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[l/m 7/30/2008] References Distilled Wisdom (28/28) XYZ

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Panel 28

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<most pot hole filling [reformatting, citation completion] welcome>

Related news groups:
	rec.arts.books.* (moderated)

	References to whitewater are now in
	Climbing references will shortly be moved to rec.climbing
	Scouting references moved to rec.scouting

This is not intended as a comprehensive list.
What do you want?  Hand holding in the wilderness?  Part of the
adventure is in the the self-discovery.  This is just a start.

Try a library.

For instance, climbing and backpacking is the 796.5[012] section (Dewey)
or the G 505-510 and GV 190-200 in the Library of Congress section (how do 
I know that? I've spent a lot of time there).  You can find other topics in 
similar areas.  Are you familiar with Books-in-Print?
Just look.
You can't learn all wisdom from a book, but think of a book
as containing the "syntax" of wisdom.  In the past, none of these books
existed, so their contents get better thru time.

BOOKS, Dave Roberts published a fine review of beginning mountaineering
books in the 1971 Ascent.  While those books were obviously dated, the
qualities of the review (all bad) were good.  Roberts characterized
"Nine Deadly Sins:"
	Sin of anachronism
	Sin of atavism
	Sin of provincialism
	Sin of over-specificity
	Sin of technique for it's own sake
	Sin of equipment freaking
	Sin of dullness
	Sin of moral didacticism
	Sin of ignorance
Considering these when getting ANY book.

How-to-get started

The Role of Reading How-Tos

        To this day I cannot read "how to" instructions in printed form.
        Psychologically, these are indigestible for me.
                --Stan Ulam, Adventures (Mis-Adventures) of a Mathematician

Every half decent guidebook and climbing/outdoor book warns/notes that
it is not possible to learn the activity by reading a book.  So why read?
Basically to prepare you in advance for field work with human instructors,
mentors, etc.  Reading makes their job easier and you progress faster by:
        1) Terminology exposure -- you hear/read the verbage
        2) Learn the syntax which yields a sequence and the beginnings
        of priorities (values and judgments).
        3) Learn an initial understanding of semantics.


%A Colin Fletcher
%T The Complete Walker
%X Get the most current version available (III or IV).
%X This book unlike most books tries to convey the feeling.

Also try (for enjoyment):
%A Colin Fletcher
%T The Thousand Mile Summer
%X Realize that trip was done in 1958 before the outdoor fad.
Not a how-to book.

%A Colin Fletcher
%T The Secret Worlds of Colin Fletcher
%D 1988
%X It is suggested that one read Robert Pirsig's
"Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" first.
%X Subtle.

%A Colin Fletcher
%T The Man Who Walked Through Time
%X Account of a backpack the length of the Grand Canyon.
Especially enjoyable for GC boaters out there.

%A Colin Fletcher
%T River
%X Account of a modern day raft down the length of the Grand Canyon.
A man in the sunset of his life, reflecting backward.
Especially enjoyable for GC boaters out there.

%A H. Manning
%T Backpacking One Step at a Time
%I   [Not Mountaineers]
%C ???
%K children section,
%X Get current (Green?) edition.
%X Enjoyable cartoons by Bob Cram.
%X More enjoyable Bob Cram cartoons.

%A John Hart
%T Walking Softly in the Wilderness
%I Sierra Club Books
%C San Francisco, CA
%D 1984
%X Can't out-Fletcher Fletcher, but comes close
%X First useful reference on minimum impact ideas

%A Bruce Hampton
%A David Cole
%T Soft Paths - How to enjoy the wilderness without harming it
%I Stackpole Books
%C Harrisburg, PA  800-READ-NOW
%D 1988

%A Steven M. Cox, ed.
%T Mountaineering: the Freedom of the Hills, 7th edition
%I The Mountaineers
%C Seattle, WA
%D 2003
%X This book is regarded as a Bible in some circles.  Weighs as much as a good
sized one, too.  It takes a somewhat religious attitude to what it written
as the word for the Mountaineer's climbing class.
%X Comprehensive text on mountaineering
%X The 7th edition is the most current
   (but I don't think it has the enjoyable Rob Cram cartoons
    as previous editions do)

Bruce Cockburn - The Trouble With Normal

Most climbing references have moved to the rec.climbing FAQ.

Food and Cooking

%A Yvonne Prater
%A Ruth Dyar Mendenhall
%T Gorp, Glop and Glue Stew: Favorite Foods from 165 outdoor experts
%I The Mountaineers
%C Seattle, WA
%X Highly recommended by Backpacker

%E Sukey Richards
%E Donna Orr
%E Claudia Lindholm, eds.
%T NOLS Cookery
%I NOLS Publications
%C Lander, WY
%D 1988
%X Excellent discussion of nutrition, bulk foods, and rationing

%A Stephen Herrero
%T Bear Attacks - Their Causes and Avoidance
%I Lyons & Burford
%D 1985
%O ISBN: 0941130827
%X The Table of Contents:
1) Grizzly Bear Attacks
2) Sudden Encounters with Grizzlies
3) Provoked Attacks
4) The Dangers of Garbage and Habituation
5) Other Attacks
6) Aggression without Injury
7) The Tolerant Black Bear
8) The Predaceous Black Bear
9) Avoiding Encounters
10) Characteristics of Bears
11) The Evolution of Bears
12) Bear Foods and Location
13) Signs of Bear Activity
14) Learning and Instinct
15) Aggression and Submission
16) Bears and People in Rural and Remote Areas
17) Bear Management
%X This text is part of the r.b. roaming "Library of the Net."
The conditions for shareholding: $1 and price of postage.
This offer only good in the US (only two known exceptions).
You have to be willing to make public a mailing address (think
closely about this if you like your privacy: women especially).
You can buy your own copy of use a library faster than this.
That's not the point.  Email for details.
%X Page 142:
"Of the many chemical compounds such as mothballs, ammonia, and mace
that have been tested as bear repellents, those containing capsaicin,
an active ingredient of cayenne peppers, have shown the most promise.
"Another commerically available chemical repellent which has shown
promise with limited testing on BLACK bears is called "Skunker". It
uses the active ingredient which skunks spray to defend themselves.
   The current limitations of all chemical repellents are the
preliminary nature of testing, their short range, the difficulty of
accurate delivery if a person is excited, and their potential for abuse.
Their seven-to-thirty-foot range means last-minute delivery to
a bear and this would have to be done under very difficult conditions
if a bear were charging full out. Wind could aid to severly deflect
the spray.  Chemical repellents are NO SUBSTITUTE for avoid
bear confrontations, but they may be useful in repelling curious bears,
especially black bears, that might become aggressive if not repelled."
%X [Addednum from Herrero:
Bear Attacks Their Causes and Avoidance -- Stephen Herrero  - revised edition
United States and Canada 1990's 
29 people killed by bears
18 -- grizzly bears
11 -- black bears
Perspective -- 1977-1998
250 people killed by dogs]

%A Tracy I. Storer
%A Lloyd P. Trevis, Jr.
%T California Grizzly
%I University of California Press
%C Berkeley
%D reprinting November 1996

%A Frank Craighead
%T Track of the Grizzly

Craighead, Frank and John Craighead. How to Survive on Land
and Sea. Naval Institute Press, (4th edition, 1984), $17.95 0-87021-278-8

%A Doug Peacock
%T The Grizzly Years
%X Grizzly Years: In Search of the American Wilderness by Doug Peacock is
written in a style reminiscent of the work of Edward Abbey (for instance,
Desert Solitaire) who happened to be one of Peacock's closest friends.
Peacock isn't trained as a biologist but it is a good bet that he knows
more about the everyday biology of grizzly bears than most degreed
biologists. That's because as soon as he returned from the war in Vietnam
(he was a medic) he hit the high country and found a life among the
grizzly bears. From the early '70s on, Peacock has spent his summers
living in the wilderness (employed seasonally as a fire lookout) studying and
the reading quick and easy and that is effective in passing on a few
important lessons. As one who has been charged more than 40 times by
grizzlies but never once actually attacked (i.e., not even a scratch),
Peacock seems to know what he's talking about.
This book should be required reading from anyone planning to spend much
time in 'grizzer bear' country.
From: (Dan Nelson)

%A Stephen A.Pyne
%T Year of the Fires
%X History professor and fire chronicler extraordinaire
If you're interested in why we started fighting fires, you need to read
that book.  I give it a rating of four pulaskis (out of four).
Bob Lee

%A Kennan Ward
%T Grizzlies in the Wild

%A Thomas McNamee
%T The Grizzly Bear

%Q Washington National Wildlife Federation
%T Grizzly Bear Compendium

%A Wayne Lynch
%T Bears: Monarchs of the Northern Wilderness
%I Mountaineers Books
%C Seattle, WA
%X This is the new definitive reference book for all
species of northern bears. Lynch acknowledges that the book is loaded
with facts, but says in the preface, Although I hope biologists and bear res
live in bear country and who want a better understanding of the bears
with which they live.
That is exactly what he accomplished. A great resource to answer any
question about bears.
From: (Dan Nelson)

%A Ian Stirling, ed.
%Z Canadian Wildlife Service
%T Bears: Majestic Creatures of the Wild
%I Rodale Press
%X A good secondary companion piece to the Lynch book. 
Explores a bit more of the scientific details of bears, and while it
isnt difficult to read or understand, the text isnt of the same excellent
From: (Dan Nelson)

James Gary Shelton
  Pogany Productions
  Box 355
  Hagensborg, B.C.
  Canada V0T 1H0

%A Bernard DeVoto, ed.
%T The Journals of Lewis and Clark
%I Houghton Mifflin Co.
%X Meriweather Lewis and William Clark's 
account of their expedition. I picked up a paperback edited by John Bakeless 
rather than reading the entire book. (Donna McMaster)
%X Actual journals of both captains as they forged through the wilderness.
%X It is incredible the hardships these people endured. From baking
temperatures in summer to 40 below in winter with nothing but skins for
clothing and moccasins for footwear; living mostly off the land. Forging
into unknown territory through some of the toughest country in the west.
%X Lugging boats up river with sharp stones cutting their feet, bugs
eating them, prickly pear going right through their moccasins, only the
most primitive medicines for their ills and injuries.
%X No lightweight tents, Gore-tex, hiking boots, fancy stoves, packaged
foods. Grizzlies chasing them numerous times and to top it off,
contending with hostile Indians.
%X And now we think we're roughing it.
Try it, you'll enjoy it.
Klondike Geoff

%A Anne Zwinger
%T Run River Run
%X Again I'm off-track since she's a naturalist,  
certainly not "against" nature but I thoroughly enjoyed this story of her 
canoe and raft trip down the Green River from its source to its confluence
with the Colorado. (Donna McMaster)

%A John Murray, ed.
%T The Great Bear
%X A compilation of some of the best nature writersessays on
the mighty bruins. Featuring works from
the likes of Edward Abbey, Frank Craighead, Jr., William Kittredge,
Aldo Leopold grizzlies but never once actually attacked (i.e., not even
a scratch), Schullery, this anthology is definitely a great source of
entertainment and education.

%A Charles F. Outland
%T Mines, Murders, and Grizzlies, Tales of California's Ventura Back Country
%I Ventura County Historical Society
%O ISBN 0-87062-173-4 (paperback)

%A Stewart Townend
%T Mathematics in Sport
%O ISBN 0-85312-717-4 and ISBN 0-85312-719-4

Climbing Rock
This section moved to rec.climbing FAQ.

%A William Bueler
%T Mountains of the World, A Handbook for Climbers and Hikers
%I Mountaineers
%C Seattle
%D 1978
%K high points

%A Ernest Wilkinson
%T Snow Caves For Fun & Survival

%A James Wilkerson, M.D. Ed.
%T Medicine for Mountaineering and Other Wilderness Activities, 4th Edition
%I The Mountaineers
%C Seattle
%D 1992
%O 0-89886-331-7 $16.95

%A Fred Darvill
%T Mountaineering Medicine: A Wilderness Medical Guide, 13th Edition
%I Wilderness Press
%D 1992
%O $5.95 0-89997-155-5

%A James A. Wilkerson, MD Ed.
%A Cameron C. Bangs, MD
%A John S. Hayward, PhD
%T Hypothermia, Frostbite and Other Cold Injuries
%I The Mountaineers
%C Seattle
%D 1986

more research oriented
%A	W. R. Keatinge
%T	Survival in Cold Water
%I	Blackwell
%C	Oxford
%D	1969

%A	Jacques LeBlanc
%T	Man in the Cold
%I	Charles C. Thomas Publisher
%D	Springfield, IL
%D	1975

%A	Guido di Prisco
%T	Life Under Extreme Conditions: Biochemical Adaptation
%I	Springer-Vrlag
%C	Berlin/NY
%D	1991
%X Proc. of a Rome Conference.

%A Peter Steele
%T Far From Help!  Backcountry Medical Care
%I Cloudcap
%C Box 27344, Seattle, 1991
%X similar to "Medical handbook for mountaineers" published by Constable in UK.

%A William Forgey
%T Wilderness Medicine
%I ICS Books
%D 1987
%O $8, 0-934802-37-8


%A Bjorn Kellstrom
%T Be Expert in Map and Compass
%I Charles Scribner's Sons
%C New York, NY
%D 1976
%X Oldy but goody; best intro to Silva system
%X Available from any Boy Scout merchan. dist.

"American Practical Navigator"; Bowditch; U.S. Navy Hydographic Office

%A W. S. Kals
%T Land Navigation Handbook
%I Sierra Club Books
%C San Francisco, CA
%D 1983
%X Learn how to use that altimeter, understand declination
%X Excellent for hints and unconventional thinking

%A Glenn Randall
%C Vancouver
%I Douglas & McIntyre Ltd.
%D 1989

%A Thomas L. Saaty
%A Paul C. Kainen
%T The Four-Color Problem: Assaults and Conquest
%I Dover
%C New York
%D 1986 (1977)
%K 4CC,
%X Stated:
	Four colors are sufficient to color any map drawn on the plane or
	on a sphere so that no two regions with a common boundary line
	are colored with the same color.
%X  Builds to proof by
Wolfgang Haken and Kenneth Appel (UIUC)
10^10 operations, 1200 hours of Cyber compute time.

%A Kenneth Appel
%A Wolfgang Haken
%T The Solution to the Four-Color Map Problem
%J Scientific American
%D October 1977
%P 108-121

Any winter travel -- any person who ignores this critical subject deserves
to become loam.

%A David McClung
%A Peter Schaerer
%T Avalanche Handbook, 2nd ed.
%I Mountaineers
%C Seattle, WA
%D 1993
%X This is as detailed as it gets.
%X $12-$20.

%A Ron Perla
%A Martinelli
%T Avalanche Handbook
%X This is as detailed as it gets.
%X Inexpensive.
%X Updated by McClung and Schaerer.

%A Ed LaChapelle
%T ABC of Avalanche Safety, 2nd ed.[?]
%I The Mountaineers
%C Seattle, WA
%D 1985, 1978, 1961
%X $5.95

%A Tony Daffern
%T Avalanche Safety for Skiers and Climbers
%I Rocky Mountain Books
%C Calgary
%I Cloudcap Press
%C Seattle, WA
%I Diadem Books
%C London
%D 1983
%X It seems to have reasonable references (Perla, LaChapelle, conference
reports, etc.).  It covers route finding, mountain weather,
snow structure and metamorphasis (with some neat snow crystal pictures from
Perla), avalanche types, hazard evaluation, rescue, and first aid.
The avalanche chapters in general
books such as "Mountaineering: Freedom of the Hills" was not complete enough).

%A Michael P. Ghiglieri
%A Charles R. Farabee
%T Off the Wall: Death in Yosemite
%I Puma Press LLC
%D March 2007
%X Summary of fatalities, accident, murder, suicide in the Park.

%A Thomas M. Myers
%A Michael P. Ghiglieri
%T Over the Edge: Death in Grand Canyon
%I Puma Press LLC
%D March 2001
%X Summary of fatalities, accident, murder, suicide in the Park.

%A Thomas M. Myers
%T Fateful journey: Injury and death on Colorado River trips in Grand Canyon
%I Red Lake Books
%D 1999

%A Lee Whittlesey
%T Death in Yellowstone: Accidents and Foolhardiness in the First National Park
%I Roberts Rinehart Publishers
%D June 1995
%X Summary of fatalities, accidents, in the Park.

Some notoriously BAD books as well: Books to avoid:
Books by Bridge, Casewit, Ullman, Bastille, Kingsley.
Avoid wasting your time, but they offer opportunities to critique.
Anything authored by Curtis Casewit.
James Ramsey Ullman (was said, "He's in the penalty box") Ullman
clearly wrote the the best known, most popular works pre-1970.
Ullman was invited on the '63 Everest expedition as a token gesture
to raise funds from a publishing company:
The Age of Mountaineering, Americans on Everest, The White Tower (bad),
Straight Up (John Harlin, II)
Avoid the Icecraft book by Norman Kingsley.
Some works by Jeremy Bernstein.  His writing is fair.

Dave Roberts also reviewed the basic form of all climbing
autobiographies.  They largely all read the same.  To quote Roberts in
the 1974 Ascent:
  Alas, no mountain climber has yet written a good autobiography. ...
Climbing autobiographies are written, usually by men (and an occasional
woman) who are still in the thick of it, ... In short, too close to their
subject to see it well.  Another basic flaw stems from the form which every
autobiographer seems to chose whether out of habit, imitation, or simple
laziness.  Namely, a chronological recipe of major climbs and
expeditions.  V.S. Pritchett, the Engish writer who waited until his
late 60's to to begin his own autobiography, warned in a lecture once that
"chronology is the death of a vast amount of autobiography."  The writer,
he argued, ought to view what he is doing as "conducting a search," not
"traipsing down chronology." ...
  So impersonal, in fact, are most climbing autobiographies, that one could
well paste together from them a kind of Standard Life, and thus do away
with the need for writing any further ones:
	Start with the Anemic Childhood...
	Proceed with Early Poverty and Crazy Stunts.
	...Interrupted by -- First Encounter with Death...
	Fame.  (At last.)
And with it, the first strange tones of public modesty.
Fused with the discovery of an inner invincibility. ...
Somewhere about here, life intrudes in the form of
	Marriage -- to a hitherto-unmentioned, henceforth hazy female. ...
  On to other things.  There are, alas, too few new worlds to conquer, and
fame and marriage have taken their toll.  The climber does well to undergo,
at this point, a Deeper Experience in the mountains....
  And at last, a Summing Up?

So cynical?  So bad?  Roberts takes six pages and makes a very strong case.
His arguments touch every major climbing book to that point, and these
generalize to all subsequent books.  He regards Patey's and Menlove Edward's
book "Samson" as perhaps the two best books written.  The latter is
heavy stuff (very much like Alan Turing).  Anyways, we'll say no more
and let you discover the above for yourself (as it should be in a wilderness).

%A Heinrich Harrer
%T Seven Years in Tibet
%X Recently made into a so-so film.  Visually interesting.
You might ignore some of the dialog, it gets lost in the translation
(or lack of).
Film: "Seven Years in Tibet": a Protestant view of Buddhism.
Film: "Kundun": a Catholic view of Buddhism.
Really!  Just another opinion.

%A David Roberts
%T Deborah: A Wilderness Narrative
%X About the unsuccessful attempt by Roberts and Don Jensen (Jensen pack
and the Jensen Bombshelter Tent) to climb Mt. Debroah in Alaska.  Interesting
introspective reading.

%A David Roberts
%T Great Exploration Hoaxes

%A David Roberts
%T Moments of Doubt
%I The Mountaineers
%C Seattle, WA
%D 1986
%X Anthology of short non-fiction articles.
%X Roberts made part of his living (after leaving mathematics)
by outdoor instruction and as an English prof in the NE.  During this
time he wrote for Outside Magazine.  This volume is a collection of
Outside articles and other works.  The title derives from a very
powerful article about the loss of two very close friends
(one in Boulder and the other in Alaska [Huntington]).  The chapters
"Rafting by the BBC" and "Burnout in the Maze" [for any outdoor ed
types] were pleasant surprises.  Unfortunately, some of Robert's most
important and controversial articles on "The Failure" of American
women's expeditions are included.  Other subjects include people:
Messner, Roskelly, and others.  A cute article on bouldering.

%A David Roberts
%T On the Ridge Between Life and Death: A Climbing Life Reexamined
%I Simon & Schuster
%D 2005
%X So Galen Rowell was a big snorer.

%A Kenneth Brower
%T The Starship and the Canoe
%I Harper and Row
%D 1978
%K Freeman and George Dyson,

Robin Graham: The [Voyage of the] Dove

%A Joshua Slocum
%T Sailing Alone Around The World
%I Echo Library
%D September 2006
%X current edition.

John Steinbeck: Travels with Charley, and others

%A Felice Benuzzi
%T No Picnic on Mt. Kenya
%I Dutton
%D 1953
%X The real account of two Italian POWs during WWII who escaped after
fashioning climbing gear from kitchen utensils.  They got up the
3rd summit.  All the more interesting because it happened.
%X Parters: Giovanni (Giuan) Balletto, MD and Enzo Barsotti.

%A Lionel Terray
%T Conquistors of the Useless
%T Les conquerants de l'inutile
%I Editions Gallimard
%D 1961
%I Editions Guerin
%C Chamonix, FR
%D 1995
%I Mountaineers
%C Seattle
%D 2001
%X Possibly one of the best greatest autobiographies.
Editions Guerin is reproduced with a loving care unmatched in the US.
%X "A mes comrades de corde'e, morts en montagnes" - Terray
"To my friends killed climbing."  --rough translation by Geof. Sutton,
US edition (a little inaccurate).

%A Patrick McManus
%T They Shoot canoes, don't they?
%T the grasshopper trap
%T A fine and pleasant misery
%T watchagot stew" - with recipes, cowritten by his sister
%T kid camping from Aye! to Z"
%T A Fine and Pleasant Misery
%I Owl/Holt
%C New York
%X All stories (except those in the last two books: stew and kid)
are short pieces which appeared
in Field+Stream or Outdoor Life's "The Last Laugh" column.
%X campfire reading.
%X Patrick McManus is not likely to be as well known among the
newer age Backerpacker crowd, but he is a long time contributer to the
rod and gun club set.  He is a contributor/editor to magazines like
Field and Stream, Scouting, etc.  Conservationist rather than
preservationist set.
"A Fine and Pleasant Misery" refers to camping.
It covers many of the topics familar to older hands as cyclic topics:
Fires *and stove), sleeping, bags, shoes/boots, etc.

%A GJF Dutton
%T The Ridiculous Mountains

%A Jack Kerouac
%T Dharma Bums
%X Though it isn't educational.

%A Peter Steele
%T Doctor on Everest
%I Hodder & Stoughton
%D 1972
%X It's an account of being the doctor on the 1971 Everest
expedition.  It was an international expedition that attempted
both the West Ridge, and the South West Face, and unfortunately
ended in acrimony.  Anyway, I think it's a good book, partly
because it's a lot more human than the "Hard men, hanging by a
hair of Nanga Parbat" of Chris Bonnington et al.

Popular with many readers and requiring a perverse sense of reality
are the writings of the late Edward Abbey best known for

%A Edward Abbey
%T Desert Solitaire
%D 1968

%A Edward Abbey
%T The Monkey Wrench Gang
%D 1975
%X one of the first eco-rebellion novels

and a slew of short collections and novels.  Abbey defies simple
characterization, he would want it that way.
	"Civilization is the kid with the Molotov cocktail,
	culture is the LA cop or Soviet Tank which guns him down."
					--St. Ed, DS
			as Rod Nash knows as my personal favorite.

%A Edward Abbey
%T Down the River
%T Journey Home

%T The Brave Cowboy
%X From review of film: ...
shoddy and simple-minded song of hatred for twentieth-century American society.
                The New Yorker
%X Exactly! Exactly what I meat the book to be.
I am quite pleased by the reviewer's observation.

%T Hayduke Lives  (and other 'Hayduke' novels)
%T Black Sun
Free Speech: The Cowboy and His Cow
Univ. of Mont. 1985 Commencement address
in One Live at A Time Please

Abbey Web page:

Lesser well known is Farley Mowat.  Numerous texts.

%A Farley Mowat -_The Top of the World trilogy
                Vol I, _Tundra_ (the exploration of the NW Territories)
                Vol II, _Ordeal by Ice_(search for the NW Passage)
                Vol III, _The Polar Passion_ (race for the North Pole)
        These are collections of original sources (extracts from expedition
        logs, etc.) with commentary by Mowat.

%A Farley Mowat
%T The People of the Deer
%X A heart_breaking account of the modern fate of the inland tribes
of the Northwest Territories.

%A Farley Mowat
%T The Siberians
%X anyone reading it also read any articles about Siberia and Lake Baikal
which have appeared in _National Geographic_ in the last two years.
It seems ole Farley had a huge blind spot when it came to questioning
the amount of effective dissent and input local peoples (particularly
those living in "autonomous" Soviet republics) had in making
decisions affecting their homes and homelands.
Pity, though. And I rather doubt that whoever acheives defacto
stewardship over those lands next will do better, but it's pretty sad to
see what is happening and imagine that we'll never know what we've missed.

most any book by Ansel Adams
There are other authors.  Look and shoot.  Trial and error.


%A Roderick Nash
%T Wilderness and the American Mind, 4th. ed.
%I Yale U. Press
%C New Haven, CT
%D 19?

%A Roderick Nash, ed.
%T American Environmentalism: Readings in Conservation History, 3rd
%I McGraw-Hill
%D 1990
%X Interested in deep ecology, overpopulation, the sportsman's role, more?
%X Nash includes selections that sometimes present alternative views to his
%X ~1750 until present

%A Roderick Nash
%T The Rights of Nature
%I U. Wisc. Press
%C Madison, WI
%D 1988

%A Joseph Sax
%Z UC Berkeley, Boalt Law School
%T Mountain without Handrails
%I Univ. of Mich. Press
%C Ann Arbor, MI
%D 1980
%X Excellent reflections on wilderness and national parks.
%X "To the uninitiated backpacker, a day in the woods can be, and
often is, an experiece of unrelieved misery.  The pack is overloaded;
tender feet stumble and are blistered.  It is alternately too hot or too cold.
The backpacker has the wrong gear for the weather or has packed it in the wrong
place; the tent attracts every gust of wind and rivulet of water.  The fire
won't start or the stove fails just when it's needed.  And the turns that seem
clear on the map have now become utterly confusing.
%X "Such experiences, familiar in one form or another to all beginners, are
truly unforgiving; and when they go wrong, they do so in cascading fashion.
Yet others camping nearby suffer no such miseries.  Though their packs are
lighter, they have an endless supply of exactly the things that are needed.
They tents go up quickly, they have solved the mystery of wet wood, and
they sit under a deceptively simple rain shelter, eating their dinner in serene comfort.  What is more is they are having a good time.  The woods, for the
beginner an endless succession of indistinguishable trees apparently
designed to bewilder the hapless walker, conceal a patch of berries,
or an edible mushroom.  Nearby, but unseen, are a beautiful deer, or overhead,
a soaring eagle.
%X "With time, patience, and effort one recognizes that these things are
available to everyone; it is possible to get in control of the experience,
to make it our own.  The pack lightens as tricks are learned; how to substitute
and how to improvise quickly, out of available materials, the things previously
lugged.  The more know, the less needed.  Evereything put in the head
lessens what has to be carried on the shoulders.  The sense of frustration
falls away and with it the fear that things will break down.  One knows how to
adapt.  The pleasure of adaption is considerable in itself because it is
%X "Nor is it merely a lifting of burdens.  The backpacker, like the fisherman,
discovers the positive quality of the voyage is directly related to his or
her knowledge or resources.  There is often a dramatic relevation that
the woods are full of things to see -- for those who know how to see them.

%A David Ehrenfeld
%T The Arrogance of Humanism
%I Oxford U. Press
%C Oxford
%D 1978

%A Yvon Chouinard
%T let my people go surfing: the education of a reluctant businessman
%I Penguin Books
%C New York
%D 2005
%X A glossy table top book.  Very good book.

%A Aldo Leopold
%T A Sand County Almanac

%A Curt Meine
%T Aldo Leopold
%K biography,
%X excellent.  Leopold was chief forester in the Gila in his young days

Leopold, Aldo:     _Round River_ .. includes long stretches from Leopold's
                   journals of wilderness canoe trips into the Quetico, and
                   to the delta of the Colorado before the BLM destroyed it
                   to make Lake Mead....
                   also the original volume containing Leopold's seminal
                   essays on the "land ethic";

%A James A. Livingston
%T Rogue Primate
%I KeyPorter Books
%D 1994
%O ISBN 1-55013-508-2
%X develops this theme at length, and should be of 
interest to those of us who think about man in nature.
The subtitle of the book is "An exploration of human domestication."

%A Laura Waterman
%A Guy Waterman
%T Forest And Crag
%I AMC Books
%C Boston, MA
%X Subtitle: A History of Hiking, Trail Blazing, and Adventure in the Northeast Mountains
Scrupulously researched (100+ pages of references),
Fascinating and enormously entertaining

%A Laura Waterman
%A Guy Waterman
%T Wilderness Ethics

Any of John Muir's books

%A H. D. Thoreau
%T Walden

%A Lao Tsu
%T Tao Te Ching

%A Terry and Renny Russell
%T On the Loose
%I Sierra Club / Ballentine Books
%D 1965
%X May be out-of-print, check used bookstores
%X Excellent photos of pre-dam Glen Canyon, powerful prose and quotations

%A O. Russell
%T Journal of a Trapper

%A Chris Jones
%T Climbing in North America
%I Univ. of CA Press.
%C Berkeley, CA
%D 1976
%X A good history.  Has taken some criticism, but many areas are minor.

%A Andy Selters
%T Ways to the Sky: A Historical Guide to North American Mountaineering
%I AAC Press
%C Golden, CO
%D 2004
%X Part of a series to include bouldering, ski mountaineering, rock climbing,
ice climbing, & wall climbing, with an emphasis on peaks, free climbing,
and mountaineering.
%X A logical successor to Chris Jones' book combined with
Steck and Roper 50 Crowded climbs (avoiding overlap, having done climbs
from both).  
Lacks reference to Ullman (maybe not a bad thing).
Contains numerous small errors.  Worth owning but a little flawed to
be awarded the outdoor book award for '04.
Covers Mexico to the high Arctic.
%X Covers the reason why the PNW and the Mountaineers get made fun:
George Meany [really], the chair of the UW History dept. whose
military style is covered in a little detail (worth reading as it related
to the Mazamas).
%X Even cites John Ruskin.  A good if flawed book.

%A Richard Mitchell
%T The Mountain Experience:
Psychology and Sociology of Adventure
%I Univ. of Chicago Press
%C Chicago, IL
%D 1983

%A Kathleen Meyer
%T How to Shit in the Woods
%I Ten Speed Press
%O ISBN:0-89815-319-0

%A Richard K. Frazine
%T The Barefoot Hiker
%I Ten-Speed Press
%D 1993
%O ISBN 0-898-155258.  $7.95 US.

Conservationists Dave Foreman and Howie Wolke undertook a study
to inventory and describe the remaining big wilderness areas 
in the United States (outside Alaska).
%T The Big Outside - A Descriptive Inventory of the Big Wilderness Areas of
the United States
%X They included both "official" wilderness areas and
the unprotected roadless, wild lands that often surround them or in 
some case, exist as discrete units.  Their 1992 edition (ISBN 
0-517-58737-8) lists these as the top 5 areas in the lower 48 states, by size:
#1 - 3,253,000 acres - River of No Return Wilderness and adjoining 
lands, central Idaho
#2 - 2,800,000 acres - High Sierra Nevada, California (including John
Muir, Ansel Adams, Dinkey Lakes, Golden Trout, Monarch, and Jennie
Lakes Wilderness Areas and parts of Yosemite, Kings Canyon, and
Sequoia National Parks)
#3 - 2,752,000 acres - Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and
adjoining lands, northern Minnesota
#4 - 2,700,000 acres - Grand Canyon, Arizona
#5 - 2,536,000 acres - Bob Marshall/Big Bear/Scapegoat Wilderness 
complex, north central Montana.
The largest wild area in the East was the 1,658,000 acre Everglades
wild area in Florida (#8 nationwide).  They did not find any really
large wild areas in the Adirondacks or Maine.  Although there is
a lot of lightly inhabited country up there, it is broken up by
roads and industrial forest areas into smaller chunks of truly
wild land.

	Moved to rec.climbing.

%A Joe Back
%T Horses, Hitches & Rocky Trails

%A John McPhee
%T Coming to the Country
%X Alaska.
%T The Control of Nature
    _The_Control_Of_Nature_          (superb!)

%T Basin and Range
%X Great Basin geologist

%T Encounters with the Archdruid
%X Dave Brower and opponents.
%T La place des Concorde Swisse
%T The Pine Barrens
%T Survival of Bark Canoe 
%T Rising Up From the Plains
%X Wyoming geologist.
%X geology of Absarokas, Yellowstone NP
    _In_Suspect_Terrain_             (oil geologist)
    _Assembling_California_          (California tectonics)

David Brower: "For Earth's Sake; The Life and times of David Brower"

%A Apsley Cherry-Gerard
%T The Worst Journey in the World 
%D 1922
%X They decided to travel on foot through the Antarctic winter to visit
an Emperor penguin colony.
%X Scott's last journey from the perspective of a survivor (did not go to
the Pole).
%X Other things being equal, the men with the greatest store of
nervous energy came best through this expedition.
Having more imagination, they had a worse time than
their more phlegmatic companions; but they got things done.
And when the worse came to the worst, their strength of mind
triumphed over their weakness of body.
If you want a good polar traveller, get a man without too much muscle,
with a good physical tone, and let his mind be on wires of steel.
And if you can't get both, sacrifice physique, and bank on will.
%X We cannot stop knowledge; we must use it well or perish.  And we must do
our tiny scrap to see that those who do use it are sound in mind and
body, especially in mind, of good education, with a background of
tradition, a knowledge of human nature and of history: with a certain
standard of decency which inspires trust: with disinterestedness and
self-control.  Plato said the good ruler is a reluctant man.  That
really wise man knows what an awful thing it is to govern, and keeps
away from it.  Our problems are not new: they are as old as the men who
hunted the prehistoric hills.  When *they* hit one another on the head
with stones the matter was confided to a few caves: now it shakes a word
more complicated than any watch.  Human nature does not change: it
becomes more dangerous.  Those who guide the world now may think they
are doing quite well; perhaps so did the dodo.  --Apsley Cherry-Garrard, 1951
%X Looking back I realized two things...
Just enough to eat and keep us warm, no more -- no frills nor trillings:
this is many a worse and more elaborate life.  The necessities of civilization
were luxuries to us: ... the luxuries of civilization satisfy only those wants
which they themselves create.
%X 	The highest object that human beings can set before themselves	
	is not the pursuit of any such chimera as the annihilization of the
	unknown: it is simply the unwearied endeavour to remove its
	boundaries a little further from our little sphere of action.
%X There are many reasons which send men to the Poles, and the
Intellectual Force uses them all.  But the desire for knowledge for its
own sake is the one which really counts and there is no field for the
collection of knowledge which is at the present time can be compared to
the Antarctic.
%X Exploration is the physical expression of Intellectual Passion.
%X And I tell you, if you have the desire for knowledge and the
power to give it physical expression, go out and explore.  If you are a
brave man, you will do nothing: if you are fearful you may do much, for
none but cowards have the need to prove their bravery.  Some will tell
you that you are mad, and nearly all will say, 'What is the use?'  For
we are a nation of shopkeepers, and no shopkeeper will look at research
which will not promise him a financial return within a year.  And so you
will sledge nearly alone, but those with whom you sledge will not be
shopkeepers: that is worth a good deal.  If you march your Winter
Journeys you will have your reward, so long as all you want is a
penguin's egg. -- Apsley Cherry-Garrard, 1922
%X 3. The Worst Journey in the World
By Apsley Cherry-Garrard
Doran, 1922
English aristocrat Apsley Cherry-Garrard spent 1910-13 with Robert 
Falcon Scott's ill-fated South Pole expedition. In "The Worst Journey 
in the World," Cherry's writing is elegant and laced with wry English 
humor but also with the grim epiphanies that come only from agony. His 
lasted three long years; its terrible climax was the Winter Journey of 
July-August 1911, when Scott sent Cherry and two others into the black 
heart of Antarctic winter. They hauled a 757-pound sledge for five 
weeks through 24-hour darkness, 70-below-zero cold and hurricane storms 
-- on a hunt for penguin eggs that Scott wanted for scientific study. 
The fool's errand wrecked Cherry's body and spirit. "This journey had 
beggared our imagination; no words could express its horror," Cherry 
wrote. He was wrong, though. His beautiful, horrifying book does 
exactly that.

%A Alfred Lansing
%T Endurance
%X Don't miss this one.  An expedition under Shackleton attempted to
cross the Ice from the Weddell Sea to the Ross Sea via the South Pole.
Their ship was caught in the ice and crushed, stranding them in the
Earth's most hostile environment, thousands of miles from any
possible help.  There has probably never been a greater survival story.
%X Perhaps one of the greatest survival stories ever written.  Just when you
think things can't get worse, they do.  More amazing is that no one died.
They all survived.
%X Most modern climbing tales are written by "Panty-waists" compared
to this tale.  -- John Morton

%A Richard E. Byrd
%T Alone
%I Tarcher
%C Los Angeles
%D 1938
%X So I say in conclusion:
A man doesn't begin to attain wisdom until he recognizes that he is no longer

%A Joe McGuiness
%T Going to Extremes
%X Two very different looks at modern Alaska by two very different writers.
Each excellent in its' own way.
%X The best stories are toward the end of the book about Bethel and near
Homer.  Note that McGuiness no longer lives there.

%A Adolph Murie
%T The Wolves of Mt. McKinley_
%X A deep look at the natural environment of the Great Land, and a
wonderful adventure story, disguised as a scientific report. Murie
also has a couple of other books worth reading, and his wife wrote
one called _Two in the Far North_ about raising a family in the
arctic wilderness.

%A Douglas Mawson
%T The Home of the Blizzard
%X The official account of the Mawson expedition.  This was, I believe,
the first Australian Antarctic Expedition.  At one point Mawson was
dog-sledding two hundred miles from base when a crevasse swallowed
the sled with all the food and one of his two companions.  The 
sequel was as dramatic as the Scott disaster, and should have been
as famous; but the two happened at the same time, so this one sort
of dropped out of history...

%A Lennard Bickel
%T Mawson's Will
%X A modern retelling of the Mawson story.  Probably easier to find
than the former.  Also draws on private diaries, etc., and is not
obligated to maintain a Victorian Stiff Upper Lip, so it is better reading.

%A John Maxtone-Graham
%T Safe Return Doubtful
%X A history of Arctic/Antarctic exploration
(Title taken from supposed newspaper ad taken out in an English paper
by Shackleton recruiting for an Antarctic expedition.)
%X Tee-shirts featuring this ad are available from the IAC.

%A Roland Huntford
%T The Last Place on Earth
%X The bibliography is over 25 pages and lists hundreds of Norwegian texts by
or about Amundsen and his co-explorers.

The English edition of Amundsen's SOUTH POLE was reprinted in 1976.

%A Francis Spufford
%T I May Be Some Time: Ice and the English Imagination
%I Faber & Faber
%C London
%D 1996
%X is an excellent account of the cultural history and baggage that led up to
Scott's expedition.

%A Pierre Berton
%T The Arctic Grail
%X A history of exploration of the Northwest Passage

%A Pierre Berton
%T The Klondike Fever
%X Story of the 1898 Alaskan/Yukon gold rush

Axcell, Claudia et al
(The Sierra Club Guide to Delicious Natural Foods for the Trail)
Sierra Club Books
ISBN 0-87156-757-1

%A Thomas D. Davies
%Z R. Adm. USN, (ret.)
%T New Evidence Places Peary at the Pole
%J National Geographic
%V 117
%N 1
%D January 1990
%P 44-61
%X Full report: $15 to Navigation Foundation, Box 1126, Rockville, MD 20850.
See also the page before the index of this issue entitled, "Sun angle anyone?"

%A Peter Freuchen
%T My Life in Greenland

Mark Holbrook

%A Rachel Carson
%T Silent Spring
%D 1962?
%X THE great book.

%A Loren Eisley
%T The Unexpected Universe
%T The Immense Journey
%T The Invisible Pyramid
%X All have shining moments of insight and the writing is beautifully lyrical.

%A ???
%T Words for the Wild
%I Sierra Club Books

Try other books, carriable on topics such as geology,
field biology, etc.
Geology books about the area you're in.
If you will be in the West, the Roadside Geology
books can be a good start.

%A Greenler
%T Rainbows Halos and Glories
%I Cambridge

%T The Aurora Handbook
%I University of Alaska
%D 1994

%A Jane Haigh
%A Kelley Hegarty Lammers
%A Patricia Walsh
%T Catch and Release: The Insiders' Guide to Alaska Men
%I Hillside Press
%C Fairbanks, AK
%D 1997
%K humor/travel, the odds are good, but the goods are odd,
%X Chapter 5: sex and the Alaska Man
four rules for making love in a tent
1. Make sure the mosquito netting is zipped up.
2. Zip-together sleeping bags are an absolute must.
3. Don't forget good sleeping pads.  Foam inflatable are the best.
4. Make sure the tent is longer than your man.

William Livingston
David Lynch
Applied Optics
Feb. 1, 1979
triangular = f(breath/height)

%A Stephen Harris
%T Fire Mountains Of The West (older editions titled Fire and Ice)
%T Agents of Chaos
%X If you're near Yellowstone or the Cascades,

%A Steven K. Roberts
%T Computing Across America

%T Miles From Nowhere
%A Barbara Savage
%X A couple bicycle around the world. 
This one is more highway adventuring rather than wilderness but I included it 
because it is one of the most gripping books I've read. (Donna McMaster)

%A Ned Gillette, and Dostal
%T Cross-Country Skiing

%T Mountain Skiing by Bein [Dated]
various books by Tejada-Flores

Prater's book Snowshoeing, 3rd ed.

%A William E Osgood
%A L Hurley
%T The Snowshoe Book
%I Stephen Greene Press

%A Henri Vaillancourt
%T Making the Attkamek Snowshoe
%I Trust for American Cultures and Crafts
%C Box 142, Greenville, NH 03048

%A Henri Vaillancourt
%J Fine Woodworking
%N 49
%D 1984
%P 77-80

Gil Gilpatrick, "Building Snowshoes"
Piragis Northwoods Company in Ely Minnesota

Camp and Trail Methods
by E. Kreps
Published by A. R. Harding
Collumbus Ohio
Copyright 1950

Fly Fishing:

%A Leo Wolfinger, III (Sheridan Anderson)
%T The Curtis Creek Manifesto


%A Olaus Murie
%T A Field Guide to Animal Tracks
%S Peterson Field Guide Series

%A James Halfpenny
%T A Field Guide to Mammal Tracking in North America

%A Paul Rezendes
%T Tracking and the Art of Seeing

%A Donald & Lillian Stokes
%T A Guide to Animal Tracking & Behavior

%A Gary Brown
%T Great Bear Almanac

%A Knut Schmidt-Nielsen 
%T Why Is Animal Size so Important
%X Very good reading for a technical book.
A good read on the physiology of size -
(respiration, circulation, metabolism, thermoregulation) but
a bit weak on the ecological implications.  For that I'd recommend
Calder's "Size, function, and life history."

%A Robert Swift
%T Treking in Nepal
%I Sierra Club
%X health/welfare in Nepal

%A Stan Armington
%T Trekking in the Nepal Himalaya, 5th ed.
%I Lonely Planet
%C Berkeley
%D 1991

%A Jim DuFresne
%T Tramping in New Zealand
%I Lonely Planet
%C Berkeley

%A Robert Young Pelton
%A Coskun Aral
%A others
%T The World's Most Dangerous Places, 3rd ed. (now in 5th)
%I Fielding's Travel Guides
%C Redondo Beach, CA
%D 2003
%X In the Foreword, in the subsection "Who This Book is For" under
'Adventure Travellers' reads:
	Most adventure travellers rely on politically correct but militarily
	naive guidebooks like Lonely Planet, Moon and Rough Guides.
	They provide minimal coverage of war zones and simply tell you
	to stay away.
And "A Polite Discourse on Liability (ours) and Gullibility (yours):"
	This book is more likely to kill you than save your life.
Good sections on Bribery, Terrorism, Land Mines, what to take,
Dangerous places, Dangerous Jobs, Dangerous diseases, and examples
of dangerous things.  Includes the United States as a dangerous place
(NYC and LA).  Quite nicely done.  Not completely cynical.
Useful for journalists.  This book properly notes the utility of a
Polaroid (tm) camera.
%X Now in the 5th edition.  2 co-editors have now died (Wink Dulles (1956-2001)
and Gervaise Roderick (Roddy) Scott (1971-2002)).
LIST OF MAPS		# Reasonable maps
What is Dangerous?
What Danger Awaits the Weary Traveler?
	Minibuses, taxis, automobiles, boats, planes, trains
Making the Best of Nasty Situations: Dangerous Destinations
	war zones, ugly Americans, revolutionary places, radical places,
	nasty places, poor places, terrorist places, criminal places, 
Business Travellers: Professional Victims
	Dangerous places for business travel
	Gangsters: the businessman's friend
Tourists: Fodder for Fiends
Dangerous Places
	# the geographic meat of the book, like Cambodia which in turn sparked them to response "A bit unfair" and "No comment."
Criminal Places
	# a good calibration including Mexico and the USA: covers LA and NYC.  Good.
Forbidden Places
	# e.g., Cuba, Iran, Iraq, N. Korea, Libya, etc.  Very useful for journalists.
	Coming Attractions
	# an interesting social studies lesson
Dangerous Things
        Hey America, what time is it?
        Every 2 seconds         a criminal offense
        every 12 sec.           a burglary
        every 17 seconds        a violent crime
        every 20 seconds        vehicle is stolen
        every 51 sec.           a robbery
        every 5 minutes         a rape
        every 23 minutes        a murder                <- you want this
        ever 28 sec.            agg. assault
        Every 30 min.           news, weather and sports
                                Pelton has a great sense of humor.
[This from the FBI.]
	Dangerous Jobs
	Dangerous Diseases
	Getting Arrested
	Guns [Boys and Their Toys]
	Land Mines		# Janes' is the best thing, followed by military manuals
	Military and Paramilitary Organizations
	Adventure Calls
	Adventure Clubs
	What to Pack		# Good, special, better than average
	Save Humanity
	Save the Planet
	Save Yourself
	Visas and Entry Requirements
	Tourist Offices
	Intl. Long-Distance Access Codes
%X Pelton's list of World's most boring places: 2nd ed.:
[clearly a generalization, you still die there]
Canada, the Caribbean, Costa Rica, Mongolia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands,
The Vatican, Australia, Switzerland, Iceland, Antarctica.


  "Real Programmers don't play tennis, or any sport that requires you to
  change clothes.  Mountain climbing is OK, and real programmers always
  wear their climbing boots to work in case a mountain should suddenly
  spring up in the middle of a machine room."

from: "Real programmers don't write specs" in
%A George S. Almasi
%A Allan Gottlieb
%T Highly Parallel Computing
%I Benjamin/Cummings division of Addison Wesley Inc.
%D 1989
%K ISBN # 0-8053-0177-1, book, text, Ultracomputer, grecommended,
%$ $36.95
%X This is a kinda neat book.  There are special net
antecdotes which makes this interesting.
What does this have to do with parallel computing?  Everything.  Get the
book to find out why.


Sources: [try local stores, else:]
Michael Chessler Books, Denver, CO
(800) 654-8502
The Mountaineers, Seattle, WA
(800) 553-4453
Sierra Club Books/Random House
(212) 872-8076
Adventurous Traveler Bookstore

TABLE OF CONTENTS of this chain:

28/ References (written)			<* THIS PANEL *>
2/ Ethics
3/ Learning I
4/ learning II (lists, "Ten Essentials," Chouinard comments)
5/ Summary of past topics
6/ Non-wisdom: fire-arms topic circular discussion
7/ Phone / address lists
8/ Fletcher's Law of Inverse Appreciation / Rachel Carson / Foreman and Hayduke
9/ Water Filter wisdom
10/ Volunteer Work
11/ Snake bite
12/ Netiquette
13/ Questions on conditions and travel
14/ Dedication to Aldo Leopold
15/ Leopold's lot.
16/ Morbid Backcountry
17/ Information about bears
18/ Poison ivy, frequently ask, under question
19/ Lyme disease, frequently ask, under question
20/ "Telling questions" backcountry Turing test (under construction)
21/ AMS
22/ Babies and Kids
23/ A bit of song (like camp songs)
24/ What is natural?
25/ A romantic notion of high-tech employment
26/ Other news groups of related interest, networking
27/ Films/cinema references

From: John McCollum <>
Subject: backcountry reading

  Eugene, after seeing the discussion on backcountry reading on
rec.backcountry, I decided to send you my list accumulated from
the newsgroup over the last few years.  Thought you might be interested
for your FAQ panel 28.  It is a little long so edit at will.

John McCollum
Texas Instruments              Internet:
PO Box 655012  M/S 3635        TI MSG:   JMCC
Dallas, TX 75265               Voice:    (214) 917-2201
                               FAX:      (214) 917-2939

Bass, Rick         "Days of Heaven"
                   ("The Best American Short Stories 1992") This
                   story allegorically raises an essential dilemma of the
                   modern wilderness lover:  How do I help protect a wilderness
                   without simultaneously reducing my access to it?
          (Donald Dovey)

Berton, Pierre   "The Artic Grail"   (Northwest Passage exploration)
                 "The Klondike Fever"   (1898 Alaskan/Yukon gold rush) 
                  "The Whitewater Sourcebook" , Menasha River press 

Brook, Paul       "The House of LIfe" , life and writing of Rachel Carson

Brown, Tom	  "Field Guide to Wilderness Survival",
                  "Field Guide to Nature Observation and Tracking"
                  "Guide to Wild Edible and Medicinal Plants"
                  "The Tracker", 
                  "The Search"
                  "The Vision"
                  "The Quest"

Brucker, Roger    "Trapped"   (caving,cave) 

Caras, Roger      "Monarch of Deadman Bay; the life and death of
                            a Kodiak bear "
                  The Custer wolf
                  Animals in their places: tales from the natural world
                  Creatures of the night
                  Dangerous to man: the definitive story of wildlife's 
                     reputed danger
                  Last chance on earth; a requiem for wildlife
                  Mara Simba : the African lion
                  North American mammals; fur-bearing animals fo the
                     United States 
                  Source of the thunder; the biography of a California condor
                  The venomous animals
                  The Forest
        (Read  "The Monarch of Deadmans Cove" for an increadible account
        of a ledgendary great Kodiak Bear who ranged in the Deadmans Cove
        area for 16-18 years . You won't want to put it down.. )

Cole, David       "Soft Paths"     Pub; Stackpole Books

Dahl, Roald (sic) "The Best of Roald Dahl"
                  If you need some good campfire stories, I would warmly
                  recommend 'The best of Roald Dahl', a collection of his
                  best stories, all very suitable for a campfire.
                   From: (Liefting Wouter)

%A Earl Denman
%T Alone to Everest

Frost, Robert;    "The Gift Outright"
                  "Once by the Pacific"

Gatty, Harold     "Nature is Your Guide"
                   (or How to Find Your Way on Land and Sea)

Gontran de Poncins   "Kabloona"  (life with the Inuit's in the 1930's)

Hemingway, Earnest   "the Last Good Country"
                     "Big Two-Hearted River"
Hillerman, Tony     "A Thief of Time"
                    "The Dark Wind"

Hutchinson, Derek   "Sea Kayaking"   pub. Globe Pequot Press, 1985

Kane, Joe           "Running the Amazon" 

Latimer, Carole     "Wilderness Cuisine"    food, cooking, menus,  ..

Maclean, Norman   "A River Runs Through It"

Manes, Christopher  "Green Rage"  (Earth First!, environmental civil

Mason, Bill        movies now on video: 
                    Song of the Paddle,
                    Path of the Paddle, 

McHugh, Gretchen   "The Hungry Hiker's Guide to Good Food (?)" 
                    food,cooking, menus 

Moore, J.R.       "Nahani Trailhead"
                   ....about a couple who built and lived in a cabin in 
                   NWT (NorthWest Territory) very close to YT (Yukon Terr).

Porter, Gene Stratton   "The Girl of the Linberlost"
                        "The Harvester"

Randall, Glenn     "Cold Comfort"
                    ron@hpfcso.FC.HP.COM (Ron Miller)   I re-read it every Fall
                    in preparation for winter adventures.

Russel, Charlie    cowboy stories, campfire reading

Scholly?, Dan     "Guardians of Yellowstone"  Morrow Publishing
                  Yellowstone Chief Ranger.
              It deals largely with the fires that engulfed Yellowstone over 
              the past few years, but he also tells stories about bear attacks, 
              monkeywrenching, tourons (although he doesn't use the word), 
              and the backcountry rangers.  
Service, Robert;  "The Cremation of Sam McGee"
                  "The Shooting of Dan McGrew"

Sevareid, Eric     "Canoeing With the Cree"

Simpson, Joe:     "Touching the Void"          

Stahlquist, Jim   "Colorado Whitewater" 

Steger, Will	   "North to the Pole"
                  "Crossing Antartica"   

Sumner, Louise    "Sew and Repair Your Outdoor Gear", The Mountaineers,1988.
            This 144 page softcover book is packed with information specific to
         designing, constructing, and maintaining hiking equipment and clothing.

Gerry Cunningham and Margaret Hansson: LIGHT WEIGHT CAMPING EQUIPMENT
      AND HOW TO MAKE IT, 4th ed.  (Colorado Outdoor Sports Corp, 1968)

%A Mark Twain
%T Roughing It

_The_Oregon_Trail_, Francis Parkman

Any of the David Rains Wallace natural history books;
  I quite like _Klamath_Knot_ and _<something>_Ridge_
If you're taking kids,
the Laura Ingalls Wilder "Little House" books can't be beat.
_The_Listening_Point_, Sigurd Olson

Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Ranulph    "Living Dangerously" 
                   a British adventurer with the extraordinary name 
                   An interesting book, including accounts of
                  parachuting onto a glacier, ascending the Nile by hovercraft, 
                  several polar expeditions, a N/S traverse of British Columbia 
                  by water, and the circumnavigation of the Earth, pole to pole. 
                  He seems to have managed to live in the 20th century the kind
                  of life one might imagine for a European explorer of the 19th.

Unsworth, Walt;     "Everest: A Mountain History"

%A Norman D. Vaughan
%T With Byrd at the Bottom of the World

Wheat, Doug          "The Floaters guide to Colorado"

Wirth, Bob           "Open Boat Canoeing"

Wise, Ken C.         "Cruise of the Blue Flujin"  Wilderness Adventure Books,

If you're traveling far by car,
_Blue_Highways_, William Least Heat Moon
_Cadillac_Desert_, Reisner
_Angle_of_Repose_, Wallace Stegner
_The_Machinery_Of_Nature_, Paul Ehrlich
Sailing_Alone_Around_The_World_, Joshua Slocum

Woods, Robert            "Pleasure Backkpacking"
                         From: (Kelvin Cheu)

???                       "Simple Foods for the Pack"

%A George R. Stewart
%T Ordeal by Hunger
%X history of Donner Pass expedition

??			   "Men against the Mountains"  history of Jed Smith's
??                        "The Complete Wilderness Paddler"

Books on K2 that are reasonable entertainment:

K2 - The Savage Mtn, Houston, 53 American Expedition.
The Throne Room of the Gods, Galen Rowell - American 75 Expedition.
K2 - The Last Step, Rick Ridgeway, John Roskelly - American 78 Expedition.
K2, Reinhold Messner - 79 Expedition.
K2, Shapiro Climbing Club - Japanesse 84 North Ridge Expedition.
K2 - Triumph and Tragedy, Jim Curran - Chronicle of 1986, wherein
          27 climbers made the summit, and 13 climbers died.  A 
          first-hand account of a climbing season on K2 I'm sure no
          one would like to see repeated.

Not to be too pessimistic, the current issue of the "new" Summit has reprinted
Giono's inspiring story "The Man Who Planted Trees".   I had always thought
this was a true story, but the introduction refers to it as a "short story"
and the author as a novelist, so I wonder.   Anybody know if Eleazar Bouffier
was real?   His business plan was funded by God, not by venture capitalists,
or multinational wood/pulp companies.

I recommend reading "The Milagro Beanfield War".  Besides being an
excellent book it provides a different perspective on the grazing 
rights issue.  It will make you laugh.  It will make you cry.  It
will make you wonder what hell right the US government had in appropriating
the land in the first place. :-)
   Surprising good movie, IMHO, directed by Robert Redford.  Says Maltin
   (Movie and Video Guide, 1992):

        Spirited, fanciful tale of a rugged individualist (dirt-poor,
        hard luck ...) who decides to stand up to the big, brash
        developers who plan to milk his (and his neighbors') New Mexico
        land for all it's worth.  Distilled from John Nichols'
        sprawling novel by Nichols and David Ward, this film takes a
        whimsical tone that's positively infectious...aided by a 
        top ensemble cast, beautiful scenery, and Dave Grusin's
        lyrical, Oscar-winning score.

        * From:  "The Colorado River Through Grand Canyon:  Natural
          History and Human Change", Steven Carothers and Bryan Brown,
          University of Arizona Press, 1991, QH105.A65C38, ISBN
          0-8165-1232-9; and other sources.

>A few years back I read a really tasty book, called 
>"Beyond Spaceship Earth" (edited by Hargrove, 1988?, Sirra Club Books).  
>It's a collection of papers concerning man's future envolvement
>with space.   All sort of nifty ethical questions. 
>Some "down to earth",  progressing to the far out.
>Like control of space junk.  Nucks in space.
>Control of artificial satalites.  

John McCollum
Texas Instruments              Internet:
PO Box 655012  M/S 3635        TI MSG:   JMCC
Dallas, TX 75265               Voice:    (214) 917-2201
                               FAX:      (214) 917-2939

%A Norbert Casteret
_The Years Under the Earth_, _The Darkness Under the Earth_, others.
%X Classic accounts of early French caving.

Planning Guide (Thru-hike/General)--
The Appalachian Trail (1st Edition)
Subtitled:  How to Prepare for & Hike It
Author:  Jan D. Curran
Published by:  Rainbow Books, Inc. P.O.Box 430, Highland City FL 33846-0430
1995,192 pp., ISBN 1568250509 (hard cover); ISBN 1568250517 (paperback)
Cover price: $6.00

The URL for the Trailplace AT Bibliography is

%A Robert Proudman
%T Trail Design, Construction, and Maintenance
%I Appalachian Trail Conference
%C Harpers Ferry, VA
%D 1996
%O paperback, $8.95
%X Superscedes earlier editions from 1989 and 1981.

%A Carl Demrow
%A David Salisbury
%T The Complete Guide to Trail Building and Maintenance
%I Appalachian Mountain Club

%A william birchard
%T appalachian trail fieldbook:a self-help guide for trail maintainers 
%S the appalachian trail stewardship series
%D 1982
%X evaluation form inside back pocket.

%A cliff jacobson
%T the basic essentials of trail side shelters and emergency shelters
%D 1992
%O ISBN 0934802890

%A arnold p. snyder
%T trail maintenance & restoration, high sierra district, 1959
%I forest service
%D 1960

Harmon, Will. THE HIKERS GUIDE TO ALBERTA. Calgary: Rocky Mountain
Books. 1992.

Mountain Books, 1992.

Edmonton: Lone Pine Publishing, 1987.

Alfred A. Knopf, 1991.

Morton, Keith. "Lightweight Equipment Buyer's Guide". EXPLORE,
Annual Review.

Banff: Summerthought Ltd.,1986.

Spring, Vicky and Gordon King. 95 HIKES IN THE CANADIAN ROCKIES:
McIntyre, 1982.

Sutter, Archie and Eddie Bauer, THE EDDIE BAUER GUIDE TO BACKPACK-
ING. Reading: Addison - Wesley Publishing Co., 1984.

Townsend, Chris. THE BACKPACKERS HANDBOOK. Camden: Ragged Mountain
Press, 1991.

Urbrick, Dee and Vickey Spring. 94 HIKES IN THE NORTHERN CANADIAN
Vancouver: Douglas and McIntyre, 1983.

Date: Tue, 2 Nov 93 17:13:52 MST
From: (David W. Olson)
Subject: Re: [l/m 9/28/93] References 		Distilled Wisdom (28/28) XYZ

More books, if you can stand it:

Shackleton's Book Journey, by Frank A Worsley, Capt. of the Endurance.
He has a semi-religious take on the experience.  This appears to be an
abrigdement of a longer account.

Unsolved Mysteries of the Arctic, by Vilhjalmur Stefansson
Norse Greenland, John Franklin, George Simpson, Salomon Andree, Soviet polar
overflight.  Very interesting.

The Vinland Sagas: Graenlendinga Saga & Eirik's Saga.  The Norse discover
America.  Short and easy (for an Icelandic saga) to read.

An Antarctic Mystery, by Jules Verne.  Sequel to Edgar Allan Poe's The
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym.

Poe stories such as "Descent into the Maelstrom" and "MS found in a Bottle".

David W Olson

Date: Thu, 14 Jul 1994 16:35:44 -0700 (PDT)
From: Tracy Berry <>
Subject: Tree book...

I sent you a fan note sometime last year to tell you how much I 
appreciate your regular faq's in the "rec.backcountry" newsgroup.

Again this season, thanks for keeping the files up-to-date and editing 
with a sense of humour.

Wanted to let you know about a new book from the Oregon State University 
Extension Service. It's actually an updated edition of their most popular 
publication, "Trees to Know in Oregon." It's a handy guide to native and 
urban trees and shrubs. And the extension and forestry folks have done a 
nice update, while retaining some of the cartoons and drawings that made 
the 1950's and later versions cult classics.

I keep one copy in my car, another at my desk. I actually use it more 
in-town when I'm trying to identify street trees, but it's a good 
refresher on the ones I see regularly on outdoor trips.

Admittedly, the focus is on Oregon trees, but there's enough in common 
with Northern California to provide a handy reference work.

It's $3.00 per copy.

The source is:

Publications Orders
Agricultural Communications
Oregon State University
Administrative Services A422
Corvallis, Oregon. 97331-2119.
(503) 737-2513.
FAX: (503)737-0817.

Enjoy the rest of your summer...

Tracy Berry

Work: (503)485-5778.
FAX:  (503)343-9664.

             "Theatre is life.
                         Film is art.
                                 Television is furniture."

Thanks for the "Distilled Wisdom" posts.  I've enjoyed reading them.

For the "reference" list I would like to suggest
  Gruchow, Paul: The Necessity of Empty Places

Among other things in the collection of connected essays, Gruchow gets lost
in the mountains, encounters a feeding moose, and imagines that a trout
in a stream sees him as a bear.  Excellent reading.

Article 24104 of rec.climbing:
From: (Greg Opland)

(Chronological/ historic, for completeness sake)
The Ascent of Denali (Mount McKinley): A Narrative of the
First Complete Ascent of the Highest Peak in North America, by Hudson
Stuck, published in 1914

o Climber's Guide to McKinley 
   Used to be by Glenn Randall, I think it's a group effort now. A guide to beginner's
   getting ready to climb the mountain.

o High Alaska by Jon Waterman
   Kind of the guidebook to Denali, Foraker, and Hunter. Has detailed route information,
   including Bradford Washburn pictures.

o Surviving Denali by Jon Waterman
   Detailed account of all the mistakes that came before yours - kind of an ANAM
   book for Denali. My favorite was the one lady that went psycotic on Michael
   Covington and kept trying to jump off of Windy Corner (?).  If you check for
   information from Fantasy Ridge, they send you a sheet with full disclosure...
   it's pretty good when you get to the reference to them having "one psycotic
   incident."  "-)

%A Art Davidson
%T Minus 148F
%D 1968
%X Story of the first winter ascent - scary.

o On Top of Denali - the author's name eludes me, might be Waterman as well,
  but this was a good history of climbing on McKinley. 

o Fred Beckey just put out a new book on Denali....can't think of the name for
  sure, but it's basically a history of climbing on McKinley.

	Dear Mr. Wilcox:

	We have received your extraordinary letter regarding the plans
	for your record-breaking efforts this year [1967] on Mt. McKinley.
	I have answered hundreds of queries over a long period of time,
	but have never before answered one quite like this.  In fact, I am
	amazed that the National Park Service would grant a permit for
	such a weird undertaking.
	...[Significant history removed]
	-- not just sleeping their way into headlines!

	For your information, according to our records, McKinley
	has not yet been climbed blindfolded or backwards, nor has the
	same party of nine yet fallen simultaneously into the same
	crevasse.  We hope that you may wish to rise to one of these
	compelling challenges.
				Very truly yours,
				Bradford Washburn, Director
				Museum of Science and Hayden Planetarium

%A Don Holmes
%T Highpoints of the United States: A Guide to the Fifty State Summits
%C P.O. Box 10, Monument, CO 80132
%O $14.50

%A Paul L. Zumwalt
%Z 2305 N. Elmwood Avenue Peoria  IL  61604  phone 309-682-1268
%T Fifty State Summits
%I Jack Grauer -- Publisher
%C 2005 SE 58th Ave., Portland, Oregon 97215 phone 503-232-5596
%O $13.00 postpaid.

References on climbing/backpacking for the disabled:

A Book:
  Sports and Recreation for the Disabled: A R
   by Michael J. Paciorek
   Benchmark Press,  1989
  The One-Armed Climber
  Climbing Magazine Oct/Nov:136
   by Dick Dorworth, 1989

Article 35337 of rec.climbing:
From: (Jim Davies)
Newsgroups: rec.climbing
Subject: Re: Everest First Ascent

Since email bounced, I'm posting this.  Here's a couple of books to look up.
The first one in particular is all about the controversy, such as it is.
The second is just a good book on the history of Everest climbing.  Great
pictures, too.

AUTHOR(s):       Holzel, Tom.  
TITLE(s):        Mystery of Mallory and Irvine  
                 First on Everest :  the mystery of Mallory and Irvine / 
                   Tom Holzel and Audrey Salkeld.                             
                 1st American ed.  

                 New York :  H. Holt,  c1986.  
                 x, 322 p., [18] p. of plates :  ill., maps ;  24 cm.  
                 Previously published as: The mystery of Mallory and Irvine.
TITLE(s):        Everest :  the best writing and pictures from seventy years
                   of human endeavour /  edited by Peter Gillman ; foreword by
                   Edmund Hillary ; picture research by Audrey Salkeld.       

                 Boston :  Little, Brown,  c1993.    
                 208 p. :  ill. (chiefly col.) ;  32 cm.    

Article 69187 of rec.backcountry:
From: (Edward J Muzik Jr)
Newsgroups: rec.backcountry
Subject: Re: Canadian wilderness: was : snow camping

Dubasak, Marilyn.  Wilderness Preservation: A cross-cultural comparison 
of Canada and the United States.  New York: Garland, 1990

Harkin, James Bernard.  The History and Meaning of the National Parks of 
Canada; extracts from the papers of the late J. B. Harkin first 
commissioner of the national parks of Canada.  Saskatoon: H. R. Larson 
Pub. Co., 1958   (Harkin was an admirer of John Muir, but had to 
balance a lot of conflicting demands on the parks.) 

Bella, Leslie.  Parks for Profit.  Montreal: Harvest House, 1987.

Article 69506 of rec.backcountry:
From: (Nsroberts)
Newsgroups: rec.backcountry
Subject: Re: wilderness management info

1) "The Backcountry Classroom" by Jack Drury and Bruce Bonney
[published by Wilderness Education Association(WEA), 20 Winona Ave., Bx 89
(518) 891-2915
2)  "Wildland Recreation: Ecology and Management" by William Hammitt and
David Cole [published by John Wiley & Sons]
3)  "Outdoor Recreation Management: Theory and Application" by Alan
Ben Twight, and Robert Becker [published by Venture Publishing...they're
Pennsylvania somewhere]

Assoc.  for Experiential Education (an International Association): 2885 Aurora
Ave., #28
Boulder, CO  80303-2252.  303-440-8844 or -- if you
contact them, tell 'em Nina sent ya.  Good luck!

Article 71927 of rec.backcountry:
From: (Lance Jablonski)
Newsgroups: rec.backcountry

>|> I've been reading Bernard DeVoto's *Course of Empire*.
>|> What a fantastic book. DeVoto was Wallace Stegner's mentor.
>|> *Course of Empire* traces European exploration and battles as
>|> U.S. moved across the continent. A real eye-opener, life-changer.

>I agree.  I also recommend "Across the Wide Missouri," about the mountain men,
>and "1846:  Year of Decision."

I would be remiss not to throw in Stegner's "Beyond the 100th Meridian."
In this book Stegner explains half of the problems being experienced 
in the West today, even though the book was written back in the fifties
(I think). 

%A W.S.B. Peterson
%T The Physics of Glaciers, 3rd ed.
%D 1994

"Skiing Mechanics" by John Howe,
Published in 1983 by Poudre (Laporte, Colorado),

H. Schultes, Principles of Modern Alpine Ski Design. Olin Ski Company,
Middletown CT.

 "Skiing Trauma and Safety: Fifth International Symposium", ASTM 860 (1985)
 "Skiing Trauma and Safety: Sixth International Symposium", ASTM 930 (1987)

%A David Lind (Univ. Colorado)
%A Scott Sanders (Univ. New Mexico)
%T The physics of Skiing
%I AIP Press
%D 1996
%X order (800) 809-2247 $24.95

K. Kinosita (ed.) Scientific Study of Skiing in Japan (in Japanese),
Hitachi, Tokyo (1971)

K. Kinosita, Science of Skiing (in Japanese), Chuoukoron, Tokyo (1973).

Mechanics of a Turning Snow Ski
Y. Hirano and N. Tada
Int J. Mech Sci, Vol. 36, No. 5. pp.421-429, 1994

Experimental Study of the Mechanism of Skiing Turns
I.  An Uphill Turn from Straight Running Downhill
Toshio Sahashi and Shoji Ichino
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
Vol. 26, No. 7 , July 1987, pp. 1185-1189
Experimental Study of the Mechanism of Skiing Turns
II.  Measurement of Edging Angles
Toshio Sahashi and Shoji Ichino
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
Vol. 29, No. 6 , June 1990, pp. 11203-1208
Method for Drawing Locus of a Sliding Ski as Observed from Direction
Perpendicular to Snow Surface
Toshio Sahashi and Shoji Ichino
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
Vol. 34 (1995), pt 1, No. 2A, pp. 674-679
A Model for the Turning Snow Ski
Anthony A. Renshaw and C. D. Mote Jr.
Int. J. Mech Sci., Vol. 31, No. 10, pp. 721-736, 1989

Harrington, F.H. and A.M. Veitch. 1991. Short-term
impacts of low-level jet fighter training on caribou in Labrador.
Arctic. 44(4):318-327

Harrington, F.H. and A.M. Veitch. 1992. Calving
success of woodland caribou exposed to low-level jet fighter
overflights. Arctic. 45(3):213-218

Title:  WILD GREEN VEGETABLES OF CANADA:  Edible Wild Plants of Canada. No.4
Autors: Adam F. Szczawinski & Nancy J. Turner
Publishers: National Museum of Natural Sciences, National Museums of Canada
Copyright 1980

%A Oliver Perry Medsger
%T Edible Wild Plants
%I Collier Books
%D 1939, 1966
%X The complete, authoritative guide to identification and preparation
of North American edible wild plants"

Edible garden weeds of Canada / Adam F. Szczawinski, Nancy J. Turner,
1988.  Canada's edible wild plants series ; v.1.  ISBN: 0889027528.
The edible wild : a complete cookbook and guide to edible wild plants
in Canada and North America / by Berndt Berglund and Clare E. Bolsby ;
illustrated by E.B. Sanders, 1980.  ISBN: 091936439X.
Edible wild fruits and nuts of Canada / Nancy J. Turner, Adam F. 
Szczawinski, 1988.  Canada's edible wild plants series ; v.3.
ISBN: 088902751X.
Edible wild plants: a North American field guide / Thomas S. Elias & 
Peter A. Dykeman, 1990.  ISBN: 0806974885.
Edible wild plants of eastern United States and Canada / by John
Tomikel, 1976.  ISBN: 0910042217.
A field guide to edible wild plants of eastern and central North
America / by Lee Peterson ; line drawings by Lee Peterson and Roger
Tory Peterson ; photos by Lee Peterson, 1978.  The Peterson field guide
series ; no.23.  ISBN: 039531870X (pbk.)
Stalking the healthful herbs / Euell Gibbons ; with drawings of plants
by Raymond W. Rose, 1989.  ISBN: 0911469060.
Wild coffee and tea substitutes of Canada / Nancy J. Turner, Adam F.
Szczawinski, 1978.  Edible wild plants of Canada ; no.2.  ISBN:
Wild green vegetables of Canada / Adam F. Szczawinski, Nancy J. Turner,
1980.  Edible wild plants of Canada ; no.4.  ISBN: 0660103427.
Wild plants of central North America for food and medicine / written
and illustrated by Stephen Jackson and Linda Prine, 1978.  ISBN:
Wilderness harvest : a guide to edible wild plants in North America /
Alyson Hart Knap, 1979.  A Christopher Ondaatje publication.  ISBN:
Your own food : a forager's guide / Dan Jason ; illustrated by Moira 
Weinreich, 1979.  ISBN: 0889560811.

Scherl, L.M. Self in wilderness: Understanding the psychological benefits
of the individual-wilderness interaction through self control. Leisure
Sciences, vol 11, pages 123-135, 1989

Robinson, D.W. A descriptive model of enduring risk recreation involvement.
Journal of Leisure Studies, 24, 52-63, 1992.

_The Indian Tipi: its history, construction, and use_
Reginald and Gladys Laubin
University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Oklahoma
ISBN 0-8061-2236-6

%T Tough Trip Through Paradise 1878-1879 By Andrew Garcia
Edited by Bennet Stein
%X Its the TRUE narrative of Garcia's experiences in montana
Territory. Fascinating read. He encounters Nez Perce,
Blackfoot and Pend Oreille Indians.

%A Gary H. Schwartzq
%T Skiing Literature
%I Wood River Publishing
%C 591 Redwoood Highway, Mill Valley, CA 94941
%X (415) 388-6500
%O ISBN 0-9623000-5-5
%X Optional: CD-ROM.

%A David P.  Baras
%T Marmots - Social Behavior and Ecology
- "Exploration of the Colorado River and its Canyons", John Wesley Powell. 
- "A Canyon Voyage, Narrative of the Second Powell Expedition", Frederick S. 
- "Through the Grand Canyon from Wyoming to Mexico", Ellsworth Kolb. 
- "Broken Waters Sing", Gaylord Staveley, retraces Major Powell's trip down 
the Green and Colorado in the 1960s. Still challenging, though not as life-
threatening as the Major's voyage. The sad part of all of these accounts, of 
course, is knowing that Glen Canyon Dam prevents any of us from repeating this 
grand journey.

"Impact of wet underwear on thermoregulatory responses and thermal 
comfort in the cold", M. K. Bakkevig and R. Nielsen, Ergonomics 37, 1375 

"Backpacking:  A Pilot Study of Hikers"
Vincent Bolduc
Dept. of Rural Sociology
Published by:
Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station
College of Ag and Natural Resources
The University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut 06268
Funding for the research was under Regional Project NEM-35, "Consumer 
Analysis for Specific Forest-Oriented Recreational Activities in the 

Wilson, John P. and Joseph P. Seney,  "Erosional Impact of Hikers,
Horses, Motorcycles, and off-Road bicycles on Mountain Trails in
Montana."  Mountain_Research_and_Development, vol. 14, no. 1 (1994)
ABSTRACT: This study examined the relative impact of hikers, horses,
motorcycles, and off- road bicycles in terms of water runoff and
sediment yield from 108 sample plots on existing trails in or near
Gallatin National Forest, Montana.  A modified Meeuwig drip-type
rainfall simulator was used to reproduce natural rainstorm events.
Treatments of 100 passes were applied to each plot.  The results
confirmed the complex interactions that occur between topographic, soil,
and geomorphic variables noted by others, and the difficulty of
interpreting their impact on existing trails. None of the hypothesized
relationships between water runoff and slope, soil texture, antecedent
soil moisture, trail roughness, and soil resistance was statistically
significant.  Five independent variables or cross-products explained 42%
of the variability in sediment yield when soil texture was added as a
series of indicator variables.  Ten variables combined to explain 70% of
the variability in sediment yield when trail user was added as a second
series of indicator variables.  Terms incorporating soil texture (37%),
slope (35%), and user treatment (35%) accounted for the largest
contributions.  Multiple comparisons test results showed that horses and
hikers (hooves and feet) made more sediment available than wheels
(motorcycles and off-road bicycles) and that this effect was most
pronounced on prewetted trails.

CONCLUSIONS: Trail use in the last ten years has seen a dramatic
increase in off-road bicycles.  In many cases off-road bicyclists use
the same trails as hikers, horseback riders,and motorcyclists, so that
this additional use compounds erosional concerns.  The results of this
study provide land managers with some new data summarizing the relative
impacts of four different users on two existing trails in southwest
Montana.  In particular, the results indicate that: (1) the natural
processes occurring on thetwo trails used for this study are complicated
and difficult to decipher; (2) sediment yield is detachment-limited
rather than transport-limited (at least for low- intensity storms in the
types of environments examined in this study); (3) horses produced
significantly larger quantities of sediment compared to hikers, off-road
bicycles, and motorcycles; and (4) the greatest sediment yields occurred
on wet trails.
The results also indicate why future research may need to examine higher
intensitiesof use (500- 1000 passes), increased rainfall intensities,
wet soil conditions (longer or heavier rainstorms), and mechanical as
well as water-driven erosion processes. Higher levels of use and
rainfall would increase the likelihood of exceeding the thresholds at
which change is initiated.  Site specific studies are required to show
when different users exceed these erosion thresholds on new and existing
trails.  Although the results from these studies would help land
managers in assessing the carrying capacities of their trail systems,
there remains the challenge of extrapolating the results from small
sample plots like those used in this study to other locations and larger
areas.  The discovery in this study that wet sites are more susceptible
than dry sites to erosion damage may help if future studies can
demonstrate a link between trail segments that have experienced
substantial trail erosion and landscape positions with consistently high
soil- water contents. (46 references)
[Mountain_Research_and_Development is published by University of
California Press, Journals Division, 2120 Berkeley Way, No. 5812,
Berkeley CA 94720-7154]


I LIKE my job. The pay is generous; I might even say
munificent: $1.95 per hour, earned or not, backed solidly
by the world's most powerful Air Force, biggest national
debt and grossest national product. The fringe benefits
are priceless: clean air to breathe (after the spring sandstorms);
stillness, solitude and space; an unobstructed
view every day and every night of sun, sky, stars, clouds,
mountains, moon, cliffrock and canyons; a sense of time
enough to let thought and feeling range from here to the
end of the world and back; the discovery of something
intimate-though impossible to name in the remote.
	The work is simple and requires almost no mental effort
is a good thing in more ways than one. What little 


 Industrial Tourism and The National Parks

directed not only to administer the parks but also to
"provide for the enjoyment of same in such manner and by
such means as will leave them unimpaired for
the enjoyment of future generations."
This appropriately ambiguous language,
employed long before the onslaught of the automobile,
has been understood in various and often opposing ways ever since.
The Park Service, like any other
big organization, includes factions and factions. The
Developers, the dominant faction, place their emphasis on
the words "provide for the enjoyment." The Preservers,
a minority but also strong, emphasize the words "leave
them unimpaired." It is apparent, then, that we cannot
decide the question of development versus preservation
by a simple referral to holy writ or an attempt to guess
intention of the founding fathers; we must make up
our own minds and decide for ourselves what the national parks
should be and what purpose they should serve.

The first issue that appears when we get into this matter,
the most important issue and perhaps the only issue,
the one called accessibility. The Developers insist that
the parks must be made fully accessible not only to people
but also to their machines, that is, to automobiles,
motorboats, etc. The Preservers argue, in principle at
least, that wilderness and motors are incompatible and
that the former can best be experienced, understood, and
enjoyed when the machines are left behind where they
belong -- on the superhighways and in the parking lots, on
reservoirs and in the marinas.

What does accessibility mean? Is there any spot on
Earth that men have not proved accessible by the simplest
meansfeet and legs and heart? Even Mt. McKinley, even
Everest, have been surmounted by men on foot. Some of
them, incidentally, rank amateurs, to the horror and
indignation of the professional mountaineers.) The interior
of the Grand Canyon, a fiercely hot and hostile abyss,
is visited each summer by thousands and thousands of tourists of
the most banal and unadventurous type, many
of them on footself-propelled, so to speakand the

(1) No more cars in National Parks.
Let people walk.
Or ride horses, bicycles, mules, wild pigs--anything--but keep the
automobiles ... out.
We have agreed not to drive our automobiles into cathedrals, concert halls,
art museums, legislative assemblies,

 Industrial Tourism and The National Parks 

of their choice in the Valley, by the Park Service. (Why
not? The roads will still be there.) Once in the Valley
they will find the concessioners waiting, ready to supply
whatever needs might have been overlooked, or to furnish
rooms and meals for those who don't want to camp out.
	The same thing could be done at Grand Canyon or at
Yellowstone or at any of our other shrines to the out-of-doors.
There is no compelling reason, for example, why
tourists need to drive their automobiles to the very brink
of the Grand Canyon's south rim. They could walk that 
first mile. Better yet, the Park Service should build an
enormous parking lot about ten miles south of Grand Canyon
Village and another east of Desert View. At those
points, as at Yosemite, our people could emerge from
their steaming shells of steel and glass and climb upon
horses or bicycles for the final leg of the joumey. On the
rim, as at present, the hotels and restaurants will remain
to serve the physical needs of the park visitors. Trips along
the rim would also be made on foot, on horseback, or-
utilizing the paved road which already exists-on bicycles.
For those willing to go all the way from one parking lot
to the other, a distance of some sixty or seventy miles,
we might provide bus service back to their cars, a service
which would at the same time effect a convenient exchange
of bicycles and/or horses between the two terminals.
	What about children? What about the aged and infirm?
Frankly, we need waste little sympathy on these two pressure groups.
Children too small to ride bicycles and
heavy to be borne on their parents' backs need only
wait a few yearsif they are not run over by automobiles
they will grow into a lifetime of joyous adventure, if we
save the parks and leave them unimpaired for the
enjoyment of future generations. The aged merit even less
sympathy: after all they had the opportunity to see the
country when it was still relatively unspoiled. However,
we'lI stretch a point for those too old or too sickly to
mount a bicycle and let them ride the shuttle buses.
	I can foresee complaints. The motorized tourists,
reluctant to give up the old ways, will complain that they
can't see enough without their automobiles to bear them
swiftly (traffic permitting) through the parks. But this is
nonsense. A man on foot, on horseback or on a bicycle
will see more, feel more, enjoy more in one mile than the
motorized tourists can in a hundred miles. Better to
idle through one park in two weeks than try to race
through a dozen in the same amount of time. Those who
are familiar with both modes of travel know from
experience that this is true; the rest have only to make the
experiment to discover the same truth for themselves.
	They will complain of physical hardship, these sons
of the pioneers. Not for long; once they rediscover the pleasures
of actually operating their own limbs and senses in
a varied, spontaneous, voluntary style, they will complain
instead of crawling back into a car; they may even object
to returning to desk and office and that dry-wall box
on Mossy Brook Circle. The fires of revolt may be kindled
--which means hope for us all.
(2) No more new roads in national parks.
(3) Put the Park rangers to work.

Chwirka, J. D. Removing Arsenic from groundwater
Journal of the American Water Works Association
v92, no3, pp. 79-88

Focazio M. J. A retrospective analysis of the occurrence of arsenic in
ground water resources. USGS Water resources investigation report 99-4279.

%A Daniel Defoe
%T Robinson Crusoe
%K Friday,
%X A modification of the experience of Alexander Selkirk.
Inspired many romaniticised follow-ons about marooned on a remote
island including a 1960s film Robinson Crusoe on Mars.
Also in the vein of Swiss Family Robinson and Swept Away.

Being removed:

%A Peter Freuchen
%T The Book of the Eskimo
%X Freuchen was a trading post factor in the Hudsons Bay area around
the turn of the century.  He 'went native', marrying an Inuit, and
describes their culture intimately.  The account is by turns delightful
and horrifying.  You don't want to be an Eskimo.
%X Yes, I do.
%X Freuchen first went to Greenland in 1906 (in his early 20's),
and last visited there in 1933.  "The Book of the Eskimo" was
written in the mid 1950's just prior to his death in 1957.  It
was edited and published after his death.
%X It is a novel, written to be entertaining; however, it contains
a number of stereotypical statements about Eskimo culture which
are not only absolutely wrong, but were and are meant to be
degrading to them and their culture.  It may indeed be an
enjoyable read, and given Freuchen's very active life it
certainly does contain useful information.  But it is often
described as a reference work on Eskimo culture, and it fails
miserably in that roll.

Article 89025 of rec.arts.books:
From: Mark Down <Use-Author-Supplied-Address-Header@[127.1]>
Author-Supplied-Address: fritz <AT> spamexpire-200704 <DOT> rodent <DOT> frell <DOT> theremailer <DOT> net
Newsgroups: rec.arts.books,alt.history,soc.history,alt.history.british
Subject: Top 5 man-vs-nature books
Message-ID: <>
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2007 21:11:46 +0200
Path: darkstar!!ucberkeley!!!!!!sewer-output!mail2news-x4!mail2news-x3!mail2news-x2!mail2news
Xref: darkstar rec.arts.books:89025 soc.history:45924

Wall Street Journal - April 28, 2007

[Man vs. nature is at its most riveting in these first-person accounts, 
says author James M. Tabor ]

1. In the Amazon Jungle
By Algot Lange
Putnam, 1912

In 1910, Algot Lange, an opera singer's son thirsting for adventure, 
plunged into unexplored upper Amazonia between Brazil and Peru. As he 
recounted in "In the Amazon Jungle," his extraordinary chronicle of the 
expedition, for weeks he survived alligators, boa constrictors, 
poisonous ants, tarantulas, venomous snakes, black panthers -- and then 
the real adventure began. Fever and snakebite killed four Indian 
companions. Alone, burning with fever, lost and starving, injecting 
himself with huge precautionary doses of quinine and arsenic, Lange 
finally collapsed to die. He awoke, but he was surrounded by Mangeroma 
cannibals, who gleefully fried and ate other captives while nursing 
Lange back to health -- for the pot, he feared. But Mangeromas in those 
halcyon days ate only their enemies, and white meat was not yet on 
their menu. Lange eventually returned to civilization, "an emaciated 
fever-wreck, placing one foot before the other only with much 
exertion." Even more surprising than Lange's survival: his return for 
another Amazonian sojourn.

2. Shackleton's Boat Journey
By F.A. Worsley

Sir Ernest Shackleton's harrowing 1914-17 South Pole expedition aboard 
the Endurance has prompted many books on the 
subject, but my favorite remains "Shackleton's Boat Journey," by Frank 
Worsley, the ship's captain (first published in the U.S. by Norton in 
1977). Worsley was a fine writer and even better sailor. Shackleton had 
intended to lead the first sea-to-sea crossing of the Antarctic, but 
polar ice crushed the Endurance in November 1915, and the goal quickly 
became simple survival. Worsley saved Shackleton's expedition, his life 
and his reputation by navigating a glorified rowboat, the 22-foot James 
Caird, through 800 miles of the notorious Southern Ocean storms that 
routinely sank large ships. It was an astonishing sailing feat and made 
the bulwark of Shackleton's legend. Sir Ernest, in truth, was but a 
passenger, who early on confessed: "Do you know that I know nothing 
about boat sailing?" Worsley just chuckled: "Don't worry, Boss. I do." 
Shackleton really was a great explorer and wrote his own fine story of 
the Endurance; try to read him. But do also read Worsley's graceful and 
self-effacing account.

4. K2: The Savage Mountain
By Charles S. Houston and Robert H. Bates
McGraw-Hill, 1954

The Himalayan mountain K2 is 784 feet shorter than Everest but four 
times deadlier. In 1953, seven Americans, led by Charles Houston and 
Robert Bates, attempted K2's first ascent. At 25,000 feet, altitude 
sickness immobilized climber Art Gilkey, who would die, it was 
determined, unless he were immediately evacuated. K2's vicious terrain 
and weather made such an attempt virtual suicide, but Gilkey's comrades 
never hesitated. At 24,700 feet, five of them, joined by ropes, fell 
while trying to lower Gilkey down a 45-degree slope of ice in a howling 
storm. The last man standing, Pete Schoening, jammed his ax behind a 
rock, held on for dear life and saved everyone from certain death. 
"Schoening's Belay" resides in the pantheon of mountaineering feats. In 
a more tragic irony than any playwright could devise, just hours later 
an avalanche swept Gilkey away but spared the other six, who descended 
alive but shattered. As Houston and Bates relate in "K2: The Savage 
Mountain," climbing's true summit was the brotherhood of the rope, "men 
banded together in a common effort of will and strength -- not against 
this or that imagined foeman of the instant, but against their only 
true enemies: inertia, cowardice, greed, ignorance, and all weaknesses 
of the spirit." Their willingness to die for a friend earned them a 
renown that has escaped K2's eventual conquerors.

5. Minus 148 degrees
By Art Davidson
Norton, 1969

In February 1967, Art Davidson, Ray Genet and Dave Johnston completed 
the first winter ascent of Mount McKinley in Alaska, but on descent a 
monster storm trapped them at 18,500 feet. For six days they survived --
 barely -- in a coffin-size ice cave, enduring 150-mph winds and 
temperatures that reached minus 148 degrees -- hence the title of 
Davidson's subsequent account. This finely crafted adventure tale runs 
on adrenaline but also something else: brutal honesty. Given access to 
all seven expedition members' journals, Davidson revealed that every 
"men vs. nature" tale has another dimension: men vs. themselves. His 
story of extreme mountaineering's good, bad and ugly spares no one -- 
especially himself. At one desperate point he volunteers to descend 
alone to "send in help." But: "I knew my reasons for a solo descent 
were flimsily constructed excuses to conceal my desire to save Art 
Davidson above all else." Before "Minus 148 degrees," mountain tales 
glowed with heroism and self-sacrifice. Davidson's was the first to 
show the darker aspects as well.


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User Contributions:

Bad weather scuppers Russian President's flypast as he stages Victory Day show of marine corps power

Putin the actual glitz: gorgeous Russian soldiers take centre stage (moreover selfies) At massive wining Day parade of 13,000 troops, Tanks and rockets as Moscow strongman warns the lessons of WW2 'are relevant once again'Vladimir Putin forced to cancel military flypast over Red Square at the last minute over fears of bad weatherThreat of thunder and cloud over Moscow saw the huge Victory Day display of military powergroundedDespite cancellation Russian president pledged to 'guarantee the high drives of our armed forces'By Chris Dyer For Mailonline and Will Stewart In Russia and Afp and Reuters

issued: 10:14 BST, 9 May 2019 recently: 18:10 BST, 9 probably 2019

Russian lead designer Vladimir Putin took a defiant tone at Moscow's annual military Victory Day parade in Red Square, Declaring that the country continues to strengthen its armed forces.

The Kremlin strongman observed on as 13,000 troops and more than 130 pieces of weaponry were paraded through the capital in a show of Russian military power.

discussing his country's battle with Nazi Germany, Putin then warned 'the lessons of the past war are relevant once again' as he made his case for 'guaranteeing the high faculties of our armed forces'.

Russia's ties with the West soured correct its annexation of Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, And Moscow has continued to challenge the nation through its staunch support for Syrian President Bashar al Assad and Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro.

Among the hundreds of pieces of military hardware paraded in front of veterans and dignitaries was Russia's Yars mobile global nuclear missile launcher and its advanced S 400 air defence missile system, Which Moscow has deployed in Syria guard its forces and Putin's new 120,000 4.4 lite V 8 ragtop limousine.

have been also regiments of glamorous female soldiers on display who were pictured smiling as they filed past Mr Putin.

It also included military equipment, Ranging from a T 34 tank renowned for its toughness in World War II to lumbering Yars ICBM launch units, Ground to air rocket missile parts and Russian Armata tanks.

Russian female military servicemen march during the Victory Day parade on Red square in Moscow on Thursday afternoon

Smiling Russian naval cadets were pictured marching in perfect step as they filed past Putin the actual Victory Day parade

Russian Armata tanks roll down Red Square the particular Victory Day military parade to celebrate 74 years since the victory in WWII in Red Square in Moscow

Russian Ground Forces commander in Chief, Colonel common Oleg Salyukov salutes the troops from Putin's new 120,000 collapsible limousine during the Victory Day military parade today

Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers a speech face to face with St. Basil's Cathedral during the Victory Day parade i which he pledged to'guarantee the high performance of our armed forces'

Russian Yars RS 24 intercontinental ballistic missile systems roll through Red Square during the Victory Day military parade in downtown Moscow today

Vladimir Putin kisses his class teacher at school Vera Gurevich during a certified reception marking 74 years since the victory in WWII, doing Kremlwearing

Russian military law enforcement stand in formation [url=]single ukraine ladies[/url] during a Victory Day Parade in the city of Grozny, Chechen Republic

Former Soviet chief Mikhail Gorbachev (core) Is in the middle of his assistants as he arrives to attend the Victory Day military parade in Red Square today

Crowds of people carry portraits of their relatives who fought in World War II as they have fun playing the Immortal Regiment march on Tverskaya Street in Moscow

Russian Pacific Fleet leader, Admiral Sergei Avakyants compares the troops in a vintage car during the Vi (...)
hydroxochloriquine hydroxy cloroquine

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