FAQ Maintainers Mailing List
Re: [faq-maintainers] FAQ Server


From: D. Kirkpatrick (sunclad@sunclad.com)
Date: Sat Apr 13 2002 - 14:48:24 CDT

On 4/13/02, Nick Boalch <nboalch@cualinet.com> of nboalch@cualinet.com wrote:

> D. Kirkpatrick wrote:
> > That would be the FAQ for the 'rec.nude' newsgroup for nudists.
> OK, the FAQ server went down between 25th March and 6th April, and
> again
> between 6th April and 7th April. It's unclear from my status messages
> what the problem was: whatever it was, it was identified and fixed by
> MIT staff and the server is now working again.
> Try sending a STATUS command to the server to see what it tells you;
> in
> any case a FORCE command should now work.


OK, Thanks Nick.


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