Re: Copyright notices?


Jeff Knapp (
Sun, 14 May 1995 12:10:53 -0400

On 14 May 95 at 8:44, J.D. Falk wrote:

> Just out of curiosity -- how many of y'all include copyright
> notices at the end of your FAQs? I've got 'em for the and
> FAQs (which are the most mainstream ones that
> I maintain), and have never even been approached by any of these shysters
> that y'all keep talking about.

I keep one at the end of mine for I lifted a bunch of
language off the FAQ.

This is what I use:

28 Copyright and other necessary stuff

*********** Notice to Spaghetti Publishers ********

A spaghetti publisher is one whose philosophy of publishing is
to "throw it at the wall and see if it sticks." Over the last
few months, they been very busy putting out badly written
Internet books, and are looking for yet more material they can
rush into print in their ever greedier search for easy $.

Lately, spaghetti publishers have taken to exploiting FAQs and
lists, often publishing them without obtaining written
permission. This is an abuse of the copyright laws, and
threatens the continued viability of the FAQ system which
benefits us all. These are the same publishers who would sue
at the drop of a hat if anyone so much as used a figure from
their books without permission.

This FAQ is Copyright 1994-5 by Jeff Knapp, and is made
available as a service to the Internet community. It may not
be sold in any medium, including electronic, CD-ROM, or
database, packaged with any commercial product, or published
in print, without the explicit, written permission of Jeff

I urge other FAQ authors to include this notice as part of
their FAQs.

This language comes from the comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc faq,
maintained Bernard Aboba.

************** Legalese **************

This FAQ is presented with no warranties or guarantees of ANY
KIND including correctness or fitness for any particular
purpose. The author(s) of this document have attempted to
verify correctness of the data contained herein; however,
slip-ups can and do happen. If you use this data, you do so
at your own risk.

*********** Citation entry ***********

This FAQ may be cited as:

Knapp, Jeffrey (1995) " Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ)" Usenet, available via
anonymous FTP: 80
pages (or so).


| Jeff Knapp |
| "The Director" |
And now for something completely different:

Monty Python On Sartre (Jean Paul):
I personally think that jean paul's masterwork, 'rues a liberte',
is an allegory of our search for commitment.
-- Mrs. Premise

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