Re: Has the usenet system broken down?


Steve Summit (
Tue, 14 Oct 1997 07:38:52 -0700 (PDT)

In <vines.CT59+QkqEoA@gwsmtpim1.hq-ac.prv>, Charles wrote:
> A week ago, I posted my FAQ, and at the same time sent all ten parts
> of my wife Karen's FAQ... When I looked in rtfm a couple of days
> later, the august version of my FAQ was still there, and Karen's FAQ
> had also not been updated.

It would have helped if you'd mentioned the name or newsgroups
of the FAQ lists in question. However, after a tiny bit of
sleuthing, I've discovered that the lists I presume you're
referring to, the Ice Figure Skating Suppliers FAQ and the
Recreational Figure Skating FAQ (11 parts, including two copies
of the index), did make it here to, on the same day you
posted them (October 5). So the problem is probably with rtfm's
newsfeed. (I'm also grinning at the third-person reference in
the Ice Figure Skating Suppliers FAQ to "The maintainer of the
Recreational Skating FAQ", who "has resisted incorporating such a
list in the main FAQ.")

> Do we need to have more redundant news feeds (of presumably just
> news.answers) sent into (or is perhaps the problem that articles
> are being lost because the servers at MIT are getting too much news (and
> Spam))??

MIT's newsfeed used to be excellent, but I've gotten the
impression (based on sporadic, unscientific observation) that
it's gotten slower and less complete of late. That's actually
not too surprising, as it's increasingly difficult (read:
impossible) to maintain a full Usenet feed these days. My own
ISP ( had a sporadic feed for a year or two, and when
it was finally improved, a massive hardware upgrade was necessary
in order to keep up with the increased flow. I don't know what
it would take to improve MIT's feed; two problems are that it's
currently maintained by student volunteers, and using (AFAIK)
largely donated hardware. (Given these two facts, I was always
quite impressed that the feed was as complete as it was; for
quite some time, MIT's volunteer student feed was much better
than eskimo's commercial one.)

> Since the site gets its feed from MIT, it also does not
> have the updated articles.


Steve Summit