Re: News servers for FAQs?


Charles MacDonald (
Wed, 30 Dec 1998 15:39:46 -0500

David Glasser wrote:
> I had set up on my shell account for a few months. Then, my
> ISP gets bought out, and becomes aliased to a new server
> which is totally messed up with news.answers

Have you tried getting a "ticket" started with the ISP. The newsserver
with the problem seems to be, and I would imagine
that the problem affects all their other clients. If you are paying for
the service, you should be getting a server that works.

It used to be that posting an FAQ was something that an ISP would get
prestige out of, and I know when I have a probem at my ISP with news I
tend to get a quick answer.

> I was quite happy with
>, but I now have no news server with a working news.answers to use.
>Is there some server
> out there that I know not of that all FAQ authors can use (this would be a
> nice idea, if somewhat impractical).

It would be a real problem to set up, what with all the garbage that
gets posted these days.

> It
> is important that I can run this program from my shell account, so that any
> updates made are immediately made to the posted and webbified version.

One wild idea is to use a notification service on your web page, that
gives the user a choice of getting the updated page mailed to them..

Charles MacDonald Stittsville Ontario
...Just beyond the fringe     
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