Win95 FAQ isn't making it to rtfm


Gordon Fecyk (
06 May 97 20:16:55 -0800

The Win95 FAQ seems to be disapearing. For some strange reason, ever since
the last Intro FAQ posting (01 APR 1997) articles haven't been making it to
the archive at

Last March, Pam Greene cleaned up a mess I inavertantly made, and that
particular posting made it. But now, nothing seems to make it. It's been
just about 6 days since I posted the intro FAQ (iStar decided to empty
their news spool on 01 MAY so I couldn't post again until late afternoon 02
MAY. On that evening I posted the intro FAQ and it's still on's news spool, but it hasn't made it to the archive.

I finally posted the main FAQ last sunday (04 MAY) and nothing's made it to
the archive.

Now I just realized that my computer's clock was a whole week behind (!) so
maybe THAT had something to do with it. :-) However, would screwed up dates
cause the posting not to materialize on the archive, or even to propogate
out to the rest of Usenet?

=3D I am Gordon of Winterpeg. Junk mail is futile.          Post MakeMoneyF=
ast =3D
=3D Find out why:           Or eat pink meat from a =
can =3D
=3D World's best computer:          they're both the s=
ame =3D
=3D Win95 FAQ:
mf/ =3D