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Libraries FAQ, v. 2.1, part 4/10

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Archive-name: books/library-faq/part4
Posting-Frequency: Every 3 months
Version: 2.1

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Libraries FAQ 2.1

Anthony Wilson

Libraries FAQ Section 3.0 Training & Education 

3.1 Where can I earn a degree in library science? 
3.2 Where can I earn a library technician diploma? 
3.3 Can I take courses or earn an accredited library degree through
3.4 What conferences can I attend to keep my knowledge and skills up
to date? 
3.1 Where can I earn a degree in librarianship?  

The ALA site, , contains the
most up-to-date list of accredited programs in the U.S. For a list of
Canadian programs accredited by the ALA see: 
Professor Tom Wilson, Head of the Department of Information Studies,
University of Sheffield has compiled a list of international schools
of LIS, business information systems, and information technology: 

3.2 Where can I earn a library technician diploma?    

Check out the Library Support Staff Resource Center site at the U of
Rochester for a list of schools in the U.S, Canada, Australia and the
The Library Paraprofessional Clearinghouse has information on
organizations, conferences, education and employment:   
3.3 Can I take courses or earn an accredited library degree through

Yes, you can earn an Associate Degree, Diploma, Certificate, or
Continuing Education credits through distance and continuing education
programs. See:  

3.4 What conferences can I attend to keep my knowledge and skills up
to date?  

The Librarian's Datebook, maintained by Barbara Tysinger of the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, is a comprehensive
listing of LIS conferences around the world,
I would also suggest visiting the continuously updated LIBRES
Conferences and Meetings page, . 

The ALA's American Libraries Datebook,, has information on
conferences, events (like National TV Turnoff Week), workshops and
study tours. 

And if you need to convince your superiors that you must attend a
weekend conference in Barbados on "Book Repair for the New
Millennium", see:


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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM