Archive-name: bit-pakistan-news-faq
Last-modified: 1997/02/14 Version: 1.8 Organization: Caltech Alumni Association. Pasadena, California X-URL: See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge Copyright 1993,1994,1995,1996,1997 Pakistan News Service (Pakistan@Asuacad.Bitnet) & Asim Mughal ( Redistribution for profit, or in altered content /format prohibited without permission of the authors. Any other redistribution must include this copyright notice and attribution. ***** ANSWERS TO FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ********* READ THIS BEFORE YOU POST A QUERY. This message is automatically posted once a month to provide answers to commonly asked questions on this forum. If you have any contributions or changes to this document please send me an email message. If you never wish you see this document again, please add the above subject in your KILL file. Sincerely, Asim Mughal ( bit.listserv.pakistan FAQ Maintainer [Standard Disclaimer] ================================================================= NOTE: This FAQ posting is now in USENET digest format. If you are using "rn" (or it derivatives) to read news ^G (Ctrl- G) will take you to the next question. If you are using any other news reader search for the next line that begins with "Subject:". ================================================================= ***************************************************************** This periodic posting is now archived. It is available via anonymous ftp from ( OR sending email to with the body of the message as send usenet/news.answers/pakistan/news-service/faq quit ****************************************************************** ***************************************************************** Contents: 1) About bit.listserv.pakistan (PNS). 2) Welcome to Pakistan News Service (PNS) 3) History & Data on PNS 4) Introduction to PNS Forums. 5) Pictures of Pakistan on FTP site 6) Services Offered by PNS 7) List of files on the Listserv 8) Pakistan News Service Reference Guide 9) Where to Send Contributions 10) PNS Staff & how to contact them 11) Archived Publications ('93-Current) 12) WWW Home Page & Links 13) This FAQ- Archive Info, History & Credits. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ------- Subject: 1) About bit.listserv.pakistan (PNS). The newsgroup 'bit.listserv.pakistan' is distribution of BITnet LISTs "PAKISTAN@ASUACAD" & "PAKISTAN@PSUVM" called "The Pakistan News Service." The gateway established at American Univ. is bi-directioal. This allows digest/newsletter posted by the editors on LISTSERV to appear on USENET 'bit.listserv.pakistan.' Any submission sent to 'bit.listserv.pakistan' is routed to the editors of PNS automatically. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ------- Subject: 2) Welcome to Pakistan News Service (PNS) ___ | | | ___ | | /| | | | | | | _| | | | _| | /_| | | | | | | | o_|__|____| | | | o |_o____| | | |__|__| | o_|__|__|___| ___/ oo ___| |___| ___| ___/ o In the name of ALLAH, the Beneficent, the Merciful ******* * ******* * ** ** ** * * ** * * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * ** ** * * * ** ** * ** ** ** *** *** *** ** ** ** *********** ******** ****** ****** ****** ********* ********* ****** **** **** **** ******* * * * P A K I S T A N N E W S S E R V I C E Founded on: 3 Safar 1412 Hijri, Wednesday, 14 August 1991 ___________________________________________________________________ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | I M P O R T A N T | | | | Newsletter contents may be copyright protected. The | | person contributing the news is the only one responsible | | for copyright violations, if any. No legal responsibility | | accepted by List-Owners, Editors, founders and Sponsors. | | Please, avoid reproduction on a public forum without prior | | permission from the List Owners/Editors. | | | | Please forward all contributions to: | | "PAKISTAN@ASUACAD.BITNET" | | or "PAKISTAN@ASUVM.INRE.ASU.EDU" | | | | Founders : Muhammad Javed Shaikh, Asim Mughal, | | Muhammad Javed Iqbal, Kamran Aftab, | | Syed Irfan Ashraf, Syed Asim Ali, | | Nauman Kassim Mysorewala | |_________________________________________________________________| Salaam o Alaekum,(Greetings) We are pleased to announce the commencement of Pakistan News Service. Its first official posting was on 14th August 1991. The Pakistan News Service is a community based volunteer group. The goal is to share the information concerning or regarding Pakistan with the rest of the network community in general & with Pakistani community in particular. The Pakistan News Service thrives on contributions, in terms of news, info & articles from its readers. All the information gathered is made available free of charge to the readers/subscribers. The Pakistan News Service provides news from various sources and info on a variety of topic, this includes but is not limited to the following: 1. Radio Pakistan News 2. News Clips from Pakistani Newpapers 3. News about Pakistan from internation News Agencies. 4. Exchange rates for Pakistani Ruppee 5. Radio Pakistan Frequency Chart & Timings 6. Pakistan- U.S. Tax Treaty: Filing Income Tax Return in the U.S. 7. Info on Travel Agents dealing with travel arrangements to Pakistan 8. Info on remitting money to Pakistan. 9. Articles, news briefs, receipies, miscellaneous info etc 10. Moderated discussions on Pakistan 11. Discussion on Computer Technology ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ------- Subject: 3) History & Data on PNS PNS HISTORY: August 14, 1991. Pakistan News Service (PAKISTAN @ ASUACAD) commences March 30, 1992. An automonous subsidiary of Pakistan News Service, "Muslim News Network (MNN)" (MUSLIMS @ ASUACAD) established. April 30, 1992. Pakistan News Service reaches 1,000 direct subscribers. May 2, 1992. Pakistan News Service (PNS) Peers on PSUVM.(PAKISTAN @ PSUVM) August 10, 1992. Muslim News Network (MNN) Peers on PSUVM. (MUSLIMS @ PSUVM) August 14, 1992. MNN renames to IINN (Islamic Information & News Network). Sept. 1, 1992. Independent SuperComputing Forum (SCF) formed. Feb. 1, 1993. SCF formally linked to PNS. July 20, 1993. Internet Relay Chat Bot for PNS Headlines: /msg PakNews Help Sept 1, 1993. PNS FTP Site - Major Reorganization Sept 15, 1993. PNS Mailing List established for difficult email addresses. Oct 1, 1993. PNS-L @ PSUVM Pakistan News Service Discussion Opens. Dec 15, 1993. PNS, PNS-L & IINN gatewayed to USENET. Feb 1, 1994. PNS-L Archives available from 'listserv@psuvm' March 1, 1994. SCF renamed to CTF (Computer Technology Forum) & revitalized. April 1, 1994. CTF moved to site: May 15, 1994. Frequently Asked Questions Document Approved for IINN. June 15, 1994. Frequently Asked Questions Documents Approved for PNS & PNS-L August 14, 1995. WWW Pages setup for PNS Forums. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ------- Subject: 4) Introduction to PNS Forums. The Pakistan News Service Group enjoys four feathers in its cap. Ranging from mainstream NewsLetter to digest on computer technology in Pakistan. Two of those forums, namely, IINN & CTF are considered "sister forums" or "independent subsidiary of Pakistan News Service." The following is a list of Pakistan News Service Forums: PNS (Pakistan News Service Newsletter) Provides almost daily coverage of news on Pakistan & events in Pakistan. Contact Address: Pakistan@asuacad.bitnet. PNS-L (Pakistan News Service Discussions) A moderated discussion forum on topics related to Pakistan. It also covers special events e.g. elections. Publication is put out once a week. Contact Address: pns-l@psuvm.bitnet IINN (Islamic Information & News Network) A weekly digest covering news & events in Islamic World. Articles & info on Islam in non-political & academic environment. Contact Address: muslims@asuacad.bitnet CTF (Computer Technology Forum) Monthly digest covering Computer Technology as it relates to Pakistan. Contact Address: The administrative tasks & public relations for all four forums is combined. The resources & information gathered is shared. However, the editorial boards are independent have different policies. The in-house developed resources available include two sets of scripts, 1) 'Publish' - Strips off the headers/minor format 2) 'Nebula' - A newsletter generation package. LISTSERV/USENET GATEWAYS: List: PAKISTAN <--> USENET: bit.listserv.pakistan List: PNS-L <--> USENET: bit.listserv.pns-l List: MUSLIMS <--> USENET: bit.listserv.muslims WORLD WIDE WEB URLs for PNS Forums: Pakistan News Service:(PNS) Pakistan News Service Discussions:(PNS-L) Islamic Information & News Network:(IINN) SUBSCRIPTION: Free Readership: Listservs - 3,500 (December '95) USENET - 14,000 estimated (May '94 statistics) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ------- Subject: 5) Pictures of Pakistan on FTP site Pictures of Pakistan in '.gif' format are available thru Pakistan News Service. These files are on 'listserv@asuacad' and most of them are on anonymous FTP site. Anonymous FTP Site: ____________________________________________________________________ This site hosts .gifs on Pakistan gathered from the net for free distribution. host: login: anonymous password: <your email address> dir : /pub/gifs/Pakistan Information on the files is listed in ... images.doc P.S. Please use BINARY format to retrieve files. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ------- Subject: 6) Services Offered by PNS The following is a concise list, please also see 'Introduction to PNS Forums' and 'Welcome to Pakistan News Service.' o Files on Listserv o Old publications on Listserv o Pictures of Pakistan thru FTP o Moderated discussion on Pakistan o Database of Pakistani Students ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ------- Subject: 7) List of files on the Listserv T H E P A K I S T A N N E W S S E R V I C E __________________________________________________________________ As a continued effort to provide information on Pakistan, Pakistan News Service manages number of files open for anyone to retrieve from the LISTSERV. We encourage our readers to send us files on any other subject which they think will be beneficial to the Pakistani community.The following is a summary of how to access these files and a list of info files currently available. -Asim Mughal PNS Spokesman updated: April 4, 1993 ########################################################################### FOR BITnet Subscribers: For interactive access: $ SEND/NOP LISTSERV @ ASUACAD FOR EVERYONE (BITnet,INTERnet etc) Subscribers: 1. Send an electronic mail message to either LISTSERV @ ASUACAD.BITnet or LISTSERV @ ASUVM.INRE.ASU.EDU 2. The COMMANDS should be the text of the message. COMMANDS: To get a latest listing of available files: INDEX PAKISTAN To retreive a file from the server : GET PAKISTAN filename (example) : GET PAKISTAN INFO ____________________________________________________________________________ LISTING OF FILES: As of Jan 01, 1996 * PAKISTAN FILELIST for LISTSERV@ASUACAD. * * PAKISTAN Newsletter available from LISTSERV * * ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: * filename filetype date time File description * -------- -------- --------------- ---------------- PAKISTAN INFO 92/09/13 23:18:45 What is Pakistan Listserv PAKISTAN RADIO_FR 92/09/14 01:20:48 Radio Pakistan Frequencies (Javed) PAKISTAN EXCH_RAT 92/09/14 01:24:21 Foreign Exchange Rates in Rupees PAKISTAN HISTORY 91/08/22 13:38:17 A Brief History of Pakistan PAKISTAN NAT_ATHM 92/09/13 23:19:19 Pakistan's National Anthem PAKISTAN RECIPE_A 94/03/03 20:04:22 Pakistani recipes of Main Dishes PAKISTAN RECIPE_B 92/09/13 23:19:14 Pakistani recipes of Sweet Dishes PAKISTAN KKH_GIF 91/09/01 15:59:06 Gif of Karakoram Valley (uuencoded IBM) PAKISTAN K2_GIF 91/09/01 15:59:24 Gif of K2 peak (uuenoded IBM) PAKISTAN EMBASSY 92/09/14 01:24:16 Listing of Phone Numbers of Embassy PAKISTAN INFOTAX 92/09/14 00:23:02 US-Pak TAX Treaty PAKISTAN INFOINS 92/09/14 01:22:29 US Immigration laws for Students & other PAKISTAN URDUFONT 91/11/15 01:29:22 Urdu font for Sun Work Station PAKISTAN SHLMR_GI 92/02/16 18:50:51 Shalimar Garden Gif file (uuencoded IBM) PAKISTAN TOMB_GIF 92/02/16 18:49:33 Gif of a tomb in Pakistan(uuencoded IBM) PAKISTAN HALA_GIF 92/02/24 10:51:39 Hala Mosque Gif file(uuencoded IBM) PAKISTAN IQBALGIF 92/02/24 10:52:23 Iqbal poem Gif file(uuencoded IBM) PAKISTAN BALUCHGF 92/02/24 11:04:55 Picture of scenery in Baluchistan PAKISTAN INDUSGIF 92/02/24 11:04:22 Picture of the Indus River PAKISTAN DCOD_BAS 92/02/24 11:13:34 XXdecode.bas file to generate UUDECODE.COM file for IBM PC PAKISTAN AL_QURAN 92/09/14 01:20:42 Translation of Ayats of Quran PAKISTAN MINARET 92/09/14 01:24:04 Macintosh program to calculate prayer timing, Qibla direction, etc. PAKISTAN FREEDOM 93/03/18 01:23:04 PIA Diary on Freedom Fighters of the Independence PAKISTAN EDITORS 93/05/25 07:02:08 Addresses of Editors of various publications in Pakistan PAKISTAN NAMAZFOR 94/02/12 10:47:29 Fortran Source Code for SALAT Time Calculator. PAKISTAN PNSFAQ 94/09/10 15:19:04 Pakistan News Service (PAKISTAN) Frequently Asked Questions PAKISTAN PNS-LFAQ 94/09/10 15:19:04 Pakistan News Service Discussions (PNS-L) Frequently Asked Questions PAKISTAN IINNFAQ 94/09/10 15:18:59 Islamic Information and News Network (IINN) Frequent Asked Questions PAKISTAN WELCOME 95/10/16 20:49:03 Pakistan News Service Welcome Message ___________________________________________________________________________ Note: LOG files of previous issues can be retrieved in a similar manner. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ------- Subject: 8) Pakistan News Service Reference Guide T H E P A K I S T A N N E W S S E R V I C E __________________________________________________________________ A QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE _______________________ BASIC CONCEPTS: a. Email addresses of Pakistan News Service are: PAKISTAN@ASUACAD.BITnet PAKISTAN@PSUVM.BITnet Any contributions of News/Articles/comments may be sent to any of the above email addresses. b. A number of services are handled automagically by the LISTSERV. c. These services include: SUB PAKISTAN name - Subscribe to Pakistan News Service (PNS) SIGNOFF PAKISTAN - Cancel Subscription to PNS SET PAKISTAN NOMAIL - Put subscription on hold SET PAKISTAN MAIL - Re-activate subscription INDEX PAKISTAN - Get listing of files available thorough PNS GET PAKISTAN filename - Get a copy of available file named 'filename' d. To use the LISTSERV services: Step 1: Send email to: LISTSERV@ASUACAD.BITnet Step 2: 'Subject' field is optional (can be left blank) Step 3: List the appropriate service (listed in 'c') as text of your email. e. Example: To subscribe from a unix machine my screen should look as follows: __________________________________________________________________ % mail listserv@asuacad.bitnet Subject: subscription to PNS SUB PAKISTAN Asim Mughal <CTRL-D> % _________________________________________________________________ f. Accessing Pakistan News Service forums thru USENET. As of Oct 1, '93. PNS forums are available thru usenet as: bit.listserv.pakistan bit.listserv.pns-l bit.listserv.muslims To access: On Unix machines: type: 'rn' or 'trn' go <name> On VAX/VMS : type: 'VNEWS' If USENET is not available on your site or your site doesn't get PNS forums, please contact your system administrator and request for PNS forums to be available. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ------- Subject: 9) Where to Send Contributions Please send your contributions to any of the following addresses: A- PAKISTAN @ PSUVM.BITNET PAKISTAN @ PSUVM.PSU.EDU B- PAKISTAN @ ASUACAD.BITNET PAKISTAN @ ASUVM.INRE.ASU.EDU C- D- USENET: % Pnews bit.listserv.pakistan ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ------- Subject: 10) PNS Staff & how to contact them STAFF: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Pakistan News Service - Executive Board | | ------------------------------------------ | | Syed Mohammad Irfan Ashraf, Syed Asim Ali, | | Nauman Kassim Mysorewala, Asim Mughal | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ASSOCIATE EDITORS: CONTACT: Email Address: Pakistan @ Asuacad.Bitnet ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ------- Subject: 11) Archived Publications ('93-Current) The Publications of Pakistan News Service are automatically created & stored on "". To retrieve a full listing (filelist) of archived publications & files available in public, send an email message to "", the text of the message must be: INDEX PAKISTAN A file similar to the one below will be mailed back. Select the archived publication desired. To retrieve a copy of the archived publication, again write an email message to "" with the following format for your text message: GET PAKISTAN LOGyymmx Note: yy == year (e.g. 94) mm == month (e.g. 08 for August) x is alphabet (a-f) a == first week b == second week & so on... Hence the command would have been. GET PAKISTAN-L LOG9512E A copy of Filelist retreived as of January 01, 1996 listing only the archived publications is attached. * NOTEBOOK archives for the list * (Weekly notebook) * rec last - change * filename filetype GET PUT -fm lrecl nrecs date time Remarks * -------- -------- --- --- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- ------------------------------- PAKISTAN LOG9301B ALL OWN V 80 605 93/01/13 08:27:53 Started on Fri, 8 Jan 1993 10:36:00 EST PAKISTAN LOG9301C ALL OWN V 80 1217 93/01/18 10:23:58 Started on Fri, 15 Jan 1993 09:58:00 EST PAKISTAN LOG9301D ALL OWN V 80 529 93/01/28 22:03:10 Started on Thu, 28 Jan 1993 17:28:00 EST PAKISTAN LOG9302A ALL OWN V 80 1552 93/02/06 07:03:34 Started on Fri, 29 Jan 1993 23:09:00 EST PAKISTAN LOG9302B ALL OWN V 80 593 93/02/14 05:28:02 Started on Sun, 14 Feb 1993 01:43:00 -0500 PAKISTAN LOG9302C ALL OWN V 79 58 93/02/15 23:40:11 Started on Mon, 15 Feb 1993 22:48:42 MST PAKISTAN LOG9302D ALL OWN V 79 1189 93/02/27 05:10:22 Started on Mon, 22 Feb 1993 22:55:23 MST PAKISTAN LOG9303B ALL OWN V 80 1304 93/03/14 23:08:58 Started on Tue, 9 Mar 1993 16:53:00 EST PAKISTAN LOG9303C ALL OWN V 80 1374 93/03/18 23:26:54 Started on Tue, 16 Mar 1993 01:33:03 EST PAKISTAN LOG9303D ALL OWN V 80 994 93/03/25 05:10:16 Started on Wed, 24 Mar 1993 03:11:05 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9304A ALL OWN V 80 3835 93/04/06 22:19:52 Started on Fri, 2 Apr 1993 13:42:49 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9304B ALL OWN V 80 1186 93/04/14 13:31:37 Started on Fri, 9 Apr 1993 05:23:28 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9304C ALL OWN V 80 1756 93/04/21 21:24:01 Started on Sun, 18 Apr 1993 16:33:02 MST PAKISTAN LOG9304D ALL OWN V 79 289 93/04/25 01:22:59 Started on Sun, 25 Apr 1993 01:21:34 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9304E ALL OWN V 79 362 93/04/29 06:38:24 Started on Thu, 29 Apr 1993 06:08:58 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9305A ALL OWN V 80 3678 93/05/07 08:58:53 Started on Sat, 1 May 1993 03:53:47 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9305B ALL OWN V 80 1744 93/05/14 09:26:57 Started on Sun, 9 May 1993 12:22:11 -0400 PAKISTAN LOG9305C ALL OWN V 79 1229 93/05/20 14:51:07 Started on Sat, 15 May 1993 14:54:20 -0400 PAKISTAN LOG9305D ALL OWN V 80 1537 93/05/27 09:51:58 Started on Tue, 25 May 1993 03:01:00 EDT PAKISTAN LOG9305E ALL OWN V 80 2210 93/05/31 07:09:31 Started on Sat, 29 May 1993 14:15:34 -0400 PAKISTAN LOG9306A ALL OWN V 78 331 93/06/05 12:15:00 Started on Wed, 2 Jun 1993 14:20:10 -0400 PAKISTAN LOG9306B ALL OWN V 80 1204 93/06/11 01:54:55 Started on Fri, 11 Jun 1993 01:51:19 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9306C ALL OWN V 80 1899 93/06/19 05:23:27 Started on Tue, 15 Jun 1993 00:56:20 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9306D ALL OWN V 80 928 93/06/27 16:39:32 Started on Wed, 23 Jun 1993 18:30:40 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9306E ALL OWN V 80 579 93/06/30 20:22:18 Started on Tue, 29 Jun 1993 20:03:02 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9307A ALL OWN V 80 1529 93/07/07 21:24:18 Started on Fri, 2 Jul 1993 23:38:27 -0400 PAKISTAN LOG9307B ALL OWN V 80 1590 93/07/14 12:35:01 Started on Fri, 9 Jul 1993 22:18:41 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9307C ALL OWN V 80 2688 93/07/20 19:45:44 Started on Thu, 15 Jul 1993 03:57:00 EDT PAKISTAN LOG9307D ALL OWN V 80 1760 93/07/28 18:42:08 Started on Thu, 22 Jul 1993 03:51:57 -0400 PAKISTAN LOG9307E ALL OWN V 80 496 93/07/31 19:09:06 Started on Thu, 29 Jul 1993 16:33:28 -0400 PAKISTAN LOG9308A ALL OWN V 81 1333 93/08/06 13:09:31 Started on Mon, 2 Aug 1993 16:23:36 -0400 PAKISTAN LOG9308B ALL OWN V 80 1287 93/08/14 11:54:31 Started on Sun, 8 Aug 1993 19:39:12 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9308C ALL OWN V 80 1338 93/08/21 05:26:04 Started on Mon, 16 Aug 1993 00:31:19 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9308D ALL OWN V 80 974 93/08/28 14:49:13 Started on Mon, 23 Aug 1993 01:49:19 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9308E ALL OWN V 80 838 93/08/31 18:33:12 Started on Mon, 30 Aug 1993 12:38:00 EDT PAKISTAN LOG9309A ALL OWN V 80 2647 93/09/07 20:50:35 Started on Wed, 1 Sep 1993 20:25:42 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9309B ALL OWN V 79 1174 93/09/14 03:15:46 Started on Wed, 8 Sep 1993 15:06:31 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9309C ALL OWN V 79 739 93/09/21 14:54:47 Started on Sat, 18 Sep 1993 00:39:26 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9309D ALL OWN V 79 509 93/09/27 14:44:02 Started on Mon, 27 Sep 1993 14:30:06 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9309E ALL OWN V 79 398 93/09/29 19:48:09 Started on Wed, 29 Sep 1993 19:43:43 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9310A ALL OWN V 80 2967 93/10/07 22:42:00 Started on Sat, 2 Oct 1993 15:26:30 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9310B ALL OWN V 80 2290 93/10/12 22:40:22 Started on Sat, 9 Oct 1993 08:45:44 MST PAKISTAN LOG9310C ALL OWN V 109 707 93/10/19 02:53:08 Started on Fri, 15 Oct 1993 00:12:22 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9310D ALL OWN V 80 1954 93/10/26 02:12:00 Started on Fri, 22 Oct 1993 04:34:00 EDT PAKISTAN LOG9311A ALL OWN V 80 1224 93/11/06 20:14:11 Started on Tue, 2 Nov 1993 17:40:54 PST PAKISTAN LOG9311B ALL OWN V 80 2893 93/11/14 23:10:06 Started on Tue, 9 Nov 1993 18:25:28 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9311C ALL OWN V 80 826 93/11/21 12:24:13 Started on Mon, 15 Nov 1993 19:29:38 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9311D ALL OWN V 80 329 93/11/24 18:11:44 Started on Mon, 22 Nov 1993 07:44:52 -0500 PAKISTAN LOG9311E ALL OWN V 80 1900 93/11/30 02:10:25 Started on Sun, 28 Nov 1993 23:04:16 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9312A ALL OWN V 80 1537 93/12/07 14:00:45 Started on Thu, 2 Dec 1993 01:47:28 -0500 PAKISTAN LOG9312B ALL OWN V 79 357 93/12/14 13:05:02 Started on Wed, 8 Dec 1993 11:27:20 -0500 PAKISTAN LOG9312C ALL OWN V 80 1351 93/12/19 22:41:06 Started on Wed, 15 Dec 1993 12:51:38 -0500 PAKISTAN LOG9312D ALL OWN V 80 782 93/12/26 21:48:22 Started on Wed, 22 Dec 1993 08:48:15 MST PAKISTAN LOG9312E ALL OWN V 78 203 93/12/30 00:35:46 Started on Thu, 30 Dec 1993 02:28:11 -0500 PAKISTAN LOG9401A ALL OWN V 80 1625 94/01/07 19:00:27 Started on Sun, 2 Jan 1994 00:57:43 -0500 PAKISTAN LOG9401B ALL OWN V 80 1733 94/01/13 19:18:02 Started on Sun, 9 Jan 1994 12:39:16 -0500 PAKISTAN LOG9401C ALL OWN V 78 476 94/01/21 00:31:15 Started on Mon, 17 Jan 1994 03:51:28 -0500 PAKISTAN LOG9401D ALL OWN V 80 840 94/01/28 02:41:25 Started on Sun, 23 Jan 1994 01:36:19 -0500 PAKISTAN LOG9401E ALL OWN V 83 662 94/01/31 19:45:52 Started on Sat, 29 Jan 1994 10:26:00 EST PAKISTAN LOG9402B ALL OWN V 80 1115 94/02/12 10:35:27 Started on Tue, 8 Feb 1994 00:44:08 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9402C ALL OWN V 80 1176 94/02/20 20:19:27 Started on Wed, 16 Feb 1994 01:53:00 EST PAKISTAN LOG9402D ALL OWN V 80 1905 94/02/27 06:38:37 Started on Tue, 22 Feb 1994 01:33:00 PST PAKISTAN LOG9403A ALL OWN V 80 1582 94/03/06 04:48:11 Started on Tue, 1 Mar 1994 00:59:05 PST PAKISTAN LOG9403B ALL OWN V 80 1670 94/03/13 04:16:29 Started on Tue, 8 Mar 1994 11:02:00 EST PAKISTAN LOG9403C ALL OWN V 79 289 94/03/16 21:16:19 Started on Wed, 16 Mar 1994 20:13:33 PST PAKISTAN LOG9403D ALL OWN V 80 2584 94/03/25 18:30:06 Started on Tue, 22 Mar 1994 06:46:11 PST PAKISTAN LOG9403E ALL OWN V 79 439 94/03/31 15:03:46 Started on Wed, 30 Mar 1994 01:27:39 PST PAKISTAN LOG9404A ALL OWN V 79 289 94/04/05 03:58:32 Started on Sun, 3 Apr 1994 12:26:58 MST PAKISTAN LOG9404B ALL OWN V 80 1531 94/04/14 12:57:37 Started on Sun, 10 Apr 1994 18:18:47 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9404C ALL OWN V 80 547 94/04/21 14:35:17 Started on Sun, 17 Apr 1994 04:12:13 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9405A ALL OWN V 79 881 94/05/02 20:56:52 Started on Mon, 2 May 1994 20:54:46 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9405C ALL OWN V 80 1268 94/05/21 13:47:40 Started on Sun, 15 May 1994 04:46:46 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9405D ALL OWN V 80 936 94/05/25 01:02:14 Started on Mon, 23 May 1994 19:16:03 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9406A ALL OWN V 80 2066 94/06/07 20:25:51 Started on Wed, 1 Jun 1994 11:57:08 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9406B ALL OWN V 80 339 94/06/08 18:28:58 Started on Wed, 8 Jun 1994 18:21:49 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9406C ALL OWN V 80 1028 94/06/21 17:46:40 Started on Wed, 15 Jun 1994 17:57:24 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9406D ALL OWN V 80 344 94/06/24 21:08:19 Started on Thu, 23 Jun 1994 21:28:31 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9407A ALL OWN V 80 1304 94/07/07 23:21:13 Started on Mon, 4 Jul 1994 17:21:14 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9407B ALL OWN V 80 1322 94/07/14 03:31:48 Started on Mon, 11 Jul 1994 03:58:19 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9407C ALL OWN V 80 1734 94/07/21 16:01:34 Started on Fri, 15 Jul 1994 19:27:30 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9407D ALL OWN V 79 221 94/07/26 11:51:03 Started on Tue, 26 Jul 1994 11:49:18 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9407E ALL OWN V 79 358 94/07/31 18:02:13 Started on Sun, 31 Jul 1994 18:02:30 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9408A ALL OWN V 80 954 94/08/04 21:18:33 Started on Mon, 1 Aug 1994 01:02:21 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9408B ALL OWN V 80 2395 94/08/14 19:23:47 Started on Mon, 8 Aug 1994 18:20:11 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9408C ALL OWN V 80 729 94/08/21 17:53:50 Started on Tue, 16 Aug 1994 07:49:06 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9408D ALL OWN V 80 1063 94/08/26 19:08:22 Started on Mon, 22 Aug 1994 02:57:19 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9408E ALL OWN V 79 232 94/08/30 17:33:58 Started on Tue, 30 Aug 1994 17:33:36 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9409A ALL OWN V 80 714 94/09/06 14:51:42 Started on Fri, 2 Sep 1994 12:16:12 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9409B ALL OWN V 80 988 94/09/13 20:15:18 Started on Thu, 8 Sep 1994 13:19:13 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9409C ALL OWN V 80 385 94/09/21 20:39:23 Started on Wed, 21 Sep 1994 01:20:42 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9409D ALL OWN V 79 765 94/09/28 14:55:42 Started on Sat, 24 Sep 1994 13:47:17 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9410A ALL OWN V 79 414 94/10/03 18:03:52 Started on Mon, 3 Oct 1994 18:03:11 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9410B ALL OWN V 79 878 94/10/14 19:32:06 Started on Tue, 11 Oct 1994 14:28:16 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9410C ALL OWN V 79 516 94/10/19 15:54:35 Started on Tue, 18 Oct 1994 16:44:05 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9410D ALL OWN V 79 732 94/10/28 16:14:23 Started on Wed, 26 Oct 1994 02:13:47 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9411A ALL OWN V 79 371 94/11/02 21:39:05 Started on Wed, 2 Nov 1994 00:06:25 PST PAKISTAN LOG9411B ALL OWN V 79 865 94/11/14 20:23:07 Started on Wed, 9 Nov 1994 23:14:40 PST PAKISTAN LOG9411C ALL OWN V 79 55 94/11/21 12:17:54 Started on Mon, 21 Nov 1994 11:50:29 MST PAKISTAN LOG9411D ALL OWN V 79 877 94/11/28 00:24:19 Started on Thu, 24 Nov 1994 12:15:29 PST PAKISTAN LOG9412A ALL OWN V 79 609 94/12/07 02:40:23 Started on Wed, 7 Dec 1994 01:02:28 PST PAKISTAN LOG9412B ALL OWN V 80 1699 94/12/14 19:17:09 Started on Thu, 8 Dec 1994 00:23:57 PST PAKISTAN LOG9412C ALL OWN V 79 827 94/12/20 23:55:13 Started on Mon, 19 Dec 1994 03:22:19 PST PAKISTAN LOG9412D ALL OWN V 79 666 94/12/27 02:00:56 Started on Thu, 22 Dec 1994 02:06:28 PST PAKISTAN LOG9501D ALL OWN V 79 381 95/01/27 02:22:27 Started on Wed, 25 Jan 1995 03:16:24 PST PAKISTAN LOG9501E ALL OWN V 79 249 95/01/31 02:42:45 Started on Tue, 31 Jan 1995 01:42:37 PST PAKISTAN LOG9502A ALL OWN V 79 516 95/02/03 16:40:48 Started on Thu, 2 Feb 1995 12:14:09 PST PAKISTAN LOG9502B ALL OWN V 80 6878 95/02/12 15:40:36 Started on Tue, 7 Feb 1995 00:59:28 PST PAKISTAN LOG9502C ALL OWN V 94 6219 95/02/17 08:20:01 Started on Tue, 14 Feb 1995 00:22:02 PST PAKISTAN LOG9502D ALL OWN V 77 72 95/02/26 00:53:48 Started on Sun, 26 Feb 1995 00:52:56 MST PAKISTAN LOG9502E ALL OWN V 80 4712 95/02/28 13:43:56 Started on Tue, 28 Feb 1995 01:59:15 PST PAKISTAN LOG9503A ALL OWN V 79 1365 95/03/05 01:30:04 Started on Tue, 28 Feb 1995 23:56:17 PST PAKISTAN LOG9503B ALL OWN V 79 2509 95/03/09 14:19:03 Started on Tue, 7 Mar 1995 15:38:48 PST PAKISTAN LOG9503C ALL OWN V 78 104 95/03/19 23:23:06 Started on Sun, 19 Mar 1995 22:23:37 PST PAKISTAN LOG9503D ALL OWN V 79 677 95/03/27 02:26:47 Started on Mon, 27 Mar 1995 01:27:19 PST PAKISTAN LOG9503E ALL OWN V 79 1390 95/03/29 02:23:47 Started on Mon, 27 Mar 1995 23:59:55 PST PAKISTAN LOG9504A ALL OWN V 76 598 95/04/02 15:44:18 Started on Sun, 2 Apr 1995 15:43:41 MST PAKISTAN LOG9504B ALL OWN V 79 7897 95/04/12 00:06:49 Started on Mon, 10 Apr 1995 17:01:52 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9504C ALL OWN V 80 4065 95/04/20 01:44:27 Started on Fri, 14 Apr 1995 12:55:28 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9504D ALL OWN V 79 3026 95/04/25 13:53:32 Started on Tue, 25 Apr 1995 00:34:46 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9505A ALL OWN V 79 5831 95/05/05 12:33:03 Started on Tue, 2 May 1995 09:05:47 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9505B ALL OWN V 80 1087 95/05/10 17:47:37 Started on Mon, 8 May 1995 12:58:27 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9505C ALL OWN V 80 363 95/05/19 16:32:12 Started on Wed, 17 May 1995 10:56:26 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9505D ALL OWN V 80 2774 95/05/25 08:09:16 Started on Sun, 21 May 1995 14:48:58 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9505E ALL OWN V 80 758 95/05/31 19:46:24 Started on Wed, 31 May 1995 13:05:11 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9506A ALL OWN V 78 936 95/06/03 23:50:40 Started on Thu, 1 Jun 1995 13:21:44 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9506C ALL OWN V 80 3231 95/06/20 18:22:36 Started on Sat, 17 Jun 1995 14:09:54 MST PAKISTAN LOG9506D ALL OWN V 80 2763 95/06/26 13:13:34 Started on Wed, 21 Jun 1995 13:58:12 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9506E ALL OWN V 80 2259 95/06/30 18:08:43 Started on Wed, 28 Jun 1995 08:00:19 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9507A ALL OWN V 80 693 95/07/06 12:22:57 Started on Thu, 6 Jul 1995 12:17:54 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9507B ALL OWN V 80 1107 95/07/13 23:57:26 Started on Fri, 7 Jul 1995 23:12:41 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9507C ALL OWN V 80 2012 95/07/20 23:34:43 Started on Fri, 14 Jul 1995 08:50:11 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9507D ALL OWN V 80 1623 95/07/26 11:44:56 Started on Mon, 24 Jul 1995 13:10:08 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9507E ALL OWN V 80 1457 95/07/31 23:42:59 Started on Fri, 28 Jul 1995 23:50:28 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9508A ALL OWN V 80 1430 95/08/06 23:53:24 Started on Tue, 1 Aug 1995 05:59:00 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9508B ALL OWN V 80 2490 95/08/13 23:54:17 Started on Tue, 8 Aug 1995 07:17:11 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9508C ALL OWN V 80 2706 95/08/18 03:27:50 Started on Mon, 14 Aug 1995 23:43:18 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9508D ALL OWN V 80 568 95/08/24 23:46:18 Started on Wed, 23 Aug 1995 23:59:50 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9508E ALL OWN V 80 2525 95/08/31 23:40:08 Started on Tue, 29 Aug 1995 01:06:40 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9509A ALL OWN V 80 1873 95/09/05 22:25:35 Started on Fri, 1 Sep 1995 18:24:53 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9509B ALL OWN V 80 1946 95/09/12 08:58:29 Started on Thu, 7 Sep 1995 10:36:27 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9509C ALL OWN V 79 1439 95/09/17 01:00:03 Started on Sun, 17 Sep 1995 00:57:27 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9509D ALL OWN V 80 3156 95/09/27 23:57:10 Started on Thu, 21 Sep 1995 12:50:37 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9509E ALL OWN V 80 391 95/09/28 23:44:52 Started on Thu, 28 Sep 1995 23:45:15 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9510A ALL OWN V 79 2952 95/10/05 12:11:05 Started on Tue, 3 Oct 1995 01:58:09 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9510B ALL OWN V 79 3244 95/10/10 20:14:33 Started on Mon, 9 Oct 1995 16:51:50 PDT PAKISTAN LOG9510C ALL OWN V 80 560 95/10/17 15:56:47 Started on Tue, 17 Oct 1995 15:47:35 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9510D ALL OWN V 80 1538 95/10/24 14:48:41 Started on Sun, 22 Oct 1995 05:37:16 -0700 PAKISTAN LOG9510E ALL OWN V 80 401 95/10/30 01:09:58 Started on Mon, 30 Oct 1995 00:09:16 -0800 PAKISTAN LOG9511A ALL OWN V 79 3710 95/11/03 03:08:36 Started on Fri, 3 Nov 1995 02:09:26 PST PAKISTAN LOG9511B ALL OWN V 80 4491 95/11/09 08:23:40 Started on Wed, 8 Nov 1995 19:13:44 PST PAKISTAN LOG9511C ALL OWN V 80 2941 95/11/20 02:09:46 Started on Thu, 16 Nov 1995 18:03:28 PST PAKISTAN LOG9511E ALL OWN V 80 3556 95/11/30 01:59:18 Started on Tue, 28 Nov 1995 14:25:50 PST PAKISTAN LOG9512A ALL OWN V 79 7224 95/12/05 01:03:21 Started on Thu, 30 Nov 1995 23:11:05 -0800 PAKISTAN LOG9512B ALL OWN V 80 4357 95/12/11 16:45:51 Started on Wed, 6 Dec 1995 08:00:52 -0800 PAKISTAN LOG9512C ALL OWN V 79 3915 95/12/15 02:47:03 Started on Fri, 15 Dec 1995 01:45:26 PST PAKISTAN LOG9512D ALL OWN V 80 4154 95/12/26 08:51:26 Started on Thu, 21 Dec 1995 17:55:21 PST PAKISTAN LOG9512E ALL OWN V 80 3689 95/12/28 17:44:28 Started on Thu, 28 Dec 1995 16:42:47 PST ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ------- Subject: 12) WWW Home Page & Links PNS HOME PAGE: PNS-L HOME PAGE: CTF HOME PAGE: IINN HOME PAGE: PNS FAQ URL: PNS-L FAQ URL: IINN FAQ URL: ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ------- Subject: 13) This FAQ- Archive Info, History & Credits. ARCHIVE INFO: This FAQ is archived & availble thru anonymous FTP & world-wide web. Anonymous FTP: 1. SITE: Directory: /pub/usenet/news.answers/bit-pakistan-faq.Z 2. SITE: Directory: /pub/usenet/news.answers/bit-pakistan-faq.Z Word-Wide Web: ------------- URL for USENET FAQs: URL for this FAQ: HISTORY: Version 1.0 Released June 26, 1994 Version 1.2 Released July 04, 1994 Distribution to scp & s.answers. Version 1.3 Released Aug 14, 1994 Copyright Info Included Version 1.4 Released Oct 12, 1994 Item #7 updated. Files List of Listserv Version 1.5 Released Aug 10, 1995 New Items #11 & #12. Total=13 Version 1.6 Released Oct 05, 1995 Updated Subject: & Version 1.7 Released Jan 01, 1996 Updated header, #3, #11, #12 Version 1.8 Released Feb 14, 1997 Updated #12 & Headers/Archive name. CREDITS: Pakistan News Service Staff End of Bit.Listserv.Pakistan FAQ ******************************** ------- User Contributions:
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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