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Bisexual Resource List (twice-monthly posting)

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                                                         Bisexual Resource List
                            BISEXUAL RESOURCE LIST

   This is a compilation of resources useful to bisexual and bifriendly people.

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

       Notes On The Bisexual Resource List

       Bisexual Resource List: Changes since the Bisexual Resource Directory,
      January 1995 edition.

       Bisexual Resource List

       Usenet Newsgroups

       Other Electronic Fora

       Bisexual Newsletters

       Other Literature

       Radio Shows

       Other Lists Of Resources

       HIV/AIDS Education

       Fight the Right Contacts

       Bi/Queer Product Source List

       For the Blind

       Pet Projects

       Bi Activist Email Addresses

   This document is a project of the Bisexual Resource Center <>.

Last uploaded on June 20, 1996.
(c) 1996 Bisexual Resource Center (BRC) <>    Phone:617-424-9595
Postal: POB 639, Cambridge Massachusetts 02140, USA.

                                            Notes On The Bisexual Resource List

       This document is maintained on the Queer Resources Directory in both
      plain text format (FTP: /pub/qrd/orgs/BRC/brl.txt) and in
      HyperText Markup Language (HTML) format (URL for access through the
      World Wide Web.  To recieve it by email,  send a message to with the following commands: open send
      /pub/qrd/orgs/BRC/brl.txt quit A notice about where to find it i posted
      monthly to newsgroups,  soc.motss, and news.answers;  to mailing
      lists spouse-support, biact-l, biversity, bisexu-l, bifem-l, and
      gay-libn;  and to various fora on America Online, Prodigy, CompuServe,
      and FidoNet (ICGAL and GAYNEWS). If you know of another place that a
      notice about this list should be regularly posted, please inform the
      Bisexual Resource Center (see below.)  For information on how to get
      copies of information from computer networks, see  Getting Information
      Over The Network.

       This compilation of resources useful to bisexual and bi-friendly people
      is compiled by Alan Hamilton as a service of the Bisexual Resource
      Center, which also handles postal orders for the Bisexual Resource Guide,
      numerous pamphlets, buttons, books, etc.

       Please send dates of  Pride Day (or nearest approximation) for locations
      you know about.

       If anyone you know (including you) is in the media (any sort -
      newspaper, magagazine, radio, television, etc.) as a bisexual-identified
      person, please be sure to send a copy to the Bisexual Archives, c/o the
      Bisexual Resource Centers in Boston and in Edinburgh.

       Please help eradicate US-centrism in this resource list.  Point out
      listings which leave out the country, or otherwise assume that the
      universe revolves around the US.  For a description of some geographic
      entities which are sometimes confused, send mail to <>.

       In price listings, "waged" means that you have a job; "unwaged" or
      "concessions" means that you're unemployed, at school or university,
      retired, etc.

       Send additions, corrections, and suggestions to the Bisexual Resource
      Center in Boston (see below), including requests to have your email
      address listed in the Bisexual Activists Email Addresses section of the
      Bisexual Resource List.  You can get a recent hard copy of this document
      through the Bisexual Resource Center in Boston (see below.)

   Copyright (c) 1994 by Alan Hamilton of this collection of information as a
   work of literature.  Permission is granted for unlimited free distribution
   of any version that is less than 2 months old at the time of distribution.
   Permission must be obtained in writing for any commercial use.  In all
   cases, this notice and the date of distribution must be included.  This
   document is updated monthly.  Personally verify any information from here
   that you personally use.  Thanks to the many, many people who have
   contributed information for this listing.

   Bisexual Resource Center, P.O. Box 639, Cambridge Massachusetts 02140, USA.
   Email: .  Phone: 617-424-9595.

    Clearinghouse approved

Last uploaded on August 16, 1996.
(c) 1996 Bisexual Resource Center (BRC) <>    Phone:617-424-9595
Postal: POB 639, Cambridge Massachusetts 02140, USA.

                                           Getting Information Over The Network

   Many of the resources listed in this document are stored on the computer
   network ("the net").  The following are a few of those locations and how to
   get things from them.

FTP, WAIS, archie

   You may have access to the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to copy information
   from another computer to your own.  For information on FTP, send e-mail to with "send usenet/news.answers/finding-sources" in
   the body.

World Wide Web (WWW)

   WWW stands for "World Wide Web".  The WWW project, started by CERN (the
   European Laboratory for Particle Physics), seeks to build a distributed
   hypermedia system.

   To access the web, you run a browser program.  The browser reads documents,
   and can fetch documents from other sources.  Information providers set up
   hypermedia servers which browsers can get documents from.

   The browsers can, in addition, access files by FTP, NNTP (the Internet news
   protocol), gopher and an ever-increasing range of other methods.  On top of
   these, if the server has search capabilities, the browsers will permit
   searches of documents and databases.

   The document "World Wide Web Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)" is posted to
   news.answers, comp.infosystems.www, comp.infosystems.gopher,
   comp.infosystems.wais and alt.hypertext on the 1st and 15th of every month
   (please allow a day or two for it to propagate to your site). The latest
   version is always available on the web as (see "What is a URL?" to
   understand what this means.)

   The most recently posted version of this document is kept on the
   news.answers archive on in /pub/usenet/news.answers/www/faq
   file://  For information on
   FTP, send e-mail to with "send
   usenet/news.answers/finding-sources" in the body.  me.

Particular Sites


   This site stores an enormous amount of information, most of which is an
   archive of the latest version of each of several hundred informational
   postings (like this one) made regularly to the net.

   For information on accessing it, send e-mail to
   with "send usenet/news.answers/finding-sources" in the body.


   This site stores an enormous amount of information, most of which is related
   to LesBiGay and Transgender issues.  For information on this service and how
   to access it, send email to with the following
   commands in the body of the message (the Subject: line is ignored):

      get ABOUT.VECTOR
      cd pub/QRD
      get 00README

   This script will cause the ftpmail program to send you the following
   messages in response:

      An acknowledgement that your request was received and is queued

      A top-level directory of's FTP area

      A short file about Vector

      A directory of the QRD

      The QRD Readme file

      A receipt that your request was successfully processed

      A list of Frequently Asked Questions and their answers, about QRD.

Last uploaded on January 11, 1996.
(c) 1996 Bisexual Resource Center (BRC) <>    Phone:617-424-9595
Postal: POB 639, Cambridge Massachusetts 02140, USA.

                                                             Calendar of Events
                              CALENDAR OF EVENTS

CALENDAR: International and National

  4th International Bisexual Symposium/Conference - May 24-27, 1996, Berlin,
                         Germany.  Information & Registration to Fritz Klein,
                         MD,  4545 Park Blvd., #207, San Diego, CA 92116, USA.
                         Tel. (619) 542-0088   Fax: (619) 542-0006.  Email:
                 Accomodation enquiries: IBIS 96,
                         BINE e.V., Postfach 619214, D-10923 Berlin, Germany.
                         Tel/FAX   49-30-6944651.  Registration before March
                         1st, 1996: Regular $55US, Student $35US.  After March
                         1st, 1996:  Regular $70US, Student $50US.

CALENDAR by Country / Region:


  Send info on events!


Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island (BiNet USA Northeast

  Send info on events!

New York, New Jersey, Connecticut (BiNet USA Tri-State Region)

  Send info on events!

Maryland, D.C., Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, Deleware (BiNet USA
Mid-Atlantic Region)

  Send info on events!

North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas,
Tennessee, Florida, Puerto Rico, U.S.Virgin Islands (BiNet USA Southeast

  Send info on events!

Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Missouri (BiNet USA North Central

  Send info on events!

Minnesota, Upper Michigan, North and South Dakota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska,
Kansas, Kansas City (BiNet USA Midwest Region)

  Because '96 - 5th annual Midwest Bisexual Conference
                         Last weekend of April (April 26-28) 1996.  PO Box
                         23173, Richfield Minnesota 55423, USA.  Phone:
                         612-813-1383  Email:

Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas (BiNet USA
Southwest Region)

  Send info on events!

California, Hawaii, Guam (BiNet USA South Pacific Region)

  Send info on events!

Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming (BiNet USA Northwest

  Send info on events!

EUROPRIDE:  Copenhagen 1996; Paris 1997.

  Send info on events!

Last uploaded on August 10, 1996.
(c) 1996 Bisexual Resource Center (BRC) <>    Phone:617-424-9595
Postal: POB 639, Cambridge Massachusetts 02140, USA.

                                                         Bisexual Resource List
                            BISEXUAL RESOURCE LIST


   Changes to the Bisexual Resource Guide, January, 1995 edition.

   This list contains only groups whose information has changed since this
   edition of the Bisexual Resource Guide (see above) was published.  Send
   corrections, additions, and orders for directories to the  Redirection


  INTERWEAVE:            Unitarian Universalists for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
                         and Transgender Concerns (Canada and USA, 167 Milk
                         Street #406, Boston MA 02109, USA.  URL:
                .  FTP:
                /pub/qrd/orgs/UUA/uu.txt .  FTP by email:
                         send to  open
  get /pub/qrd/orgs/UUA/uu.txt

  Partners Task Force for Gay & Lesbian Couples
                         Partners, Box 9685, Seattle Washington 98109-0685,
                         USA.  Voice: (206) 935-1206  E-mail:

  Gay and Lesbian Parents Coalition International (GLPCI)
                          An advocacy and support organization of Lesbian
                         mothers, gay fathers, bisexual parents, their partners
                         and children. We are located in 8 countries and have
                         over 85 chapters.  GLPCI can provide some information
                         and referrals on custody issues, adoption, surrogacy,
                         alternative insemination, and the rights of
                         co-parents.  If you would like additional information
                         or would like to receive our quarterly newsletter,
                         please send your name and address to our E-mail box:
                .  Our mailing list is kept
                         confidential and is never given to other organizations
                         or groups.

  Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere (COLAGE)
                         Email: .  COLAGE offers a quarterly
                         newsletter and support groups facilitated by trained
                         professionals for children age 12 and above.

   Letter ExchangeFor information about joining a confidential pen-pal service
                         for LesBiGay teens, write to: Letter Exchange, c/o
                         Alyson Publications, 40 Plympton Street, Boston
                         Massachusetts 02118, USA.  Participants must be 21
                         years old or YOUNGER.

  Bisexual Options

  Victims' Assistance Hotline
                         A new, non-profit, toll-free hotline is now available
                         to assist all victims of anti-gay incidents and
                         provide them with a centralized source of information
                         and documentation.  The Gay & Lesbian Victims'
                         Assistance Hotline (800-259-1536) is a 24-hour project
                         of LAMBDA Services Anti-Violence Project (AVP),
                         located in El Paso, TX.  The hotline is answered by
                         trained volunteers who provide information and
                         referrals to persons who have experienced terrifying
                         violence or more common anti-gay incidents, such as
                         discrimination, harassment, or vandalism.  Callers may
                         remain anonymous and all information is kept strictly

  Queer Planet           International G/L/B email list for organizers.  To
                         subscribe, send mail to
                         with one line of text: "subscribe queerplanet" in the
                         body (the Subject: line is ignored).

   Redirection           Publishes the Bisexual Resource Guide and pamphlets on
                         bisexuality and related issues; maintains an archive
                         of bisexual information from around the world.

  BIsexual Native And Women Of Color (BINAWOC)
                         Postal address: BINAWOC, P.O. Box 2253, Prescott
                         Arizona 86302, USA.

  E-Mail Directory of Lesbigay Scholars
                         with more than 150 persons listed.  To be included,
                         request the entry form from

  Open Hands magazine    An interdenominational quarterly journal of the
                         "Welcoming Churches" movement.  For more information,
                         you can contact: Open Hands, 3801 N. Keeler Avenue,
                         Chicago Illinois 60641, USA.  Phone: 312-736-5526,
                         Fax: 312-736-5475. A four-issue subscription to Open
                         Hands is US$16 in the US and US$20 elsewhere.



  Australian Bisexual Network (ABN)
                         PO Box 490 Lutwyche, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
                         4030.  Phone: (07) 38572500 or toll free 1800-653223
                         from o/s 61-7-38572500.  Email:
                         <>.  Web
                         ABN is the national network in Australia and can feed
                         messages and information to all other state groups and
                         direct members directly by mail or via our magazine,
                         National Biways.


  Sydney Bisexual Support Network (SBSN)
                         Sydney, Australia.  Meet once a month, arranges of
                         social events, and participates in LesBiGay community
                         events.  Postal: PO Box 281 Broadway, NSW 2007,
                         Australia.  Phone: 0055-25926.  Email contact: Cath
                         Lawrence <>


  Queensland Bisexual Network
                         (Queensland part of ABN for funding etc.)  PO Box 490
                         Lutwyche QLD 4030 Australia.  Tel. (07) 38572500 or
                         from o/s 61-7-38572500

  Queer Sexuality Collective
                         Address: Queer Sexuality Collective, c/o Queer Tribes
                         Clubs and Societies, University of Queensland Union,
                         St. Lucia, Queensland 4072, Australia.  Email:



  Canadian Human Rights Campaign
                         Email:  WWW:

  BI'S R US (Ottawa)      Email: .  Postal: 11 Ettienne Brule
                         Apt 2, Hull, PQ, Canada, J8Z-1E4.

  Bi's R Us - Mission Statement: The Goals of Bi's R Us are to disseminate
                         information that works towards an end to Biphobia,
                         through non-violent means.  Bi's R Us is privately
                         funded by the members. No outside institutions fund or
                         aid in the funding of this group.  Bi's R Us does the
                         following: Disseminates information (as fincances
                         allow), Educates towards an end to Biphobia within the
                         Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual communities.  Supports
                         local organizing for non-violent social change,
                         provided that this social change includes an end to
                         Biphobia.  Provides resources and referrals to support
                         individuals and projects.  Provides consultation and
                         support of existing and emerging bi groups through
                         personal support of organizers. Since we are emerging
                         as a new group ourselves, we hope to maintain close
                         ties with other Bi organizations in order to forward
                         bisexual liberation. Provides speakers to local groups
                         through a Bisexual Speakers Bureau. Keeps an ongoing
                         resource list and collects articles, and books on

  Toronto Bisexual Network
                         For bisexual women, men, their families, friends and
                         lovers. Meets on the third Thursday of every month,
                         8pm, at the 519 Church Street Community Centre in
                         downtown Toronto. Info: (416) 925-9872 ext.2015 or

  Bisexual Women of Toronto
                         For women who are or who have an interest in
                         bisexuality.  Meets on the second Monday of every
                         month, 8pm, at the 519  Church Street Community Centre
                         in downtown Toronto.  Frequent social  outings, as
                         well as a political caucus sub-group. Info: (416)
                         925-9872 ext.2198 or <>

  Online information     For lists of Canadian online contacts and information
                         like "Gaylines In Canada", "Gay, Lesbians &
                         Transgendered Persons, Ottawa, Ontario Canada", and
                         "glb university Groups Canada".  Also there is a ton
                         of other useful stuff on the Ottawa Freenet that you
                         might be interested in www or telnet to
               , login as guest with guest as a
                         password & check out the gay lesbian & bisexual menu
                         structure ("go glb").



  Vereniging Landelijk Netwerk Biseksualiteit (LNBi)
                                                  P.O. Box 75087, 1070 AB
                         Amsterdam.  Phone:
                         +31-77-35.49.776.  In English to be referred to as
                                              "Dutch Bi Network".  LNBi
                         publishes a                          quarterly
                         magazine in Dutch called "Bi-Nieuws".
                                 Further information about LNBi and
                         subscriptions to                          "Bi-Nieuws"
                         may be obtained from the above address or
                                     by E-mail.  E-mail:

  Stichting Bisexualiteit Nederland
                                                  Churchill-laan 59d, 1078 DH
                         Amsterdam.  Phone:

  Bi-Link                Bisexual oriented computer bbs, open 24hrs/day at
                                             +31-(0)10-47.66.313 28k8 VFClass
                         maximum speed. Main                          features
                         are information about the Dutch bi
                              organizations and electronic mail. Bi-Link
                         connects to                          FidoNet
                         (GayLink), ERO-Net and has InterNet uucp
                                    connection which makes available as
                         well as a                          number of other
                         areas.                          SysOp Maurice Snellen
                         can be reached by sending local
                           mail or e-mail to for


  Stichting Werkgroep Biseksualiteit Amsterdam
                                                  Rozenstraat 14, 1016 NX
                         Amsterdam.  Phone:
                         +31-(0)20-67.53.276 (Lizan) or & +31-(0)20-68.48.250
                                                (Franklin). Meets every second
                         tuesday of the month                          from
                         20.00 to 24.00h at the above address, write or
                                          call for exact programme.


  Initiatief Groep Biseksualiteit Nijmegen (GOBI)
                                                  Organizes meetings for
                         bi-women about every four or
                         five weeks, domestic meetings.  For information call
                                                Hilde +31-(0)24-32.34.761

  Discussion Group in Rotterdam
                                                  Discussion group for
                         bisexuals meets every month at the
                              house of one of the participants. Feeling at
                         home, respected                          and accepted
                         are the keywords of the meetings.
                             Discussion is about bisexuality and all possible
                         links to it.                          Furthermore
                         there is room for having fun, going out, theatre,
                                             movie, whatever. For more
                         information, you can contact:
                         Rene +31-(0)15-38.09.216 or
                         Carien +31-(0)79-31.64.723

  Foundation 'De Kringen'
                                                  In Utrecht and Amersfoort
                         Stichting de Kringen organizes
                          domestic meetings. For information call Heleen
                         (Utrecht)                          phone
                         +31-(0)30-23.12.718 or Henk (Amersfoort) phone

  Werkgroep Biseksualiteit Den Haag
                                                  Meets every third thursday of
                         the month between 20.00                          and
                         23.00h at Basta, Scheveningseveer 7, 2415 HB Den
                                            Haag (across from
                         Swim/Fitness/Aerobic centre
                         Mauritskade).  For information call Carina at
                                         +31-0(70)-34.64.767 (answering machine
                         if not in) or                          Rene at
                         +31-(0)70-36.59.090 on tuesdays thru
                                thursdays between 13.00 and 17.00h.

United Kingdom

  Bisexual Action on Sexual Health

  Bisexuals In Oxford    c/o OLGC, North Gate Hall, St. Michael's Street,
                         Oxford OX1 2DU, UK.  Phone: (0865) 200030.

  Birmingham University Lesbian Gay and Bisexual Association
                         Birmingham Guild of Students, Edgbaston Park Road,
                         Edgbaston, Birmingham, England.  Meetings Thursday in
                         the Guild at 8:00pm. Meeting room open term time from
                         1-2:00pm on weekdays.

  Bi-Vocal               no longer exists.

  No longer exist:       Bi-London BiONIC, LeBiDo, Glasgow bisexual Group,
                         Leicester Bisexual Group, Norwich Bisexual Group, York
                         Bisexual Group, Cambridge University Bisexual Group.

  Thames Valley Bisexual Group
                         never existed!

  Bisexuals at Partners  no longer exists.

  London Bisexual Group (LBG)
                         PO Box 3325, London, N1 9EQ, Great Britain.  Meetings
                         at 7:30 or 8pm each Friday at London Friend, 86
                         Caledonian Road, London N1.  Nearest tube/BR Kings
                         Cross - St Pancras.

  SMBi                   Network of bisexuals into SM.  Newsletter, contacts,
                         campaigning etc.  Write to: SMBi c/o Central Station,
                         37 Wharfdale Road, London N1 9SE, UK.

  London Bisexual Women's Group
                         Meets every Thursday, no longer meets 3rd Saturdays.

  Manchester Women's Bisexual Group>
                         no longer exists. Contact Manchester Men's bisexual
                         group, who are trying to set up mixed meetings.

  Biversity: Edinburgh University Bisexual Group
                         Postal: 60 The Pleasance, Edinburgh EH8 9TJ, UK.
                         Meets Wednesday evenings at The Pleasance during

  Birmingham Bi Women's Group
                         Meets monthly.  Write to BBWG, Friend, PO Box 2405,
                         Birmingham B5 4AL, UK.  Phone: 021 622 7351

  Manchester Bi Men's Group
                         Meets 3rd Mondays, 7.30pm, Manchester Gay Centre, and
                         1st Wednesdays during term times at Manchester
                         Metropolitan Students Union.  Also monthly social

  Newcastle Bisexual Group
                         no longer exists (see North East Group).

  North East Bi Group    Write c/o Gateshead Law Centre, Swinburnre House,
                         Swinburne St, Gateshead, UK.  Mostly meets second

  Preston Bisexual Group PO Box 375, Preston PR2 2UP, UK.

  Sheffield Bisexual Women's Group
                         Write c/o General Office, Voluntary Action, 69
                         Division St, Sheffield S1 4GE, UK.

  Staffordshire Bisexual Group
                         Now meets at members' houses, other details as before.

  Edinburgh Bi's Over Thirty
                         Phone: 031 557 3620, Thursdays 7:30-9:30.

  Nottingham Women's Bi Group
                         8pm, third Tuesdays, at Nottingham Women's Centre, 30
                         Chaucer St, Nottingham NG1 5LP, UK (press buzzer
                         marked "Reception").  Write to that address.

  Cambridge Group        Meets monthly, address currently changing.  Contact
                         Dave Berry or see Bifrost for details.

  London Bisexuals at Fanny's
                         No longer exists.

  Monthly bi club night  8.00pm to 2.00am on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
                         Venue Royal Vauxhall Tavern in south London.  For more
                         info, phone: +44 956 896 589 or Email:

  Brighton BiChoice      Meets Fridays in LGBS room, Falmer House, University
                         of Sussex.  Open to non-students.  Phone: 0273 678152.

  BASH (Bisexuals Action On Sexual Health)
                         Campaigning and organising group for HIV prevention.
                         write c/o London Bisexual Group.

  Bi Men For Men         A UK-based network for bisexual men.  It aims to put
                         bisexual men in touch with each other, to share ideas,
                         experiences, hopes and fears.  It offers a pen-pal
                         service, and a regular mailing of written
                         contributions from members.  If you are interested in
                         finding out more, please send an SAE to Hugh Deynam,
                         Dracaena, Sunny Corner Lane, Sennen, Penzance,
                         Cornwall, TR19 7AX, UK.

  Nottingham Bisexual Group
                         We meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month.
                         Write to: Box B, Hiziki, 15 Goosegate, Nottingham NG1
                         1FE  for more information.

United States


  Bi-Married Men of America

  Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians
                         Post Office Box 33292, Washington DC 20033, USA.
                         Phone: 202-223-6697.  Fax: 202-265-9737  Email:

  Affirmation: United Methodists for Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Concerns
                         P.O. Box 1021, Evanston Illinois 60204, USA.  Phone:
                         708-733-9590.  Caucus of LesBiGay United Methodists.

  And Justice For All    P.O. Box 53079, Washington D.C. 20009, USA.  David
                         King, communications director.  Phone: 202-298-9362
                         Email:,  WWW:

  BiNet USA, Southwest Region
                         8601 Zuni #105, Denver Colorado 80221-7411, USA.

  Human Rights Campaign  1101 14th Street NW Washington DC 20005, USA.  Email:
                         Not very bi-inclusive.

  Reconciling Congregation Program
                         3801 N. Keeler Avenue, Chicago Illinois 60641, USA.
                         Phone: 312-736-5526. The organization of UM
                         congregations (about 80 to date) who have taken a
                         public stance supporting/welcoming queer folk is:

  Methodist Federation for Social Action
                         76 Clinton Avenue, Staten Island  New York 10301, USA.
                          Phone: 718-273-672.   A general progressive Methodist
                         lobby, which has consistently supported queer issues
                         in church politics.

                         A nationwide nonprofit program to provide on-site
                         training and advice by experienced organizers to
                         lesbians, gay men, and bisexual and transgendered
                         persons in suburban, small-town and rural America, to
                         help them create (or renew) and successfully maintain
                         organizations, projects and political action in their
                         communities, and to link these new and renewed groups
                         and programs to state, regional and national gay
                         movement organizations.

  Actual field work will begin, funds permitting, January 1995.

  An eight-page organizational prospectus outlining the goals, plan and budget
                         for the project through the end of 1997 is now
                         available.  If you are interested in using the
                         services of the project, making a financial
                         contribution, or serving on the board of directors,
                         please send a snail-mail address to Mark Hertzog

  The Gayellow Pages     Free listings for LesBiGay groups and services of all
                         kinds.  Contact: P.O. Box 533 Village Station, New
                         York, New York 10014-0533, USA.  Phone: 212-674-012.

  Dignity/USA <>
                         For Lesbian and Gay (and now Bi!) catholics in the US.

  P-FLAG                 Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays,

  National Coalition for Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Youth
                         The Coalition is a non-profit organization which
                         serves the needs of lesbigay and questioning youth.
                         Our goal is to help them to become happy, successful,
                         confident adults.  To this end, we works to provide
                         the information, resources an support to assist on
                         their journey of self-realization, self-acceptance,
                         and coming out.  One of our first projects has been to
                         create a national database of lesbigay resources, used
                         by a variety of referral agencies to connect youth,
                         adults coming out of the closet, and many others to
                         the service providers nearest them.  Postal: P.O.Box
                         24589, San Jose California 95154-4589, USA. Fax:
                         408-269-5328.  Email: .

  Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Caucus of the Young Democrats of America
                         Write to GLB Caucus Chair Gary Perkins at 2178
                         Lakemoore Drive SW, Olympia Washington 98512, USA.
                         Phone: 206-943-1808. Email:

  !OutProud! National Coalition for Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Youth

  Log Cabin Republicans


  LGBT Community Resource Center
                         California State University at Northridge.

  Lesbian & Bisexual Womyn's Group
                         California State University, Northridge in the
                         Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community
                         Resource Center in the ZC1504 Trailer.  For any
                         lesbian or bisexual women under 24 years of age.
                         Every Tuesday, 6:30pm until 8:30pm.  Phone:
                         818-700-5736, 213-993-7451(V/TTY), 800-679-0525.

  Bisexual support group
                         Every Tuesday from 7:30 to 9:00pm.  It is held at the
                         Billy DeFrank Lesbian and Gay Community Center, 175
                         Stockton Ave., San Jose, California, USA (just off The
                         Alameda,  across the street from the arena). People of
                         all orientations and genders are welcome to
                         participate. For more information, call the DeFrank
                         Center at (408) 293-2429 weeknights from 6pm-9pm, or
                         weekends from noon-6pm.  Or contact Ken Jones at
                         <> or 415-943-8223.

  Bisexual People of Color Caucus
                         Phone changed to 415-703-7977.


  Gay and Lesbian Youth Rap Group
                         Meets every Sunday 6:00pm-7:30pm in the  Lesbian gay
                         and Bisexual Communities Resource Center in the ZC1504
                         Trailer at California State University, Northridge.

  Long Beach             Long Beach area bi activities: 310/669-4768.

  BiNet LA     


  BiNet Colorado         8601 Zuni #105, Denver Colorado 80221-7411, USA.
                         Voicemail: 303-784-5557.  Email: Cheryl Kasson


  BiNet Atlanta          (formerly BiAtlanta)
                         Email: Dean <>

  Valdosta State College Gay and Lesbian Association
                         C/O Doug Carver, VSC Box 7097, Valdosta, Georgia
                         31698, USA.  Phone: (912) 247-0181 Email:
                .  Founded in
                         March, 1992.

  BiAtlanta               PO Box 5240, Atlanta, Georgia 30307, USA. Phone:

  Bisexual Atlanta Resource Center (BARN)
                         Phone: 404-908-3413


  Gerber/Hart Gay & Lesbian Library & Archives
                         3352 North Paulina, Chicago, Illinois 60657, USA.
                         Fax: 312-883-3078 Phone: 312-883-3003  E-mail:


  Maine Gay Network      The purpose of this mail list is to establish a
                         connected-ness network for Lesbians, Gay Men,
                         Bisexuals, etc and our friends throughout Maine, where
                         we will be fighting for Equal Rights and Equal
                         Protection in 1995.  The goal is simply to have one
                         more way to stay in touch, and to share information -
                         be it social, political or professional.  To
                         subscribe, send mail to with
                         the following text:

  subscribe me-gaynet Real Name <email address>  (include brackets)


  Coming Out as Bisexual An informal support group for people who think they
                         may be bisexual &/or who are attracted to more than
                         one gender.  1st, 3rd, (& 5th, when appropriate)
                         Wednesday of each month at 7pm at 95 Berkeley Street,
                         Boston, Massachusetts.  Call the BRC (Boston) office
                         at 617-424-9595 for more info.

  Gay and Bisexual Married Men's Support Group
                         Meets 1st and 3rd Monday of every month, 7:30-10 PM,
                         29 Stanhope St. Boston.  Phone 617-576-9747 for
                         arecorded message and a number to call for more
                         information.  See our web page
                for details and more about
                         leaderless groups and issues of bisexuality in

  The Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth Education Education
                         State House Room 111, Boston MA 02133, USA.  Phone:
                         617-727-3600 x312


  Olaf Lesbian and Gay bisexual transgender Alliance (OLGA)
                         OLGA c/o St. Olaf College, 1500 St. Olaf Avenue,
                         Northfield Minnesota 55057, USA.  Phone: 507-646-3923
                         Email:  WWW:

  Brian Coyle, Minneapolis D.F.L. Caucus for G/L/Bi/Tg People
                         and their Families and Friends.  Phone: Marie Hanson
                         (612)722-5673 or Wally Swan (612)338-0209.

  Front Runners/Walkers of MSP
                         Outdoor walking/running group.  Phone: Judy
                         (612)293-0465 or Greg (612)724-2111.

  Minnesota Leather Den Women's Group
                         Phone: Sheila (612)292-0542.

  Philips G/L/Tg/Ts/Bi Organization
                         Phone: Rand (612)872-2241 or Tom (612)871-8410.


  Tri-State Polyamory    POB 625, New Providence, NJ 07974-0625, or call Dave
                         at 908-771-8884.  Discussion/social group, based in
                         northern & central New Jersey, for people interested
                         in multipartner relationships and alternatives to
                         monogamy. All orientations are welcome.  Contact us
                         for meeting times and places.

  Bisexual Network of New Jersey (BNNJ)
                         A support and social group for all people that
                         self-identify as (or think they might be) bisexual.
                         For directions to the meetings, call the Pride Center
                         at 908-846-2232.


  BiRequest              A discussion group for bisexuals and bi-friendlies.
                         Twice-weekly discussion meetings followed by dinner;
                         monthly social events; dances twice a year.  Meets at
                         131 West 72nd Street, New York City on Thursdays from
                         6:00-8:00 PM.  Meets Saturdays from 2-4pm at Context
                         Studios, 28 Avenue A (between 2nd and 3rd Streets).
                         Phone: 212-714-7714.  Address: BiRequest, c/o
                         Morrison, P.O. Box 577, Cooper Station, New York NY
                         10276-0577, USA.


  Portland Bisexual Alliance
                         PO Box 412, Portland Oregon 97207-0412, USA.  Phone:
                         503-232-9275.  Email:


  Bisexual Women's Group
                         c/o LGBSA, 310 HUB, University Park Pennsylvania
                         16802, USA.

  BiUnity of Philadelphia
                         Email: <>


  Bi-Net Houston

  Bisexual Network of San Antonio
                         PO BOX 691784, San Antonio Texas 78269, USA.  You may
                         reach us at <> or  Welcome

  Ready for Radio         Austin's Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual program on KO.OP
                         Radio, P.O. Box 49340, Austin TX 78765, USA.  Phone:
                         472-5667.  T.J Guadette 707-1694.  Rick Cramer

  We are looking for reporters, councilors, psychologists, medical doctors,
                         lawyers, legal advice groups, artists, musicians,
                         people with radio experience, people interested in
                         radio, writers, audio performers, and generally the
                         many ideas that YOU can bring.

  We also would like to share this opportunity to increase awareness of your
                         public service organization.  We can provide public
                         service announcements during "Ready for Radio" for
                         your non-profit public-service organization.

  SMU Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Student Organization
                         3116 Fondren, Dallas Texas 75275, USA.  Phone:
                         214-768-4792. Email: David Quantic (co-president) --
                . Support group for
                         bisexuals, gays, and lesbians at Southern Methodist
                         University.  Meets Thursdays at 5pm at the Human
                         Resource / Women Center.  Speakers on various topics
                         every other meeting.  Active at city and state level
                         in GLB issues.  Hosted Coalition of Gay and Lesbian
                         Student Groups conference in September 1993.


  ROBIN                  Richmond area.  Newsletter: Bi Lines.

  Charlottesville Bi Men's Support Group

Last uploaded on August 10, 1996.
(c) 1996 Bisexual Resource Center (BRC) <>    Phone:617-424-9595
Postal: POB 639, Cambridge Massachusetts 02140, USA.

                                                         Bisexual Resource List
                            BISEXUAL RESOURCE LIST

                           ELECTRONIC MAILING LISTS

  AusGBLF                A gay, bisexual, lesbian, transgender & friends list
                         for more serious  discussion of queer related topics,
                         announcements etc. To subscribe send  e-mail message
                         to Leave Subject: header blank
                         and put the following command in the body of the
  subscribe  ausgblf  your e-mail address

  BNNJ                   BiNet New Jersey.  Mostly announcements.  To join,
                         send mail to .  Contributions

  Channel Q              Up-to-the-minute action alerts and news, via email,
                         from lesbigay organizations such as GLAAD, NGLTF,
                         Project 21, the Gerber/Hart Library and more.  To
                         subscribe, send email to with one
                         of the following subject headings:

  OzBi                   A list for Australian bisexuals and those interested
                         in bisexuality.  Overseas bisexuals are welcomed.  To
                         subscribe send e-mail message to
                with the following command in
                         the body of the message:
  subscribe  ozbi  your e-mail address

  OzChat                 A gay, bisexual, lesbian, transgender & friends list
                         for less serious  discussion, chatting, fun, gossip
                         etc.  To subscribe send e-mail message to
                with the following command in
                         the body of the  message
  subscribe  ozchat  your e-mail address

  PFLAG-Talk and PFLAG-Announce
                         Unmoderated discussion list and moderated announcement
                         list for people all over the world who have friends or
                         family members who are gay or lesbian to share
                         personal experiences, to provide support, or to help
                         list members find resources in their own communities.
                         This list is sponsored by PFLAG (Parents and Friends
                         of Lesbians and Gays), but you do not need to be a
                         member of PFLAG to participate.  The charter of PFLAG
                         also includes bisexual people and their parents, and
                         has recently begun outreach into the transgender
                         community (see Tgs-Pflag.)  They suggest that all
                         subscribers to pflag-talk also subscribe to
                         pflag-announce.  To subscribe to both pflag-talk and
                         pflag-announce, send a single message to
                with these two lines in the
                         body of your message:

subscribe pflag-talk   <your-user-name> subscribe pflag-announce  <your-user-na

  Tgs-Pflag              This is a list for people all over the world who have
                         friends or family  members who are transgendered.  We
                         also welcome the participation of those  in the tg
                         community who are concerned with issues of
                         parental/familial  acceptance.  To subscribe, send the
                         following command in email to
                subscribe.  To switch from
                         individual messages to digest format, send email to
                with a body of
  subscribe tgs-pflag-digest
  unsubscribe tgs-pflag

  APANet                 Mailing list for Asian Pacific Americans and anyone
                         who is interested in them and their issues.  To
                         subscribe, send email to
                         with the message: subscribe apanet

  BiAct-L                Announcements and discussions of bisexual activism.
                         To subscribe, send a message to
                with the following in the
                         message body:
  sub biact-l  Your Name
  Directions for posting to the list will be sent to you when you are added to
                         the list.  To unsubscribe or suspend your biact-l
                         mail, send one of the following commands to
  unsub biact-l OR set biact-l nomail

  BiFem-L                Discussions by bi and bi-friendly women [only]. To
                         subscribe, send a message to
                with no subject line and
                         the following message body:
  subscribe bifem-l your full name
  You will receive an acknowledgement of your message, and will later receive a
                         message welcoming you to the list and explaining how
                         to post messages.  The list volume is 80-100 messages
                         per day.

  binl-l                 Bisexuality discussion in Dutch.  To subscribe, send
                         e-mail to with the
                         following command in the message body (the Subject:
                         line is ignored): subscribe binl-l

  Bisexu-L               Discussions by bisexuals and bi-friendly people.  To
                         subscribe, send a message to
                with no subject line and
                         the following message body: subscribe bisexu-l your
                         full name
  You will receive an acknowledgement of your message, and will later receive a
                         message welcoming you to the list and explaining how
                         to post messages.  The list volume is 45-50 messages
                         per day.  A digest form (2-3 mail messages per day,
                         each a packet of messages received that day) is
                         available to reduce the number of mail messages.
                         Instructions for switching to the digest form are
                         included in the welcome message you receive when you
                         are added to the list.

  BiThry-L               Discussions of bisexuality and gender theory.  To
                         subscribe, send a message to
                with the following in the
                         message body:
  sub bithry-l Your Name
    Directions for posting to the list will be sent to you when you are added
                         to the list.  To unsubscribe or suspend your bithry-l
                         mail, send one of the following commands to
                unsub bithry-l OR set
                         bithry-l nomail

  Biversity              Boston area announcement list.  This is not a
                         discussion list.  Subscriptions to
               , announcements to

  CD-Forum               Support of cross-dressing, transsexuality, and other
                         gender issues.  A "safe space", digested electronic
                         mailing list for friendly and frank discussions.  No
                         membership fees.  Your address will be kept in strict
                         confidence.  Articles you submit for publication in
                         the forum are stripped of header and signature id
                         unless you instruct me otherwise.  To subscribe,
                         please send a short paragraph describing your interest
                         in cd forum, and where you heard of it, to
                 You will be requested to
                         submit an introductory article within one month of
                         your subscription.  You can also subscribe via WWW:
                         Novyj forum dlja RUSSKOJAZYCHNYH LES, BI i GEJev:
                         Dlja vkljuchenia v list ili chtoby uznat' o nem
                         podrobnee, pishite (ne objazatel'no po-russki :) na
                         adres: .  Avtomaticheskogo
                         listservera poka net, tak chto vozmozhna zaderzhka
                         podpiski na 2-3 dnja. Vy poluchite izveshchenie o
                         vkljuchenii v list. Dobro pozhalovat'!  Gala.
  For English readers: A new LES-BI-GAY-oriented mailing list for RUSSIAN
                         speakers on the net. To get more info and/or to get
                         subscribed let you send a letter to the address:
                .  You should concisely
                         introduce yourself to get subscribed.  You will get a
                         notice when you will be put on the list (this is not
                         automated yet, so 2-3 day delay may occur).  You are
                         welcome for friendly conversation

  Eagle                  Gays in the Boy Scouts of America.  Send subscription
                         requests to and
                         contributions to

  Euro-Queer             is a list devoted to communication among European
                         l/b/g/t activists, organizations and individuals.  It
                         has a specific focus on queer euro-news and
                         euro-activism, but it is also a forum for general
                         l/b/g/t discussion.  To subscribe, send a mail message
                         to: with the first (not
                         subject) line of the message: subscribe
                         euro-queer-digest (for the digest) or subscribe
                         euro-queer (for separate messages).

  Euro-Queer-Studies     is a list devoted to communication among European
                         l/b/g/t researchers and students involved or
                         interested in queer studies.  Researchers and students
                         are encouraged to contribute with information about
                         their present projects, as well as with all kind of
                         other information relevant to the purpose of this
                         list.  To subscribe, send a mail message to:
                with the first (not subject)
                         line of the message: subscribe euro-queer-studies

  Gay-Libn               Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Librarians Network.  To join the
                         list and receive mailings:  At Bitnet nodes, send mail
                         or an interactive message to listserv@uscvm with the
  sub gay-libn firstname lastname
  (no punctuation, no other text).  At other nodes, send mail to
                with the text
  sub gay-libn firstname lastname
  (no punctuation, no other text).

  GayMormon              An email mail group has been created for gay Mormons
                         and their friends for the discussion of the many
                         issues that gay members of the Mormons church face
                         with family, friends, the LDS church, and trying to
                         become part of the gay community.  This group is made
                         up of gay Mormons with varying degrees of involvement
                         in the gay community and/or the LDS church.  It is
                         meant to serve as a safe space for gay mormons who may
                         feel isolated, to correspond with others facing
                         similar issues.  If you or someone you know is
                         interested in joining, sent a note to

  GayNet                 LesBiGay issues.  To join, send mail to

  GLB-News               LesBiGay-related news and information.  To join send
                         mail to or
                         listserv@brownvm.bitnet with the following message
  Subscribe  GLB-NEWS Your Name Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual People of Color mailing

  GLQSOC-L               Gay/lesbian/queer social science email list.  To
                         subscribe, send email to listserv@bingvmb.bitnet or
                with the following
                         command in the message body (the Subject: line is
  sub glqsoc-l Your Name

  LUTI (LesBiGay Christians)
                          For information, send an email message (from
                         Internet) to with the
                         subject line: Subject: LUTI, yes

  NE-Social-motss        Announcements about social (and not social) events in
                         the North East (United States, from New Jersey up to
                         Maine) that are of interest to lesbian, gay, bisexual,
                         and trangendered people.  To subscribe, send mail to
                with the following command in the
                         body of the message (the Subject: line is ignored):
                         subscribe ne-social-motss

  NJ-motss and nj-motss-announce
                         Mailing list for discussing gay, lesbian, bisexual,
                         and transgendered, issues/etc. in New Jersey.  Topics
                         vary, but are mostly about happenings in the area.
                         Messages are tagged as either "announcements" or
                         non-announcements.  To subscribe, send mail to
                with the following command in the
                         body of the message (the Subject: line is ignored):
                         subscribe nj-motss OR subscribe nj-motss-announce

  Poly                   (formerly "triples") Mailing list on polyamorous
                         relationships.  To subscribe, send email to
                with the following command in the
                         body of the message (the Subject: line is ignored):
                         subscribe poly

  Profemen               Men's issues in a (pro-)feminist environment.  Bi men
                         & women are welcome.  Subscription to:

  QueerCampus            is a list devoted to organizing and networking among
                         the l/g/b/o campus communities world-wide.  It will be
                         a means to foster communication in an inexpensive
                         manner between lgb activists, student leaders,
                         organizations and individuals committed to making all
                         campuses more queer and queer-friendly.  To join the
                         QueerCampus mailing list send a message to
                with a one line message:
                         subscribe queercampus

  Spouse Support Mailing List (SSML)
                         An Internet mailing list in both standard and digest
                         formats for straight spouses and their bisexual
                         partners who are trying to make their marriages
                         survive and thrive.  Membership is moderated and
                         confidential.  To Subscribe send a mail message to
                with the following command in the
                         message body (the Subject: line is ignored): subscribe
                         spouse-support OR subscribe spouse-support-digest

  TG-DISCUSS, TG-SPIRIT  A free-form conference for discussion, debate and
                         discourse on transgender issues/spirituality.  Members
                         of all religions are welcome, although the list is not
                         to be used as a forum for the proselytization of a
                         particular religion and/or its dogma.  To subscribe to
                         TG-DISCUSS or TG-SPIRIT, send email to
                         LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM with the message SUBSCRIBE
                         LISTNAME YOURNAME

  Transgen               For people interested in gender and transgender.  Send
                         an email message to with
                         only the message
  subscribe transgen Your Name

  UK-MOTSS               Lesbian, bisexual and gay network community.  Requests
                         for information may be obtained automatically by
                         sending a message to with
                         the subject send misc/info.

Last uploaded on August 10, 1996.
(c) 1996 Bisexual Resource Center (BRC) <>    Phone:617-424-9595
Postal: POB 639, Cambridge Massachusetts 02140, USA.

                                                              Usenet Newsgroups
                               USENET NEWSGROUPS

   Subscription method depends on your newsreader software, so check out the
   manual or ask someone else who uses the same newsreader.


   de.alt.gblf           Diskussionsforum fuer Gays (Schwule), Bisexuelle,
                         Lesben und Freunde.  English: German language
                         newsgroup for gays, bisexuals and lesbians.                 Usenet social newsgroup for Bi and Bi-friendly
                         people.  20-50 messages per day.

                          Usenet moderated newsgroup for discussions of
                         interest to lesbians and bi women.      Newsgroup for personal ads by or for bisexuals.
                         Moderated newsgroup  support group for sexual minority
                         and exploring youth.

   alt.transgendered     Usenet social newsgroup for people interested in
                         gender and transgender issues.

   soc.motss              Usenet social newsgroup for gays and lesbians, it
                         also includes many bisexual people, and supportive
                         straight people.  200+ messages per day.

   alt.polyamory          Usenet social newsgroup for discussing polyamory -
                         loving more than one person at a time.

                         A moderated forum for the discussion of the lives of
                         lesbian and bisexual women.


   There is a bisexual sub-forum on Compuserve - it is called Biways, and is a
   sub-forum of the HSX200 forum.

   One of the seven message boards of America Online's 'Gay & Lesbian Community
   Forum' is a Bisexual Message Board.

   There are several FidoNet echos for LesBiGay and Transgendered folks. Please
   send specifics to for inclusion here.

Last uploaded on June 20, 1996.
(c) 1996 Bisexual Resource Center (BRC) <>    Phone:617-424-9595
Postal: POB 639, Cambridge Massachusetts 02140, USA.

                                                          Other Electronic Fora
                             OTHER ELECTRONIC FORA

  America Online         There is a lively UU community on AOL with at least
                         one busy message board, downloadable library files,
                         and live "chats".

  Bears Mailing List     A mailing list for the Bear identified men and their
                         admirers.  This group is set-up for men who do not fit
                         the "GQ Gay Image".  This mailing list keeps members
                         up-to-date on "Bear" events in their areas.  To
                         subscribe, email: (no subject
                         line), with the following message body:

SUBSCRIBE Bears_digest

  #bi                    An Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channel for discussions
                         of/by bisexuality and bisexual people.  Reportedly
                         most active 10:00 P.M.  EST to 3:00 A.M. PST.  If your
                         system has IRC capability, the 'irc' or 'ircii'
                         command should connect you to IRC. Then the '/join
                         #bi' command should connect you to the #bi channel.
                         Use the command '/help' for general help and '/help
                         [command]' for help with a particular command.

  Bi-PaganA bi pagan discussion list.  To subscribe, send email to
                with the command
                         "subscribe bi-pagan Your Name", where Your Name is
                         replaced by your own name. WWW:

  CompuServe             Forums: HSX100 and HSX200.  See also the Lesbian/Gay
                         Issues section of the Issues Forum on CompuServe.  It
                         is a welcome place not only for lesbians and gays, but
                         also for bisexuals and discussions of bisexuality (and
                         other issues of interest to bisexuals).

  Electronic Gay Community Magazine
                         The world's longest  running online publication for
                         the gay, lesbian and bisexual  community.  The URL is

  FidoNet                FidoNet has several echos which deal primarily with
                         lesbigay issues:

  GAYNEWS                Gays/Lesbians News Echo.

  ICGAL                  Issues Concerning Gays and Lesbians

  GAYLINK                 Gay Topic Discussion Conference

  GAYTEEN                 Gay Teenager forum for teenagers to discuss their

  Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Speakers Bureau of Boston
                         Would like to start an email list to publish articles
                         which won't fit in the monthly print newsletter.

  GenX-Bears Mailing List
                         A mailing list for the Bear identified men and their
                         admirers, ages 18-35  This group is set-up for men who
                         do not fit the "GQ Gay Image".  This mailing list
                         keeps members up-to-date on "Bear" events in their
                         areas.  To subscribe, email:
                         URL: www://

   International Association of Lesbian/Gay Pride Coordinators, Inc.
                         c/o Tom Ervin, 79 West Archer Place, Denver CO 80223,
                         USA.  E-mail:   OR

  International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC)
                         Postal: 1360 Mission Street, Suite 200, San Francisco
                         California 94103, USA.  Phone: 415-255-8680.  Fax:
                         415-255-8662. Email: .  

   Partners Task Force for Gay & Lesbian Couples
                          Partners, Box 9685, Seattle, WA 98109-0685, USA.
                         Voice: 206-935-1206.  E-mail:

  Resources on marriage, domestic partnership, parenting, statistics on
                         same-sex couples.

   Practical Psychology Magazine
                         Regular publication of articles on gay psychology.


  Q-LIGHT                Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) Quaker
                         list.  The list is open to everybody, though we
                         respectfully request that people who feel
                         conscientiously that they must issue calls for
                         repentance or make disparaging comments about LGBT
                         folks or Quakers engage us elsewhere on the net.
                         We're everywhere :).  To subscribe, send email to
                with "subscribe q-light" or
                         "subscribe q-light-digest" (without quotes) as the
                         message body.  Home page:

  Queer-e                An interdisciplinary electronic journal of gay,
                         lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer writing.  For
                         more information, send email to
                with the following command
                         in the body of the message (the Subject: line is

  info queer-e-text

  uk-bi                  A national list for the UK.  To subscribe, send email
                         to with the command
                         "subscribe uk-bi Your Name", where Your Name is
                         replaced by your own name.  WWW:

Last uploaded on June 22, 1996.
(c) 1996 Bisexual Resource Center (BRC) <>    Phone:617-424-9595
Postal: POB 639, Cambridge Massachusetts 02140, USA.

                                                           Bisexual Newsletters
                             BISEXUAL NEWSLETTERS

  Bi Centrist            Newsletter, c/o BiCentrist Alliance, 202-828-3065, PO
                         Box 2254, Washington, District of Columbia 20013-2254,
                         USA.  US$10/year.

  Bi Community News      Paper and online.  See

  Bifocal                Newsletter, PO Box 13158, Minneapolis, Minnesota
                         55414, USA.

  BiFocal                Bi-monthly newsletter of BAM (Bisexual Awareness in
                         Melbourne), PO Box 38, Clifton Hill, VIC, Australia

  The Bi Monthly         Newsletter, published monthly by the Champaign-Urbana
                         Bisexual Network, c/o McKinely Foundation, 809 South
                         Fifth Street, Illinois 61820, USA.  1-year
                         subscription (10 issues) US$10 (US$7 with valid
                         University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus mail

  BiNet News             Published by BiNET, P.O.Box 772, Washinton District of
                         Columbia 20044-0772, USA.  US$10 or membership in
                         BiNet (yearly dues of $1 per $1000 of income.)

  BI-Nieuws              Published four times per year by the Dutch National
                         BI-Network (Vereniging Landelijk Netwerk
                         Biseksualiteit.) Write to P.O. Box 75087, 1070 AB
                         AMSTERDAM to subscribe, or send e-mail to

  Bi-ways                Newsletter published by the Australian Bisexual
                         Network.  Monthly about 15 pages $oz 20 p.a.
                         Subscriptions to the Australian Bisexual Network, P.O.
                         Box 490, Lutwyche, Australia 4030.

  Biverse                Monthly newsletter of the Sydney Bisexual Support
                         Network, PO Box 281, Broadway, NSW, Australia 2007.
                         Phone (in Australia): 0055-25926.

  Bi Women               Newsletter, published bimonthly by the Boston Bisexual
                         Women's Network, 617-424-9595, POB 639, Cambridge,
                         Massachusetts 02140, USA.

  CRBN Newsletter        Newsletter (irregular) of the Canberra Region Bisexual
                          Network, PO Box 458, Civic Square, ACT, Australia

  National Biways        Bi-monthly news magazine produced by the Australian
                         Bisexual Network, PO Box 490, Lutwyche, Queensland,
                         Australia 4030.  Available through membership of AU$20
                         or newsletter exchange.  Tel. 61-7-38572500.

  Neither                Newsletter (irregular) of the Adelaide Bisexual
                         Collective, PO Box 3391, Rundell Mall, Adelaide, SA,
                         Australia 5000.

  North Bi NorthWest     Newsletter, Seattle Bisexual Women's Network,
                         206-517-7767, P.O. Box 30645 Greenwood Station,
                         Seattle WA 98103-0645.

  Side Bi Side           Quarterly newsletter of the Bi Network of the
                         Washington, D.C. Area, P.O. Box 2646, Langley Park, MD
                         20787, USA. US$15/year, checks payable to BNDC or Bi

  Unitarian Universalist Bisexual Network (UUBN)
                         Newsletter, published occasionally by UUBN.  Send
                         US$10 to UUBN, P.O. Box 10818, Portland, Maine 04104,
                         USA, for a membership packet including the newsletter,
                         a copy of the International Directory of Bisexual
                         Groups and lots more.

Last uploaded on August 10, 1996.
(c) 1996 Bisexual Resource Center (BRC) <>    Phone:617-424-9595
Postal: POB 639, Cambridge Massachusetts 02140, USA.

                                                               Other Literature
                               OTHER LITERATURE

  Bisexual Resource Center for several things, including the following:

  Bisexual Resource Guide

  Maintaining A Simple Archive

  pamphlets, including:

  A Brief History Of The Bisexual Movement


  Bisexuality: Some Questions Answered

  50 Steps To Bisexual Visibility

  Bisexual Books Of 1991 (Annotated Bibliography)

  Bisexual Books Of 1992 (Annotated Bibliography)

  Bi-Bliography (Suggested Readings)

  How To Start A Bisexual Support Group

  Myths About Bisexuality

  Why Would Gay & Lesbian Organizations Include Bisexuals

  Safer Sex

  Using The Klein Scale To Teach About Sexual Orientation

  Lesbigay And Transgender Glossary

  Retreat And Conference Budgeting

  Australian Bisexual Network
                         PO Box 490, Lutwyche, QLD., Australia 4030:
  Bisexuality  - with  ABN info, OzBi electronic readers list info, books on
  Bisexuality - with ABN info, state & territory bi & partners groups info.
  Bisexuality - with ABN info, info on ILGA.
  Women, Bisexuality and Sexual Health - with Australian Bi women's  info,
                         contacts, books.
  Women, Bisexuality and Sexual Health - with international Bi women's info,
                         contacts, books.
  What if My Husband or Boyfriend is Bisexual?
  Booze, Drugs, Sex,  Bisexuality & You - with Queensland information, support
                         & counselling services.
  What is the Australian Bisexual Network - with ABN info, OzBi info, list of
                         books on bisexuality.
  The Swingers Guide to Safe Fun Times - to be released in early 1996.
  Men, Bisexuality and Sexual Health - to be released in early 1996.
  All brochures will be released on audio cassette in early 1996.

  Anything That Moves    magazine, c/o BABN, 2404 California Street #24, San
                         Francisco, California 94115, USA.  1 year: US$25, 2
                         years: us$45, Foreign/group/institutions: 1 year,
                         US$30, Limited income: 1 year, us$16.  Make checks
                         payable to BABN.  "Mailings are discreet & sent bulk

  Bi Any Other Name: Bisexual People Speak Out
                         ed. by Loraine Hutchins & Lani Kaahumanu.  Boston:
                         Alyson Publications, 1991. ISBN 0-55583-174-5
                         (paperback).  US$11.95

  Bisexual Politics: Theories Queries And Visions
                         Edited by Naomi Tucker with Liz Highleyman and Rebecca
                         Kaplan, Haworth Press. See
                for info and
                         ordering details.

  Bisexual Horizons      by Sharon Rose and Cris Stevens et al (Off Pink
                         Publishing), published by Lawrence and Wishart 1995.
                         Sequel to  Bisexual Lives.

  Bisexual Lives         Published in London by Off Pink Publishing, 1988.
                         ISBN 0-9513103-0-5 (paperback).  Sequel is Bisexual

  The Bisexual Option, Second Edition
                         Fritz Klein, MD.  1993.  The Haworth Press, Binghamton
                         New York 13904-1580, USA.  ISBN 1-56023-033-9.

  Bisexuality: The Psychology and Politics of an Invisible Minority
                         edited by Beth A. Firestein, Counseling Center,
                         Southern Illinois University, Carbondale IL, USA.
                         Foreword by Maggi Rubenstein.  August 1996.  376
                         pages.  $55.00 hardcover ISBN 0-8039-7273-3.  $25.95
                         paperback ISBN 0-8039-7274-1.  To order, contact Sage
                         Publications, Inc. Customer Service: 805-499-9774
                         Fax: 805-499-0871  E-mail:  Web

  Bisexuality, A Reader And Sourcebook
                         Thomas Geller, ed.  1989 Times Change Press, Ojai,
                         California, USA.

  Bisexuality & Hiv/Aids: A Global Perspective
                         ed. Rob Tielman, Manuel Carballo, & Art Hendriks.
                         Buffalo, NY, Prometheus Press, 1991.  ISBN
                         0-87975-666-7.  [US$42.50 cloth; paperback not yet
                         available 2/92.]

  Breaking the Barriers to Desire: Polyamory, Polyfidelity and Non-monogamy
                         New approaches to multiple relationships.  Kevin Lano
                         and Claire Parry, editors.  Five Leaves Publications,
                         available from AK Press, PO Box 40682, San Francisco,
                         California, 94140-0682, USA.

  Closer To Home: Bisexuality & Feminism
                         edited by Beth Reba Weise.  $14.95 from Seal Press,
                         3131 Western Avenue #410, Seattle, WA 98121-1028, USA.
                          Phone: (206) 283-7844.

  Cracking The Corporate Closet
                         to be published by Harper/Collins in 1993, will
                         examine employment practices, workplace issues,
                         charitable and political giving, advertising and other
                         issues relevant to lesbian and gay rights.

  Down There Press

  Dream Magazine         Klinger Publications, Klinger Building, 2801 Fourth
                         Ave., San Diego, California 92103 USA.  US$70 for 12

  The Final Closet: The Gay Parents' Guide For Coming Out To Their Children
                         rev. ed. Rip Corley.  ed. by Jean Chang.  LC 89-82740.
                         192p. 1990. Pap. 8.95 (ISBN 0-945586-08-6).  Editech

  The Handbook Of Non-Sexist Writing For Writers, Editors And Speakers
                         Casey Miller and Kate Swift.  US: 1980, Harper And
                         Row, ISBN 0-06-463542-2.  UK: 2nd British edition
                         1989, The Women's Press Limited, 34 Great Sutton
                         Street, London EC1V 0DX, England. UK pounds 4.95.

  In The Family          Quarterly periodical devoted to the interests and
                         concerns of GLBT families.  The subscription rate is
                         $22.00 ($26.00 U.S. outside the U.S.)  Single copies
                         are $5.50 ($6.50 international).  Send check or money
                         order to:  "In The Family, P.O.Box 5387, Takoma Park
                         MD  20913, USA.  The editor can be contacted at Phone:
                         301-270-4771.  Fax:  301-270-4660.  E-Mail:

  International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE)
                         has  a catalog of gender related books.  Call IFGE at
                         617-899-2212 or write at IFGE Inc., P.O. Box 229,
                         Waltham MA 02154-0229, USA and ask for their
                         publications catalog (you might also ask for
                         membership information).

  International Gay/Les/Bi Student Group Directory.
                         128kb.  Send mail to <> to
                         request a copy or provide updates.

  A Manager's Guide to Sexual Orientation in the Workplace
                         by Ellis and Powers.

  Open Hands             is published by the lesgay group of United Methodists.
                          Open Hands, 202-863-1586 fax 202-488-1423, P. O. Box
                         23636, Washington, District Of Columbia 20026, USA.

  The Other Side Of The Closet: The Coming-Out Crisis For Straight Spouses
                         Amity P. Buxton. 350p. (orig.).  1991. pap. 14.95
                         (ISBN 1-877880-07-8).  IBS Press.

  Out magazine 

  Talk Back! The Gay Person's Guide To Media Action
                         "Lesbian And Gay Media Advocates", US$3.95 Alyson
                         Publications, Boston, 1982.  ISBN 0-932870-10-4

  Two Lives To Live: Bisexuality In Men And Women
                         Ed. by Fritz Klein & Timothy J. Wolf.  New York:
                         Harrington Park Press, 1985.  ISBN 0-918393-22-1
                         (pap.).  Also published by Haworth Press, 1985, with
                         the title Bisexualities: Theory And Research;
                         originally appeared as Journal Of Homosexuality, vol.
                         11, nos. 1/2 (spring 1985).

  Women And Bisexuality  by Sue George.  252 pages. Published by Scarlet Press,
                         5 Montague Road, London E8 2HN, UK.  Price: GBP 9.99
                         (paperback); GBP 30 (hardback) (GBP is the
                         international code for british pounds).  ISBN: 1 85727
                         071 1 (paperback); 1 85727 066 5 (hardback).

  Slippery When Wet -- Bisexual.  Penetration positive. Queer.
                         Published by More! Productions, PO Box 3101, Berkeley,
                         California 94703, USA.  Email:
                         Very sex-positive, sexually radical up-and-coming
                         'zine.  Subscriptions $20.00 for 4 issues, or 30.00
                         for 4 issues and a t-shirt.  Make check out to More!
                         Productions, and sign your name over a statement
                         saying you are over 21 and wish to purchase erotic
                         materials.  Editor, Sunah Cherwin.

Last uploaded on June 20, 1996.
(c) 1996 Bisexual Resource Center (BRC) <>    Phone:617-424-9595
Postal: POB 639, Cambridge Massachusetts 02140, USA.

                                                                    Radio Shows
                                  RADIO SHOWS

  BiVocal                 The radio show by, for, and about BiSexuals,c/o 9A
                         Bealey Ave, Christchurch 1, New Zealand.  Plains FM,
                         96.9 MHz, canterbury plains area, New Zeland.  It is a
                         community radio station.  We alternate, every 2nd week
                         Mondays 8-8:30pm.  The other week is Outwaves, the
                         queer show.

Last uploaded on June 16, 1996.
(c) 1996 Bisexual Resource Center (BRC) <>    Phone:617-424-9595
Postal: POB 639, Cambridge Massachusetts 02140, USA.

                                                       Other Lists Of Resources
                           OTHER LISTS OF RESOURCES

  Adult Childern of Heterosexuals
                          Adult Children of Heterosexuals

  Bisexual Resource Guide
                         US$8.00. Bisexual Resource Center (BRC), POB 639,
                         Cambridge Massachusetts 02140, USA.

  The Bisexual Archives   available for use by appointment with BRC, POB 639,
                         Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140, USA.

  Guide to Internet Resources for Women
                          Available from 2 sources:

       Telnet or Gopher to INFORM.UMD.EDU to do this type "telnet" or "gopher"

      Use either the arrow keys or number keys to select: Educational Resources
      / Women's Studies / Computing / Guides to the Internet / guide by hunt

       Clearinghouse for Subject-Oriented Internet Resource Guides at the
      University of Michigan:

      Gopher: Minnesota's list of Gophers / University of Michigan / Library
      Resources / New and Featured on the Internet / Clearinghouse of Subject-
      Oriented Internet Resource Guides / Guides on the Social Sciences /
      Women's Studies Guide

      FTP to  Login as "anynomous", and use your e-mail
      address as a password.  Type "cd inetdirsstacks" to reach the proper
      directory.  The commands "ls" and "dir" will display a list of files in
      the directory.  Use the command "get women:hunt" to download the file
      onto your account.  End with "bye".

  List of organizations   who either have a "sexual orientation" clause as part
                         of policy or are subject to laws relating to "sexual
                         orientation".  Requests, corrections and contributions

  List of Bisexuality in Science Fiction, Fantasy and Other Fiction
                          Requests, corrections and contributions to
                (Dave Berry).

  List of GLBO Television Characters
                          semi-regular or recurring/ occasional gay, lesbian or
                         bisexual characters in english language TV shows
                         around the world.  Requests, corrections and
                         contributions to David Wyatt
                         <>> .

  Carol Mortimer's Gay TV Home Page

  List of books with bisexual themes and/or characters.
                         Requests, corrections and contributions to
                .  *** This address is
                         obsolete.  Does anyone have another? ***

  Bisexuality in Literature: A Checklist
                          Requests, additions, and corrections to M. S.
                         Montgomery, PO Box 1189, Princeton, New Jersey 08542,
                         US, or FAQ              A list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and their
                         answers from, the bisexual social newsgroup.
                 Copies may be requested
                         from (Jon Harley).

  Reading list (short) for people in mixed-sexual-orientation relationships.
                          Requests, corrections, and contributions to:
                (Peggy Fieland).

  GLBO-Centered Film List
                          Available by ftp from as
                         /pub/QRD/info/LISTS/glbo.films.list .

  Queer Resources Directory (QRD)
                          A collection of lots of information on QRD is
                         accessible in the following ways:

       by World Wide Web at

        by WAIS at

        by Gopher at

        by FTP at (

  For more information, send mail to .

  E-Mail Directory of Lesbigay Scholars
                          Contains more than 150 persons listed.  To be
                         included, request the entry form from

  Open Hands list of Welcoming Churches


  P.E.R.S.O.N. Project   Public Education Regarding Sexual Orientation

Last uploaded on June 22, 1996.
(c) 1996 Bisexual Resource Center (BRC) <>    Phone:617-424-9595
Postal: POB 639, Cambridge Massachusetts 02140, USA.

                                                             HIV/AIDS Education
                              HIV/AIDS EDUCATION

   The following people have volunteered to be contacts for HIV/AIDS issues:

  Liz Highleyman         <>

  Michael Beer           <>

  Julie Waters           <>

   HIV/AIDS related resources

  Computerized AIDS Ministries Network
                         Telnet:  FTP:
                         WWW:  WWW:

  Safer Sex              Pamphlet, $1 developed by BiCEP and published by BRC,
                         617-424-9595, PO 639, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140,

  AIDS Memorial Quilt  Each of the 32,000 colorful
                         panels in the Quilt was made to remember the life a
                         person lost to AIDS. Panels are 3 feet by 6 feet --
                         the size of a human grave.  As the epidemic claims
                         more lives, the Quilt continues to grow: over fifty
                         new memorial panels are added each week.  The Quilt
                         stands for more than the tens of thousands of people
                         whose names are sewn into the fabric.  It stands, as
                         well, for the sorrow, anger, love and hope of people
                         who make panels.

  Fight the Right Network

  Expose the Right!

Last uploaded on June 20, 1996.
(c) 1996 Bisexual Resource Center (BRC) <>    Phone:617-424-9595
Postal: POB 639, Cambridge Massachusetts 02140, USA.

                                                       Fight the Right Contacts
                           FIGHT THE RIGHT CONTACTS

  US/National            Scot Nakagawa, Fight the Right Coordinator/NGLTF, 522
                         S.W. 5th Avenue, #1375, Portland, OR 97204.  Phone:
                         (503) 221-0115.  Fax: (503) 228-1965.

   Fight the Right Network

  Expose the Right!

  US/California          Task Force To Oppose the California Anti-Gay Ballot
                         Initiative, c/o Mike Hudson of People for the American
                         Way, 330 Washington Blvd. Suite 703, Marina del Rey,
                         CA 90292.  Phone: 310-823-2860.

  US/Florida             Floridians Respect Everyone's Equality, 317 1/2 Park
                         Ave., Tallahasse, FL 32301.  Phone: 904-561-6336.

  Human Rights Task Force
                          1222 S. Dale Mabry, #652, Tampa, FL 33629.  Phone:

  US/Idaho               Idaho for Human Dignity, P.O. Box 797, Boise, ID
                         83701. Phone: 208-336-5160.

  US/Maine               Equal Protection Lewiston, P.O. Box 7804.  Lewiston,
                         ME 04243-7804.  Phone: 207-784-5818.

  US/Michigan            Michigan Organization for Human Rights, P.O. Box 2738,
                         Lansing, MI 48909.  Phone: 517-887-2605.

  US/Oregon              Support Our Communities Political Action Committee.
                         Phone: Debra Betron 503-287-9370.

  Rural Organizing Project
                          PO Box 919, Scappoose, OR 97056. Phone: (503)
                         543-3978. Ask about getting in touch with the nearest
                         Human Dignity Coalition group, there are fifty-two
                         throughout rural Oregon.

  US/Tennessee           Social Justice Committee, James Talent, c/o
                         MCC/Knoxville, P.O. Box 2343, Knoxville, TN 37901.
                         Phone: 615-521-6546.

  US/Washington          Washington Citizens for Fairness, P.O. Box 4828,
                         Seattle, WA 98102.  Phone: 206-233-1932.

Last uploaded on June 16, 1996.
(c) 1996 Bisexual Resource Center (BRC) <>    Phone:617-424-9595
Postal: POB 639, Cambridge Massachusetts 02140, USA.

                                                   Bi/Queer Product Source List
                         BI/QUEER PRODUCT SOURCE LIST

  BiUnity's BiProducts .  Two
                         great t-shirts available, proceeds benefit BiUnity,
                         the Philadelphia network for bisexual people and their

  Buys For Bi's          1559 Rockville Pike Suite 213, Rockville Maryland
                         20852, USA.  Buttons and T-shirts.  Write for catalog.

  Like A Diva            312-227-2588.  Call for catalog.

  Lambda Rising          800-621-6969, 1625 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington
                         District of Columbia 20009, USA.  Books, music,
                         videos, buttons, gifts, etc.  Mailing list for
                         extensive quarterly book catalog.Send name and mailing
                         address to:

  Don't Panic Designs    11264 Playa Ct., Culver City California 90230, USA.
                         Phone: 310-815-0280, 800-457-PANIC.

  A Different Light      on Hudson Street in Manhattan, NYC (Info in 212 Area

  Liberty Books          Austin, Texas, USA.  Phone: 800-828-1279.

  Cardpack Subscriptions
                         Box 330, 70-A Greenwich Avenue, New York, NY 10011.
                         Specify your request for either the Community Cardpack
                         (men) or Sapphile (women).

  Christopher Street West Association
                         sells a number of Gay-oriented items through the mail.
                          Credit cards accepted; for a free merchandise
                         catalog, call 213-656-6553.

  Dan Kaufman Graphics   Dept I, PO Box 33714, Washington DC 20033-0714, USA.
                         Phone: (202) I'M OUT-RU? [466-8878]. Fax: (202)
                         466-8879. E-mail:  WWW:

   Bisexual Resource Center (Boston)
                         Has an  Order Form for buttons and T-shirts (and
                         bisexual literature).

  OVERLOOK               Sells T-shirts and will soon have buttons and jewelry.
                          Postal: ATTN: BBL Department, 6611 W Peoria Suite
                         5132, Glendale Arizona 85302, USA.  Email catalog:
                . Phone orders (any time of
                         day or night): 1-800-OVERLOOK (1-800-683-7566) from
                         within the United States.  2% of all sales goes to the
                         Shanti Foundation.

  We Are Not Invisible   Indianapolis Youth Group (IYG) has a video for
                         sale/rent called "We Are Not Invisible".  Television
                         and movie star Wilson Cruz of the highly esteemed
                         television series "My So Called Life,"  and recently
                         released motion picture "Nixon", shares his personal
                         experiences with over 75 gay, lesbian, bisexual, and
                         diversity-sensitive youth from across the United
                         States.  In a talk-show format, Wilson and other teens
                         candidly exchange stories about:  coming out as a gay
                         youth, their experiences at school, gay youth and
                         religion, and the video concludes with powerful youth
                         perspectives about the future of gay, lesbian,
                         bisexual and transgendered people.  This video sheds a
                         refreshingly positive light on being young and gay.
                         The cost of the video is $29.95 + S/H to buy and $10 +
                         S/H to rent for seven days.  It is on VHS tape and
                         runs 38 minutes.  For more information contact: IYG,
                         P.O. Box 20716, Indianapolis, IN  46220, USA.  Phone:
                         317-541-8726.  Fax: 317-545-8594. IYG is a support
                         group in Indianapolis, that helps support and educate
                         gay, lesbian and bisexual youth under 21.

    Also check out the back pages and ads in Genre, OUT, Advocate  andother
   related magazines, often found even in MAINSTREAM bookstores, like Barnes &
   Noble, WaldenBooks, BookStop and others.

Last uploaded on August 10, 1996.
(c) 1996 Bisexual Resource Center (BRC) <>    Phone:617-424-9595
Postal: POB 639, Cambridge Massachusetts 02140, USA.

                                                                  For the Blind
                                 FOR THE BLIND

   Publications of the  Redirection are available free to vision-impaired
   people in  regular print, large print, or on 3.5" IBM-compatible or
   Macintosh floppy disk.

    We would like to make our literature available on audio tape, as well.
   Contact us to volunteer to record literature on audio cassettes for the

Last uploaded on August 10, 1996.
(c) 1996 Bisexual Resource Center (BRC) <>    Phone:617-424-9595
Postal: POB 639, Cambridge Massachusetts 02140, USA.

                                                                   Pet Projects
                                 PET PROJECTS

(things we'd like to see happen in Bi communities)

      Audio tape/braille bi literature for people with visual impairments.

      Eliminating oppression of people in the Bisexual Communities on the
      excuse of race, age, or disability.

      Translating bisexual pamphlets into other languages than English. Contact
      the  Redirection to volunteer.

      The Down Under Project - to publish a bisexual anthology of personal
      stories, poetry, artwork, etc from bisexual people, partners, Bi groups
      etc from Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Norfolk Island & the
      islands of the South Pacific. Submissions to Australian Bisexual Network
      by early  1996.

Last uploaded on August 10, 1996.
(c) 1996 Bisexual Resource Center (BRC) <>    Phone:617-424-9595
Postal: POB 639, Cambridge Massachusetts 02140, USA.

                                                    Bi Activist Email Addresses
                          BI ACTIVIST EMAIL ADDRESSES

(Internet format)

   Send mail to to be added to this list.  Keep in mind: This
   list may be requested by anyone, from, and is posted monthly
   to  many places.

  Adam Wills <>
                         President of the Portland Bisexual Alliance, a
                         political, social and support oriented bisexual
                         organization in Portland, Oregon, USA.

  Adrian Banard <inki@MIT.EDU>

  Aimee L. Tweedie <>

  Alan Hamilton <>
                         Former president of the East Coast Bisexual Resource
                         Center (now the Bisexual Resource Center) and
                         co-founder of the Unitarian-Universalist Bisexual
                         Network (now merged with Interweave: Unitarian
                         Universalists for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and
                         Transgender Concerns.)  Does writing and public
                         speaking, panel discussions and workshops on HIV/AIDS,
                         sexual orientation, bisexuality, oppression theory,
                         and related subjects.  Contact for bisexual issues,
                         bisexual literature, or to volunteer time to BRC or

  Alexei Guren < a BiNet USA Coordinator and Editrix of
                         <BiNet News.>

  Amila Chandrasekera <>

  Ariella <>
                         Moderator for the  /Bisexual and /Leather Special
                         Interest Groups on multicom-4, a gay, lesbian, and
                         bisexual BBS based out of Rochester, New York.

  Bisexual Resource Center (Boston) <>

  Biverse - The Bisexual Association <>
                         Biverse is a open political/social/support group based
                         on the principle of freedom of sexuality expression in
                         all forms.  Although its address is through Trent
                         university, it is a community based group.

  Brett Beemyn <>

  Cappy Harrison <>
                         Philadelphia-area activist; contact for BiUnity,
                         Philadelphia's network for bisexual people and their
                         friends, and for the Philadelphia Polyamory Support

  Chris Hampton <>
                         Facilitator of BiONiC, the local bi group in Lawrence,
                         Kansas, USA.

  Darci L. Chapman <>

  Dave Berry <>

  Dean Taormina <>

  E Grace Noonan <>
                         Digital Equipment Corporation lesbigay activist;
                         contact person for translesbigays in recovery from
                         alcoholism and addiction as well as those who are
                         family and friends of someone in or needing a recovery

  Ellen Clary <>
                         Email contact for Bi-Friendly, San Francisco,
                         California, USA.

  Gerard Palmeri <>

  Gregory Potts <>

  Ian Watters <>
                         Hon Secretary of the London Bisexual Group, PO Box
                         3325, London, Great Britain N1 9EQ.

  Jill Nagle <>

  Julie Firman <>

  Julie Waters <>
                         Long-term activist and founder of the BISEXU-L,
                         GLB-NEWS and TRANSGEN lists.  Does public speaking on
                         issues related to gender, sexual orientation and

  Ken Jones <>

  Kirsten Obrien <>
                 Administrative Director
                         of the California State University, Northridge,
                         Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community
                         Resource Center (California, United States of

  Laura Arnold <>

  Liz Highleyman <>

  Louie Crew <>

  Maria Maso <>

  Mike Montgomery <>
                         A.k.a. "M. S. Montgomery".  Reference librarian,
                         bi-bliographer, versifier, essayist, lifepartner,
                         father, lover, friend.  Takes reference and
                         bibliographic queries on bi-related subjects.

  Malcolm Pon <>
                         Co-chair, Education and Outreach, George Mason
                         University GLBSA.

  Maurice Snellen <>
                         Secretary of the Dutch National BI-Network
                         ("Vereniging Landelijk Netwerk Biseksualiteit"),
                         e-mail contact-person for this organization, who can
                         also be contacted if you want to subscribe to their
                         newsletter 'BI-Nieuws'.  WWW:

  MikZ                   <>
                         Involved with the Sydney Bisexual Support Network, and
                         also Bisexual, Gay and Lesbian Alliance of Sacramento
                         (California State University, Sacramento) and Suede
                         (University of  Western Sydney, Nepean).

  Mitchell Plitnick <>

  Ray Schnitzler <>

  Robyn Ochs <>

  Ronald Ferguson <>

  Tane' Tachyon <>

  Ted Hardie <>

  Tigger <>

  Tom Limoncelli <> (home) -- <> (work)
                         Write to me for info about internet mailing lists on
                         these topics: Drew University Alumni/ae, IXO/tpage
                         users, New Jersey Unix Sysadmins' Group (like SAGE),
                         New Jersey motss, North East motss, BiNet/New Jersey,
                         and more!

  Wayne Bryant <>
                         Co-founder of Biversity Boston.  Contact for the
                         Biversity Calendar.  Author of Bisexual Characters in
                         Film: From Anais to Zee (not yet published).

  Will Rowe <>
                         An active member of Biverse, the Trent Lesbian and Gay
                         Collective, and a dedicated activist on HIV/AIDS and
                         sexuality issues.

  Kay Dekker <>

  Virginia Fleming <>

  Wayne Roberts <>
                         Co-Convenor of Australian Bisexual Network and editor
                         of National Biways news magazine.

  Zan Walker <; <;

Last uploaded on August 10, 1996.
(c) 1996 Bisexual Resource Center (BRC) <>    Phone:617-424-9595
Postal: POB 639, Cambridge Massachusetts 02140, USA.


User Contributions:

Hi Anne,Thank you so much for your questions they are a brateh of fresh air!It is not just about sex for me, the thought of her being a bit on the side' is heart breaking. The thought of it being an experiment, or just curosity under values my feelings for her .. I'm in an exclusive relationship with my bf, I've been in an open' relationship with him previously all participants consenting (morality is of great importance to me). It didn't work for me because I can't seperate sex and love. So I don't consider it to be an option.The instensity of my feelings for the woman are stronger than I've felt for a man. I consider her as a potential partner although my recognition of this and my feelings are a slow dawning of consciousness. When I first met her I didn't know she was Lesbian, but as we became closer friends I thought, there's something different about this what's going on? She later told me she is Lesbian and it was like a light starting to rise in my consciousness. I still don't feel fully aware of what's bubbling up for me but aware enough to be concerned for all involved, and cautious.I don't know what I'm missing in my relationship with my bf, so I need to question myself more on that one .I'm grieving quite a bit at the moment, but I don't know why, and I keep getting little panic attacks.I've asked my bf for some space, especially sexually because my emotions are all over the place, we've talked about how this could potentially be the end of our relationship . I think I somehow need to work out whats happening for me without involving anyone else, including the woman of my affection, because I don't want to hurt her with my confusion
Obama urges Putin to receive diplomatic solution

Putin's hand was in all probability behind the dramatic move, But it was not clear whether he is targeting outright annexation, Or simply unwinding his hand in talks with the West. Said it was imposing travel constraints on opponents of Ukraine's new government. Both were expressing further sanctions. In new york, Obama condemned the planned Crimean referendum, proverb it "Would violate the Ukrainian constitution and violate global marketplace law. " Crimea's parliament rammed through what amounted to a commitment of independence from Ukraine, asserting it would let the Crimean people, 60 percent of whom are ethnic european, Decide whether they want to enlist with their gigantic neighbor to the east. "This is our response to the disorder and lawlessness in Kiev, " mentioned Sergei Shuvainikov, A member of the legislature. "We will decide our future our lives. " CBS News Moscow bureau chief Svetlana Berdnikova said reports suggested a new bill could be adopted by the Russian parliament the instance next week, Simplifying how regions of foreign states can join the Russian Federation. the state of hawaii Duma, the low house of Russia's legislature, Was expected to choose Crimea's request in meetings next week. Ukraine's prime minister swiftly denounced the action: "This named referendum has no legal grounds at all, " suggested Arseniy Yatsenyuk. the country's acting president, Oleksandr Turchynov, Later said Ukraine would move to break down Crimea's parliament, But such an action would have hardly any practical effect. As a critical EU summit got under way in Brussels, A senior traditional western diplomat, Who spoke on affliction of anonymity, offers that EU leaders "Will send a clear message that the referendum won't be realized. " Later the bloc presented its response: EU President Herman Van Rompuy declared that the bloc was suspending talks with Russia on a far reaching economic pact and on a visa deal, And would consider further measures if Russia does not quickly open substantive dialogue. "Not everyone will be satisfied with the decision but I should say that we did much more together than one could have expected several hours ago, " Said Polish prime minister Donald Tusk. On saturday, Putin said Russia had no goal of annexing Crimea, While insisting its population has the right to determine the region's status in a referendum. A popular vote would give Putin a democratic fig leaf for what would in fact be a formal takeover although it was too early to tell whether such a move would actually go forward. The Russian president called a meeting of his Security Council on Thursday to talk about Ukraine. The peninsula was once Russia's imperial crown jewel, A lush land seized by Catherine the actual in the 18th century that evokes Russia's claim to greatness as a world power. A referendum had in past times been scheduled in Crimea on March 30, But right now to be put to voters was on whether their region should enjoy "lay claim autonomy " throughout Ukraine. the city legislature in Sevastopol, The Crimean port that offers Russia's naval base, Voted late wed to join the referendum. The vote was necessary because the city has an autonomous status making it separate from all Crimea. Crimea's new leader has said pro Russian forces numbering longer than 11,000 now control all access to the peninsula in the Black Sea and have blockaded all military bases that have not yet surrendered. Accused of harmful Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial borders. The limits were unlikely to directly target Putin. To levy financial supports. In an announcement, The White House said the charges would target "those who're most directly involved in destabilizing Ukraine, your military intervention in Crimea, And does not preclude further steps should the outcome deteriorate. Measures were announced as Secretary of State John (...)

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