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Emacs references and faqs

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Archive-name: GNU-Emacs-FAQ/reference-pointer
Posting-Frequency: 2 times a month
Maintainer: Jari Aalto A T cante net
X-Last-Modified: Time-stamp: <2006-01-24 16:01:31>

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Announce: "Emacs references: pointers to resources, packages, papers, lisp"

    X/Emacs FAQ is available to you via keypress C-h F.
    The official GNU Emacs FAQ available also at

    The following listing is an excerpt from page

Emacs first aid

    1.1 Important Emacs links

        o   List of some Emacs packages - categorized listing:
        o   _Ell_, Stephen's concise Emacs Lisp List
        o   Emacs Wiki at Full link list
        o   Check _Sourceforge_ for Emacs projects at
            The best method is to use CVS access for easy and
            efficient update. Learn more about CVS at
        o   _Savannah_ mimics the sourceforge for GNU projects at
        o   IRC community for Emacs devotees at
        o   Gnus - The Emacs Mail and newsreader - community at
        o   Lisp archive project at
            Old and possibly non-functional site at
        o   Emacs Newsgroup archives at <>. Use server
            `'. See also comp.emacs">
        o   Google's Lisp directory
        o   Emacs Usenet hierarchies are *comp.emacs* and *gnus.emacs*
            and sources list is archived at
        o   Dot files for Emacs <>
            and <> or <>

        Other related URLs

        o   GNU Emacs 19 teaching class (GOOD)
        o   Emacs keybinding guide
            Elisp package making memory list
        o   A Collection of Tutorials on Emacs by Kai Grossjohann.
        o   Holger's Emacs Resources (short)
        o   List of Emacs implementations (historical)
   by Craig Finseth

2.0 GNU Emacs

        o   _Homepage_ and
   (CVS access)
            Report Development bugs to <>
        o   _Download_ at
        o   Official GNU Emacs _FAQ_ at
        o   Richard Stallman's Personal Homepage at

3.0 XEmacs - Emacs the next generation

        o   _Homepage_
            Mirror sites
            Ftp area
        o   XEmacs _betas_
        o   _Rsync_ service is available. Try "rsync"
        o   XEmacs _FAQ_
            and Hyperachive at
        o   _Xemacs-L_ Mailing lists. Send an email message to
            <> with the magic word `lists' in the body
            for a complete list of available mailing lists. subscribe list
        o   Ben Wing - The architect of XEmacs 20.x line
        o   List of XEmacs packages and _maintainer_ _info_
        o   _CVS_ access information at

5.0 Win32 platform

    5.1 Win32 Emacs ports

        ._Homepage:_ and _FAQ_ at
        ._Cygwin:_ Emacs is in included in

        In the download site, *barebin* has just the .exe's and a few other
        files, and is only useful in conjunction with the "src" tarball.
        This gives you the full source to everything, if you happen to want
        that. *bin* is usable by itself, but doesn't include the elisp
        source (that is provided by the "lisp" tarball). If you know you
        want the elisp source, you can just get "fullbin", which is
        basically "bin+lisp". *leim* is the Library of Emacs Input Methods,
        which is only of interest if you want to enter non-ascii characters
        in a convenient way. Emacs DOS port is (was?) maintained by Eli
        Zaretskii. See "NT Emacs Installation"
        <> if the Emacs NT FAQ
        is too thick to for one coming from Windows background.

    5.2 Win32 XEmacs ports

        There are two versions of XEmacs available for Windows platform. A
        Cygwin version, which is more like the "real thing" and a native
        Win32 version, also called the 'netinstall' version. The
        development of native version is coordinated by a mailing list at
        <>. If you are willing to contribute or want to
        follow the progress, mail to <> to

        ._Win32_ _native:_

The full table of contents

Table of Contents

       1.0 Description
           1.1 Important Emacs links
              1.1.1 Finding old Emacs packges or articles
              1.1.2 Emacs mailing lists and newsgroups
           1.2 Developer contact addresses and site list

       2.0 GNU Emacs
           2.1 Emacs Documentation
              2.1.1 Free Emacs books
              2.1.2 Commercial Emacs books
           2.2 Other Lisp related documents and resources

       3.0 XEmacs - Emacs the next generation
           3.1 Emacs or XEmacs future plans
           3.2 XEmacs and Emacs compatibility issues

       4.0 Miscellaneous  information
           4.1 GNU Emacs history
           4.2 Free software pointers
           4.3 Free Software articles
           4.4 Emacs Jokes
              4.4.1 The Word Emacs
              4.4.2 New commands in Emacs

       5.0 Win32 platform
           5.1 Win32 Emacs ports
           5.2 Win32 XEmacs ports
              5.2.1 Compiling XEmacs with cygwin
              5.2.2 CVS access
              5.2.3 Tips for debugging
           5.3 Emacs or Unix-like Win32 programs
           5.4 NTEmacs specific lisp packages
           5.5 NTEmacs and printing
              5.5.1 NT print
              5.5.2 Gnu enscript
           5.6 Cygwin
           5.7 Win32 terminal programs

       6.0 Emacs tips
           6.1 Emacs startup and load-path
           6.2 Loading files from .emacs
           6.3 Many emacs startup files
           6.4 Editing files as ROOT
           6.5 Saving files as Unix

       7.0 Byte compiling files
           7.1 Compiling lisp files
           7.2 Shell alias
           7.3 Dired byte compilation

       8.0 Reporting bugs or improvements
           8.1 Activating debug
           8.2 Use uncompiled packages
           8.3 Use package's contact function
           8.4 Requesting changes

       9.0 Library kits
           9.1 CEDET, Collection of Emacs Dev Env Tools
           9.2 Tiny Tools kit
           9.3 Ttn Emacs kit

       10.0 Gnus
           10.1 Gnus homepage
           10.2 Gnus grouplens
           10.3 Gnus-eyecandy.el
           10.4 Gnus-bbdb.el (*)
           10.5 Gnus-filterhist.el
           10.6 Gnus-junk.el, Send UBE complaint
           10.7 Gnus-ml.el, Mailing list minor mode for gnus (*)
           10.8 Gnus-todo.el
           10.9 Deja.el, Search dejanews with nnweb
           10.10 Message-utils.el
           10.11 Message-x.el, customizable completion in message headers
           10.12 Messkeyw.el, automatic keyword support during composition
           10.13 Ngn.el, insert newsgroup name into buffer using completion
           10.14 Nnmaildir.el, one group per maildir
           10.15 Nnir.el, search mail with various search engines
           10.16 Nnir-grepmail.el --- A grepmail plugin for nnir.el
           10.17 Nnimap.el, IMAP client (*)
           10.18 Fogey-subscribe.el
           10.19 Rmail-spam-filter.el
           10.20 TinyGnus.el, additional gnus utilities
           10.21 Uce.el, reply to unsolicited commercial email
           10.22 Spamprod.el, generate spam complaint email
           10.23 Vcard.el (*)

       11.0 Mail
           11.1 Getting remote mail
           11.2 Bbdb.el, email database (*)
           11.3 Bbdb-pgp.el (*)
           11.4 Bbdb-mail-folders.el
           11.5 Bbdb-expire.el, expiry and expire-proof entries for the BBDB
           11.6 Blackbook.el, manage email aliases easily
           11.7 EUDC, the Emacs Unified Directory Client (LDAP)
           11.8 Epop.el, General POP support for all MUAs
           11.9 Footnote.el (*)
           11.10 Fortunesig.el
           11.11 Feedmail.el, replacement for sendmail (*)
           11.12 Ldbdb.el, Little Brother's Database interface
           11.13 MH Mail user agent
           11.14 Rmail-extras.el, support remote inboxes
           11.15 Rmailsort.el, sort by date-author-time permanently
           11.16 Signature.el
           11.17 Tc.el, a lightweight to supercite
           11.18 TinyMail.el, email minor mode + email notification package
           11.19 TinyRmail.el, additional RMAIL utilities
           11.20 Unmunge.el
           11.21 Vm-complain.el, send spam complaint

       12.0 Mime
           12.1 Mime package setups, articles or pages
           12.2 Rmime.el
           12.3 Tm.el
           12.4 Semi and apel
           12.5 Extra tools for mime viewers

       13.0 WWW
           13.1 Apache-mode.el
           13.2 Browse-help.el, WWW context-sensitive help
           13.3 Css-mode.el, Cascading style sheet handling
           13.4 Emacs-wiki.el, Emacs-friendly markup
           13.5 Hbmk.el, Manage bookmarks in HTML
           13.6 Html menus, write html page
           13.7 Html-helper-mode.el - Visual basic, ASP, JSP
           13.8 Html-toc.el
           13.9 Htmlize.el, font-lock to html converter (*), XEmacs
           13.10 Httpd.el, Emacs inetd webserver
           13.11 Iso-sgml.el
           13.12 Mkhtml.el, Create HTML with links
           13.13 Psgml-mode.el, HTML, XML, SGML (*)
           13.14 Psgml extension
           13.15 Quickurl.el, insert URL at point
           13.16 TinyUrl, url finder minor mode
           13.17 Watson.el, query search engines
           13.18 Web-mode.el, cvsweb
           13.19 Wup.el, web page distribution
           13.20 XAE, XML Authoring Environment
           13.21 Xml-lite.el, an indentation-engine for XML
           13.22 XSLT (Apache Xalan)

       14.0 Version control
           14.1 Accurev
           14.2 Arch
           14.3 BitKeeper
           14.4 Clearcase
           14.5 CVS software
              14.5.1 CVS Download
              14.5.2 CVS and Emacs
              14.5.3 CVS Clients
              14.5.4 Cvs documents
           14.6 MKS Source Integrity (WinNT)
           14.7 Perforce P4 revision control software
           14.8 Razor
           14.9 RCS
           14.10 SCM Continuous Change Management
           14.11 SCM CodeSave
           14.12 SCM, Software Configuration Management links
           14.13 StarTeam source control system
           14.14 Subversion
           14.15 Visual SourceSafe
           14.16 Version control articles
           14.17 Version control books
              14.17.1 RCS Books
              14.17.2 CVS Books

       15.0 Programming
           15.1 Ascii.el
           15.2 C and Java code browser (Xref-Speller)
           15.3 C-mode-addons.el, some addon functions for c-mode
           15.4 C-includes.el
           15.5 Cc-mode (*)
           15.6 Cc-mode with correct tab-indent
           15.7 Cc-tempo-electric.el
           15.8 Cperl-mode.el (*), [X]Emacs
           15.9 Delphi mode (*), Emacs
           15.10 ECB, Emacs code Browser
           15.11 EDE, Emacs development environment
           15.12 Eiffel-mode.el
           15.13 Else-mode.el, language sensitive editing package
           15.14 Glasses.el, MakeThis Make_This
           15.15 IDL Interactive Data Language (*)
           15.16 Java buffi.el, compile multiple java projects
           15.17 Java Expert System Shell (jess-mode)
           15.18 Java Jdok.el, Javadoc template generator
           15.19 Java-Find.el, find and visit Java source files
           15.20 Java-Font-Lock20.el
           15.21 Javahelp.el, Contextual java help
           15.22 Jcall.el, call Java from Elisp
           15.23 Jde.el, Java Development Environment (JDE or JDEE)
           15.24 Java-open.el
           15.25 Java Template, jtemplate.el
           15.26 Lazy-look.el, context-sensitive language help
           15.27 Lisp variants
           15.28 Macro mode m4 (*)
           15.29 Maplev.el, Maple code
           15.30 Mathlab-mode.el
           15.31 M56k.el, mode for Motorola's DSP56300 assembly code
           15.32 Multiple major modes in same buffer
              15.32.1 mml.el
              15.32.2 mml.el
              15.32.3 multi-mode.el
              15.32.4 two-mode.el
           15.33 OO-Browser
           15.34 Showing tabs in buffer
              15.34.1 Ascii-display.el
              15.34.2 Tab-display.el

       16.0 Lisp programming
           16.1 Writing portable XEmacs and Emacs code
           16.2 Autolisp.el, edit AutoCAD AutoLISP files
           16.3 Bm-hcmplt.el, facility to display descriptions of completions
           16.4 Checkdoc.el (*), Emacs
           16.5 Cl-array.el, CL's multi-dimensional arrays
           16.6 Closure.el (*), Emacs
           16.7 Crm.el, completing read multiple
           16.8 Eieio, subset of CLOS (Common Lisp Object System)
           16.9 Elder.el, emacs lisp document writer
           16.10 Eldoc.el, show Emacs lisp function arglist (*), [X]Emacs
           16.11 Elint, Emacs lisp syntax checker
           16.12 Ell.el, Browse the Emacs Lisp List
           16.13 Elp.el, emacs lisp profiler (*), [X]Emacs
           16.14 Eval-expr.el, Better eval expression prompt
           16.15 Extre.el, extended regular expression syntax support
           16.16 Find-func.el, find func definition near point (*) [X]Emacs
           16.17 Getdoc.el
           16.18 Gnueval.el, fill out GNU evaluation form
           16.19 Hyperspec.el, browse Common Lisp specs
           16.20 Ilisp.el, Inferior Lisp replacement
           16.21 Lisp-index.el, Index Lisp files, with descriptions
           16.22 Lispdir.el
           16.23 Regexp-opt.el (*), Emacs
           16.24 Minibuffer-complete-cycle.el, cycle Completion buffer
           16.25 Obarray-fns.el, obarray-manipulating routines
           16.26 Regress.el
           16.27 Require statement tracing
           16.28 Run-command.el, lib for running external commands
           16.29 Sregex.el (*)
           16.30 Texidoc.el, have texi embedded in defvar
           16.31 Timerfunction.el
           16.32 Tmenu.el, a text based interface to the menubar
           16.33 Working.el, show progress while working
           16.34 Xray.el, display internal object structures

       17.0 Modes
              17.0.1 Mason-mode.el
           17.1 PHP modes
           17.2 Project-am.el, a project mode for emacs based on automake
           17.3 Ps-mode.el, mode for editing postscript code
           17.4 Tmmofl.el, toggles other minor modes based on font lock info
           17.5 Smb-mode.el, editing SAMBA files
           17.6 Sawmill.el
           17.7 SML-mode.el
           17.8 Verilog-mode.el
           17.9 Winmgr-mode.el, generic window manager mode
           17.10 W32-help.el

       18.0 Shell
           18.1 ANSI-color.el, translate ANSI into text-properties (*)
           18.2 Dircolors.el, provide the same facility of ls --color inside emacs
           18.3 Eshell.el, Emacs shell (*)
           18.4 Fshell.el
           18.5 Mode-compile, remote compilation
           18.6 Which.el, where is command

       19.0 Processes
           19.1 Analog.el, monitor lists of files or command output
           19.2 Df.el, show disk usage
           19.3 Run-command.el, running external commands
           19.4 Top.el, running top(1) in emacs window
           19.5 Wget.el, wget interface for emacs

       20.0 Networking and Clients
           20.1 AIM - AOL Instant messenger
           20.2 Dig.el, Domain Name System dig interface (*), Gnus
           20.3 Firewall.el, A tunnel for network connection
           20.4 ICQ - I Seek You, XEmacs and Linux ONLY (eicq)
           20.5 Junkbust.el, configuring the Internet Junkbuster Proxy
           20.6 Lookup.el, electronic dictionaries

       21.0 System administering and Linux
           21.1 Apt-sources.el, Debian editing mode
           21.2 Protocols.el, reading the contents of /etc/protocols
           21.3 Services.el, reading the contents of /etc/services

       22.0 Files, ftp, ssh
           22.1 Efs, successor to ange-ftp (*)
           22.2 Filecache.el, files using a pre-loaded cache
           22.3 Fff.el, fast file finder
           22.4 Ff-paths.el, searches certain paths to find files
           22.5 Iman.el, man and info page completion
           22.6 Sure-tags.el
           22.7 Thumbs.el,  thumbnail images files
           22.8 Tramp.el, transparent remote accs, ssh (*)

       23.0 File Backups
           23.1 Auto-save.el (*)
           23.2 Backup-dir.el, place backups to separate dir (*)
           23.3 Backup-subdir.el, backup files in separate directory
           23.4 Ebackup.el, Enhanced backup operation for Emacs

       24.0 Compression and cryptography
           24.1 Browse-tar.el
           24.2 Crypt++
           24.3 Mailcrypt.el (*)
           24.4 Mc-safe-sign-message.el
           24.5 Ssl-hacks.el
           24.6 TinyPgp.el

       25.0 Directory
           25.1 Dired-a.el, extensions to dired
           25.2 Dired-single.el, reuse the current dired buffer
           25.3 Js-dired.el, lisp ls emulation for win32
           25.4 Browsing ls-lR
           25.5 Mc.el, Midnight commander emulation
           25.6 Md5-dired.el, make dired sensitive to file changes
           25.7 Dired-dd.el, Dired Drag and Drop
           25.8 Dired-single.el
           25.9 Dired-sort.el, sort by date-type-size-field
           25.10 Dired-sort-menu.el,
           25.11 Dired-tar.el
           25.12 Wdired.el, rename files in dired

       26.0 Drawing
           26.1 Artist.el, hi-tech character based drawing package (*)
           26.2 Boxquote.el, wrapping text
           26.3 Gnuplot.el, mouse driven GUI for gnuplot program
           26.4 Rebox.el, Handling of comment boxes in various styles
           26.5 Rect-mark.el, deleting-manipulating-moving rectangles
           26.6 Table.el,

       27.0 Writing, reading and modifying documents
           27.1 AUCTeX
           27.2 Auto-capitalize.el, capitalize the first word
           27.3 Auto-correcting words
           27.4 Clipper.el, save strings of data for further use
           27.5 Blank-mode.el, Minor mode to visualize whitespace
           27.6 Deleting text
              27.6.1 General deleting utilities
              27.6.2 Deleting whitespace
           27.7 Dict.el, retrieving definitions of words
           27.8 DocBook IDE
           27.9 Faq-mode-el, reading faqs
           27.10 Flyspell.el and Ispell (*)
           27.11 Glyph-highlight.el, display non-ascii chars
           27.12 Ietf.el, IETF Document Retrieval
           27.13 Longlines.el, automatically wrap long lines Some text
           27.14 Maniac.el, fill like maniac
           27.15 Mult-press.el, home, end key-magic
           27.16 Pc-keys.el, Smart home and end keys
           27.17 Rewrite.el, rewrite text files with regexps
           27.18 RFC.el
           27.19 Rfc-page.el
           27.20 Rfc-util.el, RFC-util interface for emacs
           27.21 Rfcview.el, view IETF RFCs
           27.22 Translation.el, translation minor mode
           27.23 QA.el
           27.24 TinyTf.el, white paper minor mode
           27.25 Templates: tempo, skeleton, expand, dmacro
           27.26 Extra tools for document handling

       28.0 Organizing content
           28.1 Bookmark-menu.el, setup a menu of bookmarks
           28.2 Desire.el, Emacs startup file organir
           28.3 Ee.el, categorizing information manager for Emacs
           28.4 Esheet.el, Emacs spreadsheet
           28.5 Hideshow.el, display blocks of code (*), XEmacs, Emacs
           28.6 Hier-imenu.el, Hierarchical index menu for emacs
           28.7 Folding.el, keep your text or code organised (*), XEmacs
           28.8 Outline modes
           28.9 Outline-imenu.el
           28.10 SES, Emacs spreadsheet

       29.0 Tracking changes
           29.1 Autorevert.el (*), Emacs
           29.2 Blinking-cursor.el (*), XEmacs
           29.3 Change-mode.el, changes made get highlighted (*)
           29.4 Csdiff.el, component software diff
           29.5 Etail.el, tail -f
           29.6 Himark.el
           29.7 Hi-lock.el, highlight words (*), Emacs 21
           29.8 Highlight-current-line.el
           29.9 Hl-line.el, highlight the current line (*), Emacs
           29.10 Highline.el, Minor mode to highlight current line in buffer
           29.11 Linemenu.el, highlight current line
           29.12 Live-mode.el, periodically revert-file
           29.13 Mic-paren.el, highlight sexps (*), Xemacs
           29.14 Notes-mode.el, indexing system for on-line note-taking
           29.15 Records.el
           29.16 Remember.el, mode for remembering data
           29.17 Simplemerge.el, resolving CVS conflicts (*), Emacs
           29.18 Tail.el, tail -f
           29.19 Tinymy.el, y-or-n-p autorevert by timer process
           29.20 Time - Timecard-mode.el
           29.21 Time - Timeclock.el (*)
           29.22 Time - Timelog.el
           29.23 Todoo.el, editing todo files
           29.24 Todo-mode.el (*), Emacs
           29.25 Worklog-mode.el, keep track of stuff you do
           29.26 X-symbol (*), XEmacs

       30.0 Buffers
           30.1 A day with buffers
           30.2 Popup menu based buffer selection utilities
           30.3 Typing buffer name in echo area
           30.4 Buffer utilities
           30.5 Rolling buffers in same window
           30.6 Window selecting utilities
           30.7 Demax.el, Delete too narrow windows

       31.0 Desktop
           31.1 Overview of to state change packages
           31.2 Desktop.el and extensions to it
           31.3 Grabbox.el, project bookmarks
           31.4 Protbuf.el, protect buffers from accidental killing
           31.5 Session.el
           31.6 TinyDesk.el, simple file and dir information saver
           31.7 Windows.el

       32.0 Screen and window
           32.1 Escreen.el, mimic sun's screen(1)
           32.2 Follow-mouse.el
           32.3 Resize-help-window.el
           32.4 Screen-lines.el, minor mode
           32.5 Screenlines.el
           32.6 Winner.el, restore old window configurations
           32.7 Winring.el, Window configuration rings (*), Emacs 20.4

       33.0 Mouse
           33.1 Mouse-copy.el
           33.2 Mouse-extra.el, one-click text copy and move
           33.3 Strokes.el, mouse stroke commands (*), XEmacs
           33.4 Xt-mouse.el, mouse support for non-windowed emacs (*), [X]Emacs

       34.0 Amusement
           34.1 Ascii animation
           34.2 Comics.el, read
           34.3 Elite game
           34.4 Faith.el, Spread the word of Emacs
           34.5 Thinks.el, draw bubbles
           34.6 Zone.el, screen saver
           34.7 Paperclip-mode.el

       35.0 Music
           35.1 Cddb.el, CD DataBase interface
           35.2 Cda.el, interface to CD players
           35.3 Cdrw.el, frontend to various commandline CDROM
           35.4 Mp3-tools.el A simple Linux MP3 Tag Editor
           35.5 Mp3player.el, Interface to mpg123 and winamp
           35.6 Workbone.el, CD player for program workbone

       36.0 Miscellaneous
           36.1 After-save-commands.el, update xrdb(1) after save
           36.2 Align.el (*)
           36.3 Apm.el, Power Management From Within (X)Emacs
           36.4 Archie.el, archie server search
           36.5 Autoarg.el, easy arguent passing to commands
           36.6 Auto-arg.el, passing arguents easily to commands
           36.7 Bm-man.el, unix man page completion
           36.8 Buffer-perm-map.el
           36.9 C-comment-edit2.el
           36.10 Calc.el
           36.11 Calculator.el, A simple pocket calculator for Emacs
           36.12 Color-mode.el
           36.13 Color-themes.el, preview and install color themes
           36.14 Comment.el
           36.15 Cib.el, Complete into Buffer for Emacs
           36.16 Complete-menu.el, complete items from x-popup
           36.17 Ctypes.el, custom defined types for font lock
           36.18 Dekeys, disable and enable keys without modifying keymaps
           36.19 Diminish-mode.el, modeline display help
           36.20 Etalk, run talk(1) in emacs buffer
           36.21 File-log.el, keep change information for each file.
           36.22 Gdialog.el, Widget frontend for directory-recursive text searches
           36.23 Igrep.el, an improved interface to grep
           36.24 Initsplit, code to split customizations into different files
           36.25 Irc, internet relay char system (*)
           36.26 Ishl.el, incremental search highlighting (*), Emacs
           36.27 Lprint, print to your local printer
           36.28 Mathlab.el
           36.29 Master.el, scroll other buffer
           36.30 Mss.el, Make smart Win32 shortcuts
           36.31 Multi-term.el, manage multiple term buffers
           36.32 Narrow-stack.el, recursive narrow
           36.33 Next-screen-line.el, Move logical next line even if long display
           36.34 Pager.el, Keep page up and down position
           36.35 Pcomplete, context aware complete
           36.36 Power-macros.el, assign macro to key
           36.37 Printing.el, Printing utilities.
           36.38 Redo.el, Redo/undo system (*), XEmacs
           36.39 Rpm.el, Redhat Linux package browser
           36.40 Rpm for Mandrake
           36.41 Rpm-spec-mode.el
           36.42 Setnu.el, permanent line numbers (*), XEmacs
           36.43 Sql modes
           36.44 Sqlplus-html.el, Render SQL*Plus HTML output on-the-fly.
           36.45 Tablature-mode.el
           36.46 Vi-dot.el, repeat the preceding command

       37.0 Ported XEmacs or Emacs packages
           37.1 Crisp.el, xemacs brief editor emulation
           37.2 Pc-select.el, select region with cursor keys (*), Emacs
           37.3 Ffap.el, find file at point (*), Emacs
           37.4 Printing.el
           37.5 Print - a2ps-print.el
           37.6 Ps-print.el, print font lock color buffers (*)
           37.7 Ps-print-interface.el
           37.8 Uptimes.el, Emacs uptime

       38.0 Emulation packages
           38.1 Cua.el, Windows key-bindings
           38.2 Fsf-mouse.el, FSF mouse emulation in XEmacs
           38.3 Fsf-compat, FSF function library in XEmacs

       39.0 Ancient packages or included in Emacs
           39.1 Browse-url.el, delegate url to www browsers (*)
           39.2 Custom.el (*), Emacs and XEmacs
           39.3 Fdb.el, ignore emacs error signals
           39.4 Filladapt.el, adaptive filling
           39.5 Mview.el, view minor mode
           39.6 Suggbind.el, keybind command reminder
           39.7 Smtpmail.el (*)
           39.8 Supercite.el, mail citing package (*)
           39.9 Term.el (*)
           39.10 W3.el browser (*)


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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM