medicine
            f. Cultural Antenna
            25 m    11780 khz
            49 m     6050 khz
2200-2300   Pop Show (Sat)
(Sat-Sun)   Mega-hour Youth Programme (Sun)

            25 m    11780 khz
            49 m     6050 khz
2400-0015   Midnight News; Sport
            41 m     7275 khz
            49 m     6125 khz

BBC WORLD SERVICE - 24 hours in English and BULGARIAN from 
London by satellite - in SOFIA on 91 mhz VHF/FM

BBC news & features in Bulgarian can be heard on FM also 
from  a dozen LOCAL REBROADCASTER STATIONS in Bulgaria.

BBC World Service - Bulgarian Section
Bush House, Strand, London WC2B 4PH

           Voice mail: +44-171- 257 2727
           Fax:        +44-171-379 7408

Send e-mail to: (Mira Martin)

The BBC URL is:

BBC Centre in Sofia (books, audio, video, club & courses)
           67, Knyaz Boris I str.
           Tel: (02) 87 71 30
           Fax: (02) 80 62 32


8-1 How to reach the Americal University in Bulgaria. 
(by Karen Colburn and Gregory Gouzev), last updated: 01-Jan-1995
These two addresses are taken from a brochure on the
American University in Bulgaria, established 1991.
4 year Bachelor of Arts Degrees in Administration,
Applied Economics, Computer Science, History, English,
Political Science/International Relations,
Journalism/Mass Communications.
Accredited through the University of Maine,
TOEFL and SAT or ACT required.
American University in Bulgaria
Blagoevgrad 2700, Bulgaria
Tel.: (359) 73-23 652
      (359) 73-20 968
Fax:  (359) 73-25 218
American University in Bulgaria
Office of Development
3243 Sutton Place N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20016
Tel.: (202) 686-9890
Fax:  (202) 686-4538
e-mail domain name :

8-2 Bulgarian Banks
(by U.S. Department of Commerce), last updated: 01-Aug-1995
List of Banks with Full License for Activity in Bulgaria and
their Primary Corresponding U.S. Bank;
(Code:  S=State; P=Private; CB=Corresponding U.S. Bank)

Balkan Bank (S)
18 Vitosha Blvd., Sofia
Chairman  Mr. Ivan Mironov                        80-22-33
Vice-Chairman  Ms. Nadezhda Apostolova            80-05-40
CB= Bankers Trust, New York

Bank for Agricultural Credit (P)
55, Khristo Botev Blvd., Sofia
Chairman  Mr. Planem Tilev                        51-06-87
First Vice-Chairman  Mr. Janko Janev              51-89-56
CB= American Express Bank, N.Y.
    Credit Lyonnais, New York

Biochim (S)
1, Ivan Vazov Str., Sofia
Manager  Mr. Boris Mitev                          54-46-04
Vice-Manager  Ms. Anna Subeva
CB= American Express Bank, New York

Bulgarian Foreign Trade Bank (S)
7, Sveta Nedelia Sq., Sofia
Executive Directors
Mr. Chavdar K. Kunchev                            88-17-03, 84-91
Mr. Dimitur N. Atanasov                           88-17-03, 84-91
CB= Credit Lyonnais, New York

Bulgarian Post Bank (S)
1, Bulgaria Square, Sofia
Executive Directors
Mr. Vladimir Vladimirov                           65-67-80
Mr. Milcho Gurov                                  65-91-06
Ms. Vania Vasileva                                65-92-14
CB= American Express Bank, New York

Express Bank (S)
6, Shipka Str., Varna
Chairman, Mr. Ivan Konstantinov              (052) 23-18-64
Vice-Chairman, Ms. Maria Dobreva             (052) 24-50-79
Chief Accountant, Ms. Rositsa Kamburova      (052) 24-51-87
CB= American Express Bank, New York

First East International Bank (P)
15, Lege Str., Sofia
Executive Directors
Mr. Goran Goranov                                 87-31-22
Mr. Stanislav Derlipansky                         54-24-81
CB= Bankers' Trust, New York
    Swiss Bank Corp., New York

First Private Bank (P)
2A, Suborna Str., Sofia
Executive Directors
Mr. Ventsislav Josifov                            65-93-88
Mr. Michael Stefanov                              65-93-88
Mr. Milian Krumov Dimitrov                        65-71-10
CB= American Express Bank, New York

Hebros Bank (S)
37 Vazrazdhane, Plovdiv
Chairman, Juli Popov                              (032) 23-18-76
Executive Director, Alexander Grozdanov           (032) 22-88-70
Executive Director, Stoyan Markov
CB= American Express Bank, New York
    Credit Lyonnais, New York

International Bank for Investment and Development (P)
10, Graf Ignatiev Str., Sofia
Executive Vice-President, Mr. Lew Staples         66-59-24
Managing Director, Mr. Bozhidar Bozhinov          88-34-82
CB= Schroeder Bank, New York

Mineral Bank (S)
17, Lege Str., Sofia
Executive Directors
Mr. Vladimir Tashkov                              80-20-80
Mr. Asen Zapranov                                 80-20-70
Mr. Rumen Kasabov                                 80-27-27
CB= American Express Bank, N.Y.

Sofia Bank (S)
25, Janko Sukozov Blvd., Sofia
Executive Directors
Ms. Maria Koteva                                  44-18-18
Ms. Zhivko Stoimenov                              44-18-15
Mr. Katya Ivanova                                 44-18-18
CB= Bankers' Trust
    Swiss Bank Corp., New York
    Banco Commercial Italiana, New York

Stopanska Banka (Economic Bank) (S)
8, Slavianska Str., Sofia
Executive Directors
Mr. Tsvetan Petkov                                80-35-24
Mr. Alexandur Novakov                             88-53-06
Mr. Radko Radovsky                                52-20-39
CB= American Express Bank, New York

United Bulgarian Bank (S)
70, Maria Luiza Blvd., Sofia
Executive Directors
Mr. Dimitur Dimitrov                              31-92-90
Mr. Oleg Nedialkov                                31-81-20
CB= American Express Bank, New York
    CitiBank, New York

8-3 Info on the Bulgarian Medical Association, USA
(by Simeon Boyadjiev), last updated: 31-Jul-1994
It is my plesure to announce the establishment of a new professional
This idea of ours and the initial work  done  by Dr Yanko Yankov
and Dr Simeon Boyadjiev resulted in the first meeting in New York on
April 28,93. For current chairman was elected Dr Lubomir Kanov and
for assistant-coordinator Mrs. Didi Arissian. 
The organization is open to everyone in the field  of the  medicine,
biological sciences and medical technology, regardless of origin, sex,
political or religious believes. No fees, no obligations. Our goals are:
 1. To establish contacts among the bulgarian professionals in the USA
for easier communications, mitual help and better professional realization .
 2. Exchange of information in order to assist the accomplishment of the
scientific projects with benefit for Bulgarian Health Care.
 3. To establish contacts with the universities, organizations, companies
and representatives of US health care system that would provide educational,
technological and financial help for better health care in Bulgaria.  
suggestions contact Dr Simeon Boyadjiev (SBOYADJ@INDYVAX.IUPUI.EDU),
Dept. of Medical Genetics, IUSM, Indianapolis, IN 46202  or Mrs. Didi
Arissian, Box 298, 1230 York Ave, Rockefeller University New York, NY
10021, Fax: (212) 327-8343.   

8-4 Bulgarian Studies Association 
(by John Bell), last updated: 21-Nov-1995
     The Bulgarian Studies Association of North America was
founded in 1971 by a group of American and Canadian scholars
concerned with Bulgarian subjects.  Its purpose is to encourage
academic investigation of Bulgaria, exchange information, and
develop relations with Bulgarian scholars.  The BSA organized the
first joint meeting of North American and Bulgarian scholars at
Madison, Wisconsin in 1973.  This was followed by meetings in
Varna, Boston, Smolyan and, most recently, Pittsburgh (May,
1994.)  The Association also holds an annual meeting in
conjunction with the convention of the American Association
for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS).

     The BSA publishes a newsletter, appearing about four times
each year, with information on the activities of the organization 
and its individual members.  Membership is open to anyone with an
interest in Bulgarian studies.  Dues are $15.00 per year.  
Requests for membership should be sent to its secretary: Martha 
Forsyth, 51 Davis Avenue, West Newton, MA 02165-1925.

     The current president of the BSA is Prof. Katia McClain

Its vice-president is Prof. Grace Fielder

     For further information by email, contact (John Bell)

8-5 AAPBC (American Association for the Promotion of Bulgarian Culture)
(by Mincho Tsankov)
                         A A P B C
   American Association for the Promotion of BULGARIAN CULTURE
     The American Association for the promotion of Bulgarian Culture (AAPBC)
is an American non-profit organization, founded in Washington, D.C., with
international membership, which shall foster the culture of Bulgaria to take
a deserved place among the cultures of the world. It shall be guided by the
following principles:
     1. AAPBC shall invariably serve as a reliable source of information
concerning the culture of Bulgaria.
     2. AAPBC shall facilitate the explanation and interpretation of the
evolution of the culture of Bulgaria.
     3. AAPBC shall support the creation of valuable works of culture and the
advancement and dissemination of the culture of Bulgaria in all its aspects.
     4. AAPBC shall make impartial efforts toward the preservation of all
Bulgarian cultural treasures.
                             *   *   *
     The AAPBC is incorporated under the IRS code and has tax-exempt status
(IRS 501-C-3). All contributions to AAPBC are tax deductable.
              1229 "O" Street, N.W.
              Washington, D.C. 20005
              Tel. Petrov (202) 232-4072
                      G O A L S
  - AAPBC endeavors to be a catalyst for promoting long-range projects (e.g.
sending books to the library of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the City
Library of Sofia, regional libraries in the provinces) and ad hoc projects
(e.g. co-sponsoring an exhibit of modern Bulgaria art at the prestigious
Corcoran Gallery in Washington, publishing of the anthology of translations
of Bulgarian poets by Richard Harteis and William Meredith).
  - AAPBC seeks the cooperation of all persons interested in Bulgarian culture
regardless of origin, citizenship, or political persuation, for long-range or
ad hoc initiatives they wish to propose.
  - AAPBC serves as a data bank in that regard and as a point of contact with
the appropriate institutions and persons in Sofia through its representatives
  - AAPBC solicits participation in its existing committees and working groups
(as well as members wishing to propose and form new ones).
                 C O M M I T T E E S
The AAPBC Committees are:
1. Fund-raising
   a. Solocitation of membership at $10 annual dues.
   b. Large donations (AAPBC is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization (IRS-
501-C-3). Current range up to $500.
2. Subscriptions of U.S. periodicals for Bulgarian libraries (members can
submit their choice of periodical(s) and library(ies) for coordination by the
3. Donations of books for Bulgarian libraries in books or funds for purchasing  what is needed. Most needed are American reference tools, such as encyclopedias
dictionaries, who's whos, bibliographies by subject, etc.
4. Publication of the Newsletter at least every six months, with functions to
collect news items and assist in editing it.
5. Membership solicitation. All current members (according to mailing list)
are asked to submit names and addresses of persons interested in Bulgarian
culture and the goals of the AAPBC.
6. Relations with other Bulgarian-oriented organizations with the aim of
establishing a Federation of such organizations for coordination of efforts
and activities.
7. Support of Bulgarian cultural events in and out of Bulgaria (art exhibits,
performances, poetry readings, Western cultural initiatives in Bulgaria, etc.).
8. Support of Bulgarian students outside Bulgaria by soliciting members to
"adopt" a student for the duration of his or her studies.
                          A A P B C
                     BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Founding Chairman:
     Marin Pundeff
     Professor, California State University
Honorary Chairmen:
     Raymond Garthoff
     Ambassador, Brooking Institution
     Eric Hemp
     Professor, University of Chicago
     Irwin T. Sanders
     Professor Emeritus, Boston University
Honorary members:
     Robert Conquest
     Simeon Saks-Koburg-Gotski
Executive Bureau:
     Marshall L. Miller, Co-Chairman
     Christo M. Popoff, Co-chairman
     Atanas Slavov, Co-chairman
     Ilya Talev
     Newsletter Editor
     Vassil Petrov
     Pamela Perry Mitova
                       M E M B E R S
                  O F   T H E   B O A R D
     Milka T. Bliznakov
     Professor, Virginia Tech
     Krustan Diankov
     James S. Dimitroff
     Micaela S. Iovine
     Fulbright Program
     Edward Kasinec
     New York Public Library
     Milcho Leviev
     Composer Musician
     Jack R. Perry, Ambassador
     Professor, Davidson College
     Sol Polansky, Ambassador
     Citizens Democracy Corps
     Errest A. Scatton
     Professor, SUNY
     Philip A. Shellhaas
     Corporate Director, IBM
     Mihail Simeonov
     Heinrich A. Stammler
     Professor, University of Kansas
     Blagoy P. Trenev
     Professor, University of Wisconsin
     Ted Zang
                            *  *  *
Legal Counsel:
     Mihail V. Pundeff, Esq.
     Laura B. Sherman, Esq.
                    J O I N     A A P B C
and be part of an international network of people dedicated to the promotion
and advancement of Bulgaria culture in all its aspects, wherever it exists in
the world.
        You  can work through the existing working groups and committees
listed here, or propose new projects. You will receive AAPBC Newsletter issued
periodically to report on projects completed or underway, new initiatives,
organizations in and out of Bulgaria concerned with Bulgarian culture, and
AAPBC relations with them.
                             *  *  *
           AAPBC representation in Bulgaria
                      Krustan Diankov
           noted translator of American Literature
               and president of the society of
                 Friends of USA in Bulgaria
                 Stolichna Biblioteka
             Pl. Slaveikov, 4; Room 113
                1557 Sofia, Bulgaria
                     MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION
(Please print)                                Date:...................
Telephones:  Residence:...................Office:.....................
Please make check payable to AAPBC in the amount of US $10 as annual dues and
sent to
        Pamela Perry Mitova, 1229 "O" Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005
Please indicate here the aspects of Bulgarian culture you are interested in and the way in which you wish to be active in AAPBC ...............................
                Best regards:
                                Mincho Tsankov (mincho@lamar.ColoState.EDU)
                                Department of Physics
                                Colorado State University
                                Fort Collins, CO 80523
                                phone (303) 491-5033

8-6 Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce
(by Vasko Delev), last updated: 30-Oct-1995
Here is the address of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce:
        Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce
        Saborna Str. 11 A
        Sofia 1000
        Tel: +359 2 87-26-31
        Fax: +359 2 87-32-09
        Cable: 22374

8-7 Bulgarian Foundations
(by Yulian Donchev), last updated: 09-Oct-1995 (This entry is in Bulgarian)
Sajuz na balgarskite fondatsii,
ul. Oborishte 44
Sofia 1505

Mezhdunarodna fondatsija "Sv. sv. Kiril i Metodii",
ul. Oborishte 19
Sofia 1504

Fondatsija "Otvoreno obshtestvo"-Sofia
pl. Slaveikov 4
Stolichna biblioteka
Sofia 1000

Blagoevgrad 2700
Studentski klub "Otvoreno obshtestvo"
Amerikanski Universitet v Bulgaria

Burgas 8000
Klub "Otvoreno obshtestvo"
Burgaski svoboden universitet,
st. 125

Varna 9000
Klub "Otvoreno obshtestvo"
bul. L. Karavelov 19A, 65, et.4, ap.8

Velingrad 4600
Klub "Otvoreno obshtestvo"
tel. (0390) 2-31-70

Pleven 5800
Klub "Otvoreno obshtestvo"
bul. Skobelev 20, bl.2, vh.B

Plovdiv 4000
Klub "Otvoreno obshtestvo"
Narodna biblioteka "Ivan Vazov"
ul. Avksentii Velishki 17

Ruse 7000
Klub "Otvoreno obshtestvo"
Gradska biblioteka "Ljuben Karavelov"
ul Dondukov-Korsakov 1

Sliven 8800
Klub "Otvoreno obshtestvo"
pl. Al. Stamboliiski 1

8-8 What is the address of the Fulbright Commission in Sofia
(by Dragomir R. Radev)
      17, Alexander Stamboliyski Blvd.
      1000 Sofia

(The Commission's office is centrally located at the above address in the
building of the Ministry of Culture, 3rd floor. It is opposite the Ministry
of Education and Science and within walking distance of the American Embassy
and the American Cultural Center).

Office hours - 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday-Friday
Phone and Fax of the Fulbright Commission: 88-45-17

The Bulgarian-American Fulbright Commission for Educational Exchange was
established in February 1993 following the signing of a binational agreement
between the United States of America and the Republic of Bulgaria in 
November 1992. Although the youngest in Europe, the Commission will base
its policy regarding planning, selection, and administration of the Ful-
bright program on the experience of educational exchange between the U.S.
and Bulgaria accumulated during the last 25 years and the needs of the 
dynamic present. The principles we have adopted are fully in tune with the
spirit of the Fulbright initiative.

8-9 Mensa in Bulgaria
(by Dragomir R. Radev), last updated: 23-Aug-1995
George Chavdarov, Chairman, Blvd Tsar Osvoboditel 29a, 1504 Sofia,
Bulgaria, 359 2 437 448

8-10 Vestnik Pari na WWW
(by Dragomir R. Radev), last updated: 03-Jan-1997
Vestnik Pari e dostqpen na WWW na adres


9-1 BULGARIA: U.S. and Country Contacts
(by U.S. Department of Commerce), last updated: 01-Aug-1995
Washington, D.C. Based USG Country Contacts

Brian Toohey, Bulgaria Desk Officer
International Trade Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce
14th & Constitution Aves.
Washington, D.C. 20230
Tel:  (202) 482-4915
Fax:  (202) 482-4505

East European Business Information Center
address same as above
Tel:  (202) 482-2645
Fax:  (202) 482-4473

Mr. Gordon Nicks
Acting Area Officer for Eastern Europe
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Foreign Agricultural Service, Room 5080s
US Department of Agriculture
14th and Independence Avenue S.W.
Washington D.C. 20250
Tel: (202) 720-3080
Fax: (202) 720-6063

U.S.-Based Multipliers Relevant for Country

Michaela D. Platzer
International Division
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
1615 H Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20062-2000
Tel:  (202) 463-5480
Fax:  (202) 463-3114

Commercial Attache
Embassy of Bulgaria
1621 22nd St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20008
Tel: (202) 387-7969
Fax: (202) 462-8051

Bulgariain Government Agencies
Country Telephone Code is (359)


Prime Minister          Ljuben Berov            88-56-20
Dep. Prime Minister     Evgeni Matinchev        887-27-50/88-30-65
Dep. Prime Minister      Kiril Tsochev          887-20-86
Advisors                 Valentin Georgiev      887-20-69/87-43-94
World Bank Advisor       Gerhard Reis           87-08-80
                         Trandafil Dimitrov     80-22-45
Special Advisor          Evgeni Milchev         80-22-40
Special Advisor          Atanas Kupribashiev    87-44-11/887-27-48


Ministry of Agriculture
55 Khristo Botev Blvd.
1000 Sofia

Minister                 Georgy Tanev        88-55-57
Head of Min.Office       Maria Lazarova      88-17-90
Protocol                 Deninska            51-89-45
Deputy Minister          Juri Petrov         87-75-64
Deputy Minister          Ventseslav Stoyanov 88-36-39
Deputy Minister          Roumen Hristov      88-31-88
Land Priv. Office        Dimitur Dinkov      51-06-74

Ministry of Environment
67 William Gladstone Str.
1000 Sofia

Minister                Valentin Bosevsky       88-25-77
Deputy Minister         Branimir Natov          88-14-46
Deputy Minister         Venko Beshkov           54-30-84
Chief Secretary         Ivan Filipov            83-23-89
Water Resources         Georgi Karagjozov       87-89-51
Int'l Relations          Kliment Dilianov       81-00-87
Protocol                                        87-61-51
Int'l Dept Office       Zheko Spiridonov         87-61-51

Ministry of Finance
102 Rakovsky Str.
1000 Sofia

Minister                 Stoyan Alexandrov      869-211/870-622
Deputy Minister          Svetoslav Gavriisky    869-335
Deputy Minister          Dimitur Radev          869-295/867-848
Deputy Minister          Dimitur Kostov         869-381
Head of Tax Dept.        Biser Slavkov          803-247
General Secretary        Stamen Tassev          869-317/803-498
Protocol                                        869-574
Director Int'l Rel.     Plamen Gogov            869-219/870-945
Expert Int'l Rel        Mariana Touhchieva      869-395/869-223

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2 Al. Zhendov Str.
1000 Sofia

Minister            Stanislav Daskalov
Minister's Office                               7143-217
Protocol                                        87-09-36
First Dep. Minister     Valentin Gatzinsky      80-37-37
Deputy Minister         Todor Churov            7143-244/80-38-07
Desk Officer for
  USA, Canada           Ivan Danchev            70-32-68
Counsellor              Vesselin Petrov         70-34-94
Chief of Protocol       Dimitur Dimitrov        7143-353

Ministry of Health
2 Sveta Nedelia Square
1000 Sofia

Minister                 Tancho Gugalov      87-50-51
Chief Dep. Minister      Semerdjiev          88-40-64
Deputy Minister          Gerginsky           87-50-53
Deputy Minister          Kumanov             87-83-79
Head Int'l Rel.          Dr. Kurtev          88-08-01
Int'l Rel. Expert        Petur Stoyanov      87-53-19

Ministry of Housing & Construction
17 Kiril and Methodius Str.
1000 Sofia

Minister                 Khristo Totev       80-39-69
Deputy Minister          Petko Evrev         88-20-20
Deputy Minister          Daniel Leviev       88-18-49
Int'l Relations          Stoyanov            83-53-29
Privatizations           Mollov              87-69-61

Ministry of Industry
8 Slavianska Str.
1000 Sofia

Minister                 Plamen Bikov        80-10-06
Deputy Minister          Racho Petrov        88-32-20
Deputy Minister                              88-52-46
Deputy Minister          Matei Mateev        87-20-27
Deputy Minister          Grigorii Vazov      88-01-62
Privatization Office                         87-80-26
Head Int'l Rel.          Titorenko           89-99-23
Int'l Relations          Buzov               87-88-85
Protocol                                     88-55-33
Head Privat. Dept.       Emil Vanchev        87-25-37
Int'l Integration &
Coordination Dept.       Vera Khristova      87-88-85

Ministry of Justice
2 Dondukov Str.
1000 Sofia

Minister                 Petur Kornadjev
Deputy Minister          Petur Stoyanov      88-33-69
Int'l Law Coop. Dept.    Vasil Velev         867-32-09

Ministry of Labor
2 Triaditsa St.
1000 Sofia

Minister                 Evgeni Matinchev    87-65-08
Deputy Minister          Jordan Hristoskov   80-35-78
Deputy Minister          Dimitur Shopov      867-24-59
Deputy Minister          Dukhomir Minev      87-65-67
Int'l Relations          Stoimen Velev       83-37-12
Int'l Relations          Ilian Ignatov       89-78-54
Protocol                                     867-27-37

Ministry of Trade
12 Battenberg str.
1000 Sofia

Minister                Kiril Tsochev        87-03-87
Deputy Minister         Ivan Kolev           88-41-90
Deputy Minister         Stanimir Burzashky   87-12-87
Deputy Minister         Kiril Velev          87-45-82
Chief Secretary         Ivan Dochev          87-42-62
Advisor on Ext. Rel.     Marin Todorov       88-20-11
Head of Priv Dept.       Assen Petrov         88-06-45

Country Trade Associations/Chambers of Commerce:

Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Bojidar Bojinov, President
Maria Petrunova, U.S. Desk Officer
11-a, Al. Stamboliiski Blvd.
Sofia 1000
Tel: (359 2) 872-528
Fax: (359 2) 873-209

Bulgarian Industrial Association
Bojidar Danev , Chairmam
16-20 Alabin Str.
Sofia 1000
Tel: (359 2) 545-066
Fax: (359 2) 872 604

Union for Private Economic Enterprise
Petjo Bluskov, Chairman
2a Suborna Str.
Sofia 1000
Tel: (359 2) 659-371
Fax: (359 2) 659-411

Country Market Research Firms

Advertising  International Network Ltd.
36, Dragan Tzankov Blvd., suite 613 B
Tel:(359 2) 703-328
Fax: (359 2) 704-577

Continental Information
Mr. Philip Bay
32 Skobelev Blvd.
Tel: (359 2) 511-84
Fax: (359 2) 541-284

37, Ekzarch Jossif
1000 Sofia
Tel: (359 2) 803-603
Fax: (359 3) 801 201

Institute for Marketing and Research MBMD
26 A, Sabi Dimitrov St.
Sofia 1111
Tel/Fax: (359 2) 739-919

Trade Institute
165 3A Street
Liv. Quarter "Izgreva"
1797 Sofia
Tel: (359 2) 700-100
Fax: (359 2) 700-346

Snelling & Snelling
Amy Gorin
23 V, San Stefano Str. Suite 34
Tel: (359 2) 466-057
Fax: (359 2) 443-404

4.  U.S. Embassy Trade Personnel:

U.S. Embassy Sofia
No. 1 Suborna St.
Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel.:  (359) (2) 88-48-01
Fax :  (359) (2) 80-19-77

Commercial Attache
U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service
U.S. Embassy Sofia
Tel:  (359) (2) 65-94-64, 65-02-64
Fax:  (359) (2) 80-38-50, or Embassy Fax

APO Mailing Address:
U.S. Embassy Sofia
Unit 1335, APO AE 09213-1335

9-2 U.S. Information Sources On Bulgaria 
(by US Department of Commerce, Eastern Europe Business Bulletin, and Dennis McConnell)

Bulgarian Embassy Commercial Office
Boris Ratchev, Commercial Attache
1621 22nd Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20008
Tel: 202-332-6609
Fax: 202-462-8051
Telex: 21-15-61
Eastern Europe Business Information Center
Room 7412
U.S. Department of Commerce
14th St. and Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20230
Tel: 202-482-2645
Fax: 202-482-4473
U.S. Department of Commerce
Jeremy Keller, Lynn Fabrizio
Bulgaria Desk Officers
Room 3413
14th St. and Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20230
Tel: 202-482-4915
Fax: 202-482-4505
Bulgaria-U.S. Trade & Economic Council
Kay Larcom, Executive Director
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
1615 H Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20062
Tel: 202-463-5482
Fax: 202-463-3114

Bulgarian-American Enterprise Fund
333 West Wacker Drive, Suite 2080
Chicago, Illinois 60606
President and CEO: Frank L. Bauer
Tel: 312.629.2500  Fax 312.629.2929
Address in Bulgaria:
3 Shipka Street
1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel: [359-2] 44.18.62  Fax: [359-2] 44.30.18
Managing Director, Bulgaria: L. Searl Vetter
For Consular Services Only (visas, consular law, etc.)
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria
Georgi Peychinov, Consular Officer
1621 22nd Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20008
Tel: 202-483-5885
Fax: 202-234-7973
Consular Office hours:
10:30 a.m.-12:30 a.m.

9-3 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 
(by Holger Zscheyge), last updated: 31-Jul-1994
Try to contact the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
They are probably the best address for jobs with a focus on
FSU/Eastern Europe. Even if they cannot offer you a job they know
thousands of companies in the respective countries.
The EBRD can be reached by mail:

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
One Exchange Square
London EC2A 2EH

Tel.: +4471-3386435
Fax: +44713386486

As far as I know the US have an liason officer there. Hope this helps.

9-4 Finding Sources 
(by Jim Cashel), last updated: 31-Jul-1994

 Drago's note: these sources are primarily intended for the NIS (Newly
Independent States - xUSSR). I have kept these addresses which I thought
might be relevant to Bulgaria as well.

The PVO/NIS Project realizes there are a lot of worthy projects still unfunded.
Therefore, we would like to present a partial list of alternative funding
sources. It is important to keep in mind that such data is meant to serve as a
point of departure for your own research and is evolving and always subject to

The sources of funding for activities in the NIS are many and varied.  Unless
you know where to look and precisely what you are looking for it can be
confusing.  In fact, in an ever-changing NIS environment, it is hard to know
where funding is with any precision.  There are many PVOs looking to tap into
funds in the sectors of health, the private sector, democratic reform, exchanges
and training, and women's health. INTERACTION, an association of U.S. PVOs, is
seeking to coordinate and concentrate funding priorities for the NGO community
in these sectors.  The following provides an overview of some of these groups,
their activities, and where available the $ amount of grants they may be


The National Endowment for Democracy
1101 15th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 293-9072 phone
(202) 223-6042 fax


John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Public Information Office
5520 N. Magnolia Avenue
Chicago, IL 60640-1307
(312) 728-6996 phone
(312) 728-6886 fax

Soros Foundation
888 7th Avenue, Ste 1901
New York, NY 10106
(212) 757-2323 phone
(212) 974-0367 fax
and education

The Ford Foundation
320 E. 43rd Street
New York, NY 10017
(212) 573-5000 phone
(212) 599-4584 fax

Rockefeller Foundation
1133 Ave. of the Americas
New York, NY 10036
(212) 869-8500 phone

Civil Society Building

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
1200 Mott
Foundation Bldg.
Flint, MI 48502-1851
(313) 238-5651 phone

Rockefeller Bros. Fund
1290 Avenue of Americas
New York, NY 10104
(212) 373-4200 phone
(212) 315-0996 fax

Small Business Development

The Fund for Democracy and Development
2033 M St., NW Ste. 506
Washington, DC 20036

Human Rights

Joyce Mertz-Gilmore Foundation
218 East 18th Street
New York, NY 10003
(212) 475-1137 phone


Smith Richardson Foundation
60 Jessup Street
Westport, CT 06880
(203) 222-6222 phone
(203) 222-6282 fax

John Merck Fund
11 Beacon Street
Suite 1230
Boston, MA 02108
(617) 723-2932 phone


ISAR (formerly the Institute for Soviet-American Relations)
1601 Connecticut, NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 387-3034 phone
(202) 667-3291 fax

Women's Rights

Global Fund for Women
2480 Sand Hill Rd.,
Suite 100
Menlo Park, CA 94025
(415) 854-0420 phone
(415) 854-8050 fax

Economy Building

The World Bank Group
Room H 2007
1818 H Street, NW
Washington, DC 20433
(202) 473-8261 phone
Attn: Mr. Westen

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
(44) 71-338-6569 phone
(44) 71-338-6487 fax

US Government


U.S. Dept. of Commerce
International Trade Administration
Special American Business Internship Training Program (SABIT)
Room 3413
Washington, DC 20230
(202) 482-0073 phone
(202) 482-2443 fax

 ALSO  Consortia of American Businesses in the NIS (CABNIS)
200 Daingerfield Road
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 684-1080 phone
(301) 652-0141 phone

U.S. Small Business Administration
Office of International Trade, Room 6114
409 3rd Street, SW
Washington, DC 20416
800 827-5722 phone
(202) 205-7064 fax

Economy Building

Overseas Private Investment Corporation
1100 New York Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20527 (202) 336-8799 phone
800-424-6742 phone
(202) 408-9589 fax

Export Import Bank
ExImbank of the US
811 Vermont Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20571
(202) 535-9664 phone
(202) 566-7524 fax (Insurance)
(202) 566-8208 phone
(202) 566-7524 fax (Guarantees and loans)

U.S. Trade and Development Agency
SA-16, Rm. 309
Washington, DC 20523 (703) 875-4357 phone
(703) 875-4009 fax

Civil Society/ Democracy/ Media Relations

U.S. Information Agency
USIA, Rm. 751
301 4th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20547
(202) 619-5057 phone
(202) 619-5958 fax

National Endowment for the Arts, International Activities Office
1100 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Rm 528
Washington, DC 20506
(202) 682-5422 phone
(202) 682-5602 fax

U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
Washington, DC 20250
(202) 720-4274 phone
(202) 690-0727 fax

U.S. Dept. of Defense
(202) 783-3238 (CBD for contracts announcements)

U.S. Agency for International Development
A.I.D./NIS Task Force
320 21st Street NW
Washington, DC 20523
(202) 647-9950 phone


     Office of Emergency and Humanitarian Assistance (A.I.D.)

     Don Eller (202) 736-6481
     Alan Silva (202) 647-7614

     Office of Energy, Environment, and Technology (A.I.D.)

     Energy $254 million Contact: Edvard Markset (202) 736-4405

     Environment $73 million Contact: James Bever (202) 736-4407, Energy-
     Environment, Commodity Import Program $125 million

     Office of Economic Restructuring (A.I.D.)

     Economic Restructuring $50 million, Contact: Jane Barden (202)

     Housing $190 million
     Trade and Investment $365 million, Contact: Raghawendra Dwivdey (202)

     Office of Private Sector  Initiatives (A.I.D.)

     Private Sector $425 million Contact: Greg Huger (202) 736-4410

     Privatization $125 million Hans Shrader (202) 736-4806

     Enterprise Fund $250 million, Contact: Jean Hacken (202) 736-4414

     Office of Democratic Initiatives, Health, and Human Resources(A.I.D.)
     Special Initiatives $151 million, Contacts: Regina Coleman, (202)
     647-5876 Bryant George (202)736-4264

     Health $109 million
     Women's Health Initiative $10 million, Contact: Lee Hougen (202)

     Democratic Reform $82 million, Contact: Kris Loken (202) 736-4267

     Exchanges and Training (A.I.D.) $225 million Contact: Thomas Chapman
     (202) 647-7751

     Food Systems (A.I.D.) $48 million Contact: Loretta Williams (202)


     For foundations contact: the Citizens Democracy Corps (CDC), (202)
     872-0933 or 1-800-394-1945; or The Foundation Center, (202) 331-1400
     (DC), (212) 620-4230 (NY)

     The BISNIS hot line for those interested in area business developments
     (202) 482-4655. Bids and contracts advertised in Commerce Business
     Daily (CBD) (202) 783-3238

     This information was compiled by Scott Altmann and Margot Mininni who
     drew on many resources, among them: The CDC Compendium, the Business
     Information Service for the NIS (BISNIS) of the U.S. Department of
     Commerce, USAID, and information sent to World Learning's NIS office.


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