FAQ Maintainers Mailing List
Re: [faq-maintainers] [Fwd: RE: The RSC/UKSC Cricket FAQ]


From: Nick Boalch (nboalch@cualinet.com)
Date: Tue Apr 02 2002 - 01:50:11 CST

Kent Landfield wrote:

> "If you would like to crosspost your FAQ to uk.answers

I've now added this section to the *.answers submission guidelines as
section 2.8D.


Nick Boalch
Cualinet Internet                           Tel: +34 93 238 84 00
Avda. Diagonal 456, 7ª planta               Fax: +34 93 238 52 36
08006 Barcelona, España                     WWW: http://www.cualinet.com/

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