FAQbook WWW site and mailing list


- Pam Greene (pgreene@ATHENA.MIT.EDU)
Mon, 10 Feb 1997 12:02:16 EST

A copy of the proposed FAQbook outline, along with some supporting
information, is now at
I listed all the authors I could remember, but if you offered to help
out with the project and you're not in the outline, please let me

Also, we now have a new faqbook mailing list, thanks to Kent
Landfield. If you're at all interested in the project, whether you
might want to write or you just want to discuss the logistics, comment
on the outline, or have some say in where the money goes :) , please
join the faqbook list. From the address you want to subscribe, send
"subscribe faqbook" in the body of email to <majordomo@landfield.com>.
Further updates and discussion will take place there.

- Pam

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