Re: Someone know what this error message means?


Edward Reid (
Sat, 12 Dec 98 18:21:09 -0400

"Paul Hilling" <> writes:

> attempt to change a posting's archive name to a name
> that's already in use.

Did you by any chance enter

Subject: update password archive-name

? This is the format for changing the name, and the server
probably doesn't check that you are changing the name to
the name you are already using. To just submit an update,
leave out the archive-name -- the server gets it from the
message content.

> While I'm on about the FAQ server, could someone fix it's bounces? When a
> post is successful you get a short e-mail stating the success. However if
> it fails, you get the error message + your entire FAQ part back again? Is
> sending back the entire FAQ really necessary?

Put a "Precedence: bulk" header in your message. At least,
I think this is what is supposed to work. I seldom remember
to do it, and I can't find it in the instructions for using
the server.

I don't like this behavior either, but the way someone
(perhaps Ping) explained it to me, some people actually
don't keep copies of their FAQs but depend entirely on the
server. They retrieve a copy with a STATUS command, modify
it in their mailer, and send it back with an UPDATE
command. If the server sends an error message back without
the text, they've lost the changes.

Perhaps it's time to change the default behavior to
recognize that this is not the usual case, and cater to the
vast majority instead. Or find some better compromise.

Edward Reid

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