Re: Maintenance for both flat text and HTML?


Rick Sutcliffe (
Thu, 18 May 1995 11:08:20 -0700

>What solutions have FAQ maintainers found for the problems with
>maintaining both a flat ascii text version of a FAQ (suitable for posting
>and archival) and an HTML version (suitable for residence on an HTTP server)?
I have not tried this with my FAQ yet, but am trying it with a large
collection of documents that constitute a textbook on Modula-2 that I am
going to make available on the Web. I am using Nisus on the Mac as the
word processor and putting all the HTML markup in a style that includes the
invisible attribute, along with the styles such as bold in the word
processor itself, so that to some extent the word processor is a browser.
A formatted text version can be seen by checking the preference not to show
invisible text, and stored by stripping all text with the invisible


Rick Sutcliffe Assoc. Prof. Math/Cmpt Trinity Western University
7600 Glover Rd., Langley BC CANADA V2Y 1Y1 <<Not an official spokesperson>>

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