Archive-name: alt-sex/seduction/fast/welcome
Posting-Frequency: monthly URL: Maintainer: Nathan SZILARD <> See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge 0. Admnistrivia 0.0 Version 0.1 Where can I find the latest version of this document? 0.2 Purpose of this document 0.3 Some information is missing in this document 0.4 Credit 1. The group 1.1 What is 1.2 What is appropriate content for 1.3 What's this mess? 2. Acronyms and jargon 2.1 PUA 2.2 AFC 2.3 HB 2.4 Kino 2.5 LJBF 2.6 Nanpa 2.7 NLP 2.8 Pivot / Pawn 2.9 Sarging 2.10 SS 3. Other resources 3.1 Maniac's page 3.2 Formhandle's page with searchable archive 3.3 Nathan's page 3.4 What is The Lounge? 3.5 Speed Seduction 3.6 Anton's page 4. Common questions 5. Recommended readings -=- 0. Admnistrivia 0.0 Version $Id: faq.txt,v 1.3 1999/12/13 17:33:10 nathan Exp nathan $ 0.1 Where can I find the latest version of this document? <URL:> 0.2 Purpose of this document To answer common questions and help set the focus of the group as it has evolved over its existence, according to the group's regular posters. 0.3 Some information is missing in this document This document is a work in progress. Contact me, <>, if you believe some important information is missing. 0.4 Credits <> <> 1. The group 1.1 What is A group for discussing how to pick up women, fast; as opposed to discussing marriage theory. 1.2 What is appropriate content for Anything related to seducing women. What is NOT appropriate are flames, as most regulars have agreed. 1.3 What's this mess? If you have low tolerance for spam and flames, you might to configure your killfile to avoid the common annoyances. 2. Acronyms and jargon (From Maniac's page) 2.1 PUA Pick Up Artist 2.2 AFC "Average Frustrated Chump" (ie. a guy who is not a pickup artist, and doesn't get laid very often). Often called a "nice guy" which is really the same as an AFC. 2.3 HB "Hot Babe" 2.4 Kino Physical contact; ie. kissing, touching, squeezing her ass, hugging, holding hands, rubbing her tits, ..etc..etc 2.5 LJBF "Lets Just Be Friends". A very typical blowout that a chick does to a guy when he wants to be his girlfriend but she rejects it. Usually happens to AFC's who don't know how to do a proper pickup and seduction." 2.6 Nanpa A term for going out to hunt chicks (originates from Japan, where they make videos of how to do this...) 2.7 NLP "Neuro Linguistic Programming". A psychology term originated by two psychologists in the 1970s (Bandler and Grinder) in the book "Trance-formations ISBN 0-911226-23-0". Briefly, NLP is a way to subconsciously put people into trance or encourage them to do things that you want them to do (ie. quit smoking, eat less, let you fuck them..etc). 2.8 Pivot / Pawn A chick that you take to a bar to in order to pick up other chicks. Use chicks who won't lay you but still want to see you, for this purpose. Basically, this works because most chicks will find you more attractive and get jealous when you are already with a chick than when you are not. 2.9 Sarging Ross Jeffries term for hunting chicks. Means the same thing as "Nanpa" above. Apparently, "Sarge" is the name of Ross's Cat. 2.10 SS "Speed Seduction". A term for application of NLP Patterns and theory used by Ross Jeffries for a course he sells over the internet on picking up chicks and fucking them. See his site at <URL:> for more info on SS. 3. Other resources 3.1 Maniac's page With more links to other pages of interest. 3.2 Formhandle's page with searchable archive Also includes a web board which is a great resource. 3.3 Nathan's page Next version will show up at: ... soon hopefully. 3.4 What is The Lounge? The Lounge is a password protected, restricted part of Nathan's site where selected members can post their own pick-up photos and view others'. The site is restricted to respect people's privacy. Access is granted to regular posters, and for security reasons new members are added sparingly. Contact Nathan if you wish to get a password, that will also open up Maniac's private page. 3.5 Speed Seduction The free newsletter, although they might sound like informecials, are a must read. 3.6 Anton's page Anton has done a great job of compiling significant posts. Check it out at: 4. Common questions This section will be filled later. 5. Recommended readings This section will be filled later. -- Before either asking me seduction question, or posting them to the group, be sure to check the following GREAT websites: <URL:> -- non commercial <URL:> -- non commercial <URL:> -- non commercial <URL:> -- commercial User Contributions:
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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