Re: Q: From Header Line


Rose Cooper (
Sat, 30 May 1998 13:12:30 -0400

On 5/30/98, it looks like D. Kirkpatrick said:

>It seems that modern news and mail programs do not allow the average user
>to insert extra news or mail headers. I have looked at programs on both
>the Mac an PC platforms and it appears to generally be the same.

Generally, but not strictly specifically; I use MT-Newswatcher 2.4.4 which
allows this with no problem. It has a shortcoming, however; it doesn't
allow >32K posts, which effectively eliminates it from my using it to post
the ER FAQ. Win some, lose some, I guess.

"You can't clean house by yelling at the dirt" -Wayne Johnson

Rose "MotherFAQer" Cooper,
Keeper of the New And Improved ER FAQ

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