Re: Unauthorized use of material and deceiving newsgroup users.


Imran Ghory (
Thu, 10 Dec 1998 21:59:37 +0000

On 9 Dec 98 at 11:13, Terry Ortman wrote:

> Considering all he had to do was go to MY WEB PAGE, SAVE my HTML PAGE as
> TEXT, then stick his name on it, I think that shows who spent the most time
> writing the FAQ.
> His FAQ promotes ILLEGAL Activity...

A bit of logic,

1)He saves your webpage
2)He sticks his name on it
3)New FAQ promotes illegal activites

Now lets reverse it,

1)FAQ promotes illegal activites
2)Remove name
3)Put back to your webpage

Thus I deduce that the promoting of illegal activites
were on your webpage.

> Excuse me for being a PUBLISHER who owns a PUBLISHING COMPANY, and I guess
> the rest of you are just novice authors who have no knowledge of anything
> at all concerning publishing laws.
> I guess I'm a PROFESSIONAL dealing with a bunch of amateurs....

Trollings very enjoyable isn't it ?

> I apologize to the mailing list, but these continued musings by people who
> seem to think they know more than I do, when I have been publishing since
> 1984, and I guess they think

And Yelstin has been in power since 1990 :)


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