[faq-maintainers] comp.os.linux.answers

From: mjcr (mjcr@mindspring.com)
Date: Fri May 17 2002 - 19:17:54 CDT

Does anyone know the status of comp.os.linux.answers, is it still a
working newsgroup?

I have been trying to contact the moderator of that newgroup to arrange
for a FAQ that I am maintaining to be crossposted to that newsgroup. It
is currently being posted to the home newsgroup and crossposted to
news.answers and comp.answers. comp.os.linux.answers by its charter
seems to also be an appropriate place to crosspost it to.

I am not certain if I have his correct current email address. First I had
one that I discovered was out of date at cornell. That one came from a
list of moderators, email sent to it bounced with the error: user
unknown. A few weeks ago, I located a newer address of his at UNC so
tried again, but each time I have emailed him there the mail bounces with
the error of disk quota exceded.

Any assistance will be appreciated.

I run Linux, no bloody RedHat, Debian, Slackware, or Corel, just Linux.
May all that you wish upon me and mine be visited upon you ten fold.
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