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Libraries FAQ, v. 2.1, part 2/10

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Archive-name: books/library-faq/part2
Posting-Frequency: Every 3 months
Version: 2.1

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Libraries FAQ 2.1

Anthony Wilson

Libraries FAQ
Section 1.0 Introduction 

1.1 What is a FAQ? 
1.2 Where can I find the Libraries FAQ? 
1.3 How can I contribute to the Libraries FAQ? 
1.4 What other FAQs might interest librarians and researchers?  

1.1 What is a FAQ?  

FAQ is an acronym for Frequently Asked Questions (or, as some have
suggested, Frequently ANSWERED Questions), a periodic posting of
information regularly requested on Usenet newsgroups. FAQs posted to
news.answers are archived at Hypertext versions of
posted FAQs can be found at:
The Libraries FAQ arose out of questions asked on
and other library related newsgroups. It is a collection of basic
information regarding libraries and librarianship and an introductory
guide to library resources on the Internet.   
1.2 Where can I find the latest version of the Libraries FAQ? 

The Libraries FAQ is posted on the 16th of every other month to
news.answers, soc.answers and It is archived at:   
A continually updated hypertext version of the Libraries FAQ can be
found at the Libraries FAQ Homepage: 
1.3 How can I contribute to the Libraries FAQ?
 The Libraries FAQ has benefited enormously from the input of its
readers. Your comments concerning updates, additions, or corrections
to the FAQ are always welcome. I would especially like to hear about
important library resources outside the US and Canada. Please send
suggestions to Anthony Wilson (
The Libraries FAQ was created by Steve Bergson
( Steve is also the creator of the Medical
Libraries FAQ, 
1.4 What other FAQs might interest librarians and researchers? 

A complete listing of FAQs posted to news.answers can be found at the
news.answers archive, . A more user friendly WWW
FAQ archive can be found at   For
general information regarding the creation and maintenance of FAQs,
see the Infinite Link FAQ site, (and
its mirror

Some FAQs of possible interest to librarians and researchers are: FAQ

alt.usage.english FAQ

Books (category) 
How to find the right place to post (FAQ)

Information Research FAQ

rec.arts.books FAQ 


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Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: (Anthony Wilson)

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM